Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 940 The more excited you are! The more you can’t stop!

Ke Yong, Jin Caiyue, Li Shuheng, Yang Haiyang, and the people from the special forces battalion and the reconnaissance company all looked at the information support team in tacit understanding. They had not yet published their summary.

Huang Youzhao, who was born in the special forces, stepped forward and said: "I also served in the special forces before I came to the information support team. The mission in the military region was also arduous, so I can feel the excitement of the special forces brothers, and I am also very surprised at the role that the information support team can play."

"It's too big, like a net. Once the net is formed, we, as each node in the net, can clearly feel the tension. Then it seems that we are fighting alone, but every attack is really hitting the center."

Zhong Liqun also compared his past and present and said: "I can also feel the feelings of the scout brothers. With the addition of information support and special forces, the reconnaissance skills can be more fully utilized."

"After fully understanding the capabilities of the team members, and then undergoing integrated training, I fully trust the special forces and brothers and the brothers of the reconnaissance company during the confrontation, just as they trust us to block the signal and transmit the information."

"Our method has never appeared in any exercise we have participated in before. From the perspective of third-party exercises, integrated training is very effective, and the direct impact it can have is to break the opponent's layout." Tan Zhaofeng said with an affirmative tone.

"To be able to kill the enemy behind the enemy and to cooperate with the charge in front, I think this is what we have been looking forward to and what we want most."

As the chatterbox of the information support team, Jiang Zhiyue naturally had his say: "The special forces and reconnaissance brothers are so strong. I used to be responsible for communications, and I just followed the team to provide cover. Now I can participate in the action myself, which is really exciting."

"I will continue to work hard and must give full play to the information support."

"Yes, me too. It is really precious to train and do tasks with everyone. I can learn a lot from the special forces and reconnaissance companies." Gao Wenhe also said.

Lu Fei nodded and said: "After the integration training, the requirements for computers and information processing are higher. This month's training has improved our technology. I seem to understand the significance of the establishment of the information support force."

"Yes, we used to focus on individual training and improvement. Now after a series of team training, we can also know the importance of the team. The effect is very obvious, which makes us more confident to integrate into various units." Li Pengyu also said.

Seeing that the summary speech was almost finished, Li Feng also spoke: "As a previous unit of a new type of soldier, the information support team has no reference and no precedent. The regiment commander led us to train by trial."

"To be honest, we don't have much confidence that what we train on weekdays can be integrated into actual combat and used proficiently. However, as all members of the information support team think in their hearts now: the establishment of the information support unit is imperative, and our training is also useful!"

"We have to thank the brothers of the special forces and the brothers of the reconnaissance company. You have made us successful, and we have also demonstrated our value."

Ke Yong and Jin Caiyue, as well as the soldiers of the special forces battalion and the reconnaissance company, all looked happy. Li Feng said that it was they who made the information support team successful, but it was also the information support team that made them successful.

The special forces want to reduce the mortality rate, the reconnaissance company wants to become stronger, and want to have a place in the army again. The information support unit, which was born in combination with the current situation of a strong army, needs a strong performance that will appear in the entire army.

Their cooperation is infinite possibility.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Ke Yong spoke again: "Before the integration training, the regiment commander said that he would have a confrontation with us in a month. The regiment commander personally led the engineering company, artillery armored battalion and fighter-bomber brigade to pursue us."

"Ah!?" A burst of unbelievable voices came from the queue.

"This is too much, it's a complete crush." ​​The voices of soldiers came from the queue.

"Captain, where is the terrain for the confrontation? If we are placed on a plain that stretches to the edge, we won't be enough for the bomber unit to fly around." The special forces brigade also raised questions.

"And the regiment commander led the team, and cooperated with the armored battalion and bombers. This feels a bit like a bicycle hitting a cannon." A small voice muttered in the information support team.

Ke Yong stood coldly in front of the team, staring at the team in front of him with a firm look, and said loudly: "Yes, they have several times more people than us, and they are equipped with heavy weapons, and even have air teams. But, even so, should we retreat without fighting!"

"No!" The soldiers in the line replied loudly.

"This is the momentum that a combat unit should have! Even if there are bullets and artillery fire in front of us, we must try our best to fight." Ke Yong nodded with satisfaction.

He continued, "Okay, let's have another confrontation while it's still early. The commander wants to trap us, so we'll try our best and definitely give him a chance."

"Start counting now. Anyone who repeats will become the new prey. One,"





Deciding who will be the prey by counting sounds a bit too casual, but in the past two weeks, the special forces brigade, reconnaissance company, and information support team who participated in the integration training have become accustomed to it, and it has almost become a skill for them.

So when almost all the two hundred digits were reported, the twenty prey were gathered.

"Okay, let's go to this jungle again. The twenty prey will prepare their weapons in ten minutes, and the other hunters will enter the forest to hunt in forty minutes."

"The information and the markers are on Captain Li Feng. The prey who can pass the information and bring the markers back will win, otherwise the hunter will win." Ke Yong quickly repeated the content of the confrontation to everyone.

The prey quickly prepared their weapons while listening to the key information.

This time, the prey was distributed very evenly, with three people in the information support team, six people in the reconnaissance company, and eleven people in the special forces brigade. It was very easy to distribute.

This time, Lei Ming, Lightning and Little Bee from the special forces brigade were among the prey. Together with Deng Jingxi, Zhang Pingshun and Ouyang Feng, as well as six people from the reconnaissance company, they quickly sorted out their weapons and ran quickly into the depths of the jungle under the eyes of everyone else.

After running for more than ten minutes, when they were far away from the main force and were sure that they could neither hear nor see them, the prey split into three groups and dispersed in different directions.

While running wildly, they carefully wiped out the traces.

Forty minutes later, Ke Yong, Jin Caiyue, Li Feng and all the others, with the special forces battalion, reconnaissance company and information support team, formed a semi-encirclement and searched deep into the jungle.

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