Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 939 The infinite possibilities of fusion training!

After another stage of confrontation, Li Feng found Ke Yong and Jin Caiyue, and the three of them discussed together and gathered all the more than 200 people together.

The blazing sun was high in the sky. Although there were jungles and tall trees that blocked most of the sunlight, they could not block the light beams shining through the branches and leaves.

It shines on the faces and bodies of the soldiers who are lined up in rows. Their bodies looked slightly exhausted, and their military uniforms, which had been repeatedly soaked with sweat, clung tightly to their bodies, and every fold seemed to tell the story of the extremely arduous training they had just experienced.

Their eyes were bloodshot, and their steps were a little heavy. Every step they took would raise a small amount of dust, as if every step carried the weight of a thousand kilograms. What’s amazing, however, is that despite being so exhausted physically, their spirits shine brightly.

Their backs were straight, like towering peaks, and their heads were held high, as if they were swearing unyielding to the sky. Those eyes reflect fearlessness and tenacity, as well as persistence and loyalty to the mission.

Big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and flowed down his cheeks. Some slipped into his collar and some dripped onto the hot ground, evaporating instantly.

Every breath was heavy and their chests heaved violently. Their fingers were pressed tightly against the seams of their trousers, and their joints were slightly white from the exertion.

The wind blew by, messing up their hair, but not their resolute expressions. Fatigue seems to be just a fragile coat, but the inner spiritual strength is as indestructible as steel, supporting them to maintain the majesty and discipline of soldiers despite fatigue.

"It has been almost a month since we have integrated training, and this confrontation in the jungle has lasted for two weeks. Everyone talks about what they have gained." Ke Yong took the lead in saying.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one is speechless.

"Dragon Thorn, you guys come and take a look first." Ke Yong said again.

Lei Ming stood up and took the lead in saying: "Let me talk about my own feelings first. After the integration training was carried out, my intuitive feeling was that the pressure on my body was lighter. The work of reconnaissance and information collection and transmission was taken over by reconnaissance and information reconnaissance. I am only responsible for preserving my strength.”

"In the past, all the work for each of our missions was completed by members of the team. Although our training has been as comprehensive as possible, everyone's energy is limited, and everyone is good at different things."

"So in order to complete the task, we have to assign work to everyone, so we will be busier and more dangerous. But after such a fusion training, I found that there are really unlimited possibilities."

"In the current team, I no longer need to worry about how to spread the information, nor do I need to worry about whether to preserve my strength or detect the enemy's situation, because there are people in the team doing these things. I only need to do my part well, and the rest will be left to me. Just teammates.”

"Yes, I feel the same way." Little Bee also stood up and continued. His expression was a bit indescribable, the kind that only people who have experienced life and death can know.

"I have never thought before that if I do my part well, I will leave the rest to you. If I don't do it well, I will beat you up. This sentence can be used in the military. As for a confrontation that just ended, I As a person who must find the target in the encirclement and successfully lead it out behind enemy lines to perform missions.”

"The reconnaissance work is done by the scouts in the team. Information collection and transmission, and even dealing with the enemy's infrared devices and night vision devices are all done by information support. I only need to serve as force support in the team."

"The task is still the same, but the execution time, completion rate, and our security have all improved a lot."

"That's right, during these two weeks of jungle confrontation, I completely integrated the fusion training and content into actual combat, and I found out that it was really good." Lightning also came out and said.

The other members of the special forces team were very positive.

"It's not just those who are deep behind enemy lines who feel that way. When we are responsible for encircling and intercepting people, we know from the longer and longer time and fewer and fewer people intercepting that the people being surrounded have fully mastered all the contents of fusion training. ” Gao Feng also said.

"That's right." Wei Shuheng, deputy captain of the special forces brigade, also spoke at this time. The expression on his face was also very depressed. As the number of confrontations increased, the data collected gradually increased from stable to trending upward again. After calming down, his heart slowly returned from beating at a high speed.

"Since the establishment of the Special Forces Brigade, the remaining training methods have been summarized with the blood of our predecessors. Although every special forces soldier will use his own experience to put forward opinions and make adjustments. If it is useful, it can also be used to train people. Train tough.”

"Just like after a certain level of quantitative change, it is very difficult to make a qualitative change. The same is true for the special forces. We train desperately every day in order to one day achieve a qualitative change and reduce our mortality rate, which has always been the highest in the entire army."

"I thought there was nothing we could do, but I didn't expect that just joining an information support unit would have unexpected effects."

Yang Haiyang of the reconnaissance company was also happy without concealing it, and said happily: "Our reconnaissance company's reconnaissance work behind enemy lines also passed this training and went very smoothly."

"Infrared and other human identification instruments are solved with information support, and ambush is solved by special departments. We only need to focus on one thing."

"I never thought that I could complete reconnaissance so easily. I don't have to be anxious or have to carry my head to complete the task. This feeling is really great."

Gao Zhiwen of the reconnaissance company also stepped out and echoed: "I never thought that we could play a role in the confrontation with special forces. This makes me feel that I can do it again. It's not a loss to persist in learning for such a long time."

The soldiers of the reconnaissance company also said in unison, "Yes, I think so too. Now I am full of confidence."

"I feel so strong now. I can come and go freely in a military. Who understands?"

"Hahaha, you kid also feel that. Believe it or not, you can't stand it if the commander comes and slaps you."

"That's right, although it feels smooth, personal quality needs to be improved. Don't take the strength of the team as your personal strength."

"How can it be, I'm talking about the team!"

"Then you are crazy. Have you asked the team for their opinions? You feel that you can come and go freely in a military."

"Anyway, I won't play with you."

"You, you, you..." The soldiers of the reconnaissance company laughed and made a scene. As Jin Caiyue raised his hand, the sound gradually died down.

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