Special Forces: Starting With a Full-level Gun Technique

Chapter 665 Lin Shu’s heartfelt words!

The special forces members of the Daybreak Operation Team returned to their dormitories. After putting away their luggage, Long Xiaoyun and Ye Cunxin came to Lin Shu's room. Lin Shu had notified them in advance that they should gather for a meeting.

In the dormitory.

"Everyone, sit down!" Lin Shuxu pressed his arms. The soldiers each found a place to sit and looked at him. Lin Shu then said:

"You have all seen that this time we came to participate in the competition, we were treated unfairly from the beginning. The reason must be very clear to everyone. It is simply because our rankings were not good in past competitions. . If you are not strong enough, you will naturally be despised by others. If you want to win the respect of others, it is useless to rely on words alone. We must use our strength to conquer them, so that the armies of other countries will feel sincere when they hear that we are Chinese special forces. Thumbs up in my heart and a sense of awe!”

"As the saying goes, first people plant trees, and later generations enjoy the shade! We have a heavy responsibility. In the next international special forces competition, whether our comrades will be treated unfairly will depend on our success this time. Performance!"

The soldiers agreed very much with Lin Shu's words, and something called competitiveness arose in their hearts!

There is no doubt that Team Lin’s words hit the nail on the head.

Why do those foreigners bully them?

Putting aside those historical factors, in the final analysis, their fists were not strong enough and their fangs were not shown.

Respect is never given by others, but earned by yourself!

As the deputy team leader of Daybreak, He Chenguang was the first to express his stance: "Don't worry, Team Lin. In the next games, we must let these foreigners see how powerful we are!"

"That's right! They must be conquered by force to prevent them from attacking us again!"

"Damn it! I have to get first place!"

"Don't worry, Captain Lin, we won't let you down!"

The soldiers expressed their opinions one after another, with strong confidence revealed in their firm tone.

Lin Shu nodded slightly, "I am not talking about this to put you under psychological pressure, but it is a bloody fact, comrades! Therefore, I hope that everyone can show their best condition and do their best during the next competition. , strive for the championship! Comrades, do you have confidence?!"

"Yes!!" the soldiers roared.

At this time, Lin Shu noticed that Long Xiaoyun's eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something, and then asked: "Instructor, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing Lin Shu's voice, Long Xiaoyun raised his head and expressed his inner concerns in a deep voice:

"I'm wondering...if we offended the organizers today, will they deliberately target us in the next games?"

This is indeed an issue that must be considered.

Foreigners have always been narrower than the eye of a needle, and they have targeted China not once or twice in various competitions!

What's more, this competition is still led by the United States.

As the organizer of the competition, they naturally hope that their country’s team will win!

"It's definitely against us!"

Lin Shu thought about the methods the organizer might use against them, and slowly analyzed:

"But I think they shouldn't dare to come out openly. There is a high probability that some of our originally small problems will be infinitely magnified by them!"

He Chenguang nodded and said: "This also means that during the competition, we cannot allow any mistakes!"

"Yes!" Lin Shu nodded, and continued: "But this is not necessarily a bad thing. You are all trained by me! You are well-deserved elites! I believe that you will not make mistakes! Moreover, as a special operations team member , I also ask you not to make mistakes in normal times!"

"That's right!" Long Xiaoyun nodded and smiled: "Practice for combat, not for watching! This is a concept engraved in our bones. Whether it is a competition or an exercise, in the final analysis, it is all for actual combat! Therefore, we might as well Just treat this competition as a real battle, and let these foreigners see your strength!"

"Team Lin, instructor." Wang Yanbing asked at this time: "Will they treat them differently in terms of equipment?"

Long Xiaoyun shook his head and said: "This shouldn't happen! The equipment and firearms in the competition all have unified standards. Brand new, didn't Team Lin already say that, even if they target us, they won't say it openly. superior."

Wang Yanbing breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll feel relieved..."

"Okay, I don't want to think about this anymore!" Lin Shu took the initiative to end the topic, "The competition starts tomorrow. Let's put on camouflage uniforms and move around freely! If you want to train, you can practice. If you don't want to, you can practice with other countries' fighters. Let’s get to know each other and communicate. But please pay attention to the confidentiality regulations!”

After the simple meeting, the soldiers put on their camouflage uniforms, walked out of the dormitory, and went about their activities on the training ground.

Most of the soldiers at Breaking Dawn chose to practice physical fitness and so on, instead of really listening to Lin Shu's words and getting to know and communicate with soldiers from other countries!

They know what's going on.

This time I came here to compete, not to make friends!

friendship first, competition later? That's nonsense!

No one who can come to participate in this competition does not want to win.

During the physical training process, they also paid attention to the special forces from other countries, and they felt very stressed. Everyone looked very different! Moreover, these foreigners are already tall and powerful. When it comes to physical fitness and individual soldier quality, it is really hard to say who is strong or weak.

Lin Shu and Long Xiaoyun came to the parallel bars.

Under Long Xiaoyun's gaze, Lin Shu got on the parallel bars and began to practice stretching her arms on the parallel bars. She counted for Lin Shu.

"Three hundred and twelve, three hundred and thirteen, three hundred and fourteen..." Long Xiaoyun counted for a while, shook his head and chuckled: "Now this level of physical fitness means nothing to you, right? ?”

Lin Shu did not stop training. He smiled while doing it: "You can't say that, as long as training is useful, it will be useful."

"Your current physical fitness is a bit scary! I can feel that your physical strength is higher than that of many Huajin masters. Now I seriously doubt that even my teacher may not be your opponent. "

She had been with Lin Shu for so long, so she observed the changes in Lin Shu's body very carefully!

Lin Shu's speed of becoming stronger is truly terrifying!

It was hard for Long Xiaoyun to imagine how he did it. It was really unbelievable. If it really continued to rise at this momentum, would it still be possible?

"Maybe it's because I'm demanding on myself?" Lin Shu replied.

Long Xiaoyun smiled bitterly and said: "Not only are you harsh, your demands on yourself can be said to be abnormal! If you continue like this, I'm afraid Langya really can't tolerate you. What do you think about what Langtou told you last time? "

What she mentioned was naturally the selection invitation sent by Guo Ren to Lin Shu.

"Think about it." Lin Shu took a deep breath and said: "To be honest, I am not very interested in the National Blade! Although the Blade Squadron is on the right track now, this is the team I founded myself after all, so I am a bit reluctant to let it go! I thought about it and decided to stay in Langya! This will help Langya train more elite special operations team members."

Long Xiaoyun obviously did not expect that Lin Shu would refuse to go to Guoban. She couldn't help but said:

"But your individual soldier ability...if you continue to stay in Langya, you are obviously overqualified!"

At this time, Lin Shu got off the parallel bars, and Long Xiaoyun handed him water. Lin Shu opened it and took a sip, then said with a smile: "I don't quite agree with your point of view."

Long Xiaoyun asked curiously: "What's going on?"

Lin Shu said sternly: "You can't say that I am very capable on my own. If I stay in Langya, I will be overqualified! I have been a soldier for more than two years, and I have deeply realized a sentence, which is also a sentence that I often talk about.' A strong person is not strong, no matter how strong he is, he is still a sheep. A strong person is strong as a whole, and when united, we are a pack of wolves!' Yes! I admit that if I join the National Blade, I can indeed work with strong people who are similar to me in strength. But In this way, the contribution I can make is not necessarily much! I have learned about Guo Ren, they don’t do much action, most of the time they are just training. I don’t like that day in and day out. Repeating monotonous training, days when I can't do anything. What's more, the abilities and status I have today are all given by the Southeast Military Region and Langya! Both Commander Gao and Langtou take good care of me. They treat me very well. They gave me high hopes, they trained me, they can’t say I will leave after I become stronger?... It’s good now! Blade Squadron needs me, Wolf Fang needs me! In the future, I can train more special operations team members, so that They have become elites and contributed their own strength to China's national defense. I think this is more attractive than the national sword!"

"..." After hearing Lin Shu's heartfelt words, Long Xiaoyun was silent for a moment. After a long time, she sighed in a half-joking tone:

"Your ideological awareness is high enough now!"

"Hahaha, I think so too!" Lin Shu said with a smile.

Long Xiaoyun rolled his eyes at him: "Be a virtue! If you say you are fat, you will gasp."

Lin Shu has said this, and Long Xiaoyun no longer worries about the national sword. She also understands Lin Shu's future growth direction.

If Lin Shu had not entered the National Blade, then after another one or two years in the Blade Squadron, He Zhijun would probably have arranged for him to take up leadership positions at the grassroots level.

Lin Shu already has experience as a battalion commander, may he start as a deputy regiment leader next? Then he was promoted bit by bit, to regimental commander, deputy brigade, full brigade... and so on.

That’s pretty good too!

Joining Guoyan and staying in Langya actually determine Lin Shu's two future growth directions.

The national sword means developing towards the strongest individual soldier, while staying in the Wolf Fang means developing towards the officer...

Lin Shu chose the latter.

This may not be a good thing. Although Long Xiaoyun was a little regretful that Lin Shu did not go in the direction of being the strongest individual soldier, she also had to admit that the two paths of individual soldier and officer, no matter which one they were, were very suitable for Lin Shu. However, it is a pity to choose whichever one you choose. However, you can’t have your cake and eat it too…!


Today passed quickly.

I don't know if it was because Lin Shu had a quarrel with Nikita or something else, but no soldiers from other countries came to talk to him. This was good, and Lin Shu was happy to be at ease.

In the evening, they came to the cafeteria in an orderly manner and had a sumptuous dinner.

After the meal, the organizer sent someone to give them uniform camouflage training uniforms, as well as national flag armbands, military ranks, etc., as well as a competition manual for them to go back and read carefully.

Tomorrow is the day when the International Special Forces Competition begins!

As night fell, Lin Shu went to bed after washing up. He put his head under his hands. He looked at the ceiling and began to think about some matters about tomorrow's game...

A night of silence.

The next day.

The International Special Forces Competition has begun! ! !

...(End of chapter)

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