Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 83 Professor, What Are You Running?

"Tsk tsk tsk, so what the hell is the professor doing? I'm afraid he was scared away?"

"Terrible! Wasn't it clear and logical when we took stock of history just now, why is it that people just ran away now?"

"I guess, there must be something wrong with the professor, didn't you see what the host said?"

"Pfft, I know, he must have suffered from hemorrhoids too! Just like someone who just walked away in despair.

There was laughter on the barrage for a while.

Although she couldn't figure out the reason why Shen Fei did just now, but listening to the inventory of history, it showed that Huaxia was rejuvenating, not rising.

A little emotional.

But, this is just the feeling of some people.

After all, although Shen Fei said what he wanted to express in plain and easy-to-understand words, the simpler the words, the less professional information can be contained in them.

Although Shen Fei knows some history, it still takes a lot of time and effort to explain it thoroughly now.

The essence of this program is not a historical inventory program, so Shen Fei will not do it.


There is a consequence.

Countless viewers began to question Shen Fei at this time.

"Um, why do I feel that Shen Fei didn't speak very convincingly this time?"

"Yeah, the professor's departure, although it has increased the authenticity of many things Shen Fei said, but the key. We still haven't gained any understanding.

"I am a history teacher, and I can guarantee that what Shen Fei said is basically the same. However, he did not give a convincing explanation."


It is a relatively neutral audience.

Their words are relatively mild and not that aggressive. It can be said that people who see them will think about it.

However, the audience seems to avoid it.

Of course not everyone is so sensible.


Sensible people are quite a minority!!

This has led to a very large number of people starting to question Shen Fei!!

"How many words at the age of fourteen, a person who jumped a grade by relying on connections, is still here to talk about history?"

"It's the truth upstairs!! If it's not related, hehe, how could other professors leave without saying a word?"

"Bullies! Evil people!! This is obviously bullying our little fans!"

"No one really thinks that the history Shen Fei said is true?"

"Don't you usually talk about rising? Have you ever seen someone say the word revival???"

"Yes, although our history is strong, it is not always the same!! Those feudalisms are still very bad!"

A lot of people.

They all speculated in the most extreme way, and left various malicious statements on the barrage.

to be honest.

Some people's guesses are still wrong.

Needless to say, that Muzi Professor Li's departure was not because of how reasonable Shen Fei said, in fact, "The 720 that Shen Fei said is indeed no problem.

But if there is no call from Professor Wang, he may have to stay on the scene and continue to argue.

These audiences will also be confused, not sure what is going on.

Professor Wang's phone call was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Let him leave the scene disheartened.

And in this case.

After seeing these remarks in the background of the live broadcast room.

Especially after there are not a few remarks that have begun to question the program group.

The director team was a little flustered.

Hurry to inform the director.

"Director, Yulun is not very optimistic about our program now.

"Xiaofen's departure this time may have some bad influence."

"Are we going to bring him back?"

The director frowned after hearing this sentence.

After looking at the screen.

Thinking in my heart.

to be honest.

He could also see that Shen Fei himself didn't have much opinion of Xiao Fan, but Shen Fei scoffed at the kind of mindless remarks that praised China.

But Xiaofen's original understanding of China ended in poor Chinese.

If Xiaofen is allowed to come back again, the atmosphere on the scene will be even more depressing, and the fishing boat will not get better because of it.

In this way, rather than letting Xiaofan come back, it is better to start changing the script in the next issue.

Try to avoid things that are more deliberate and unrealistic.

As for the rest.

He can't control it, he can't control it!

Helplessly looking at the screen.

At this time, everyone based on the development of this topic.

Many foreign guests quickly avoided Huaxia.

Afraid of making another mistake because of their ignorance, Shen Fei would say something.

One by one, they all started from their respective hometowns.

For example, in this issue, there are no guests from the country of Googly, and several foreigners started to discuss the recent development of Googoo under this condition.

After all, many people know that the country is in the international arena, and they are very proud. Every day they preach that they are catching up with the Premier League, saying that they are the world's largest country and so on.

In the discussion of these people, it cannot be said how objective it is.

The meaning of ridicule is more intense.

While the program was in progress, the barrage was in the midst of crazy and fierce quarrels.

the other side.

University of Tsinghua Park.

Some professors are also watching this program.

The main reason why they pay attention to this program where young people chat with each other is because of the existence of Shen Fei.

After all, Shen Fei, a kid who skipped a grade and entered Tsinghua University at the age of fourteen, made them all pay great attention and care.

Among these few professors, Professor Wang can only be regarded as an ordinary one.

Several other people (aedi) are also more capable than the other, and more famous than the other.

If the titles of these people in the academic world were shown to outsiders, they would be shocked to drop three big teeth!

At this time, although their eyes were watching the program, what they were discussing was completely different things.

"Shi Xia, Lie Shang, Li Zhou, Overlord Qin, Strong Han, Abandoned Jin, Xiong Sui, Prosperous Tang, Fu Song, Gang Ming, hehe, what this kid didn't mention, those dynasties should be clear to everyone .”

"Of course it is clear, but the point is not here, but the dynasties he mentioned, all of which represent Chinese orthodoxy. As for the dynasty that is close to modern times and controlled by the old witch, it is indeed a shame not to mention it!"

"Hmmm... Looking at it this way, it's not impossible to say that Huaxia has always been strong.

"It's just that if you want to prove it, you need a lot of literature research, professional archaeology, and a lot of first-line materials."

"Tsk tsk tsk, kid Shen Fei,"

The last sentence, the voice of exclamation was said by Professor Wang.

The reason why he made such an exclamation sound.

Naturally, it was also because of Shen Fei's statement.

It is entirely because, at this age, he has an extremely strong sense of national identity, historical identity, and national identity!

Under such circumstances, they will care about all the unfair compliments from others.

Be careful with every little detail.

It can be said.

He said that he himself is interested in the history of China.

All professors don't deny it!

And when you see the present.

They also felt it suddenly.

One of the professors who is a history expert has participated in hundreds of books on Chinese history in the world.

in this case.

He directly used his official account to write an article.

Beginning Xia, Lie Shang, Li Zhou, Ba Qin, Qiang Han, Abandoned Jin, Xiong Sui, Prosperous Tang, Fu Song, Gang Ming.

China in modern times is gradually prospering... Is it rising or revival?

Such an article.

It can be said that the off-site provided Shen Fei with very rigorous information.

In the article, there is no entanglement in the rise or revival of the title.

Instead, it made an inventory of these dynasties in history one by one.

The power of words, it seems that people can see an old man sitting in front of the desk with his body bowed, typing on the keyboard, and the content in the article is not words.

But it is the mountains and rivers, the mountains and rivers of China, and the strength of civilizations in the past dynasties!

At the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, the axe, the hook and the fork.

From Shang Zhou to Qin.

The terracotta warriors seem to appear in front of them, and the crystal drives the coffin and inspects their homeland.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty beheaded the foreigners on the battlefield, and burst out saying that the Han soldiers are coming, don’t dare to move, move, and destroy the country!’

So domineering and powerful.

Then came the ups and downs of the Jin Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty's perseverance was the top of the world, and the Tang Dynasty let all nations come to court!

Wealthy and strong like the Song Dynasty, as strong as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty guarding the gate of the country, and the king died in the country, that heroic and tragic atmosphere.

It seems to be able to spread out through the screen!

This article.

There was no disturbance at all.


Because of Shen Fei's participation in the domestic and foreign talks program, as well as some of Shen Fei's remarks, it caused a huge disturbance, and countless viewers were crazily standing in line to criticize each other.

"Hehe, with the strength of half a bucket of water, I'm afraid Shen Fei can't understand these histories at all!"

"No one really thinks that the professor is afraid of him?"

"I support Professor Li!!!"

Professor Li is inexplicable.

Everyone left the show.

It was still set up by countless people as a target, standing on the opposite side of Shen Fei.

As if he was the only authority.

These people also feel that Huaxia is not worthy of revival at all.

I feel that history is all dross.

At this moment.

A line of words suddenly appeared on the barrage.

"The Rituals of Zhou laid the foundation for the millennium rituals of China. Qin Xiong was the head of the seven kingdoms, and it was the beginning of a unified dynasty. And in later generations, the strong Han, prosperous Tang, rich Song, and just Ming are all worthy of praise."

After this line of words floated past.

Many viewers still sneered at it as always.

"Hehe, Huaxia etiquette, do you think who still abides by it now?"

"A unified dynasty, isn't it also a feudal empire? What's there to brag about!"

"It's just dawning, hehe, I'm too embarrassed to say anything about the things about the Ming Dynasty!"

One by one is all kinds of complaints.

Perhaps it was also because of the program content in the live broadcast room that it was never possible to interact with them at all.

at this time.

These people also directly began to shift the target of the fire center.

He started to spout crazily at the person who sent out the barrage.

All kinds of wild spray!!

And the master behind this bullet screen, the old professor who is familiar with history, his face turned blue at that time, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Lao Li, Lao Li? Don't be angry!!"

"You don't need to pay attention to these people!"

"Hey, tell me, what are you doing with their general knowledge?"

The old professor flung down his sleeves.

The expression is still not particularly good.


"I thought that they really wanted to know the history because they were so quarrelsome, so they just wanted to scold the history of China?"

"Old man go up

If you explain it, it turns out that even I want to scold you!"

The next student who followed was a little ashamed.

There is no other way.

If you don't reveal your name, who knows who you are!

These days.

People don't look at the facts, they only look at what they believe and what they want to believe.

Since they had already decided when they were arguing, they were looking at it from the perspective of thinking that China's past history was dross.

Then, any discourse that looks like an explanation will be considered sophistry by them.

Even directly branding some brands, directly pronouncing the verdict and spraying directly!

Unless he reveals his identity as a genuine old professor.

This is not because they recognized the old professor's knowledge.

It's because these people have always believed in the professor's various researches, precepts and deeds, and feel that what the professor said is correct.

Although in recent years some fake experts have made many people open their eyes.

But this word still carries a high degree of credibility.

in this case.

The old professor's students also felt that if the old professor didn't show his identity, there would be absolutely no chance to change the audience in the barrage and find a way.

But then.

"Well, the sentence just now looks familiar... I feel like I've seen it before!"

"I see. Didn't this sentence come from a new paper published by Mr. Li, an old professor in our country!!"

"Fuck, do you know who you're spraying!?"

"It is said that Shen Fei is fourteen years old, then you should know that the words you sprayed just now come from the history you know in your worldview, and it was written by ten of those who wrote the books.

Table view!!”

"If someone goes to the Yanjing Museum to see it, the old dean there is even this gentleman's apprentice, hehehe, I have to say that this year's netizens are getting more and more discerning

, feel that their historical knowledge reserves can already challenge this kind of authority!"

I see more and more words like this.

The college students beside the old professor were also a little dazed.

And those viewers who didn't want to believe anything and only wanted to deny Shen Fei in the barrage in the live broadcast room were a little dazed for a while.

Just when I wanted to say something more.

However, there are more bullet screens like this popping up.

If only someone could see the faculty offices at major colleges and universities.

It is to be able to see these teachers and these history lovers who have their own knowledge of history.

All of them are expressing their own opinions, expressing their own opinions, and displaying their anger wantonly.

Anger at these ignorant and unwilling to believe that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!

"Hehe, isn't this sentence no different from what Shen Fei said?"

"Are you going to say that Shen Fei is already comparable to this old professor?"

When such a happy message is sent out

These rational people who have really studied history were instantly speechless.

These people don't study history by themselves, but others have ulterior motives to love, to understand, to care about each other, and to be true to themselves and understand history.

They even shouted that it was impossible??

The old professor was standing in front of the screen, looking at Shen Fei who was sitting still in the screen.

"This kid, among other things, I can tell from the seriousness in his brows and eyes that he is not ambiguous when it comes to history!"

"So, do you think he really learned the content of these history by himself?"

"Hahaha, this is not impossible, is it?"

"Why can people believe that a child can write prose poems like Haiyan, but can't accept that he also loves history, learns history, and is proficient in it?"

The old professor shook his head.

Maybe many people don't believe it.

But he himself knew it.

Although it cannot be said that he himself is such a person.

But, there are some people.

They usually learn things, once they sink into it, they will put all their thoughts into it in a short period of one year, two years, or three years.

During this time, no one may know him.

But when they finished their studies, they discovered that this kind of depth, this kind of cognition, and this kind of proficiency are almost the same as those masters who have studied for more than ten years!!

Not a genius.


fully get involved!!

in this way.

The old professor admired Shen Fei watching TV.

The more you look, the more you appreciate it!

When he got to the back, he pushed Professor Wang directly, as if he was a little unhappy.

"Old King."

"You bastard."

"It's really silent, taking such a good little doll as my disciple.

"Tut tut."

Hearing the attitude of the old professor.

How could Professor Wang not know what the old professor was thinking?

This guy is envious!

My own disciple is very competitive.

With the occurrence of these professionals, there are not many people in the barrage to continue to spray Shen Fei.

They don't dare anymore...

At this time, these foreigners finally finished what they could say.

All the countries that can boast are exhausted, and there is only one left.

At this point, even the director became a little nervous.

Staring at the screen, he swallowed.

"Hey, there shouldn't be any big problems with the rest of the manuscript, right?"

"Isn't it just to praise Huaxia? These people are so familiar, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

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