However, Lin Yu smiled faintly at the moment and said: "Brigade commander, if you say that, we are fine and very experienced. But if you say that we are also special forces, it doesn't matter if we are, but I'm afraid the rest of the soldiers. Somewhat unconvincing."

After the voice fell, He Zhijun immediately asked: "Not convinced?"

"Isn't it normal to be unconvinced? If they are unconvinced, you can't deal with them?"

"As far as I know, the female fire phoenix soldiers you brought before are not convinced, aren't they still obedient?"

He Zhijun curled his lips a little, and this kid pretended to be with him. Even a weak female special warfare team like the Phoenix Girl could now be trained by Lin Yu. He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with the others.

Moreover, now even the original members of the Raiden Commando were so obedient to him, willing to be a member, who else would not accept it?

After Lin Yu heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Brigadier Commander, I haven't finished what I said. You don't understand what I mean."

"I mean, they will probably be very unconvinced. As long as I can use my method to train them, the superiors won't be more disciplined. After all, these are real special forces players, not selected teams. I'm afraid. The standard requirements are different."

After the words fell, He Zhijun understood Lin Yu's meaning, and then said: "So you said this is the case, don't worry, you must be fully responsible for it, as long as you don't make a confession, you can train as you please. Soldiers can rest assured that they will be trained by you. Now that they are replaced by a group of great masters, they must be more at ease."

After Lin Yu heard this, he said, "Well, since this is the case, then I can proceed with this task."

As long as he can let him go, then he will not reject it. Otherwise, if he is tied up and can't let go of training and just walks through the scene, then it's really meaningless.

He Zhijun continued: "Okay, accept the task, then come to my office now, I will give you the information of these members, as well as the transfer order, etc., and it will begin immediately."


After answering, hang up the phone.

"Captain, let us train the rest of the special forces?"

Song Kaifei on the side asked, he had been listening attentively just now and approached the microphone.

Lin Yu nodded, then looked at the rest of the team members, and said: "This time we are training special forces from the rest of the military districts. They are no ordinary selection team members."

"The field special forces of the other military districts?!"

After the words fell, the rest of the members immediately became happy, especially the female Fire Phoenix soldiers.

In fact, they just said that they were just established, and now they are still recruits, but they can train the rest of the members. They are really excited to think about it.

However, the members of the Raiden and Ghost crew are a little calm, but when you think of training others, you definitely don't need such hard training. It's still very happy and can be lazy for a while.

Tang Xiaoxiao felt a little unbelievable at this moment and said, "I didn't expect that we could become instructors so soon and train other soldiers!"

Tian Guo also said: "Yeah, who would have thought that we will become instructors in a straightforward transformation?"

Ye Cunxin said: "Our strength is very strong. If we can pass the training of a butcher, we must be qualified to become an instructor."

What he said is not wrong. After so long and several actual combat blessings, they are no longer real recruits, but very powerful special forces.

Of course, it is said that they formed a team of instructors, but Lin Yu is actually the mainstay, and the rest are just auxiliary.

Lin Yu drove to He Zhijun's office at this moment.

He Zhijun pointed to the document on the table at this moment and said: "This is the order for your ghosts this time, as well as the information about the special forces that are about to be trained, and the information about the members. You can read it."

Lin Yu opened the information at the moment and wanted to look at the information of the soldiers trained this time.

As you can see, there is a detailed introduction about the special forces and the players.

There are a total of five special warfare teams.

Looking at the description above, they are all elite special operations personnel, the best special operations personnel in their respective military districts.

This is the five most outstanding special operations teams selected from all military regions in the country, except for the Southeastern Military Region of course. They came to the Wolfya Special Operations Brigade to undergo rigorous training, exchanges and promote learning and progress.

It is not difficult to imagine that the five special teams selected in the country are definitely the best, and the strength of everyone is estimated to be not too bad.

The first team, the Longfeng Special Combat Team, is known as the pinnacle of the dragon.

The second team, the Shadow Blade Special Team, is known to be like a Shadow Blade, thrusting straight into the enemy's heart.

The third wolf hunt action team, known as the pack of wolves, is successful!

The fourth team is the Sky Thunder assault team. The team members claim to be like Sky Thunder, attacking swiftly and sharply.

After seeing these four special forces, Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly. He doesn't know how the members of these special forces are, but the slogans are louder than one, and they look like fantasy characters, making him want to laugh. .

Looking at the introductions of some of them, they have experienced actual combat and also won medals for meritorious service.

Among them, the person with the highest rank even reached the rank of major.

Lin Yu continued to look down, the last special team.

However, when he saw this special team, he was suddenly slightly surprised, because this last special team was the black dragon special team that had been in contact before.

"It's kind of interesting, the Black Dragon Special Team is here too."

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be members of the Black Dragon Special Team also participating this time. That was a bit interesting, and he was considered an old acquaintance.

He Zhijun nodded and said, "Yes, when the Black Dragon Special Team was selected, it was not prepared to be selected, but for the sake of fairness, a small team was also selected in the border military area."

After the voice fell, Lin Yu was a little dumb, and then wanted to laugh a little. It seemed that this black dragon team was a bit pitiful, and was almost wiped out, but it was calculated for fairness.

At this moment, He Zhijun looked at Lin Yu and said: "This mission is just like training new recruits before. Although some of them are very good and have good ranks, they are not as good as you. Just do it with confidence. Psychological pressure."

These team members are indeed not comparable to those of the previous female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix. They are all recent members of Rui. Some of them have made contributions to the country, and they are all heroes.

After Lin Yu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, brigadier commander, in my eyes, they are not much different from the recruits."

After the words fell, He Zhijun smiled helplessly, and cursed: "You kid really brags, these people have taken national feats, and made credit. They can compete with the little girls before the Phoenix Girl, or Same as the rest of the recruits?"

After Lin Yu heard this, he smiled slightly, shrugged, and said, "I'm telling the truth, especially the strength. Besides, the brigade commander, did I not take the merits you said?"

As soon as he left his house, He Zhijun was completely speechless, and Lin Yu was speechless.

Because what Lin Yu is talking about is the truth. Regarding the combat exploits, Lin Yu did get soft hands. Since the iron fist group, he has been doing meritorious service all the way to get medals. Until now, it is estimated that he can't hold a hand.

This is really amazing for a soldier who has only been in the army for one year. Some people don't necessarily get one or two feats in their lives.

And Lin Yu, in just one year, was promoted to lieutenant colonel!

Even He Zhijun is shocked and envious of this kind of climbing speed. If he didn't know the bottom line, anyone who saw Lin Yu's young rank but so high, I am afraid that the first time he thinks of it is the red child, relying on family relations to climb Coming up.

Even the Southeast Military Region Headquarters was still discussing whether to promote Lin Yu to the rank of colonel!

However, although Lin Yu is very strong, there is still some controversy about this matter. After all, the qualifications are not good enough. It is too early to give birth to a colonel. It is too early for him to settle for a period of time.

After thinking of this, He Zhijun felt a little painful. It took him several decades to be promoted from a private soldier to a colonel, but Lin Yu almost reached it in just one year.

After he thought of this, he didn't plan to think about it anymore, he waved his hand directly, and said, "Okay, I don't want to continue listening to your bragging rights here. Hurry up and go back, pack up your things, and head to the training base. "

He directly wanted to drive Lin Yu out. This kid made him very painful, not to mention the rest of the people, who must be jealous and hateful.

Lin Yu smiled at the moment, did not say anything, left the office, returned to the training base, and showed the information to the rest of the team...

"What about the Black Dragon Special Team?"

After watching it, the faces of the players are a bit more exciting.

Previously, the Black Dragon special team fought together with them, but still refused to convince them, and secretly competed with the captain, but now it's better, and directly becomes the captain's student.

"Hahaha, I don't know what the expression will be when we train." Song Kaifei couldn't help smiling, and he was already looking forward to it.

Lin Yu looked at all the players and said, "Well, everyone will pack up and go to the new training base immediately. These people will come to the Spike Brigade this afternoon."


After the voice fell, all the team members quickly went back to pack their things.

This time it was a intensive training school, not to say that after the training, these special forces members are soldiers of the Spike Special Forces brigade. After the intensive training and exchanges are completed, they will all return to their respective units.

Moreover, the time is only one week, and the purpose is to promote exchanges and learning, work together to become stronger, and the major military regions learn from each other's strengths and make progress at the same time.

Soon, after all the members of the Ghost Squadron had cleaned up, they came to the training camp of the line.

This time, the members of the Phoenix Women's Special Forces team were particularly excited. After all, this was the first time to be qualified for the position of instructor. Although it was only an auxiliary instructor, the sense of hierarchy was suddenly different.

After coming to the training camp, when they saw the training scene, they were very emotional, because they remembered the situation of entering the Wolffang Special Brigade before, and it was similar, as if they had returned to the previous state.

"Time flies so fast, things have changed, and we have also changed."

Tang Xiaoxiao was very emotional.

Many members who were familiar with before have withdrawn, and she is no longer the chick who used to like makeup and pay attention to maintenance.

On the side, Ye Cunxin took her hand and said, "Miss, please don't be emotional. Let's get acquainted with the training camp."

Next, the members of the Ghost Squadron got familiar with the training camp and the surrounding situation.

Time passed. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, two military transport vehicles slowly stopped at the gate of the training camp.

Afterwards, in the two vehicles, more than forty arrogant soldiers came down quickly.

All of them were quick to move. After getting out of the car, they just looked at the surrounding situation, and then quickly entered the training camp.

Everyone stood in line, there was no chattering and noisy voices, everyone stood straight, showing the momentum of belonging to the special forces.

In the command room, when the members of the Phoenix Women's Special Forces saw this scene, they all raised their eyebrows slightly.

Tian Guo said: "This real special team is different. I didn't say anything when I came to it. They stood straight."

Tang Xiaoxiao also said, "Really, I didn't think that the butcher scolded us before, but now I know that it is true."

They remembered that when they first came to the training camp before, no wonder Lin Yu would say that they were like aunts in the vegetable market. This is a sharp contrast.

At this moment, the five special warfare teams outside were all standing straight and full of energy.

You know, they actually came with the mission of their respective military districts.

Before they came, their superiors had explained that they were representing the faces of their respective military regions, and they came to win glory for the military regions, because they are all top soldiers of their respective military regions. They must do so when they enter the Spike Special Forces Brigade. The strongest team must not be ashamed!

Although no one appeared in the yard for the time being, they did not relax in the slightest.

In the command room, He Chenguang looked at Lin Yu and said, "Captain, aren't we going out yet?"

Lin Yu sat on the chair at the moment and said lightly: "Don't worry, look at their state as if they have been beaten up with blood, let them dry first and see their attitude."

After this remark, the rest of the players all laughed.

How bad the captain is, people gather and stand, so standard, they still have to hang up.

But they also like it very much, ready to see how these special forces react.

Outside, the members of these special forces did not know that their test had already begun. .

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