Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter Fifty-Eight: Blame The Exorbitant Salary? 【Kneeling To Subscribe】

Seeing her like this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially the host, he was taken aback for a moment, and then directly asked loudly: "Why did you choose square first? You chose first in the last game."

Facing the words of the host.

Lin Xue said unceremoniously: "According to the debate rules, the person who lost the last round should have priority!"

"You!!!!" Hearing that Lin Xue answered almost in a rascal way, the host was so angry that he pointed directly at the other party.

According to the rules of the debate, this is indeed no problem.

But wasn't the last game already negated by you?

Now when it's whose turn to choose the topic first, you stand up and admit that there was a previous game?

It's just shameless to get home.

"Mr. Shen, what do you think?" After witnessing Lin Xue's shamelessness, no matter how indignant the host felt, it finally disappeared. , He had no choice but to come to Shen Fei~ to inquire.

But it didn't wait for Shen Fei to answer.

Tian Ye took the lead in answering: "Wait a minute."

After replying, he looked at Shen Fei, and then - whispered a reminder.

"I know what she's up to."

"If I'm not mistaken, all of this was carefully prepared by her."

"At the beginning, I was still wondering why the good guy wanted to change the topic, but when the topic came out, I realized that the other party was trying to cheat you."

"Shen Fei, although you are not in the entertainment industry, but you step into the youth and say that after becoming a celebrity, you are actually a star in disguise, but people rely on making movies, TV, singing and dancing to become popular, while you rely on variety shows The show is popular, you are essentially the same kind of people."

"So, in this situation, if the opponent chooses the positive side, you can only be forced to choose the negative side.

"Once it is the opposite side, there are only two choices before you."

"First, speak freely, but it will inevitably offend a lot of celebrities, and you will be targeted at that time, especially since you are so popular now, many small characters will find ways to catch your popularity, and increase their popularity by attacking you. It is the enemy from the front and the back, and is deeply caught in the fishing boat storm."

"Second, choose to avoid this question, but once you avoid this question, it means that you will lose in this competition."

"So, no matter which one you choose, it will do you no good, so Shen Fei, let's not agree to her unreasonable request!"

Tian Ye almost saw through everything, and directly told Lin Xue and his agent's love story.

When he finished speaking.

Shen Fei was still extremely calm, as if he hadn't heard anything.

However, just ten seconds later, Shen Fei's voice sounded.

I saw him say three words to the field.

"Believe me."

Saying so, he nodded to the host.

After the host got the approval, he returned to his position, but he was still just about to speak, but was interrupted again.

"Wait a moment!"

"What on earth do you want to do??" The host couldn't help it this time, and yelled out directly.

Once, twice, again and again, she has already done what she wanted, and she is still blah, blah, blah, blah.

Lin Xue couldn't help being startled when she saw the host's eyes that were about to eat people.

But for her own future, she also went all out.

Immediately said: "I applied for online voting, everyone on the scene is still invited by your program group, I don't worry!!!!"

Lin Xue, who finished speaking, sat down directly with a very strong attitude.

But there was a lot of panic in my heart.



"I'm talking to the techs now!!!"

When the host heard the unreasonable request from the other party again, he was about to get angry when he was interrupted by the chief director of the program group.

via bluetooth headset.

He said that time has passed for a long time, and the previous conditions have been agreed, and the last one is not bad.

Hearing the chief director's words, the supporter could only suppress his inner anger.

He also knows that at this time, to care about the other party is to show that he is arrogant.

Ever since, less than three minutes.

An online voting option appeared in front of more than 30 million viewers in the live broadcast room.

After the technique was completed, the host looked directly at Lin Xue, and then asked in a strange voice.

"Miss, do you have any questions? If there are no questions, I'll start!"

Lin Xue was very angry about the host's eccentric look, but she also knew that her behavior was really annoying, so she didn't dare to do anything, nodded, and agreed.

With her consent.

The host gave Lin Xue a glance with his eyes, and then said to all the audience in the camera.

"Okay, after some very unhappy things, the topic of today's show has been changed."

"The topic is "Should we pay stars astronomical prices?""

"The square player is Lin Xue."

"The opposing player is, Mr. Shen!"

I don't know if it was intentional or what, when the host called Lin Xue, he didn't add honorifics.

But when addressing Shen Fei, use the word Mr.

This tiny detail made everyone praise the host one after another.

As for Lin Xue, she gritted her teeth and watched this scene, but a voice in her heart kept telling herself, don't get angry, don't get angry.

Also, following the introduction of the host.

After changing the theme, the debate program officially started.

"Okay, let's start with our square player, Lin Xue, on stage."


There is no use to invite, and there is no respectful title. In this way, Lin Xue walked to the middle of the show stage step by step.

When standing here.

The big screen behind her updated the votes of netizens in real time.

At the beginning, her approval rate was 100%, which is the initial data.

But as soon as she came to power, the approval rating plummeted like a drop.



"twenty two%"


It didn't take even a minute for Lin Xue's approval rate to drop to about 3%.

And the remaining three percent are basically her diehard fans.

Such a frighteningly low data clearly shows the attitude of netizens towards her.

But for Lin Xue, she didn't care.

The only thing she cares about now is to take advantage of this opportunity to get the approval of her fans.

Only in this way can she be reborn from Nirvana!!!

with that in mind.

Lin Xue quickly expressed her opinion.

"In today's society, the high salary of celebrities has become a topic of controversy among countless people."

"Some people think that celebrities shouldn't have such a high salary."

"There are also people who think that stars should be paid so much."

"Here, what I want to say to everyone is that I support stars getting paid well."

"There are still five reasons for this."

"The first point is that their hard work and diligence are worth the high salary."

"Speaking of hard work, here I have to talk about the hard work of many male stars.

"For example, the Yukun boy who loves to play basketball."

"How hard did he work? Once, one of his itineraries was accidentally exposed on the Internet.

"I still remember the dense arrangement of things above."

"You have to wake up at seven in the morning."

"7:00~7:20" Simple washing.

"7:20~7:40, finish breakfast.

"7:40~8:00, get up and exercise in the morning."

"After 8 o'clock, I rushed directly to the company."

"After arriving at the company, Yu Kun will start his daily training, which lasts for two hours and doesn't end until 10:30.

"After finishing training at 10:30, I will start practicing music for an hour, singing non-stop.

"At 11:30, I started to have lunch, and then I didn't even have a break at 12:00, and I had to start learning new choreography."

"From two o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening, during these four hours, he will go to various places, or commercial performances, or participate in programs, or participate in film and television shooting, or cooperate with the company's arrangements to do some promotional things."

"Sometimes when he is busy, he doesn't start eating until eight o'clock, and after eating, he doesn't have any time to rest.

"Directly summarize the day's work, and set a schedule with the agent, and go home to rest at ten o'clock in the evening."

"But at ten o'clock, the young Yukun still dragged his tired body to go online to respond to various things and interact with fans until twelve o'clock in the morning

He can lie on the bed and start to sleep. "

"Everyone in the audience, take a look."

"For normal people, they wake up at eight o'clock every day and leave work at six o'clock in the afternoon. They only need to work eight hours a day. Except for the eight hours of sleeping, there are still eight hours that can be freely arranged. Rest if you want to rest. Just play."

"Compared to Yu Kun's efforts, why can't they get such a high salary?"

"Isn't it right to be rewarded after hard work?"

"I know that everyone in the public has a mentality of hating the rich, but for this kind of person who relies on his own efforts to earn income, why do you hate him? Why do you blame him? And why do you ask, should they Shouldn't the sky-high salary be paid?"

When Lin Xue said these words with great emotion, those who didn't know thought she was praising some great person.

But, it was her words that instantly increased the approval rate by 2%.

Even this support rate is still rising, breaking through to 6% little by little.

For a base of 30 million viewers, 1% is 300,000 people, and this first point of view has increased by 3%, that is to say, there are nearly 1 million viewers who support her statement.

This point is really terrifying.

However, the real horror is the brainless fans.

Obviously, the reason why Lin Xue was able to get the support of a million people under this situation was obviously voted by this fan named Yukun Boy.

No, in the entire live broadcast room, when countless people were angry, there were still people who started to scold Lin Xue back.

"Fuck, what is this bitch talking about???"

"I laughed? This TM is hard work? This TM is hard work? This TM is hard work???"

"I'm not kidding, don't talk about paying me millions or tens of millions of dollars, you just pay me five times... no, give me three times, I get up at six o'clock every day to work, and I don't work for fourteen More than an hour, I lose.

"Is there something wrong with this person's brain? Do you want to give her some medicine?"

"If you are sick, go to the doctor quickly, don't come here to show your illness."

At first, the people who posted the barrage were all kinds of people who sprayed Lin Xue.

But because when they scolded Lin Xue, they also brought up the stars.

Ever since, some people started to stand up and scold

"Although there is something wrong with this person named Lin Xue, there is nothing wrong with what she said. For example, our brother, who works so hard every day, makes us fans feel distressed, so why can't they Get a high salary?"

"What do you people know? Do you know how tired my brother is? Do you know how long it takes for my brother to practice a dance for us? You don't know anything, just open your mouth and come!"

"I hate this person named Lin Xue very much, but I can't deny that what she said is fine."

"That's right, why should I question my brothers' high salaries? It's not their money, I don't know why I'm jealous all day long."

"Most of the people who blamed the older brothers were dicks, they couldn't make the same amount of money as the older brothers earned in an hour in their lifetime, and then they were incompetent and furious here.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly like this young lady."

"En, I feel the same way. I also suddenly fell in love with this young lady named Lin Xue."

"Although she has some problems in front of her, but she can say this, I think she is also a sensible person, but she is a little more competitive."

The audience who were angry with Lin Xue saw the barrage of these people.

One by one almost vomited blood with anger.

Just now, he was scolding her for being shameless with everyone.

it's good now.

Directly fanned???

Not to mention being fancied, but everyone thinks what the other party said makes sense???

There is a reason???

You said that the life of a star is very hard? There is only non-stop work every day???

What the hell is the photo taken by someone else in the nightclub???

It can't be said that all the stars have avatars? One works at home and the other plays outside??


How do you know that people get up at eight o'clock in the morning, and then they will come to the company for training on time?

Are you there? Are you the mirror of the dance room???

It's just TM funny!

Just a so-called accidental itinerary was revealed like a god.

To be honest, if it really cannot be exposed, can it still appear on the Internet?

What can appear on the Internet means that people just want to show it to you.

However, it is such a simple truth that most people don't understand it.

It is simply that the three views follow the five views.

And when netizens scold each other.

With his arms around his shoulders, Tian Ye couldn't help muttering.

"Good guy, this man is too vicious!"

How do you say it?" After hearing this, Shen Fei couldn't help asking subconsciously.

"Look, even if a normal person encounters this topic, even if they are on the opposite side, they will not talk like this."

"Because if you speak like this, it will inevitably cause some ordinary people to be unhappy."

"But obviously, this person named Lin Xue has already made preparations."

"Because of the game just now, she knew that she had lost, and she no longer had the support of the audience."

"So, in this situation, anyway, you won't get the support of the people anyway, so why don't you just go all out and target the brainless fans?"

"If you can lock down a fan of the brainless person and say a lot of things that make the other party happy and make the other party feel like a confidant, then even if she loses today, she can still gain a lot of fans.

"Especially, once you utter some negligent words and things get serious, she will be the one to benefit from it.

"All the stupid fans will scold you immediately, and at the same time, they will think of someone to speak for them."

"And this person is Lin Xue."

"It can be said that this move is very vicious, directly stepping on your corpse to take the position."

Hearing Tian Ye's analysis, Shen Fei became disapproving.

If the other party is just this trick.

He is not false at all.

Seeing that Shen Fei didn't care, Tian Ye couldn't help reminding her.

"Be careful later, don't talk nonsense, just be steady.

"Don't worry!" Shen Fei didn't say much, and replied in a mature manner.

Also under the communication of two people.

Lin Xue also began to express a second point of view.

"I think the second point is that stars should have high pay."

"It is extremely difficult for them to get ahead in their careers, and they are extremely competitive. It can be said that every star who has made it to the top is very scarce.

"The so-called scarcity is the most expensive, and because of this, they should have a reasonable high salary.

"It's like, an ordinary glass bead is worthless in our modern times."

"But this glass bead, if placed in ancient times, would be invaluable."

"The same goes for celebrities."

"Let's talk about their competitiveness first. According to the art exams of all art schools in the country, there will be one million people interviewing actors for this exam every year.

"But in the end, no more than 5,000 people stand out."

"That is to say, in the process from ordinary people to actors, 99.5% are screened out.

"The remaining 5,000 people are just learning acting skills, which does not mean that he is an actor.

"Five thousand actors and performers will study for three years, and then start to enter the film and television circle."

"Horrible statistics are coming, viewers!"

"Among the 5,000 actors, after entering the film and television industry for three years, no more than five of them will be able to become famous!"

"The remaining 4,995 members were all destroyed and became obsolete products of the times!"

"Accounting for it, out of a million people, only five people can become stars, and it will take six years."

"What a horrible concept is that?"

"Five to a million chances."

"This is harder than winning the lottery!!!"

"And with such terrifying data, is it very high to give a little more salary and a little more money? Is it not worth it?"

Good guy.

When Lin Xue's words came out.

Some mature and sensible people immediately began to scold their mothers.

0...asking for flowers...

The reason for this is entirely because this man named Lin Xueren is not here to expound his views at all, but to confuse the public and talk nonsense here.

First of all, didn’t the top person in the pyramid of any industry come out of thousands of troops???

If nothing else, follow her logic.

There is no need to talk about big names, just talk about a person who scored 700 points in the final exam.

With this score, 100% entered Tsinghua University to study.

And Tsinghua Park only recruits about 3,000 people every year.

But the big exam is attended by 10 million people every year.

Ten million people participated, that is to say, the acceptance rate is only 0.3%.

Compared with the 0.5% pass rate you Lin Xue said, is the former lower?

But it is such a person who has been killed out of thousands of troops, even with his academic qualifications, after entering the society, within three years, he is only a small executive in a listed company, with an annual salary of around one million.

An annual salary of one million is already an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

How about compared to celebrities???

Nowadays, according to the salary price in the market, regardless of the third- and fourth-tier stars, they are basically not considered stars.

Let's just say second-tier stars.

How much does a second-tier star get paid for a movie?

For popular TV series, an episode is about 800,000 yuan, and a movie is about 12,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Almost, TV series, about 500,000 an episode, and a movie about 5 million.

And according to the speed of star filming.

A TV series with about 30 episodes, even if it is the leading role, can be filmed in three months, and during these three months, it does not affect the star to do various activities, commercial performances, etc.

According to one episode, it is 500,000 yuan, and 30 episodes are 15 million. In other words, the money earned by this second-tier star in three months is a top student who has been killed by thousands of horses. Fifteen years income!!!

Of course, with a salary of 15 million, not that much actually goes to the stars. After deducting taxes and fees from brokerage companies, they can probably get 5 to 6 million.

But no matter how much money a star can get, the producer actually gave out 15 million.


Calculate according to this number, according to this logic.

Then these top students should get more.

What kind of bullshit has an annual salary of one million, directly shift to an annual salary of 50 million to start, or even an annual salary of over 100 million.

But is it realistic???

Simply unrealistic.

But this unrealistic thing has become the reason Xue Lin used to explain that celebrities should be paid a high price.

Funny, really funny.

However, something even more funny came up.

Those mature and rational people just shook their heads and were speechless after hearing these words.


And those little fans of the big stars, fans, one by one, it's like discovering a new world.

They all took these words as wisdom.

"well said!!!"

"Ah, ah, this young lady is simply in love with love."

"Thank you, Miss, for explaining to our idol."

"That's right, our family's idol, out of thousands of troops, has a lower probability of becoming a star than winning the lottery, what's the matter with getting a little salary???"

"Suddenly I felt that my idol's salary was too low."

"Not only is it low, I even feel that with this salary, they can't afford to eat."

"Stop talking, I'm a fan of this young lady."

"Simply speaking my heart out, young lady!!"

After Lin Xue came up with a second point of view.

Support has changed again.






In just one minute, the support rate rose to 9% again.

In other words, there are nearly three million people supporting her at this time.

And it can be said, if it is not because of her death before.

It is estimated that after these remarks, her approval rate will reach at least 20 to 30%.

That is, nearly eight million people agreed with her words.

For this phenomenon.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but cursed.


"Some people upstairs, what kind of comments are they posting?"

"Does this sound like human speech?"

"What do you mean being too poor to eat? What do your idols eat gold? No, it's diamonds?"

"I seem to see some people who have no brains."

"If you don't plan to use your brain, please donate it to those in need!"

"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced."

"young people

What happened to the world? Do you still have the most basic three views?"

They really don't understand, don't understand why these people are like this.

When such remarks came out, not only did they not feel that there was something wrong, but they also said something one by one, and they loved it.

What is this love??

Where are these statements true???

But they don't know that this is the terrifying power of NC fans

And because of this.

It was obviously a joke that slandered the world, but it became the truth in their ears.

And this is also the main reason why the broker fought his back and broke the boat.

He bet on the irrationality of these brainless fans.

It is because their minds are not yet fully mature, so they are very easy to deceive. They only need to say good things and flatter the stars to get their approval.

Most importantly, these fans are much more valuable than ordinary fans.

Generally speaking, fans are divided into three grades.

The first gear, passerby fans.

This kind of fans belong to those who only know you and like you very much. Occasionally, when they see you, they will pay attention to you and support them, but don’t expect them to do anything.

It all depends on the mood.

The second gear, true fans.

This kind of fans are of commercial value, generally as long as their idols, endorse anything, or shoot any movies, regardless of quality, good or bad, all spend money to buy


The third gear, brain fans.

Brainless fans are the highest level of fans.

At this level of fans, she is willing to do whatever you ask her to do.

Your words are a hundred times more important than teachers, parents and friends.

As for spending money? As long as they have money in their hands, they are willing to spend it all on this star, and even borrow money.

But now, the main purpose of Lin Xue's manager asking her to say these words is to let her attract a large number of true fans, as well as a small number of brain-dead fans.

without any exaggeration.

Among the more than 30 million fans in the live broadcast room.

As long as she can attract three million true love fans and half a million brain-dead fans.

So in terms of its commercial value and personal reputation, it is more meaningful than Weibo gaining 50 million followers.


Because one can be realized, and the other is just a simple number.

There is a world of difference between the two.

In other words, one thousand fans who won't spend a dime for you, and one fan who is willing to spend money for you, which one would you choose???

Any fool knows to choose the latter.

And let's talk about Lin Xue's manager. While paying attention to Lin Xue's remarks, he also pays attention to the fans in the live broadcast room.

When I saw a series of favorable remarks for Lin Xue, coupled with her approval rating gradually rising.

The agent can be regarded as relieved.

By the way, she gave Lin Xue a slight look. Although she didn't speak, the words he wanted to say were conveyed in the eyes.

Lin Xue also noticed the look in her manager's eyes.

After seeing the supportive, encouraging and appreciative eyes, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but float up slightly.

She knew that the plan of herself and her agent had succeeded.

And because of this.

She also plans to intensify.

Remarks to follow.

She doesn't plan to use any brains, nor does she consider whether it is logical or not, right or wrong.

All thoughts are only one.

That's speaking for the stars!

Say good things for them.

Just turn yourself into a fan of all the stars.

[I beg all the readers, can you give me some flowers, thank you!].

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