47 is panicked!

He doesn’t know where to run! Because the speed of the people chasing him behind was extremely fast, in front of this lightning speed, the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer!


When the distance was only four or five meters, the demon king jumped up and kicked 47’s back with a flying kick, and the huge force directly kicked 47’s spine.

Burst…… A mouthful of blood spurted out, and 47 flew seven or eight meters before smashing heavily on the ground, his face distorted in pain.

The demon king landed on the ground, slowly walked to 47, and stretched out his foot to step on 47’s head.

“Why, don’t run?”

Just as Belikov went out, 47 set up a Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle in a building 1200 meters away from the villa.

At a long distance, Barrett fired a shot and shattered the glass of Belikoff’s bulletproof car.

If it were not for the fact that the driver was a veteran and slammed the steering wheel at the moment the first bullet hit Belikov, it is estimated that the second bullet would have killed Belikev.

“Hehe, you think that by killing me, Belikov will be saved from death?”

The 47 clone struggled to finish the last sentence, forcefully biting through the poisonous sac hidden in his teeth, and stopped breathing in just a few seconds!

He’s dead?

The Demon King frowned, released his foot to confirm that 47 was dead, and then turned and ran towards the Belikov convoy.

At a distance of several hundred meters, it took him less than a minute.

Coming to the Belikov bulletproof car, the burly figure frightened Belikoff’s bodyguard pulled out his gun and yelled: “Don’t come here!!! ”


The soapy broken-tailed fox hidden in the shadows was also confused by the operation of the Demon King. Isn’t it to secretly protect Belikov? How did you show up?

Yelivsky, the head of Belikoff’s bodyguards, knew the Demon King and knew that the Falling Hammer was secretly protecting Belikov, so he raised his hand to signal the bodyguards to put down their guns and stepped forward and asked: “Mr. Demon King, are you…?” ”

“Go back!”

The Demon King said coldly, “Go back immediately!” Today, on the last day of the seven-day period for K Group to kill Belikoff, if they can’t kill Belikoff, they need to compensate their employers for five billion meters, do you think K Group will be willing to pay this money? ”


Yelevsky was shocked!

Liquidated damages are five billion meters gold?

How much did the shadow spend to kill the leader? At least hundreds of millions of meters of gold!

This astronomical liquidated damages, K Group will definitely not give.

Then since it will not be given, killers will definitely be sent to besiege the head, perhaps, there will be heavy weapons appearing, this…

Thinking of the murderous and ruthless style of the K Group, Yelevsky hurriedly returned to the car to report to Belikoff.

“Seven-day period?”

Hearing this, Belikev, who was closing his eyes and nurturing his spirit, was stunned.

He didn’t know much about the K Group, what did it mean not to have a seven-day period tomorrow.

Yelevsky explained: “Sir, the K Group has a rule that as long as it is a task entrusted to them by the K Group, it must be completed within seven days, otherwise the commission will be compensated ten times and twenty times the liquidated damages, if you can’t assassinate you today, the K Group will lose five billion meters, so…”

Billion? Belikov was shocked!

This shadow is really bloody, and the commission to K Group should be hundreds of millions, right?

“Sir, go back…”

“No, today’s reception is too important for me to be absent!”

Belikov also spared his life, but today is to receive the head of the rabbit and negotiate a commercial contract worth more than 50 billion meters.

The Mao Bear economy continues to be sluggish, and this contract is a blessing in disguise, and must not be let go.

Yelevsky also knew that he had to go today, and he thought of the best of both worlds.

“Sir, don’t let the Demon King of the Falling Hammer protect you! With him, the killer can’t hurt you. ”

Demon King close protection?

Belikov was moved, but hesitated: “Will he agree?” ”

As we all know, the strong are arrogant, and mercenaries are no exception!

Since the fall of the hammer became famous, I don’t know how many rich people have paid sky-high prices to hire the mercenaries of the falling hammer as personal bodyguards.

It’s a pity that the drop hammer doesn’t make sense at all!

Yelevsky smiled: “I’ll just ask.” ”

“Well, go, if the Demon King doesn’t agree, then transfer special forces to escort the whole process, I don’t believe that the K Group can turn the sky.”

As for why special forces were not transferred to escort at the beginning, Belikov also had bitter words.

Because he is in a hurry! The Federal Office Building must be reached within half an hour

Signal flag Alpha is stationed in the suburban barracks, and it will take at least half an hour to enter the city!

Time waits for no one.

Yelevsky walked up to the Demon King and tentatively asked, “Mr. Demon King, can you let the drop hammer mercenaries who protect Mr. Head join the temporary escort for close protection, so that you are not afraid of killer attacks, how?” ”

“It’s okay to join the escort, but only if we escort Belikov safely to the federal office building, this hiring mission will be completely over, and what will happen after entering the federal office building has nothing to do with our drop hammer.”

No problem.

Yelevsky immediately agreed that if he was assassinated in the federal office building, the FSB would not exist.

“Okay, let’s go.”

The demon king unceremoniously opened the cab door, ripped off the confused driver, sat up and fastened his seat belt, and then used the communicator to notify the broken-tailed fox soap that they all came out and got into the bodyguard’s escort car.

Ready, five vehicles pulled into the traffic-heavy main road of the city and sped toward the federal office building.

Tversskaya Street.

This main road that starts on Red Square is heavily trafficked.

On the rooftops of several buildings on both sides of the street, dozens of K Group killers wearing black uniforms of the Security Bureau are in ambush.

“K1, K1, the target convoy arrives at the intersection in three minutes, ready for action!”


A black killer turned off the communicator and put on a fully enclosed helmet with a grim look.

At his feet, a rope hook gun was placed!

This hook gun is powerful, with a range of more than two hundred meters, and the alloy tip can easily shoot through the bulletproof body.

Kuroto grabbed the rope hook gun and aimed it at the intersection below.

It was nine o’clock in the morning, and the traffic was heavy during rush hour on the spacious Tversskaya Street.

When the Belikov motorcade with flashing alarms drove up, private cars avoided.

But just then, a rocket suddenly shot out of a street shop. Rumble!!!

The lead car of the convoy was blown up into the air, fell to the ground and rolled several times before igniting a raging fire.


This sudden scene seemed to press the pause button on the lively street, and everyone was stunned.

After a few seconds of time, the pause button is canceled, and the screaming horn and brakes resound through the street.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, the Belikov convoy was blocked at the intersection and could not move, which is what the K Group killer wanted.

Bang bang ~

Rope hook guns fired from all sides were pointed directly at the bulletproof vehicle. Cracking sound~

The accuracy of the gun head is frighteningly high, and almost all of them hit bulletproof vehicles.

The demon king stepped on the bulletproof car, and the wheels turned out of the green smoke, but he still couldn’t move.

At this time, attached to the rope attached to the roof of the building, the killer fell from the sky with a sliding device, shooting as he slid.

Click-da-da~ The bodyguards who got down from the escort car could not dodge, and were knocked down seven or eight by a shuttle…

What a precise marksmanship!

Broken-tailed fox soap sledgehammer Ida Black Widow kicked the car door, dodged a few rolls to find cover to dodge.

But the killer’s bullets seem to have eyes, chasing them to hit! Several times almost took them.

Seeing that it was no longer possible to drive a car, the demon king moved!

Turning his head and telling Yelevsky to protect Belikov, unfasten his seat belt, pull out two Beretta 92F pistols, and shoot at the killer who descended rapidly in the air with open arms in the rain of bullets.

Bang bang

Gunshots rang out, and bullets hit the killer moving at high speed. Yes!!! Boom~

For every gunshot, a killer bulleted, then fell down and smashed on the ground, hitting a parked car on the road.

“Lying groove, the Great Demon King is the Great Demon King, so handsome!”

“That’s not it, let’s not be idle, fuck your mother!”


The soap broken-tailed fox looked at each other, raised the AKM assault rifle in his hand and began to shoot.

Rifle bullets are much more powerful than pistol bullets, and at such a close distance, body armor simply cannot block the penetration of 7.62 rifle bullets.

Not to mention the PKM general-purpose machine gun carried by the broken-tailed fox, which is so powerful that it can shoot through the killer’s body and punch craters in the walls of the building.


The firepower continued to output, and dozens of killers were accurately shot by the Demon King Soap Broken-tail Fox Sledgehammer Ida Black Widow, and the entire army was destroyed!

But you think that’s the end of it? No, it’s just an appetizer! Shout~

Just as the demon king was concentrating on dealing with the killer in the air, a rocket shot out from a street shop, hit the front wheel of the bulletproof car, and the explosion overturned the seven- or eight-ton special bulletproof vehicle.

And the killer?

Soap was startled, and the cat rushed to the shop.

Inside the shop, 47 clones are loading rockets, intending to deliver a fatal blow to the bulletproof car!

“Groove, Nima!!! 47 again? How many 47s there are! ”

Soap just arrived at the door, looked sideways, a familiar appearance appeared in the line of sight, isn’t 47 and who is it?

It’s outrageous!

The sledgehammer took out one, just now the demon king killed another one, and now there is another one, and Genima is endless.

After thinking for a moment, seeing that 47 was already about to fire, Soap smiled evilly and felt out two M67-style 2.3 offensive grenades from his waist.


The grip flaps off and flung hard into the shop two seconds later. Grenade?

47 clones are shocked!

I wanted to throw the bazooka to dodge, but at his speed, there should be no big problem.

But he underestimated the insidious nature of soap!

M67 grip piece bounces off, delay 3.5~4.5 seconds will explode, just soap pinched for two seconds before throwing out, the purpose is not to give him a chance to dodge.

Sure enough, 47 was just about to move, and the grenade had already exploded. Boom!

Two violent explosions shattered the glass of the shop, and in the smoke of the fire, 47 mutilated bodies lay on the ground.

Three kills 47!!!

Soap turned around smugly, and the next second he was directly stunned. Because, not far away, another 47 appeared!


I Nima, K Group is poisonous!

With a lift of his hand, the 47’s head was burst, and the body fell to the ground. Four kills 47!!!

I thought this was the end of it, but more and more 47s appeared in all directions.

Demon King: “??? ”

Ida: “??? ”

Broken-tailed fox: “??? ”

Black Widow: “??? ”

Sledgehammer: “??? ”

Soap: “I step on a horse, today I will kill ten kills 47!” ”

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