Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 82 The Professor Is Dumbfounded, Is This Fourteen Years Old?

Everyone's attention was focused on the picture.

Shen Fei was obviously only sitting at the corner of the round table, but at this moment it seemed to be the core.

Seeing Muzi Li, an expert on the history of the Beacon Country, with a sneer on his face, many viewers were a little annoyed.

"This guy, why can he be so arrogant!!"

"Ah! I'm going to die of anger!"

"I'm really convinced. Why can he say that China's history is so unbearable? Isn't it true that China's history has many brilliance?"

"Hundreds of years ago, their ancestors in the lighthouse country didn't know where they were, but now they are beginning to be proficient in this regard here."

Both of them are angry.

The key is to rely on the knowledge reserves of these audiences, there is no way to argue with the professor.

This is also very often with the name of a professor or an expert, and it is easy to deceive others.

Because the life of ordinary people is already very difficult, and how can they pay so much attention to what history is not history, and many other knowledge even subconsciously feel that something is wrong.

But I won't argue with professionals.

This is the idea of ​​subconsciously following authority.

So now when almost everyone looks at Shen Fei, they feel that Shen Fei must not be able to take advantage of it.

for a while.

It is the enemy who is quick, and the relatives are painful.

Many fans of Shen Fei are worried about it.

Those who used to be fans of Xiaoxianrou, as well as many people who were jealous of Shen Fei, all started to applaud.

Even the director expressed some concerns about Shen Fei.

And he gritted his teeth against Xiaofen.

"This little fan..."

"Fortunately, I thought he was sensible just now, but now he actually invited a foreigner professor to slap Shen Fei in the face. Isn't that slapping all of us and the audience!?"

"This person is simply disgusting..."

"In the future, he must not be allowed to cooperate in our program."

But now, the director can't do anything.

There have been many temporary situations in this show.

Now if we stop because of this kind of thing again.

I'm afraid many viewers will directly scold their mothers.

We can only hope that Shen Fei can win this debate.

To be honest, he doesn't trust Shen Fei's understanding of history, he has the same opinion as everyone else, but...

In fact, he still trusts Shen Fei's ability in debating and eloquence.

"Maybe, he can make this professor speechless from aspects other than history."

"It's not that simple to purify the existence of the entertainment industry by one's own efforts."


The director turned his gaze to the screen.

Shen Fei happened to be about to speak at this moment.

Everyone turned their attention to it.

"You old professor seems to be talking about history in a clear and logical way. Don't you just want to say that China can't be regarded as a revival?"

"It's a pity that you study history, Chinese language, and how to deceive the public, but you don't know that not everyone will believe your little trick.

"Just talk about one aspect, but not the positive side, nor the whole.

"Isn't this misleading?"

These few words had a strong sense of sarcasm, but after hearing it, countless audiences reacted to what the old professor said just now.


Isn't what he said just now taken out of context?

The point is, they don't believe it.

But how did Shen Fei find out?


Under these gunpowder-flavored words, everyone's attention was shifted to the topic in front of them. Although they didn't have a special understanding of Shen Fei's historical level, they were already a little curious.

This is obviously a good start.

As for the old professor, he couldn't find a chance to interrupt at all. He sat on the seat and looked at Xiaofan's eyes. He just searched his hands but didn't say anything.

"First of all, it's Qin Chao. I don't want to talk about those details."

"The so-called dynasties and dynasties, even the Lighthouse Kingdom, can it be said that their history can not take blood?"

Shen Fei's words were simply murderous.

You said that our Qin Dynasty was brutal, that’s fine, let me ask you, where is your lighthouse country?

The professor turned pale.

"We are peace-loving!"

At that time, guests from other countries almost laughed.

But fortunately hold back.

But this is not the case in the barrage.

Everyone knows the virtues of the Beacon Country!! On the surface, it talks about peace, but what it actually does is simply... huh.

However, Shen Fei didn't bother with this point.

Keep talking.

"The Qin Dynasty ruled the world, cleared the Liuhe, and established the first unified dynasty. This is to allow us to wait for the land of Huaxia to truly have the name Huaxia. y

"At this time, other civilizations in the world that are also ancient civilizations are either in the midst of war, or are at the beginning of decline."

"And Qin is the overlord, Qin also!

After the words fell, everyone seemed to have the impression that a powerful overlord of the Qin Dynasty appeared in the eyes of everyone, with a huge territory, and the mention of the name of the entire dynasty would make people tremble three times.

And inside the barrage.

Many viewers who do not believe that Shen Fei has a historical level gradually began to have some curiosity and enthusiasm for Shen Fei.

"I am a history teacher in a junior college. Although what Shen Fei said is somewhat general, it is easier to understand and is true!"

"I'm a first-line archaeologist. To be honest, I don't target that professor, but what Shen Fei said is obviously much more appropriate!"

"Damn Shen Fei is amazing! I'm crying for this terrible professor!"

The wind direction of the barrage has changed slightly.

At this time, Shen Fei's statement is still going on.

His voice was not very passionate, it just sounded deep, like a seasoned storyteller.

The things that can be told give people a sense of substitution, but the sense of resonance is extremely powerful.

"Let's talk about the Han Dynasty."

"During the Han Dynasty, our Huaxia was strong and reached a peak period!"

"The whole of China has been a very rich and fertile land during the historical period. Countless foreigners are looking at this land, wanting to get a piece of it, or even directly become its owner."

"However, in the Han Dynasty, there were such a few words.

"Whoever commits a strong man will be punished even if he is far away......

"Wherever the sun and the moon shine, and where the rivers and rivers flow, are all Han soil..."

"Also, the Han army is coming, don't dare to move, move, and destroy the country!"

Shen Fei stated it word by word.

Professor Li who was sitting opposite listened, his face turned blue and red. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't refute it.

After all, these few words were actually extracted from the history books by others.

"The entire Han Dynasty, until the end of the period, was never contaminated by any foreign race, and it was even more powerful, and it also played the name of Han people and Han soil in the whole world."

"It is strong, strong man!"

strong man!

"As well as the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it was truly achieved by bringing all dynasties to the country. The Chinese language at that time was just like the current English, and all countries must learn it."

"Fu Song's gdp has reached the highest ever..."

"And Na Gangming, even if there are infinite difficulties, he has never bowed his head to the outside world, no land, no compensation, no vassal, no marriage, no tribute, the emperor guards the country, the king dies!!"

"Chinese Civilization, Early Xia, Strong Shang, Li Zhou, Ba Qin, Strong Han, Abandoned Jin, Xiong Sui, Prosperous Tang, Fu Song, Gang Ming..."

"Which one is not based on the top of the world?!"

"I, Huaxia, should be like this. Let's admit the mistakes of the predecessors!"

"A hundred years behind, so we opened the back room.

"Now Huaxia can gain a foothold in the world again."

"It's not that we're just born, it's not that we're rising."

"Instead, we Chinese people are all working hard for the revival of China, but the pace of our return is getting closer and closer!!"

What Shen Fei said at this time.

Every sentence makes countless audiences poke at different points.

Constantly being shocked.

From the beginning, everyone wanted to hate the professor, but gradually turned into pride.

Proud that we have this history.

We have such a motherland.

And, we are already revived, at the moment when the giant dragon in Xiongshi wakes up.

Such a powerful, Chinese people, the history of China will not be oppressed, and will not be changed indiscriminately!


When Professor Muzi Li was about to say something.

Several young people from other countries around got up and stood beside Shen Fei.

"Shen Fei, you are so amazing! How do you know so much about these thousands of years of history?!"

"I'm a hobby..."

"Huaxia, it really has a long history, listening to it makes my blood boil!"

"No wonder you were able to skip a grade and enter the Tsinghua University. This knowledge reserve is simply amazing!"

"Professor, don't be discouraged, Shen Fei just said a different direction from yours, it doesn't mean you are wrong!"

"Shen Fei, I've actually watched your show before, sign me up!"

For a while the sound was noisy.

Watch the vibe.

Even the people in the barrage in the live broadcast room who ignorantly support the authority and think that Professor Li is right.

Including the fans of Professor Muzi Li's official account, they don't know where to start.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Shen Fei said...

On the contrary, if they continue to argue like this, they will become very uncomfortable.

And when Professor Li got up and wanted to say something, he was suddenly stunned, and suddenly looked down at his mobile phone.

Got a call?

He quickly picked up the phone and walked outside.

Although he is in a rage now.

But he didn't dare not answer this call at all.

Although there are many small Jiujiu hidden in my heart, I want to subtly change many Chinese people's perception of history.

But on the surface, after all, he is an old man who has been studying in China for more than ten years.

Especially in Tsinghua Garden.

His teacher, no one else.

It is Professor Wang!

Professor Wang is good at Chinese literature.

At that time, he was also an apprentice, but later found that Muzi Li was not normal, even if he didn't have a deep teaching, he also studied history under the hands of others.

He is still a professor until now, but the official account and video account he opened have also been secretly scolded by countless people in the industry.

This kind of guy who eats inside and out is simply disgusting.

no matter what.

Although Professor Wang does not regard Muzi Li as his real apprentice.

But Muzi Li didn't dare not answer the teacher's call.

"Old, teacher!"

"Don't call me teacher!"

A loud shout came from the microphone, and Muzi Li was taken aback.

"Teacher...you, what do you want?"

He is also a little guilty.

But there is still a hidden

A little bit of luck.

Thinking about what if the teacher didn't see his current show.

Maybe, there is still a little chance of saving.

And in the next second, the other side directly shattered all his illusions.

"`~Shut up!!"

"You tell me, what kind of short video you are in, and what kind of historical video you post is fine...

"What you are talking about one by one, what you mean, you know in your heart, I don't care... It's because you haven't touched the bottom line yet."

"Now, what are you talking about in domestic and foreign talks?!"

"Is it because Shen Fei is young and doesn't have a degree, so you have to say that everything he said is false?"

"Aren't what he said are all real history?!"

"Hurry up, don't be ashamed, get off the show!!"

After hearing such violence, even though Professor Muzi Li is now in his forties, he still has a dull expression on his face.

No matter what kind of small thoughts he has in his mind, after all, he has studied in Huaxia for more than ten years, and the idea of ​​respecting teachers and teachings is all buried in his mind and cannot be forgotten.

Especially for Professor Wang.

Professor Wang is his most respected teacher, and he immediately panicked!

And the little fans in the program group.

He didn't know about it at all, so he was a little confused.

I feel that what Shen Fei said just now seems to be no problem.

But this made him even more angry!

I was stunned by Shen Fei just now, and I was suffocating, thinking that after the professor came, there would be a reversal.

In the end, the professor just went out?!

"No, this time, it's a rare opportunity, the professor can take advantage of it!"

"Including the Zombie account, his account only has more than three million fans."

"Since Shen Fei's show, the number of real-time online viewers has exceeded a few million, and it's approaching tens of millions. This kind of popular live broadcast, whether it's for himself,

Or to avoid being scolded for making videos in the future, it is impossible to run away directly. "

After thinking about it, Xiaofen actually thought of it by herself, thinking that Professor Muzi Li will definitely come back later.

At this time, he stood up and started talking.

"Hehe, how convincing are these simple histories??"

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a little confused.

How dare you call Shen Fei now??

"How dare I rely on him?!"

"Damn, at first I thought he was a normal person, and he even called a professor of history, hehe, now (good Zhao Hao) I looked at it, and it turned out that he was also a professor of miscellaneous hair.

The body is not a good thing either!"

"Hehe, I'm really convinced. Hey, Shen Fei's history is simple, isn't it complicated, and he can't understand it?"

"No, he still regards that professor as a savior?"


Suddenly, many history lovers, as well as many professional archaeologists and students of professional history emerged.

These people immediately began to count all kinds of ulterior motives about this Muzi Professor Li.

And when Xiaofen was about to yell.

The host outside the venue spoke directly.

"I'm sorry, the professor we invited, Professor Li, has some temporary matters and cannot continue to participate in the program.

"Guests, please continue, Zizizi——"

When the voice fell, Xiaofen was stunned.

With a gloomy face, he was holding back words at the time.

That expression almost made the audience laugh.

In the next second, Xiaofen got up directly, "Well, I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, what exactly is it?"

The little girl Su Sisi, who had been keeping her composure all this time, asked with a vicious tongue.

Now, Xiaofen was stunned.

The complexion is blue and green.

"I, I have hemorrhoids, I need to go to the hospital for a follow-up visit!!"


This time, everyone laughed!

And then.

All the other guests stared in awe at Shen Fei.

These people knew in an instant that the next step was to blow Huaxia.


Can't be brainless.

All you have to say with your head is the truth!!

Of course, it didn't take long for Shen Fei to give a slightly approving look. After they talked, Shen Fei was speechless.

All of them... really don't know much about Huaxia.

What is this all about?

Speechless, Shen Fei knocked on the table.

clang clang!

"What you boasted is outrageous..."

Everyone is dumbfounded.

In the next second, the bullet screen floated over———Then the microphone is for you [You come to light?].

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