In this way, time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, nearly twenty minutes passed.

Now, the members of the five special forces suddenly became puzzled.

What's the situation? They just came here and they have already called for a report. With such a loud voice, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to hear it. Why hasn't anyone come out yet?

Is it possible that they came to the wrong place, the truck was sent to the wrong barracks, this is not the place for their training? !

Everyone was puzzled.

However, due to the quality of the special forces, everyone still stood in place, did not relax, and did not speak.

However, in the following time, no one appeared, and another half an hour passed!

In total, no one showed up for nearly an hour, and it was almost four o'clock from three o'clock!

All the special forces are slack, and stand firm than before.

Even among the special forces members, now whispering to each other in a whisper, they are all very puzzled, not knowing what is going on.

"What the hell is going on, is this really nobody?"

"Would you like to take a look in the room?"

"This is really speechless, it's impossible for the wolf-fanged people to send us to the wrong place, right? The people in front are all locked up, is there anyone?"

Everyone was very puzzled. It had been a long time since this special disappeared, and now I haven't even seen a ghost shadow.

No matter how good your mentality is, you probably can’t help but scold your mother, right?

None of them knew that Lin Yu and the others were in the command room, chatting, and looking at them.

These people are all elite special warfare personnel from various military districts. After entering the training camp, they are all very good. They are not noisy. They waited for an hour to relax.

Lin Yu is quite satisfied with their situation.

At this moment, Ye Cunxin looked at the people outside and said, "Captain, aren't we going out yet? It's been so long. Keep hanging. Isn't it good?"

Tian Guo also nodded and said, "Looking at where they stand, I'm all bored. Let's go out and train them."

After Lin Yu heard this, he stood up slowly and said, "Go, follow me out."

After the voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up, and then quickly opened the door of the control room and walked out.

Outside the door, all the members of the special forces team saw that the command room door in front of them opened, and then they knew that they had made no mistake, and that there were people in this room!

However, all of them are very upset. What do these people mean, they are clearly in there, but in the end they left them in the air for an hour, and stopped here. Isn't this deliberately punishing them?

This makes them very unhappy.

However, in the next moment, they immediately saw that after the male soldiers came out, they were followed by a group of female soldiers.

For a moment, everyone was in a daze.

what's the situation? !

This time, among their instructors, are there so many female soldiers? !

Everyone is speechless. What does this mean? Are these female soldiers also their instructors?

In the next moment, when they saw these people standing in front of them, everyone was almost certain that these people were indeed their instructors!

In an instant, everyone's anger came up, what is this kidding?

Does the Spike Special Forces Brigade treat all of them as a bunch of rubbish, and send a group of female soldiers to serve as instructors for them? !

This time, they came here with awe of the Spike Special Forces Brigade. After all, this is the highest palace that all the army soldiers in Kyushu China yearn for.

This is the result? ?

However, at this moment, among these five teams, the members of one special team have a completely different mentality from the other four special teams.

This special team is naturally the Black Dragon special team!

Now, the members of the Vinyl Special Team are all shocked.

They didn't expect that the instructor for them this time was the ghost squadron that had performed the mission together before!

Before, they actually had a hint of speculation that it might be like this, but they didn't expect it to be so.

Bai Long whispered at the moment: "Isn't it, the Spike Special Forces Brigade is so small, did they train us?!"

"What's special, it's absolutely absolutely." Yinlong was also very speechless, speechless.

The members of the Heijiao Special Team all smiled bitterly.

Before they acted together, the result is now the relationship between the instructor and the academy, which is somewhat unacceptable.

Except for the Black Dragon Special Team, the members of the other four special teams were all very upset.

You know, all of them actually dreamed of entering the Wolffang Special Forces brigade and becoming an outstanding elite special forces team member, but in fact, most of them were brushed off by the Wolffang and did not enter. here.

Now, there is such an opportunity for them to enter here, wanting to prove their strength, not worse than the special team of Spike!

They actually came here with reverence and awe!

But first they were left in the air for an hour, and now they saw a group of female soldiers. They felt that they were being tricked, and they were not valued at all, which made them feel humiliated!

However, even though they were all upset, they didn't say anything on the surface. After all, they all came here willingly and were not forced to be transferred.

Moreover, although they saw the female soldiers, they also had instructors who looked majestic, such as Lei Zhan, Old Fox and others.

In addition, Lei Zhan was still a major and looked very capable, which comforted them a bit.

The most important thing is that these people are all standing on both sides, not in the middle, which shows that the real bishop has not yet appeared.

This gives them some comfort, as long as the person in charge is a highly respected and powerful soldier, they don't care about these female soldiers.

After all, they had actually heard that the Spike Special Forces brigade had formed a women's special force team, and that was probably what they were in front of.

Fortunately, they are only auxiliary instructors, otherwise if they have been trained by a group of girls, then they might really regard this training as a shame.

However, at the next moment, they saw that a person walked out of the command room, revealing his face.

In an instant, the members of the four special forces were all stunned.

This person is so young? !

It can be seen that Lin Yu has a fair face, well-defined features and sharp edges and corners, and looks very cold.

However, this is too young, so he is only in his twenties, right? Their chief instructor? !

The next moment, Lin Yu walked to the middle of Lei Zhan and the others, stood on the steps, with his hands on his back, looking at everyone with a calm expression.

After this scene happened, they confirmed their guess that this young kid was indeed their chief instructor!

Everyone was in a daze, and they didn't know what emotions they were.

Among them, the youngest one is probably almost 30 years old, and the oldest is even almost 40!

As a result, let such a brat to train them?

They looked at Lin Yu at this moment and noticed Lin Yu's epaulettes at this moment, which was a lieutenant colonel officer.

Such a young lieutenant colonel should be a red boy, who climbed up by relying on family relations?

They felt a little aggrieved. Could it be that there is such a gilded red child in the Spikes Brigade? What strength can he have?

They really don't know what to do at the moment, just a group of female soldiers, but the chief instructor is still a young kid, which is too much to take them seriously!

Lin Yu looked calm at the moment. Standing here, he had already seen all the expressions of everyone in his eyes, and suddenly understood everyone's thoughts.

Obviously, everyone has written their unhappiness on their faces. If it weren't because of their military ranks, they would have directly questioned or even cursed.

Lin Yu looked calm at the moment, looked at everyone in front of him, and said lightly: "First of all, you are welcome to the Spike Brigade. I am your chief instructor this time, Lin Yu, codenamed Butcher."

"These people are all members of the Ghost Squadron. From now on, they will be your instructors for this week."

"Longfeng Special Team, Shadow Blade Special Team, Sky Thunder Assault Team, and Black Dragon Special Team."

"Your slogans are astonishingly louder than the other, but I just don't know how strong they are."

"Here, the Spike Special Forces Brigade, the most elite army special forces in Kyushu, China. Here, you will try a week of devil training."

"I will not increase the training volume for you. I will only train you according to the daily training volume of our team members, so that you can experience the training volume of the soldiers of the Spike Brigade."

After talking about this, Lin Yu scans everyone and continues: "Before you came, I have seen everyone's information."

"You are all very good indeed. They are all national fighters. Some have even made meritorious services and won first-class collective merit. They are very good. I would like to praise you first."

After talking about this, the members of the other four special teams all slowly turned gloomy at this moment, and the emotions that had never been upset in their hearts had gradually become a little angry.

Because this compliment sounds like a humiliation in their ears, it is very ear-piercing!

This Lin Yu, thin-skinned and tender, so young, at first glance, he has not experienced the baptism of war, but in the end he can praise them boastfully.

What qualifications does he have? !

Lin Yu looked calm at the moment, looking at the special forces in front of him.

His attitude was significantly better than when he first trained the female Fire Phoenix soldiers.

After all, the female soldiers before, the strength is uneven, everyone has, and there are even deserters.

But these people are different. They are all real special fighters who have made contributions to the country, and he will give them real respect.

However, when he finished saying this, the leader of the Dragon and Phoenix Special Forces Dragon Foot snorted coldly and said: "Is this the strength of the Spike Special Forces? Some female soldiers and a young man The kid is here to train us, is this looking down on us or something?"

He directly expressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, because he was originally a straight-headed man and had a grumpy temper. Even if Lin Yu was a chief, he was not afraid at all. Even if he was kicked out of the team, he didn't want to suffer from this anger!

After he said this sentence, it can be said that he directly expressed the aspirations of all the four special teams.

The dignified Spikes Special Forces brigade, known as the most elite army special forces, turned out to be like this?

They think it's not that the wolf's teeth are not good, but that the wolf's teeth are perfunctory and despise them, so they are even more angry.

Even if they are replaced by an old man, as long as they are people with high qualifications and high ranks, they will not be dissatisfied, because they feel that they are not valued at all.

After this, the members of the ghost squadron all wanted to laugh at the moment, and they guessed that it would be like this, because these players have written their unhappiness on their faces, and fools can see it.

Ye Cunxin shook his head slightly at this moment, and said: "There is another person who thinks he is very strong and despise the female soldier. He doesn't know what strength he has, but his eyes are above the top."

However, she didn't have any episodes either. After all, even their captain was looked down upon this time. They really wanted to see the captain take action to teach these people.

At this moment, the members of the Black Dragon Special Team behind all looked at each other.

They know Lin Yu's strength very well, so they don't have the slightest doubt, but they are not ready to tell these people. They also want to see these special forces deflated. After all, they are not in the same military region, and they don't even know each other. There is no need to remind them.

Standing on the steps, Lin Yu looked at Dragon Foot and said lightly: "Sun Xiang, codenamed Dragon Foot, with the rank of Captain, established Longfeng Special Team in the Western Theater two years ago."

"After the formation of the team, in two years, it only performed one mission, arrested three murderers, shot them in the body, and luckily recovered one life, so they won the first-class merit."

When Lin Yu said this, Dragon Foot looked very proud at the moment.

You know, as a soldier, how difficult it is to obtain first-class skills, how many can only be added after death, and he is alive with first-class skills, naturally he is very proud and full of air.

In fact, this is the case. The rest of the people were all surprised when they heard it. They didn't expect this person to obtain personal first-class merit, but it was not easy. He was the only one among them to obtain this merit.

However, Lin Yu said indifferently in the next moment: "This kind of achievement is also worthy of pride. Can it be your proud capital?"

After the voice fell, everyone was in a daze.

Isn't first-class merit considered a capital to be proud of? !

At this moment, after Long Foot heard Lin Yu's voice, his original proud look suddenly sank. He stared at Lin Yu, his eyes were a little unkind, and said, "Boy, when I was doing meritorious service, you might still be breastfeeding." , You dare to look down upon you first class, how old do you think you are?"

He yelled angrily and was no longer ready to stay here anymore, so he had no scruples, he couldn't bear to be mocked by such a young kid pointing his nose!

At this moment, the rest of the people are all heartbeats, feeling that the dragon foot will be miserable next. Although this kid looks unhappy, but he is a superior officer, the commander of the lieutenant colonel, and he is cursing like this, I am afraid it will be finished. .

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