Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter Fifty-Six: Bombed, Bombed, Shen Fei Got Angry 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

But leave the curse part aside.

Shen Fei's debating skills still amazed the audience.

You Lin Xue said that poor students are mischievous people.

I, Shen Fei, directly vetoed your statement and redefined the meaning of poor students.

Obviously, everyone agrees with Shen Fei's idea.

Poor students are definitely not the kind of ignorant people.

On this basis.

Shen Fei continued to explain his point of view.

"Just like my first point of view, because the poor students are only weak in learning, so we should pay more attention to coaching them, instead of letting them go and only focusing on the good students

Under such circumstances, it will only lead to the students in one class, and their comprehensive scores will form a bipolar state. "

"For this reason, if we put our energy on the poor students, I believe that the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages for the overall performance, and there will be absolutely no so-called waste of manpower and delaying others' rhetoric!"

Finished with the second point of view.

Soon Shen Fei started to talk about the third point.

"So, after talking about the two points, let me talk about the third point, what is fairness!!"

With the moment when the third point of view is spoken.

Lin Xue's complexion has become extremely ugly.

This is already clearly aimed at myself.

She said that the benefits of treating eugenics differently are those.

However, Shen Fei said that treating poor students differently is worse than treating poor students differently, and he also provided reasonable data and examples, leaving no room for refutation.

She said that poor students are unlearned and mischievous, not worth spending any time or energy.

However, Shen Fei redefined the poor student and swollen her face.

And her third point is fairness. Now, Shen Fei has also started to talk about fairness.

In this situation, Lin Xue knew that she was going to lose in the first game, and she was going to lose completely.

But the matter has come to this point, Lin Xue is not particularly panicked.

Because her strength is in the next few rounds, this kind of exposition in the first round is not her strong point.

If the latter win, then even if the front loses, it will not hurt.

With this thought in mind, Lin Xue has already started to prepare for the second round in her heart.

And Shen Fei doesn't care what this guy thinks.

Facing the camera, he began to explain his next few points word by word.

"Some people say that the main reason for treating eugenics differently is to allow them to receive corresponding differential treatment, so that they realize that if they become eugenics, they will get the treatment they deserve.

"For this point of view, I think it's ridiculous!!"

"This kind of education method is simply a cancer among cancers!!!"

"It's like parents educating their children with material things from an early age."

"If you wash the dishes, I'll give you five dollars, if you mop the floor, I'll give you three dollars."

"What kind of situation will this kind of education produce over time?"

"I tell you very straightforwardly that in the future this child will no longer have the spirit of dedication, nor will he have a sense of responsibility. Instead, he will have a sense of money."

"The child will feel that I have to get a corresponding reward for everything I do, and finally become a profit-seeking person.

"In other families, when the parents are old, the children are obliged to support the elderly."

"But when children born in this kind of family see their parents getting old, they will only ask how much money they have at home. If they have money and a house, then I will come to support you. If not? I'm sorry, you don't It's worth doing things because I don't do them any good."

"Similarly, what kind of consequences will this kind of education method bring to good students and poor students?"

"Poor students do wrong things, the teacher criticizes the education in front of the whole class, and then calls the parents, and even has to do labor to pay for their mistakes."

04 "And the eugenics did something wrong, the teacher called him to the office alone, and just verbally said, don't do this next time, and then there will be no more!!"

"Slowly, poor students dare not do wrong things, because they know that the teacher will punish them."

"But eugenics are different. They feel that even if they do something wrong, the teacher won't do anything to them."

"Over time, poor students may have poor grades, but in terms of being a human being, he will not be bad!"

"The eugenic's grades are getting better and better, but in terms of being a human being, he has become more and more conceited."

"Arrogance to others, indifference to human feelings, extremely conceited, always self-righteous, living as a self-centered person.

"For example, some contemporary college students, although they came out of good universities, when they entered the society, they all thought they were extraordinary. , a whimsical person."

"This phenomenon, I believe I didn't just make it up."

"If everyone is willing to check, just find a larger company, ask the personnel in the personnel department, ask the manager, etc., ask them if there are such college students in their company, and the salary of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan is low. They don’t even know how to do jobs that cost 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and they live in their own world every day, always feeling that they are underappreciated, but they never think about it, is it because they haven’t taken it seriously?”

When Shen Fei said this.

Some viewers have already started to join in.

"Yes, yes, there are too many such people. My company recruits more than a dozen college students every year, and they are all from famous universities. The result is exactly the same as what Mr. Shen said. All of them are arrogant and arrogant. Simply speechless."

"Not to mention, I met two wonderful people some time ago. Both of them had good grades. When I came to the company for an interview, I made it very clear that the previous month was an internship period. The main purpose was to let them get acquainted with the company. environment, what the company does, and what they want to do, but guess what? They think that they don’t need such a long internship period, a week is enough, and the salary is 7,500, but they ask, is there any three-year internship? I started at 10,000 yuan, my mentality has collapsed, I have worked in the company for ten years, and my monthly salary is only 20,000 yuan, good guy, how dare they ask?"

"What is this? Just last month, a student from the 985 University asked all of us directly during the interview if he could interview for a manager position. Subconsciously, we thought he had some real material, and we paid great attention to it. , After working for a long time, he felt that the manager’s salary is high, and he can manage people. He said that he was a student union cadre when he was in school, and at least he had to be a supervisor after graduation, otherwise he would not meet his status. Speechless, we asked him if he could work as a manager. He said he could learn. He has a strong learning ability and is very persevering. One year is not enough for two years, two years is not enough for three years, until he learns it, I TM? ?????? According to his logic, I still want to learn to be a general manager!!"

"Some college students nowadays are generally very confident. I don't know where their self-confidence comes from. In the company, they always feel that there is a gap between them and others. Just because an employee did not graduate from a key university, he would ask the manager to respond and say something. I graduated from the 985 University, why should I work with these ordinary specialists???? Fuck, I am a technician, don’t I learn technology for work? Doesn’t a company need technicians? Are you holding it up to the sky?"

Complaining voices sounded continuously.

In fact, the biggest problem with the differential treatment of eugenics is to develop all the shortcomings of eugenics.

Because everyone only looks at his grades and never looks at his other things.

For example, when a good student fights with a poor student, it is obviously the good student who started it first, but in the eyes of the teacher and the parents, it must be the problem of the poor student.

When the parents of both parties come together, no matter right or wrong, the parents of the poor students will apologize immediately, and then scold their children.

The child was aggrieved and wanted to speak, but was interrupted and even touched by the parents.

On the other hand, for eugenics, the parents of these people always have a sentence in their mouths.

"My child is so obedient and well-behaved, why do you beat him? There is no reason today, you will never leave!"

It is precisely because of these phenomena [that the eugenics feel that they are amazing.

The family is the emperor, and the school is the nobleman.

But they never know that after stepping out of the society, the test paper grades are like a piece of waste paper.

There is only one thing everyone looks at, and that is ability.

It is undeniable that a eugenic has a strong learning ability, but remember, he is only a strong learning ability, not a superman.

After entering an industry, he is equal to anyone else.

Both require a little bit of learning, but others may learn very slowly, while others learn faster.

Ke Yousheng is used to the life of stars and moons, and the days of being praised by everyone.

Therefore, when they arrived at an industry, they found that everyone ignored him.

What can be obtained is only a few high-achieving students mentioned by the leaders. Apart from cultivating them well, they will not receive any substantive differential treatment.

In this case.

He will not realize at the first time that he has to study hard and improve his ability.

At the first moment, he will only think that this company is really rubbish. I am a high-achieving student. You want me to do the same thing as a junior college student? Why do you look down on people????

Once this kind of thought arises, then this eugenic is destined not to have high achievements.

As a result, people who had spent a lot of manpower, material resources and energy to train them eventually disappeared from everyone.

This is the end of discrimination!!!

And let's talk about Shen Fei.

When he finished talking about the situation of differentiated treatment and eugenics.

Immediately he started talking about poor students again.

"Let's talk about poor students!"

"When a system treats poor students differently."

"What will poor students get??"

"If they are treated differently, poor students will always be suppressed, bullied and isolated for no reason. Poor students will gradually become withdrawn, become inferior, and become irritable. And slowly form a very pessimistic and depressed personality."

"If poor students are treated differently, it will have an impact on the children's future. School is a very important place in a child's life. Here they not only learn knowledge, but also learn to behave."

"It can be said that for the students.

"If every child is treated fairly, I believe that eugenics will not feel unfair.

"For eugenics, fair treatment will serve as a wake-up call, telling them all the time that everyone is the same. Your good grades only mean that you have good learning ability. It is the pride of teachers and family members, but it is definitely not The capital of your misconduct!"

"For the poor students, fair treatment is an act of giving charcoal in the snow, so that the children will not have a rebellious mentality, guide them to grow up healthy and positive, even if their final grades are not good, but one day, they When they step out of society, they will still become a person who contributes to society.

"So, if the meaning of fairness is to only take care of some outstanding people, then in a fundamental sense, this has deviated from the definition of fairness."

"The real male

What is equality?"

"It is to let everyone, every child, be treated fairly and fairly, instead of favoring good students and prejudice against poor students!"

Accompanied by the third point of view after speaking.

in an instant.

There was a thunderous applause from the audience.

Even the seven judges couldn't help applauding at this moment.

Some guests, as well as the host, and staff, including the director of the program and others.

There is no one who did not reach out to applaud Shen Fei!!!!

Also cheering.

The support rate on the scene soared to 88%, and Lin Zhong didn't even have a chance to come back in the form of crushing.

The audience in the live broadcast room also cheered heartily one by one.

"well said!!!"

"Teacher Shen is a goddamn genius. He doesn't tell you what fairness is like. He tells you directly what will happen when it's unfair, leaving you speechless.

up. "

"What kind of speech genius? This fucking is a master of debate."

"Why do I feel that Mr. Shen's appearance here is completely a blow?"

"As a professional debater, what I want to say is that Mr. Shen's trick is simply awesome and messed up. Normally, in a debate, it's after the other party has published an argument.

He refuted directly, but our teacher Shen not only did not refute, but directly followed your argument, and then stated the consequences. You said that you do not treat them differently, which is unfair to eugenics

Is it okay? Now, our Teacher Shen will tell you directly that if you are treated unfairly, the eugenics do think it is fair, but it is only his opinion, and for their future life, it will be

It’s a trade that’s not worth the candle, and which one is more important, can’t you tell the difference?”

"Genius, simply genius."

In the overwhelming praise.

Lin Xue was already powerless, she knew that she had lost this round completely, completely and completely, and the loser didn't even lose her temper.

On the other hand, Shen Fei.

After finishing the third point of view.

He didn't stop his voice.

With a slight raise of his hand, the originally bustling scene was directly suppressed by him.

The audience fell silent for an instant.

Everyone looked at Shen Fei silently.

The terrifying ability to control the field made all the staff of the program group horrified.

Also after quiet.

Shen Fei's voice sounded again.

"Next, let's not talk about opinions, let's do arithmetic!"

After the three words of arithmetic problem appeared.

Netizens couldn't help laughing.

I don't know if Shen Fei likes mathematics very much, and likes to do calculations with everyone.

But everyone knows that Shen Fei's arithmetic problem is not really for you to calculate, but to use the most simple and straightforward numbers to defeat the opponent.

Therefore, everyone is waiting to get up.

Shen Fei's voice also sounded quickly.

"After listening to an arithmetic problem just now, I wondered, did this person never go to school?"

"If you have been to school, why can't you do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?"

"If you didn't go to school, why can you appear on this show?"

"I still remember that the problem that person calculated was like this."

"A college student who graduated at 211.985 has a monthly salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan at the age of 30, and pays 2,500 yuan in taxes every month."

"An ordinary poor student who walks out of the society will have a monthly salary of 6,000 to 8,000 at the age of 30, and pay about 50 yuan in taxes every month."

"Under this algorithm, eugenics contribute the most to society, so give them preferential treatment!"

"If this is the logic, then I think it should be preferential treatment for poor students."

"Come on, I'll give you a count."

"There are 10 million students who take the big exam every year across the country."

"And 211.985 only admits 19,000 people every year, and I count him 20,000."

"Twenty thousand people, after graduating from the society, pay 2,500 yuan in taxes every month, which means paying 50 million yuan in taxes a month."

"But what about poor students? 9.98 million poor students pay 50 yuan a month in taxes, which means paying 499 million yuan in taxes a month."

"I didn't make a mistake in this question, did I?"

"Poor students contribute ten times more taxes to society than good students!"

"Besides, no matter how awesome your eugenics are, you can buy two houses and three cars per person for a lifetime. If you calculate them for a lifetime, that means 40,000 houses and 60,000 cars. I will count them as your eugenics house and car."

The house is ten times that of everyone, that is 400,000 houses and 600,000 cars. "

"Let's count the poor students. A person's life is considered to be one apartment and one car. Calculated, it is 9.98 million apartments and 9.98 million cars."

"How much is the tax for 400,000 apartments and 600,000 cars?"

"9.98 million suites, and 9.98 million cars, how much is the tax??"

"Do you still need to compare??"

"Do you need to say that the contribution value of poor students to society is not as good as that of good students????"

When Shen Fei solved this arithmetic problem.

Everyone who thought what Lin Xue said was quite reasonable before was completely convinced in an instant.

Everyone looked at Shen Fei with shock.

When Lin Xue said it.

Everyone believes that eugenics contributes the most to society.

After all, people pay 2,000 yuan in taxes a month, and a poor student doesn't even have a fraction of other people's money.

But everyone ignores a very serious problem.

That is, the whole country adds up, and only 20,000 eugenics are cultivated a year.

But the whole country adds up to train 9.98 million "poor students" a year

So, under this logic.

The contribution value of poor students is simply incomparable to excellent students.

And because of this.

After Shen Fei uttered this arithmetic problem, there was already a burst of applause from the audience.

There was bursts of applause, and everyone cheered hard like fans attending a concert.

Cheers again.

Shen Fei's support rate has reached a figure that shocked everyone in the program group.


That's right, one hundred percent.

When seeing this support rate, the host was dumbfounded.

You know, since the program started broadcasting, the highest support rate was only about 90%.

No one has ever achieved more than ninety-five percent.

But now a new record has been set.

And it is a record that cannot be surpassed.

When seeing this data.

Everyone recalled that day when Lin Xue angrily denounced Shen Fei as a script and an actor.

All of them couldn't help looking at Lin Xue, and felt even more disgusted with her!!!

The person who can TM get 100% approval rate, the person who broke the highest approval rate in the history of the show, you tell me it's the script? It's the actor???

Thinking of this, everyone felt that Lin was important.

It's going to be completely cold.

The screen returns to Shen Fei again.

After talking about the fourth point of view, the next point is the last point of view.

Lin Xue's previous point of view was that cultivating poor students would bring shame to society, add burden to society, and bring negative news.

However, cultivating eugenics can improve the quality of the people, improve the conscience of the people, and make the society stronger.

For this point of view, Shen Fei hates it the most.

When Lin Xue expressed this point of view.

He almost flew up and kicked the opponent.

But considering the quality issue, he still held back.

However, now is the time for him to play.

For this reason, he didn't keep everyone entertained for a long time, and he directly opened his mouth to talk about the fifth point.

"Now, let's make one last point."

"When explaining this point again."

"I'm going to start by saying a few words to someone from the sidelines."


"Why do you say that poor students are a burden to society? Bring negative news and bad labels to society?"

"Why do you think that poor students are inferior and must be bad people?"

"And why do you think Wall Street is shining brightly, and inside the foundry is dirty?"

"Only with your diploma that you don't know where to buy it?"

"Still relying on what you pretend to be like in your head?"

"Before I heard that you scolded others angrily. What you have on your neck is a brain, not a tumor."

"Today I will use the same words to scold you angrily."

"Your head is full of brains, not a lump of scorpion. Even if it is full of scorpions, please don't spit it out!"

After some anger.

It directly made everyone in the audience dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that Shen Fei would suddenly face Lin Xue directly at this time.

And he cursed directly.

Therefore, everyone looked at the tense scene.

Looking at Shen Fei who was rising in momentum and glaring angrily.

Looking at Lin Xue who was stunned and dazed.

After dozens of seconds, Lin Xue couldn't bear it anymore.

Now I want to get up and scold.

But she was directly interrupted by Shen Fei.

"It's not your turn to spray .dung. Sit down for me!"

The momentum is domineering, and the eyes are full of chills.

In an instant, Lin Xue, who was still furious, froze instantly. No one had ever talked to her like this in this life.

So, when she heard this harsh reprimand for the first time, she was frightened instead.

250 looked at Lin Xue sitting on the seat stupidly.

Shen Fei also started his final point of view.

"When I said what I said just now, many people must have doubts and even think that my quality is not high."

"But I will trouble everyone who has opinions in their hearts, shut up first, and after I finish speaking, if you still think I am wrong, then it is up to you to deal with it."

"First, she said, too many poor students are a burden to society."

"Under the last arithmetic problem, this statement is self-defeating. You pay 50 million in taxes, and poor students pay 500 million in taxes. Who will bear the burden of society?"

"Secondly, she said that if there are too many poor students, there will be all kinds of negative news!"

"Okay, let me ask, for some big news released by the media at present, such as the leader of a certain treasure company threatening employees to have a banquet, and causing a lot of evil

Sex news, how do you explain it?"

"Another example is that a real estate company uses its authority to let its employees become their own canaries. How do you explain it?"

"For another example, the founder of a sharing industry misappropriated people's deposits, causing tens of millions of people to be unable to withdraw their deposits. How do you explain???"

"The above people, who is not a high-achieving student? Who is not a graduate of a top university?"

"If that's the case, why do they always release all kinds of negative news??"

"I know you will explain that people are not sages, so they can do nothing wrong? Eugenics are also human, and some of them will make mistakes."

"Then let me give you another example!"

"Community group buying, everyone knows about it?"

"This is what you see as outstanding students."

"Hundreds and thousands of high-achieving students, if they don't study hard, they will be able to get out of it.

The national science and technology, one by one, set their sights on the vegetable farmers with the lowest income in society.

"Seize customers with extremely low prices, and when the vegetable markets can't continue to open, they will start to increase prices and increase costs in various ways."

"Such a despicable method, even the vegetable farmers who are almost poor households will not be spared!"

"Is this the fact that you said that cultivating eugenics can improve strength, improve quality, and improve all-round development???"

Third, you said that when people see Wall Street, they will be full of awe and yearning.

And when you see the foundry, you will be spurned, disdainful, and even become a negative teaching material.

Then I would like to ask, why do you represent everyone's thoughts?

Do you know how many people around the world have their hard-earned money stolen by the so-called elites on Wall Street every day?

A company that feeds hundreds of people and has extremely strong productivity.

Just being targeted by them, the company faced bankruptcy in just a few days.

A company that does nothing has directly become a tool for these people to defraud money.

All the money in the hands of a large number of retail investors was cheated into their hands.

Is this what you call a desirable and awe-inspiring place???

In my opinion, it is full of filth and filth everywhere!!

Besides, the valve factory.

Do you know how many foundries there are in the world?

Do you know how many people each foundry can feed???

You look down on, feel dirty, feel disdainful of foundries.

However, it is silently feeding more than one billion people in the world and has become the hope of countless families.

When it comes to this.

Shen Fei's eyes had become extremely indifferent.

Under indifference.

Suddenly, his voice rose several tunes.

The momentum climbed crazily.

One word, one word, is humane to everyone.

"A person with excellent grades is not necessarily doing the right thing!"

"Similarly, people with poor grades are not as miserable as you think."

"From ancient times to the present, there has been a famous saying in our country."

"Every time righteousness kills more dogs, most of them are scholars if they are ungrateful!"

"You can go ask those teachers."

"They sent away batch after batch of students, but then, who was the person who came to visit him every time?"

"Is it the extremely excellent students, or the poor students who have been treated differently by them?"

"You can look at the phenomenon in society."

"When someone is drowning, it's those extremely good people who get out of the luxury car and dive to save the person.

"Or those ordinary people who jumped into the river to save people?"

"You can go and see those old people at home."

"When they are old, those who they considered proud in the past will wait by their side and take care of them in the hospital bed."

"Or those who were reprimanded by them when they grew up, and who they considered poor students, are taking care of them carefully?"

"It doesn't matter if you are a poor student or a good student."

"Everyone has their own shining points, but you must not judge a person by their grades and determine their future."

"For this reason, what reason do we have?"

"To treat them differently?"

[Kneel begging for flowers to reward evaluation tickets!!!].

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