Gather their hearts tightly together and fill them with courage and strength!

On the second day after the combat team assembled, all teams started training in an orderly manner at the base.

At the beginning, Chen Fan asked each battalion and company to train according to the previous training plans of their respective units. Chen Fan also spent five days to get a clear picture of the training situation of the other five teams except the special forces brigade, reconnaissance company and information support team.

During the day, Chen Fan first watched all the soldiers complete weight-bearing running and shooting training.

Then follow the engineer company to dig trenches, make disguises, shuttle in the trenches, and watch the logistics security company carry cooking utensils and various first-aid supplies to prepare food for the soldiers on the simulated battlefield, as well as battlefield first aid.

Follow the anti-aircraft artillery company and artillery armored battalion running all over the mountain, looking for defensive positions, aiming, shooting, and counterattacking.

They also have to follow the fighter bombing brigade to complete training projects such as target bombing, material delivery, escape from enemy targeting, and transfer of soldiers during war.

At night, he burned the midnight oil in his office! It took five days and five nights. When the morning training horn sounded on the sixth day, a thick training plan was handed over to the political commissar Gao.

"Captain, is this your plan? You made such a thick book in just a few days?!" Political Commissar Gao looked at the document in his hand that was as thick as a palm. He thought he had seen strong winds and waves. Everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised.

So arrogant! Enough guns, ammunition, supplies and equipment!

He knew that in the past five days, Chen Fan, the leader of the group, had done nothing. He followed a team to participate in their training every day, either watching quietly from the side, or actually doing it, killing everyone in an instant. people!

I also know that in Chen Fan’s office, the lights have not been turned off during these five nights! He was still thinking that in two days, if Chen Fan still stayed up day and night like this, he would go and persuade him, but he didn't expect that before he could take action, Chen Fan gave him a surprise!

"Political Commissar, we need to negotiate. This is just a routine operation. Don't panic." Chen Fan took a look at the training plan in his hand, and the political commissar Gao, whose eyes were a little straight, said in a very calm tone.

Political Commissar Gao took a breath, and just as Chen Fan said, he let himself settle down and read the contents. His eyes widened the more he looked at it: "Captain, your training method also consumes too much ammunition. Already?"

Chen Fan looked at the political commissar Gao who was getting excited again, and said with emotion: "There is no way. Each unit has different funds, and the ammunition they can allocate is different."

"In the past few days, I have followed the team to check the training situation. In the shooting training of the engineer company, every shot requires a long period of aiming. I am reluctant to fire one more shot."

"The logistics security company is fast at aiming and shooting, but the hit rate is not high. The artillery armored battalion wipes their armored troops to reflect the light every day, but in daily training, the most they do is drive around and practice aiming, and they are reluctant to do more. Several live rounds."

"The same goes for the anti-aircraft artillery company. The main content of the training is on the two auxiliary tasks of finding a location and aiming, and there is very little live ammunition shooting."

"I won't talk about the fighter-bomber brigade. Anyway, the exercises are all simulated bombings. It's okay to practice accuracy, but the flight time is too short each time, which is completely unable to meet the counterattack training for various emergencies in actual combat. Can’t play to his strengths.”

"I have a detailed understanding of the artillery shell consumption of these teams. Compared with the consumption of sharp troops, it is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to win and get a place to participate in the exercise, it is best to use artillery shells to sharpen the team. It’s also the fastest way!”

Political Commissar Gao listened to Chen Fan's analysis. He had read the information on these teams and naturally knew that they were not sharp and had little live ammunition training. He couldn't help but follow Chen Fan's train of thought and said: "Live ammunition is indeed the only way to improve combat effectiveness." Strength, and quick way to find problems and solve them.”

"But Commander, our ammunition inventory, if implemented according to your plan, may not be enough for one month's consumption."

When political commissar Gao said this, he paused for a moment, looked at Chen Fan's face, and seemed to understand something. He pointed at Chen Fan and said angrily: "Captain, you have dug a hole for me to jump into. "

Chen Fan grinned, as if a conspiracy had succeeded, and said: "Political Commissar, I'm not digging a hole for you. I'm here to report to you on the training situation of the regiment."

"You see, in the participating team, I am responsible for training, and you are responsible for thinking. Now the team's thinking is unprecedentedly unified, that is: everyone wants to win!"

"If you want to win, you must strengthen training, and the materials for strengthening training must be in place. When the materials are in place, people will be more united, there will be no problem with my training, there will be no problem with the political commissar's thinking, and there will be no problem with the qualifications to participate in the group's exercises, Chief You can rest assured.”

The political commissar Gao was almost laughed out of anger at Chen Fan's remarks, but what Chen Fan said was indeed true, so he simply echoed Chen Fan: "Captain, what do you want me to do? I'll tell the truth. If I went to the chief alone to ask for this large amount of artillery shells and supplies, and the chief could eat me up."

When Chen Fan heard that Political Commissar Gao had agreed to the training plan, he stood at attention and said proudly to Political Commissar Gao: "Don't worry, Political Commissar, I will go with you to find the chief."

Chen Fan grinned widely in joy, and then the two brothers seemed to put their hands on the political commissar Gao's shoulders, and the two of them walked outside the training ground together.

So, on this day, during the gap in training, the soldiers looked like the regiment commander was holding the political commissar hostage. The political commissar was reluctantly put into the car by the regiment commander, and the two of them left the base together!

Then, when the regiment commander and the political commissar came back, the political commissar couldn't hide the joy and happiness on his face!

On the other hand, the regiment commander, who was happy when he went out, now looked a little introverted and deep.

Political Commissar Gao also wanted to learn to be as introverted and deep as Chen Fan, even if he pretended, but he couldn't pretend. He was really happy now, and he had the urge to jump up and jump twice, but considering that it was too embarrassing, he forcibly held back.

He thought of the situation when he and Chen Fan went to the military headquarters to ask the chief for artillery shells, supplies and equipment not long ago.

"Report to the chief, we are here to ask you for artillery shells and supplies and equipment, please approve it!" In the chief's office, Chen Fan and Political Commissar Gao had just saluted the chief, and as soon as they put their hands down, Chen Fan directly dropped a bombshell!

This really shocked the chief, who was used to people having to think twice before speaking to him, and Political Commissar Gao, who didn't like to throw punches!

Political Commissar Gao was so anxious at that time that he wanted to go back to two minutes ago and let Chen Fan speak first, and he slapped himself away when he was supplementing the proposal.

After all, the chief is the chief, and he has seen all kinds of storms. He was stunned for only a breath of time, and then he restored the domineering attitude of a high-ranking person: "Show me the documents, you dare to ask me for shells and supplies without anything."

Political Commissar Gao breathed a sigh of relief. The chief's reaction made him feel relieved. He quickly took out the training plan that Chen Fan gave him this morning from the briefcase he brought with him, and presented it to the chief, "Chief, please review it."

The chief flipped through the plan and nodded in his heart. This training plan is still good, the plan is very reasonable, and the analysis is very comprehensive, almost taking all situations into consideration.

The chief read through the plan quickly and turned to the end. His eyes stayed on the list of shells consumed and materials requested, and of course the two names signed in the corner of the list.

The chief tapped the two signatures with two fingers on his right hand. Political Commissar Gao felt that the tapping on his name was not fingers, but a bit like bullets. His heart couldn't help but tighten with the tapping sound of the chief's fingers.

The chief stared at the two people standing in front of his office, not daring to move, breathing lightly, and said slowly: "You can get shells and materials and equipment, but Gao Jian, Chen Fan, these things are given, and the military order is established. You can't qualify for the exercise. You can see how I cut you."

Political Commissar Gao and Chen Fan stood up straight and saluted the chief, and shouted loudly: "Yes! Guarantee to complete the task!"

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