Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 57: The Director Was Furious And Asked Lin Xue To Get Out Of The Show [Kneeling To Subscribe

Chapter 57: The director was furious and asked Lin Xue to get out of the show【Kneeling to subscribe】

When the last sentence is finished.

Everyone in the audience was no longer applauding, but heartfelt applause one by one.

Under the continuous applause, it was enough to show everyone's attitude.

After listening to Lin Xue's speech, then listen to Shen Fei's speech.

Everyone felt that the two were not on the same level.

Lin Xue's speech is the core of the whole article.

Eugenics means being superior to others and enjoying various privileges.

Originally, you, Lin Xue, chose the positive side, and there is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion on your position.

But you, Xue Lin, want to win.

Directly use all means, and say all kinds of remarks that discriminate against poor students.

The purpose is to make it impossible for others to refute.

But alas.

Her wishful thinking was wrong.

Shen Fei not only did not remain speechless, but scolded her to death both openly and secretly.

This point, Lin Xue did not expect.

Besides, for the audience.

Shen Fei's remarks are all about analyzing the pros and cons for everyone, without any discrimination or prejudice.

Whether it is for poor students or excellent students, he treats them equally.

Through the comparison of various data, Shen Fei didn't need to say any opinions at all, just using the data can make Lin Xue shut up!

In this case.

The audience are not fools. After listening carefully to the speeches of the two people, they naturally chose to support Shen Fei.

And let's talk about Xue Lin's side.

When she saw the 100% approval rating.

She was no longer uncomfortable, but extremely flustered and frightened.

In particular, what Shen Fei said just now made her unable to find any rebuttal points.

The next two innings.

In one game, all members participate, three opponents and three oneself.

But even she couldn't think of a point to refute. What qualifications do some of my stupid teammates have to think of??

Therefore, the second game will definitely lose.

And you must lose badly.

No, she just looked at the teammates on the left and right slightly.

At this time, his two teammates looked at Shen Fei with admiration.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the other party did not seriously consider the other party's words at all, and then went to find out the shortcomings or find a breakthrough.

In this case, the PK of all members later will be against Shen Fei.

But the words came back.

What does she use against the enemy????

Are you taking a lie???

But even if she took fallacies, she couldn't find any fallacies at all even though she was so upset.


Lin Xue realized very clearly that she would definitely lose today.

Thinking of this, her face was full of solemnity, and she began to look for a way out.


"Get out of here pretending to be angry?"

After a while, Lin Xue had thought of several ways to come up with it.

But none of the methods are really usable.

No matter what reason she leaves here, it is undoubtedly telling others that I, Lin Xue, cannot afford to lose!!!

And when she was thinking.

Shen Fei had finished explaining his point of view, and now he slowly walked to his own position.

The host also appeared in the center of the stage. He just picked up the microphone and was about to announce the victory of the first round, but was interrupted by Lin Xue.

"Host, I need to make things easier!!!"

The voice fell.

The host was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the leader in the distance, as if asking if he wanted to agree.

The leader nodded without thinking too much.

Ever since, the host immediately made a gesture of invitation, and then replied: "Please."

After finishing the answer, the host said to the audience on camera: "Dear audience, due to a temporary incident, the show will be temporarily suspended for five minutes. After five minutes, the power saving will continue as usual.

But Lin Xue didn't think much, got up and left, taking her manager with her.

It's just that after this scene appeared, the audience immediately became angry.

"Hahahaha, isn't this running away?"

"I don't think it's convenient, but I'm going to run away."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I told you to provoke Brother Shen, it's okay now, get it!"

"Oh, why is it so convenient?"

"What about those people who said they would be defeated in ten minutes? Come out?"

"Lin Xue: The clown is actually me?"

"Upstairs, what are you talking about? People are right, they were defeated in ten minutes, it was just that they were defeated.

"The bullshit genius debating girl is simply sensationalizing."

Netizens who supported Shen Fei before, felt suffocated.

First, there are various media headlines, all of which slander Shen Fei, and none of them are optimistic.

Immediately afterwards, there was this person named Lin Xue, whose speech was like spraying dung, making people extremely disgusting.

In the end, there are her fans, all of whom are inflated and arrogant, and they don't know where the confidence comes from.

In this case.

Shen Fei's fans couldn't be more angry.

But it's all right now.

everything is fine.

The person who was defeated was Lin Xue himself, and Xiao Tian, ​​who was so alive, was actually myself.

At the same time, when the audience was feeling weird.

In the lounge, Lin Xue had already started smashing things crazily, gnashing her teeth, all kinds of madness.

She never imagined that Shen Fei turned out to be a real person.

And the other party's talent is simply terrifying.

Anyway, I am also a five-time BBKing person, but with this strength, I am like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of others.

This powerless situation annoyed her so much that she even wanted to find a paradise and hide there alone.

She didn't come out until the turmoil was completely over.

But she knew it was unrealistic, totally unrealistic.

The only thing that can be done now is to solve this problem.

If this problem is not resolved, then she will really be ruined.

with that in mind.

After losing her temper, Lin Xue looked directly at her manager and asked, "Is there any way we can solve it?"

Hear Lin Xue's words.

The agent looked pensive and helped her with the calendar.

In his heart, Lin Xue was already scolded crazy.

To the manager, Lin Xue is simply a goblin!!!

It's just a bad pen, super brain-dead.

Isn't it good to live well???

Originally, according to the company's arrangement, I dare not say that Lin Xue will be a big star, but it will definitely make her a phenomenal Internet celebrity.

Rely on this identity.

In just a few years, you can earn more money than you can spend in a lifetime.

Even he can also be touched by the light.

But now what???

it's good now.

I pushed myself to the edge of the cliff, into a desperate situation.

It can be said that one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

In this situation, Lin Xue only has two endings.

The first one, ruined and ruined, has since become a joke.

The second one, defeated Shen Fei, became famous in one fell swoop, and stepped on other people's corpses to rise to the top.

If it was placed half an hour ago, he was still 60 to 70% sure that Lin Xue must have defeated the opponent and became famous in one fell swoop.

but now?

It was said that it was six or seven floors, and he was not even sure about a few tenths of a floor.

In other words, Lin Xue was dead, completely dead.

And as his manager, I also have to be cool.

It can be said that Lin Xue cheated herself and her career.

But now is not the time to regret.

The most urgent thing is to find a way.

If you don't want to figure out a new method, then it's really going to be cold.

I don't know if it's quick wit, or when people are driven to a desperate situation, it's easy to have a flash of inspiration.

Suddenly, the manager, who was already anxious, thought of a way.

When he thought of this solution, he was self-deprecating at first.

But soon, he thought about it carefully and found that this method can be said to be the only life-saving straw at present.

As long as it works properly, it can turn the tables.



Even if she failed, Lin Xue would not completely cool off.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Lin Xue, and said very seriously: "Lin Xue, there is only one way to save you now, but do you dare to do it?"

"At this time, what else is there to dare? Even if it is (aefc) violation, I am willing to do it." Lin Xue is extremely concerned about her own face, and has grown up in an environment where countless people have praised her all the year round. She is more than anyone else. She was afraid of losing everything, so after the agent asked, she replied without thinking.

"Okay, since you dare, the method is very simple.

"Let's change the subject of the discussion!!!!"

After a while, the agent said word by word.

"Change the theme?????" Lin Xue was dumbfounded when she heard this.

"Yes, change the subject."

"When the time comes, you just go out and question and protest."

"The point of doubt is very simple. In the past, the theme of the program was randomly selected, but this time it is the theme set by the program group itself. In this case, there is a phenomenon of cheating. Therefore, you protest and demand that the theme be changed!!! !!"

"I believe that under the current circumstances, even if the official is not happy, they will agree to your request.

"Because if they don't agree, you can stop the show and leave directly."

"Just say it's unfair to doubt."

"Obviously, the program team will definitely agree.

After hearing the route arranged by the agent for himself.

Lin Xue's face was full of surprise.

He even said impatiently: "What's the point of changing the subject? Just in the past ten minutes, I realized that I am not the opponent's opponent at all. Although I don't want to admit it, she is indeed stronger than me!!!"

For Lin Xue, the agent's method made her go back and forth.

In particular, what's the point of changing the topic???

I didn't lose because of the problem of choosing the topic, but because of my pure strength.

In this case, she naturally couldn't help becoming irritable.

"No, listen to me!!!!" After hearing this, the agent disapproved.

Hearing what the manager said, Lin Xue had no choice but to continue listening.

"As long as the official agrees to you changing the topic, you can directly propose and randomly select the topic from the "Debating Gang" website."

"I am very familiar with the boss of this website, and they can help you choose a topic with just one phone call.

When the agent said this, Lin Xue became even more confused, and even helped her choose a topic by default.

She really couldn't figure out what topic could make her win.

For this reason, she couldn't help asking: "What topic?"

The agent didn't hold back, and said directly: "This topic is the most popular and controversial topic at the moment, "Should Celebrities Have Sky-high Salaries?"."

"This topic??"

"This topic can't be chatted indiscriminately?"

"It's not like you don't know how terrifying the current fan circle is.

"If you say something wrong a little bit, it's not a fire problem, it's just being scolded to death crazily!"

"With the power of the fandom, I'm like an ant."

"I'll just forget it."

"Even if I lose to Shen Fei, at worst I will bear a self-defeating title."

"But if I offend the fans, I'm afraid I'll just GG."

After Lin Xue heard the topic chosen by the manager, she immediately became scared.

Although she wants to win, she is not stupid.

This kind of topic selection, if you say a wrong sentence, you are ready to be whipped to death by tens of millions of fans day and night.

"you're so dumb!!!"

"You can't be on the star side?"

"I found out, where did your previous cleverness go?"

And let's talk about the broker.

When he heard Lin Xue's words, he immediately became anxious and began to curse directly.

With this scolding, Lin Xue was stunned, and then thought carefully about what the manager said.

After about a full minute, Lin Xue hesitated to speak.

"You...you mean, let's dig a hole...for Shen Fei?"

"That's right!!!!" The agent sighed after seeing her answer.

Then he went on to explain again.

"Once the official agrees to your request, we will immediately let the topic focus on this."

"And with that boy named Shen Fei's temperament, he will definitely let you choose the positive side and the negative side first.

"You don't care about anything, just choose the right side. Supporting stars should get a high salary."

"At this time, you just need to be a celebrity without thinking."

"As for Shen Fei?"

"If he is smart, he would choose to avoid this topic, but once he avoids it, it means that he is doomed.

"Of course, if he is not smart, he will choose to fight you to the end."

"Then let's not lie, because once he gets tough to the end, many of the words in it will definitely involve the scene of speaking ill of celebrities."

"Once you say it, at that time you will be a rascal, unreasonable and crooked, just to speak for the stars.

"In this way, so what if you lose? You have won the love of the fans!"

"At that time, there will still be a group of people who scold you who scold you."

"But everyone in the fan circle will like you."

"Since losing is always scolded, why can't you choose a road that can earn millions or even tens of millions of fans after being scolded?"

"What's more, if Shen Fei offends the people in the fan circle, the fans of the big stars won't help you???"

"I even think that before anyone scolds you, there will be countless people scolding this person named Shen Fei."

"As for you? I just need to invite some media to give you a good rendering. The rendering has become the identity of protecting idols and becoming a victim."

"Tsk tsk tsk, taste it, taste it carefully."

As the agent spoke, he looked at Lin Xue with a look that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words.

At this moment, Lin Xue was thinking about these words in her mind.

In less than a minute, she figured it out.

How can she be an ordinary person who can become the five-time champion of the show.

She immediately analyzed the pros and cons.

This move can be said to be the hand of God.

Could not find any reason for rejection.

According to the broker.

If you Shen Fei wins, then I will get support from the fan circle.

If you Shen Fei dare not say it, then I will not offend the fan circle, but I will win this competition and gain both reputation and honor.

After thinking clearly.

An expression of excitement appeared in Lin Xue's eyes, as if she had already seen her bright future.

Seeing Shen Fei stunned, he was severely suppressed by himself.

Or Shen Fei speaks nonsense, and then helps people in the fan circle by himself, and finally attracts tens of millions of fans, while the other party is deeply involved in the fishing boat storm.

Thinking of this, she replied decisively.

"Okay, no problem, I promise!!"

After finishing speaking, the agent didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly called and started looking for his old classmates.

That is, the boss of the "Discussion Gang".

The call was over in less than a minute, and the other party immediately said that there was no problem, and then sent technicians to lock the IP of Lin Xue's mobile phone. No matter how random she was, she would only randomly come to this designated topic.

Everything works, and the rest is only due to Dongfeng.

Ever since, the two of them tidied up their manners a bit, and then walked out of the lounge.

In five minutes, the two returned.

Once back, the host walked to the center of the stage.

As a director, Tian Ye has met countless people and seen many things.

When he saw two people walking back so confidently, he immediately realized that something had happened.

"Shen Fei, I suspect that something happened to these two people!"

Tian Ye immediately informed Shen Fei.

"Don't be afraid, if you say you beat a dog today, you will beat a dog, and you will never lose your trust with the fans!" Shen Fei is not afraid at all.

Not to mention that the other party has already lost a round, just say that as a time traveler, as a man with a system, what should he fear from a mere sixteen-year-old girl?

"Okay, but there's nothing wrong with being careful about everything." It's not the first time Tian Ye has come into contact with Shen Fei, and he knows that Shen Fei is very confident, so he doesn't say much, just remind him.

"Yeah." Shen Fei nodded and replied without further words.

And let's talk about the host.

When he came to the center of the stage, he immediately reported to all the audience.

"Everyone, the five-minute break time has arrived, and Ms. Lin Xue, the guest of honor, has arrived at the scene. Bi...

Just, when the host was about to announce the continuation of the game.

Lin Xue who had just sat down immediately stood up.

Then shouted loudly.

"Wait a moment!!!"

When she finished shouting, everyone couldn't help looking at her.

Everyone wants to know, what is she going to do???

With doubts, the host asked first: "What's wrong? Ms. Lin Xue?"

The host finished asking.

Tian Ye looked at the other party closely, trying to see through the other party's tricks.

Lin Xue said in a flat tone: "I want to apply for a new topic!!!!"

When Lin Xue finished speaking, the host immediately showed displeasure in his eyes.

How could you change this topic just as you said???

Do you think this is your home???

Everyone must listen to you????

It's just ridiculous.

Originally, he had an extremely bad impression of Lin Xue.

For this reason, when he saw that the other party was still playing the young lady's temper here.

Immediately, he said unhappily: "Sorry, we don't have any reason to change the topic!"

After finishing speaking, he was ready to continue announcing the continuation of the game, he simply didn't want to talk to this person who was suffering from the princess disease.

But unexpectedly, Lin Xue began to act like a rascal.

He said bluntly, "No, we must change the subject."

"Why? Can you tell me the reason?" The host has never seen such a rascal before? He immediately asked with a little anger.

"Why? You ask this question, don't you have any sense???" However, Lin Xue did not directly answer the reason, but sarcastically.

"What do you mean???" The host is not stupid, he heard the meaning behind the other party's words, but the other party didn't say it clearly, so he can't make random guesses.

What Lin Xue was waiting for was the other party's inquiry. For this reason, she quickly expressed her thoughts.

"What do I mean?"

"It's very simple. Since I joined the debate program, the topic selection has always been random, but this time why is it directly selected by your official topic?"

"Once it comes to the subject of internal screening, there is absolutely no question of cheating."

"How do I know, did you leak the topic?"

"So, I proposed to change the topic. Anyway, the show has only been broadcast for more than ten minutes now, and there is still some time before the end. Can you choose a new topic?"

"Of course, you can choose not to agree to me, and I can also choose to leave here, unless you have any way to prove that you have not disclosed the evidence of the topic selection, if you have, then I will continue to compete!!"

When this sentence was finished, the host was so angry that he couldn't be more angry.

Co-author, you can't tell others, so you start to question the possibility of leaking the topic of the program, right???

This is simply a joke in the world.

Whether Shen Fei wins or Lin Xue wins, it is the same for the show.

Because the ratings that should be obtained are not low at all.

In this case, why help Shen Fei? Why leak the topic???

This is unreasonable.

Therefore, the host patiently began to explain.

"What's the point of us cheating???"

"For the show, there is no difference between you winning and Shen Fei winning, and the audience will not decrease."

During the explanation, the host had already lost his temper.

However, even if someone has such a good temper to explain.

Lin Xue still refused to let go.

"For the show, it really doesn't make sense, but what if a staff member takes money?"

"Who's right?"

Good guy.

As soon as these words came out, the host ran away immediately.

Especially all the people in charge of the program group, they were all blown up.

"After this episode of the show is over, I will kick this person out. She must not be allowed to appear on our show again." The chief director of the show directly issued an order angrily. Lin Xue was literally spitting blood and framing people!!!!

As for Lin Xue, she could actually predict this ending.

But she didn't care at all.

Because according to the ending expected by the agent, she doesn't need to continue to attract fans in this show.

Even, under some possibility, she can enter the entertainment industry in advance.

Let's talk about the host.

Although he was mad with anger, years of professionalism kept him sane.

But he didn't want to talk to Lin Xue anymore, he could tell that the other party had made up his mind.

If she didn't change the subject today, she definitely wouldn't continue filming.

Therefore, the host immediately started a conversation with the person in charge of the program group.

After a conversation, the attitude of the person in charge is also very clear, the doctor will ask Shen Fei.

If Shen Fei says yes, then yes.

If Shen Fei doesn't agree, then we don't agree either.

When the time comes to let the other party go, the big deal is to bear an unwarranted name.

After getting instructions.

The host gave Lin Xue a cold look, then walked up to Shen Fei, and said apologetically, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Tian, ​​what do you think?"

"No..." Tian Ye immediately vetoed it, just kidding, now that the situation is a sure win, why give the other party a chance to die? Although he doesn't know what the other party is doing, he knows that the other party must be scheming Otherwise, I wouldn't even want to lose my face.

But Shen Fei didn't wait for Tian Ye to finish speaking, and immediately agreed: "Yes, let her!"

"Xiao Fei." Tian Ye was anxious and wanted to persuade him.

"It's okay, Brother Tian, ​​if this matter is not settled, I won't be able to get to where I am today!" Compared to Tian Ye's worry, Shen Fei looked very calm.

"Hey, well, everything

Listen to you, who told you to be the party involved. "After hearing Shen Fei's words, Tian Ye was in a state of confusion.

Just like that, after agreeing, the host immediately looked at Lin Xue coldly and said, "Okay, let's randomly select the topic again!"

After he finished speaking, he thought that this monster would have nothing to do with it.

But unexpectedly, the other party interrupted him again.

"It still doesn't work, I don't trust your program group anymore."

"Aren't there a lot of apps now? I'll just download "Debating Gang" [randomly select topics from here.

Good guy.

As soon as these words came out, the host almost vomited blood in anger.

At the same time, more than 30 million viewers saw this, and they all began to curse.

"Damn it? Who cultivated it? The princess is too sick, right?"

"Is this person not a cerebral palsy?"

"The product of a failed family education!"

"It's the same as mentally handicapped."

"Suppressed, how did this kind of person become popular before?"

"I don't like to scold women very much in my life, but this woman is the one I want to scold the most."

"Cerebral palsy, right??"

"If Shen Fei hadn't been here, I wouldn't have looked at this girl more than once."

It can be said that Lin Xue's behavior aroused public outrage.

But under the anger of the public, they have nothing to do with her.

After all, she just wanted to change the subject, and didn't deny that she had lost.

Strictly speaking, her guess is possible.

It's just that everyone knows that the program group is not necessary.

But since people have already played rascals, if they want the show to continue, they can only be passive.

"Okay!!" Soon, the host nodded in agreement. Of course, before agreeing, he glanced at Shen Fei and agreed after obtaining authorization.

that's all.

Lin Xue took out her mobile phone and first connected it to the big screen of the show.

The screen of the mobile phone is also projected on the screen behind.

In front of everyone, he clicked on the "Debating Gang" app.

As soon as you enter, dense debate topics and debate skills appear on it.

At the same time, there is also a function to randomly select debate topics.

Seeing this function, Lin Xue asked the host to order it.

But the host said angrily: "I don't dare to order, what if I also take money from Mr. Shen?"

A yin and yang strange, everyone burst out laughing.

They all praised the host 666.

Although Lin Xue was angry, this was what she wanted.

She clicked on the random function without thinking.

After a click.

Various topics appear in front of everyone in the form of a scroll wheel

Five seconds later.

The scrolling topics stopped.


A topic of debate titled: "Should we pay celebrities high prices" appeared before everyone's eyes.

When seeing this topic.

The host wanted to say to choose a new one in an instant.

But what I didn't expect was.

Lin Xue said directly: "I choose square!!!!!!"

The voice fell.

Unplugged the phone, and then returned to his own position, not even responding to others.

[Kneeling to beg for flowers to reward evaluation tickets, my brother is here to thank you!!!!].

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