After settling the matter of artillery shells and material equipment, Chen Fan spent a few more days giving guidance to Feng Zetao and Jiang Yusheng of the Engineer Company, and Lai Yunshan and Chen Shanyu of the Logistics and Security Company on the training issues of their two companies.

He led them to train according to the training plan, and also showed his skills to the soldiers in training. Every shot fired was fast, accurate, and ruthless, and there was no time to aim!

And Chen Fan's perversion doesn't stop there. He has never been in an engineering company, nor does he belong to a logistics security company, but he is very familiar with the company's training subjects and content, and he can do it very well.

This made the soldiers even more anxious and angry, and their already enthusiastic morale reached its peak! Coupled with the various supplies that have been continuously delivered to the base in the past two days, as well as the number of bullets that must be consumed every day issued by each company and each squad, their hearts are even hotter.

Chen Fan looked at the soldiers who were looking at him with admiration in front of him and said, "Comrades, whether you can shoot accurately or not depends on two steps. The first is the shooting action, which relies on day after day practice to form muscle memory."

"The second is shooting training. A lot of shooting training can create a sharpshooter. Now that our bullet problem has been solved, it depends entirely on you to how far you can do it. But, I believe in you, you can do your best. "

Feng Zetao continued: "Yes, the regiment commander has no weak soldiers. We will definitely achieve the goal, engineer company! Don't you think so?"

"Yes, I will fight to the death to achieve the goal!" The soldiers of the whole company shouted in unison, and their momentum suddenly broke through the sky.

Lai Yunshan of the Logistics Security Company also continued: "In the Logistics Security Company, we also show our momentum and let everyone know that we will not only do logistics and battlefield first aid, but we will also go out to kill the enemy. We are a participating group. combat power!”

"Go out and kill the enemy! Go out and kill the enemy!" Soldiers from the logistics security company shouted loudly.

On everyone's face, the bravery and fearlessness of a warrior are revealed. They have never been as excited and moved as they were at this moment.

Because of the relationship between the arms, they play a logistics role whether in training or in exercises. They have never placed their logistics security company in combat power when the troops still have combat power.

It has never been like a combat regiment that directly puts the logistics security company as part of the strategic plan!

How could this not make them excited? Although their main job is logistics and battlefield first aid, they are also soldiers, and they have the spirit and blood of soldiers!

It’s just that they are often ignored. In the day-to-day logistics work, their desire for the battlefield becomes ethereal, so they run to practice physical fitness and shoot and practice marksmanship to cope with the problem, because no one will ask for it. They become physical kings and sharpshooters.

However, they know that from this moment on, they will no longer be like this. They have to catch up, train hard, and become the team's need and support!

Chen Fan nodded and asked the engineers and logistics companies to carry out the training. He specifically told Feng Zetao and Lai Yunshan: "Morale has been formed, so you can just carry out training according to the training plan."

"It's not a matter of keeping an eye on it. Too high morale may lead to an increase in blind training, which will endanger the health of the soldiers. You must keep a close eye on them at all times and provide timely guidance. I will not follow you in subsequent trainings. If you have any questions, come to me. ”

"Yes. Don't worry, captain, we will keep an eye on you." Feng Zetao and Lai Yunshan quickly replied.

Chen Fan stared at Feng Zetao and Lai Yunshan, suddenly smiled and said: "There is no need to save bullets. The accuracy of the gun has a lot to do with the amount of bullets consumed. But there is one thing, I want to see progress, and it is Very big progress.”

Feng Zetao and Lai Yunshan stood at attention and said: "Captain, don't worry, we guarantee that every bullet consumed will result in nothing, and we will never disappoint the commander."

"Go to training." Chen Fan said to the two of them.

"Yes." Feng Zetao and Lai Yunshan saluted Chen Fan and ran to the shooting training area of ​​their respective companies to direct the training.

After Feng Zetao and Lai Yunshan left, Chen Fan stood there and watched the training from a distance, and then went to the artillery armored battalion.

He still has a lot of things to do. He has to implement the training situation of each team. Chen Fan feels that he is still a little busy. When he finds a time to replace Li Feng, he will go back and forth between infantry and armor alone. It's a bit unreasonable to shuttle companies such as , planes and so on.

"Captain, you're here." Yao Kai saw Chen Fan coming and ran over to greet him.

"Battle Commander Yao, how have you been training these days?" Chen Fan originally had something to say to the battalion commander Yao Kai, but now he took the initiative to run over and stood there while the two of them talked first.

Yao Kai said excitedly to Chen Fanhui: "Captain, according to the training plan you gave us, all twenty-seven armored vehicles of our battalion have participated in training in the past few days. Each vehicle fires fifty rounds a day, all in strict accordance with the training plan." Plan to carry out training missions.”

Chen Fan looked at the smoke and dust in the distance. In just a few days since the replenishment of artillery shells, more than 20 armored vehicles had turned the originally hard hard soil into dust. He said expressionlessly: "What are the results of the training?" Sample?"

Yao Kai's tone was full of excitement and excitement, and he led Chen Fan to an information armored vehicle nearby and said proudly at the same time. "Commander, the most important problem for our battalion before was the effective number of artillery shells."

"In the past few days, after the number of shells increased, the shooting speed of each of our armored vehicles increased by 17% and the accuracy increased by 9%!"

Chen Fan nodded. As he thought, the problem of the artillery armored battalion was the problem of shells. Once the problem of shells was solved, more practice with real guns in training would definitely improve the speed and accuracy!

And he also asked them for three of the best armored vehicles currently equipped in the army! The armored vehicle in front of him, which was monitoring the trajectory, speed and accuracy of all armored vehicles in the armored battalion, was one of them.

Chen Fan got on the car and looked at the scenes presented in each split screen. All the armored vehicles were doing their own training: receiving target information, searching, aiming, and shooting!

All the people on the armored vehicles cooperated well, and there was no longer any fear before. The training was completed neatly.

As the saying goes, after having better things to compare, you will feel that the things in your hands are not so important.

Of course, this does not mean that the armored soldiers do not take their original armored vehicles seriously, but they are no longer reluctant to drive them out for training. After all, with artillery shells, no matter how precious the car is, it is only a real weapon when it is equipped with artillery shells!

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