Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 938: There is no limit to the strength!

Jin Caiyue was horrified, but he was not complaining or afraid, but surprised, really surprised, and excited. He had never met the regiment commander Chen Fan, but from some rumors that could be circulated in the army, he knew that the regiment commander was very strong!

Now the strong regiment commander said that if the training is carried out according to the plan and the training expectations are met, he will lead the armored team, fighter-bombers and engineering companies to fight against them!

What does this mean! It means that after training according to the plan, they are strong people who need to send bombers and armored vehicles to chase them in the regiment commander's eyes.

Becoming stronger is what all of them hope for!

Chen Fan stood up, looked at the three people who also stood up and said with burning eyes: "Tell me, can you do it?"

Although Ke Yong, Jin Caiyue and Li Feng had different thoughts in their hearts, they still stood up straight and answered in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Guarantee to complete the task!"

Chen Fan looked at the three people in front of him with a firm face, smiled and nodded: "Okay, remember your words, go, go and arrange training."

After the three walked out of Chen Fan's office, they did not go directly back to the training ground where they came from. Instead, they found an empty room, went in and found a random position, and the three of them read the plan in their hands.

The room was quiet and silent, with only dust floating in the few thin rays of sunlight through the window. This is a large empty room, the walls are stained with old colors, and the tiles on the floor have some mottled marks. The three people each occupied a corner, as if isolated from the outside world, immersed in their own world.

Ke Yong's eyes had never left the training plan in his hand since he entered the room. He looked at the first word carefully and quickly. Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and surprise spread throughout his body like an electric current.

His heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and the "bang bang bang" sound seemed to be clearly audible in this empty room. He opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't say a word. Thoughts rolled in his mind: "This... How is this possible? This training plan is so..."

He felt like he was brought to a huge illusion, shock and surprise intertwined, making his hands tremble slightly unconsciously.

Li Feng was a few seats away from Ke Yong, reading ten lines at a glance. When his eyes swept over the key content of the training plan, he was like being struck by a thunderbolt.

He straightened up suddenly, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief. "Oh my God! This is so unexpected!" He shouted in his heart, and an indescribable surprise surged into his heart, as if the dry land ushered in a hearty rain.

The corners of his mouth began to rise, and the excitement overwhelmed him like a tide. He even wanted to stand up and cheer immediately.

Jin Caiyue sat in a corner of the room. At first, he looked calm, but when he deeply understood the content of the training plan, surprise instantly appeared on his face.

His eyebrows were raised high, and the documents in his hand almost slipped. "Is this... really possible?" He asked himself repeatedly in his heart, and then the surprise bloomed in his heart like fireworks.

He felt the blood rushing rapidly in his body, and his cheeks flushed slightly with excitement, as if he saw a brand new world slowly unfolding in front of him, "If they successfully complete the training plan and meet the expectations of the group leader, then all of them will usher in earth-shaking changes!"

Ke Yong's eyes were locked on the plan, and his heart seemed to skip a beat. All kinds of thoughts rolled in his mind like a storm: This plan is too surprising, is it really feasible? What kind of changes will it bring?

A strong sense of excitement surged from the bottom of his heart. He seemed to see a future full of infinite possibilities waving at him. He secretly shouted in his heart: I must do everything to make the plan possible! No one can stop him.

Jin Caiyue's thoughts solidified the moment he saw the plan. He repeatedly chewed every word and sentence in the plan. This was really unexpected and completely beyond imagination.

He felt like he was standing at a brand new starting point, both excited and nervous. Excited that this training plan can improve all the reconnaissance companies; nervous that he didn't know how many difficulties and challenges the implementation of the training plan would face.

In the empty room, the surprise, surprise and excitement of the three people intertwined, like beating notes, playing a piece of music full of hope and passion.

Li Feng's face flushed slightly because of excitement, and the sound of his heartbeat seemed to be clearly audible. Suddenly! His hand couldn't help but raise high, and then slammed heavily on the table in front of him, and a loud "bang" sounded, as if it was a violent eruption of his surging emotions.

The voice suddenly sounded in the empty room, carrying Li Feng's irrepressible excitement and excitement, like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of emotional ripples, instantly breaking the original tranquility of the room.

Ke Yong finally raised his head from the training plan, looking at Li Feng and Jin Caiyue from afar, with undisguised excitement in his voice: "What do you think of this training plan?"

Li Feng nodded vigorously, his voice trembling slightly with excitement: "Very good! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it just now. This is like a huge surprise that fell from the sky, meeting the expectations of the training plan. I dare not imagine how happy it will be."

He waved his arms while speaking, and his excitement seemed to make the air around him burn. The dust in the room seemed to be infected by his enthusiasm and jumped more happily.

Jin Caiyue took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner excitement, and slowly said: "I feel the same. The emergence of this training plan makes me feel that the whole world is instantly full of infinite possibilities."

"I always thought that the reconnaissance company was strong, but after fighting with the Dragon Thorn Special Forces, I lost a little confidence. After fighting with the information support team, I lost some more. Later, when you were playing confrontation, we couldn't join in anyway."

"I think it's the same whether we are in the combat group or not. I have already wanted to give up. But now, this training plan is like a seed of hope, taking root in my heart."

He looked at Ke Yong and Li Feng firmly, and the sun cast a golden glow on his face, reflecting his vision for the future and his determination to train.

Ke Yong saw the admiration and confidence in the training plan from Jin Caiyue and Li Feng's eyes. Without saying anything else, he waved his hand and gathered the two people around him. The three of them sat together and discussed the training plan enthusiastically.

In the room, the dust danced gently in the sunlight like a smart elf. The sunlight that slanted in through the window, with a hint of warmth, added a quiet atmosphere to the slightly empty room.

The old walls seemed to carry the story of the years, with the color of time precipitation, and the mottled ground was like a scroll drawn by the years.

The sunlight sprinkled on them, as if covering them with a layer of hope. The breeze quietly slipped in from the half-open window, gently brushing their hair, as if it was also listening to their conversation about the training plan, witnessing their inner surging and passion.

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