Special Forces: Starting With a Full-level Gun Technique

Chapter 664 Offended many people! (5500 words long chapter)

Lin Shu's merciless scolding made everyone completely dumbfounded, especially the soldiers of the Dawn Operation Team, who all looked at him strangely.

They have worked with Lin Shu for so long, and their impression of him has always been that of a calm captain who follows the rules and is never swayed by emotions. They have almost never seen Lin Shu get angry, let alone that they are currently competing in the International Special Forces Competition. On the playing field.

Being on the territory of another country, being watched by special forces from more than a dozen countries around the world, their words and deeds do not represent themselves.

This was what Qian Dingzhuwan had told them before Lin Shu came.

Why did Team Lin get angry first?

Strange, so strange!

But I have to say, the scolding was really a relief.

Long Xiaoyun did not expect Lin Shu to suddenly become angry. Although she could understand Lin Shu's anger, she also felt that Lin Shu was a little impulsive. She calmly tugged at the corner of Lin Shu's clothes to signal Lin Shu to calm down.

When John was pointed at and scolded by Lin Shu, he said angrily: "Captain Lin, please pay attention to your words!"

"What's wrong with my words?" Lin Shu stared at him, "Compared to my words, you should correct your attitude, right?! Didn't your superiors teach you what attitude to use to compare with you? A high-ranking officer talking? A coward who doesn't understand the rules! Let me tell you, I'm already polite enough! If you were my soldier, I would have slapped you with such an attitude!"

"You..." John stared at Lin Shu as he was scolded, with a gloomy look on his face.

But Lin Shu was obviously not ready to give up just like that. He snorted coldly: "Huh! You have to give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, otherwise, this matter will never be over!!"

Naturally, he was talking about the separation of male and female dormitories for Polish special forces.

"..." John remained silent.

Lin Shu angrily yelled: "I'm talking to you and you're mute?!"

John inexplicably felt that his body was locked by a terrifying aura. He subconsciously met Lin Shu's gaze, and his mind suddenly froze. From Lin Shu's eyes, he noticed an incomparable fierceness, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast, which made him Uncontrollably, he did not dare to look at Lin Shu.

The displeasure in his heart after being scolded by Lin Shu disappeared at this moment, replaced by an inexplicable heart palpitation.

John secretly took a deep breath and forced down the fear in his heart. His tone also lost the arrogance just now, and he said with a low eyebrow: "Lin...Captain Lin, this matter is not something I can have the final say..."

"Then you go find someone who can make the final decision!" However, before he could finish speaking, Lin Shu interrupted rudely.

"This..." John hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still did not dare to talk back to Lin Shu, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then I will go to our minister for instructions. Please wait a moment!"

Lin Shu responded with an expressionless hum.

John turned back and trotted to find the deputy director of the Strategy Department. Watching him leave, Lin Shu let out a "poof" and cursed in a low voice: "What the hell!"

"Lin Shu, were you... a little too impulsive just now?" After John left, Long Xiaoyun lowered his voice and asked Lin Shu.

Seeing He Chenguang and others looking over, Lin Shu knew that they were all shocked by his anger, so he looked around at the crowd and asked:

"Are you all surprised why I scolded him?"

Seeing them all nodding, Lin Shu continued: "Yes, I said that after we come here, everything we say and do will represent the motherland! Therefore, we must pay attention to our own discipline! But the more because of this, When we encounter unfair treatment, the less we can back down! Be patient! Because if I give in today, then these bastards will think that our country’s soldiers are weak and easy to bully! They will only become more and more excessive, and in the future Our comrades will receive more unfair treatment on the international stage! You must always remember that discipline is discipline and dignity is dignity! On issues of principle, we must never give in!!!!"

Not giving in an inch... The soldiers chewed Lin Shu's words in their hearts.

Long Xiaoyun said nothing more after hearing this. In fact, they knew better than anyone else that Lin Shu had never been a person with a good temper.

The reason why everyone remembers him as calm, peaceful, and neither arrogant nor impetuous is not because Lin Shu has a good temper, but because he strictly abides by discipline. But once someone touches his bottom line, then... the consequences will be quite serious!

The scolding of John also attracted special forces members from many countries to watch.

Lin Shu ignored their strange looks. He could figure out what they were thinking with his feet. He just felt that they were too bold to dare to make trouble here. He was looking forward to seeing John call the deputy director of the Strategy Department. manner.

In fact, this was indeed the case. These foreigners were really looking forward to what kind of attitude Lin Shu would have after the deputy minister arrived.

Should he continue to respond rudely and tit-for-tat, or should he give in and give in?

They don't know, but that doesn't stop them from watching the fun.

After all, no matter what the outcome is, eating melon is human nature.

About ten minutes later, "ta da da da..." The sound of leather shoes stepping on the hard concrete floor came from far away. Lin Shu looked up and saw a lieutenant general wearing an American military uniform stepping towards him. Next to him, John always stayed half a step behind to show respect.

Seeing this lieutenant general, many of the special operations team members who were watching were surprised. They never thought that the person coming would actually be him...!

This lieutenant general named Nikita is the current deputy minister of the US Department of Strategy. He has served as a SEAL instructor and participated in many wars. He is a veritable soldier!

"Now there's something good to watch!"

"I heard that Nikita had a very bad temper. When he was a SEAL instructor, he would beat others with a pointer if he was slightly dissatisfied!"

"This Chinese people are going to suffer..."

"He asked for it. He dares to cause trouble here. Give him some trouble!"

Many foreign special operations team members were whispering.

When Long Xiaoyun, He Chenguang and others saw the rank of lieutenant general on Nikita's shoulder, they swallowed subconsciously, and looked at Lin Shu with a hint of worry!

Lin Shu, on the other hand, looked calm and showed no fear.

Seeing that Nikita was approaching, Lin Shu stepped forward, walked up to him, raised his hand in salute, and shouted: "Hello, sir! I am the captain of the Sharp Blade Squadron of the Langya Special Warfare Base of the Southeast China Military Region, Major Lin. special!"

Don't be shy, but Lin Shu still has the rules of saluting and greeting the superior!

Nikita returned the military salute, and then asked in a moderately American English: "I heard you want to see me?"

Faced with Nikita's question, Lin Shu shook his head, pointed at John, and said calmly: "Report to the chief! It's not that I want to see you, but I asked him to find someone who can solve the problem!"

"Oh?" Nikita raised an eyebrow, "What's your problem?"

"I think the general should know."

Nikita frowned. He didn't like Lin Shu's attitude. Admittedly, as Lin Shu said, he did know that the other party wanted to see him because he had been treated unfairly, but in his opinion, he He is a lieutenant general. Just answer whatever he asks you! But Lin Shu actually said "you should know". Is this the attitude of a subordinate who should answer his superior's question? !

"John did briefly tell me what happened just now."

Nikita paused and then said: "However, you must fully understand our work! We have indeed prepared only twenty dormitories! Originally, we were going to consider leaving one more room for you. But you only have two There are more female players in Poland, so we have made partitions for you inside. Is there any problem with this? As a competitor, you directly insult our staff, which seems unreasonable!"

Nikita did have something to say, and it sounded watertight at first glance. It can be expected that if Lin Shu couldn't explain the reason, he would hold Lin Shu responsible for scolding John!

The old thing is a bit cunning!

The expressions of everyone in the Daybreak Operation Team changed, and they became even more worried about Lin Shu.

However, when faced with Nikita's words, Lin Shu did not answer directly. Instead, he asked: "Mr. Lieutenant General, are you the highest officer here?"

"Of course!" Although he didn't understand why Lin Shu asked this, Nikita still nodded and answered truthfully.

"OK!" Lin Shu nodded, and then said: "Then, I think the commander will definitely take responsibility for every word he says!"

Nikita frowned, "What exactly do you want to say."

Lin Shu sneered and said: "I believe that as a commander, I will definitely not do such a bastard thing as going back on my promise! Let alone do a despicable act that violates the promise! So I am willing to believe that the commander is not aware of it. But, before setting off, , we have made an application with your country and the organizer, and the organizer personally promised to leave an extra dormitory for us! Of course, I don’t know what your country’s military discipline and style are like! But in China, we must There will be a saying called a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold! I believe that the commander must have heard the saying in our country, which is that there is no joke in the army!"

Damn it? !

Is this okay? !

Lin Shu's words made many people dumbfounded.

Naturally, they could hear the implication of Lin Shu's words. This was a disguised question, asking Nikita whether he knew that the organizer had personally promised to leave an extra dormitory for Huaxia.

However, Lin Shu's words were too damn wicked, weren't they? !

These words are like putting Nikita on the fire!

As the Deputy Minister of Strategy of the United States and one of the senior leaders of the organizer, how could Nikita not know about this?

But Lin Shu's words completely stopped Nikita from claiming ignorance, unless he wanted to be the bastard and despicable guy that Lin Shu said, and there were all kinds of criticism after that, but if Nikita dared to defend, there was no doubt that Being caught in Lin Shu's insidious scheme was equivalent to him, a lieutenant general, personally admitting that the military discipline of the American army was reneging on his word and not keeping his word.

After hearing this, Nikita felt angry, and the look in Lin Shu's eyes became unkind.


This bastard is so insidious! !

His heart is so cruel! ! !

"..." Nikita felt a little stiff. He stared at Lin Shu and was speechless for a moment!

This girl’s mouth is too bad!

Taking a deep breath, Nikita suppressed her anger and nodded bravely: "Well... I really don't know about the organizer's promise to set aside a separate dormitory for you! Maybe I got it wrong. , I thought it was to reserve as many rooms for you as possible! However, even if there is a misunderstanding, you can still apply for communication with us. Isn’t it wrong to curse people?! You, China, have always called yourself a country of etiquette, and you, as a member of China A special operations commander with the rank of major should be more cautious in his words and deeds, right?"

I have to say that Nikita is a guy who is good at learning and applying.

Even though he is tall and tall, because of his age and figure, his face looks fat, which makes him look kind-hearted, but there is darkness in this girl's heart!

Aren't you trying to blame us for damaging our military?

Then I will also use your words to ridicule your army, focusing on treating others in their own way. I am disgusting to death, you bastard!

And many people also had smiles on their faces when they heard Nikita's words.

They wanted to see the eloquent Lin Shu, but what should they do now?

"If sir said it was a misunderstanding, then it is a misunderstanding!" Faced with Nikita's sinister intentions, Lin Shu just replied calmly, with an expression that clearly said "Ah, yes, yes, I believe it." "Attitude.

After a pause, Lin Shu then said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "As for what the officer said about scolding your soldiers! Yes, I admit that I scolded him! But what I want to say is that he deserves the scolding!"

Many people's eyes widened when they heard Lin Shu's words.

Nikita's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Lin Shu ask:

"I would like to ask, sir, from the time I saw you, saluting, reporting... the discipline that a soldier should have, have I fallen behind in the same way?"

"This..." Nikita recalled for a moment. Although Lin Shu sounded sinister, bastard, and pretentious, there was really nothing wrong with his attitude. He did not do what a soldier should do when he saw his commander. After falling, he nodded slightly and said: "No!"

"But he does!" Lin Shu pointed at John and said quietly:

"To answer the officer's question, he doesn't know how to call a report, so forget it! I'm not the kind of person who is petty and fussy, but I want to ask the officer. He is arrogant and sarcastic about a commander with a higher military rank than him, and is contemptuous and arrogant of other countries' special wars. Team member, is this the behavior a soldier should have?! Is he the only one who doesn’t understand the rules, or are all the officers and soldiers of your country’s strategic department like this?!”

As soon as this statement came out.

Nikita's face suddenly changed color, and she turned around and stared at John: "Is this what you did?!"

John's face turned slightly pale, "Sir, no, no, I didn't! I just explained the reason why they only have one dormitory, and Captain Lin scolded me!"

Lin Shu stood aside, crossed his arms and sneered: "Really? You asked me, 'How can I do this on the battlefield?' Isn't it you who asked me?"

"Then... wasn't that after you scolded me?!" John defended hurriedly.

Snapped! ——

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Nikita, who was standing in front of him, suddenly waved his hand, slapped John in the face, and yelled angrily: "Shut up! It's not enough!" Isn’t it embarrassing?”

After being slapped in the mouth by Nikita, John covered his face and dared not say a word.

Nikita looked at Lin Shu, took a deep breath and said: "My soldiers made mistakes, and I will deal with them seriously! However, I hope I don't need Captain Lin to do it for me in the future! You are here to compete, not to do it." The instructor’s.”

"Of course." Lin Shu blinked and nodded with a smile, and continued: "I was indeed impulsive in rashly educating this ignorant coward for the commander! I apologize to the commander, and I also believe in the commander's subordinates. After all, cowardly soldiers are an exception! Not everyone!"

On the surface, Lin Shu was apologizing, but there was no hint of admission in his tone?

Nikita bit her teeth so hard that they bled as she listened to Lin Shu saying "coward" one after another.

Lin Shu said at this time: "Sir! Now that this misunderstanding has been resolved, let us still solve the accommodation problem, right?! Your promise must not be ignored! If this matter is not properly resolved, I will let my The instructor contacted his superiors and re-communicated with the organizer to apply!”

This is a disguised form of pressure on Nikita!

Nikita took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "That's not necessary. Since the organizer has made a promise to you, of course we must follow it!"

After a pause, Nikita looked at John with great reluctance and ordered:

"Go and notify the SEAL and Delta teams and ask them to give up their dormitories! Merge and live here!!"

This is not a nice place.

It's close to the toilet, not to mention the smell, just the thought of being next to the toilet makes me lose face!

But Nikita had no choice.

After all, Huaxia is one of the shareholders of this secret military base. It has a very important say. Moreover, in international exchanges, it cannot be underestimated. If Lin Shu and the others are really allowed to contact their superiors, what will happen to others then? Kita doesn't know, but he definitely has no good fruits to eat!

As for why the Navy SEALs were asked to step aside and be next to the toilet, it was Nikita's reason for doing more than doing less!

This damn bastard is so insidious!

Even more wicked! !

God knows, will he find another problem because he feels unfairly treated because he is next to the toilet? !

"Thank you sir!" Lin Shu said to Nikita with a satisfied smile.

Nikita looked unkind and said angrily: "It doesn't matter! I hope you and your team's performance in this competition is as good as your mouth!"

Lin Shu stood at attention and saluted: "Sir, please rest assured, we will definitely live up to your high expectations!!"

Nikita staggered as he was about to leave, complaining in his heart:

Who the hell is cheering you on? ! Why can't you hear good words? !


A farce ended in such a way, which is something that the special forces of many countries did not expect.

They were so surprised!

I have only heard that ‘Death Knell’ and his team have good combat capabilities.

But no one expected Deathstroke to be so talkative!

Of course, the more important thing is to be brave enough!

Everyone saw the anger of Deputy Minister Nikita when he left. It can be predicted that in the next game, the referee team will probably give "special care" to China!

This is certainly not good news for China.

But for them, it is indeed good news!

You must know that the word "Death Knell", the shadow of a famous tree, and there are too many legends about him in the underground world. Looking at the past resume and achievements of Death Knell, it is even more scary. Such people, in fact, they instinctively Will produce fear.

But then again.

Observing Lin Shu so closely today, they found that Death Knell seemed to be... nothing more than that? !

Thin and not too tall.

Is such a person really as powerful as rumored?

Maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration...!


Lin Shu didn't know what they were thinking. He led the team to the door of the two best rooms in the dormitory area, and the captain of SEAL Team 6 happened to come out with his men.

When he saw Lin Shu, the tough, tall lieutenant colonel looked at him with a sinister look.

Not only him, but also the members of SEAL Team 6 looked at the people in the Dawn Operation Team with wrong eyes. There were anger, grudges, disdain, and provocation...

Lin Shu naturally did not give up and looked at each other with the captain of SEAL Team 6.

The latter lowered his voice and said coldly: "Just wait!"

After saying that, he regarded Lin Shu as nothing, walked around Lin Shu, and left with a strong sense of coercion. His team members also followed suit, each one dragging him like a millionaire!

Lin Shu looked at their leaving figures, touched the tip of his nose, and complained:

"This is not a bunch of idiots!"


PS: This chapter is 5500 words long! (End of chapter)

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