Bang bang bang ~ Bang

At the central intersection of Tversskaya Street, a fierce gunfight is in full swing.

Six top mercenaries led by the Demon King, with dozens of special police officers of the Maoxiong Security Bureau, patrol police, and traffic police, fought hundreds of killers from the K Group.

Almost half of these killers are clones of 47, and the combat effectiveness is so strong that in addition to the drop hammer can resist, the special police of the Maoxiong Security Bureau and those war five scumbags are simply giving away people’s heads.

In less than ten minutes, the SWAT officers were killed and wounded, and only about thirty killers remained.

Ada’s black widow Yeliwski dragged Belikov into a bank on the street to hide, and for safety, the bank manager directly opened the vault door and let Belikov hide.

Belikov is safe, and the Demon King Brokentail Fox Soap Sledgehammer outside the door can finally let go and do it!

The three leaders of the K Group, the super killer of the barcode number three, was also caught off guard.

When they were researching the assassination plan, they did not expect that the drop hammer would appear directly by Belikoff’s side for close protection.

Aren’t you taking on tasks to protect in secret?

I didn’t expect the current situation, so the plan was to kill Belikov before the falling hammer could react!

But now the situation is out of control!

Storm the bank, blow up the vault and kill Belikoff?

Not to mention the demon king who kills people like chickens outside the door of the bank, it is an insurmountable heavenly graben! Even if they blasted open the bank vaults, they didn’t bring the heavy weapons they needed. No solution!

The hairy bear special forces and a large number of military and police will come immediately, and the assassination plan has failed, click

The demon king didn’t care about this, and kept shooting and killing the killers who surrounded from all directions!

After the bullet was fired, the Demon King pulled out a short katana captured from the 47 clone and rushed over, avoiding the bullet at an extremely tricky angle, and began hand-to-hand combat!

The killer of K Group knew the individual strength of this demon king, and he did not dare to fight hard, turned around and ran, and the speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping.

But they run fast, and the demon king, a super macho man who can win all the gold medals in athletics at the Olympics, is faster!

Swish…… Sting!

The blade cut through the neck, the head of the running K Group killer flew into the sky, and the headless corpse rushed forward for several meters before falling to the ground, blood flowing out of the neck, staining the ground red.

“OMG!!! Superman!!! ”

“It’s so powerful, this is simply a one-sided slaughter!”

“Mr. Chief’s bodyguard is so powerful? Why didn’t I find out before! ”

“I don’t feel like the head bodyguard, is there a yellow-skinned one in the head bodyguard?”

“Then who do you say this fierce man is?”

“Hmm… It should be of the mercenary type, they are only commissioned by the head to temporarily act as bodyguards. ”

“Wow, look, one dozen five! Do you think this fierce man can stop it? ”

In the buildings on both sides of the street, ordinary people were panicked at first, and gradually, some people were lying by the window to watch, and some even took out mobile phones and cameras to take videos.

At this time, on the roof of a Toyota overbearing car on the street, the demon king stood proudly with a blood-dripping katana, as if the five K Group killers standing on the roofs around him did not exist.

A two-meter-tall bald black man with a body as strong as an iron tower was angry, exchanged glances with four companions, and roared at the demon king.

The momentum is not bad, but unfortunately the speed is like a turtle crawling in the eyes of the demon king. Hum!

The demon king snorted coldly, stepped on the roof of the Toyota domineering car, and his figure spanned a distance of five meters like a ghost, came to the roof of the car where the black killer was, and before he could react, he inserted a backhand into his chest, and then raised his foot to kick forward.

Poof… The black killer’s body flew out upside down, and the katana that did not enter the handle was also pulled out, and the demon king held the katana upside down, turned and rushed towards the other killer.


The world’s martial arts can only be broken quickly! Strength!

In the face of absolute power, any move is useless.

Obviously, the demon king is a combination of strength and speed, coupled with extremely strong physical fitness, there are almost no weaknesses.

Although the killer of K Group is not weak, he has no power to parry in the face of this monster-like demon king!

Sting~poof… Click!

With a knife, a punch and a whip, the three killers instantly fell to the ground and died violently, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

The remaining killer felt numb in his scalp, threw a grenade in fear, and then turned and fled.


The Demon King jumped up and kicked the grenade he threw at him. The grenade flew back at great speed and exploded above the killer’s head. Rumble!

The killer’s upper body was torn apart in an instant, and blood and flesh were sprayed on the cars on both sides, and the scene was once very bloody.

This stunning kick completely conquered the crowd of onlookers.

“Oh my God, what do I see! There are really people who can kick flying grenades, which is also too… It’s amazing! ”

“Awesome, it turns out that there are such strong people in this world, how do I feel that I came to Blue Star to make up the numbers?”

“Hmm… I feel the same way! Alas…… With the strength of this mysterious fierce person, killing ordinary people should be able to kill a thousand, right? ”

“Be bold, five thousand ordinary people besiege him at the same time, he can easily counter-kill, this strength, speed, and fighting strength are comparable to the superhero Hulk Hulk in the Avengers!”

“Exaggerated, the Hulk Hulk can be bulletproof, jump tens of meters high, punch the truck, although this fierce man is also powerful, at best, it is equivalent to the American team.”

“Well, it seems to be, but it’s also quite powerful, worship the strong!”

“I’m going to marry him…”

“Yelena, calm down!”

On the street, the demon king is still quickly clearing the remnants of the K Group killers, and the Broken-tailed Fox Soap Sledgehammer is not to be outdone, like a competition, slaughtering the killers madly.

One of the hardest is soap, he has fought hard to achieve the achievement of ten kills and 47.

If you can’t fight in hand-to-hand combat, then cover it with firepower!

A PKM suppressed the entire scene, beating many 47 clones to the head.


At this time, a bullet grazed the soap helmet and hit a pickup truck behind, punching a shocking hole in the carriage.

Well? Anti-materiel sniper rifles?

The soap scalp tightened, and he instantly recognized that the bullet was from an anti-materiel sniper rifle.

Because only a 12.7 mm armor-piercing bullet will have this power! Damn, there are snipers from the K Group on the surrounding buildings.

Soap hurriedly crouched behind a car, turned on the communicator and shouted: “Be careful, there are snipers!” ”


The Broken-tailed Fox Sledgehammer Demon King who was killing all sides did not hesitate, and each of them dodged to find cover to hide.

Four hundred meters away, the killer who shot shook his head: “We are not a hammer opponent, let’s retreat first!” If this continues, the whole army will really be destroyed. ”

The observer said helplessly: “The big boss has given the order to kill, if we don’t kill Belikov today, we will all have to die!” ”

The two were silent, and the six gods had no masters in their hearts!

This task is impossible for anyone with a discerning eye to complete, can it still blow up the underground vault?

However, just when they can’t find a solution, a life-and-death struggle is going on within the bank.


Black Widow was kicked to the ground, and it was difficult to get up in pain!

Ida was shot in the shoulder, and the bullet pierced through the body armor and pierced the shoulder along the bone slit. Although it didn’t hurt her bones, it also made her lose her combat effectiveness for a short time.

As for Belikov’s bodyguard head Yelevsky, he is already lying on the ground and standing up for his corpse!

As for the reason, it has to start three minutes ago!

After Ada’s black widow Yeliwski protects Belikov from the bank vault, the three are on guard outside the door.

The sharp-eyed Ida calmed down and suddenly realized that something was wrong with the bank manager just now.

Bald head with a barcode on the back of the head, isn’t this a sign of the killer of the K Group? Unfortunately, when she reacted, it was too late!


The killer disguised as the bank manager and four killers disguised as the bank security guard attacked, and when one shot came, Ida was shot and fell to the ground, and Yelevsky was shot in the head just as he tried to return fire.

Seeing that she was outnumbered, Black Widow tried to hide in the vault, but was knocked to the ground by two killers.

Fortunately, in the nick of time, Belikov locked the alloy door from inside the vault, which prevented the killer from hurting him!

But the killer didn’t seem to care whether the vault door was closed, but gloated and slammed two shots, breaking the combination lock and completely locking the vault door.


Ida Black Widow 960 instantly understood that the killer was trying to suffocate Belikoff!

Most bank vaults are fully enclosed, except that the vault door will be opened and oxygen will enter, once closed, it is equivalent to a vacuum environment!

In a small vault of less than twenty square meters, how long can oxygen support Belikoff’s breathing?

Damn it!!!

This is, the Demon King hears the gunshots in the bank, and just rushes in to see the killer trying to take out the seriously injured Ida and Black Widow.

Bang bang bang~

Raising his hand and shooting three times, the three killers fell to the ground in response.

The other two killers were shocked, and just as they wanted to fight back, they were punched by the demon king twice.

Boom…… The body hit the wall and died no more. The crisis was lifted, and soap happened to run in.

“Ida, what’s wrong with you?”

Ida shook her head: “Leave me alone, save Belikov first, the vault gate was destroyed by the killer, the oxygen inside can only support ten minutes at most, and if you can’t open the vault door within ten minutes, Belikov will definitely die!” ”


The Demon King Soap was anxious and turned around and ran to the vault.

When I arrived at the vault gate, I found that the bullet had broken the combination lock, and unless a cutter came, it was possible to open the alloy door within ten minutes.

Ten minutes, where is the time!

Soap was anxious: “Brother Demon King, what should I do?” ”

The demon king looked outside, raised his foot and kicked it with all his strength. Boom.

The huge force cracked several tiny cracks in the walls on both sides of the vault gate.


The Demon King moved and ordered the soap: “Quick, go and start the money truck at the gate, let’s just drag this vault door down?” ”

Groove, can it still be like this?

Soap was stunned and pointed to the gate!

The vault was behind the bank counter, separated by two walls and a bulletproof glass gate.

The demon king did not speak, strode towards the killer’s corpse, and scavenged more than a dozen high-explosive grenades from the five corpses.

Got it!

Soap suddenly realized, turned and left…

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