Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 84: It Is Because Of Shortcomings That We Can Develop

Chapter 84 It is precisely because of deficiencies that it can develop

The footage broadcast live in the studio.

The atmosphere is a little more subtle.

In fact, everyone was slightly looking at Shen Fei's face.

They were not sure what Shen Fei would say next.

"When we were discussing our own country just now, Shen Fei also made a conversation, and it didn't sound like a big deal...

"Well, actually, Shen Fei isn't that scary, he's quite kind, but Xiaofan insists on ganging up on him.

"Recall that when Shen Fei talked to Xiaofan just now, his attitude was not very good at the beginning, isn't it because Xiaofan said exactly according to the words on the book!"

In fact.

What they didn't think about was.

What Shen Fei wants is this dismount~ prestige.

He personally feels that there is nothing wrong with these foreigners expressing their views on Huaxia.

It is also what all audiences want to see.


If you are like a little fan, you just follow the inscription given by the crew on the show.

Then it doesn't make any sense.

On the contrary, it exposed the ignorance of our own people! Therefore, it seemed that Shen Fei was harsh on fans at the beginning, but in fact, he used actions to change the progress of the entire program.

Didn't see that these foreigners don't look at the question words anymore.

Instead, he began to think with his own brains.

In the end there was a foreigner, the three Lai of Rising Sun Country.

This slightly sissy man, who puts on makeup every day and raises his orchid fingers from time to time, is somehow the most swollen among so many people.

He spoke first.

"I think."

"China's development is very good."

"I know this point from when I was a child to the present!"

"Although I don't have many memories of my childhood, at that time, I remember most of the electrical appliances in the house, including TVs, game consoles, and pagers, and many other things."

"Most of them are from countries other than China."

"And now, you see, many of the things we use in our daily life are from China!"

"Like rice, the current smart home is also very good!"

After the three Lai spoke first.

All foreigners seem to have found their backbone.

Even the few people who were not so friendly to San Zhilai before, they all cast a grateful look at this time.

Then hurriedly followed this statement and continued to extend down.

"Yeah, I was in our country a few months ago, looking around in the store, most of the products are made in China!"

"Made in China, now it has become a big manufacturing country like Deyizhi Crafts, which was widely spread by word of mouth decades ago!"

"This point is indeed very powerful, and it is the environment of the entire country and the common progress of various industries.

"Rare, rare!"

Everyone opened their mouths.

in this case.

The director in the studio also temporarily added some fancy special effects.

What it shows is the harmonious and very friendly atmosphere of these people.

It means that these people are indeed praising Huaxia from the bottom of their hearts.

It was even specially enlarged on the neckline of the clothes in someone's hand, huh, it was indeed made in China!

"In this point, what they said is absolutely correct!"

"Yeah, many years ago, we heard our parents say how good other countries are, how advanced their products are, and how high-quality they are. Now, most of the things we see are made by us in China!!"


"Haha! These people like Huaxia very much, and all the things they use are from Huaxia!"

in this case.

There is even a foreigner.

Xiao Lei directly raised his hand and said.

"Look! I usually use the Huali mobile phone, and Amway and my family only use the Huali mobile phone!"

"It's not for anything else, the main reason is that the quality and the operation of the system are good!"

"It's slightly easier to use than the four-star and fruit phones in the universe country next door."

The rustle next to him directly followed and echoed.

"Yes, this is China's progress, we can see it with our naked eyes.

People like to hear compliments.

Especially 2, the voice of sincere praise.

After they finished speaking, they all looked in Shen Fei's direction very carefully.

I hope my statement did not cause Shen Fei to correct me.

Then I found that Shen Fei really didn't have any superfluous expressions, and even nodded slightly to several people.

This time, it restored the self-confidence of these trembling foreigners.

See such a situation.

The director also understood Shen Fei's intentions.

It is true that this is more true, and praise from the heart is more true.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has also gradually stabilized. It is not as exaggerated as eight or nine million, but it is still maintained at close to eight million.

But the discussion on the barrage became more heated because of the true statements of these foreigners.

Everyone on the barrage seemed extremely proud.

"Haha, our Huaxia's progress over the years is indeed in our eyes!"

"Huaxia, rich and powerful!"

"No problem, I am the manager of the mobile phone product department that specializes in exporting. What many people don't know is that our country's mobile phones have really been sold all over the world and are very popular!!"

All of a sudden.

The whole atmosphere is activated.

Even for a while, many foreigners followed the example of Shasha, saying that they were using Huaxia brand mobile phones.

Every time someone speaks,

There will also be praises from fans of these people floating on the barrage.

It's just that the director is watching in the background.

It always feels like there is something wrong with everything in front of me.

It seems that the effect Shen Fei wants to achieve seems to be different from what he imagined at the beginning!

Xiaolei is at this time because the venue is hot, and everyone's atmosphere is good.

Started to continue talking.

Continue to take the lead and speak.

"Then I lived in China for 5 years."

"So, I think I have a certain understanding of Huaxia!"

"Back then, I came to Huaxia in a few years."

"In Yanjing, the people I saw were in a completely different state from my own country.

"So what's it like?"

After hearing Xiao Lei's words.

Su Sisi, who was sitting next to Shen Fei, asked.

Then several people looked at each other.

As foreigners who came to China to live and develop, it can be said that they encountered similar circles.

Reminiscing about things and experiences I encountered.

Start to elaborate.

"When I first came to Huaxia, I was a bit at a loss."

"To be honest, after all, we have come to a new environment, especially in a big country like China.

"I have a feeling of trepidation in my whole heart."

Hearing this, many people in the live barrage said that they had empathy.

"What he said should be from the heart. When I went abroad, I felt a little out of touch."

"Hey, to be honest, if you can live in a foreign country for several years, you should have a lot of feelings. Let's just listen quietly to what he has to say."

"Yes! Although we feel that China is developing, others may not think so. Some of them are from developed countries!"

In this way, many viewers began to watch Xiao Lei's statement very seriously.

It's just that some people always feel that something is not right from the beginning.

But I still can't find where that subtle feeling comes from, so I can only continue watching.

In the screen, Xiao Lei continued to speak.

"It's just that I soon discovered that Huaxia's brothers are all good brothers!"

"We went out for swimming, fitness, skiing, and skateboarding together. Later, I found out that they also like hip-hop and American dramas. To be honest, after getting in touch with each other for a while."

"I think the people of Huaxia are rich."


"Everyone was filled with happy smiles."

"Diversification of preferences, should this be true freedom?"

When he finished speaking, everyone nodded.

At the scene, these foreigners all burst into intense applause.

clap clap clap!

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was instantly filled with all kinds of praise from everyone.

"Well said!"

"We Huaxia are happy, prosperous and strong!"

"This is Huaxia friend!"


Some people have noticed.

Doesn't this refer to the state of development of the country?

Why, although this guy did say some opinions based on his own viewing angle.


It's not all about kneeling and licking.

All kinds of mindless pursuit and blowing??

Didn't you say before that China's happiness index is countless times lower than that of the Lighthouse Country...

After these people discovered something was wrong.

At that time, I expressed my views on the barrage.

"These foreigners, alas, say what they say from the bottom of their hearts, but isn't that still just bragging..."

"It sounds weird to me, I don't have time to swim, I don't skateboard, I don't dance hip-hop to get fit...to be honest, it's really expensive.

"But can I not represent the current Huaxia people? Or just kick me out of the range??"

These people just opened their mouths.

Immediately, someone came over and yelled at them.

"Hehe, you don't usually get in touch with these foreigners? What the foreigner said is no problem, what he sees is like this!"

"Could someone use their own poverty as a moral kidnapping? No way, no way, we are indeed getting richer and stronger!"

"If you're not happy, get out, and if someone says a few nice words, you still insist on gaining a sense of presence here. It's absolutely insane!"

Instantly scolded.

I also have to say that netizens don't pursue this or that.

But once you hear scolding, you can pick it up, and you have to join in the fun.

Even if you don't participate, you still have to stare at the side.

And this time.

As a result, the entire bullet screen is full of discussions about this matter.

That is.

Are those people who are out of reach of these foreigners not considered Huaxia?

Haven't they developed, changed, and contributed to China's progress??

under this heated debate.

The director at the scene also noticed that something was wrong.

But after seeing the specific reason, he immediately scoffed.

"Leave them alone."

"There is nothing wrong with what other foreigners say."

But immediately the director thoughtfully locked the camera on Shen Fei.

The other foreigners also cast their gazes over.

All of them are full of superficial smiles.

But in fact, the eyes are very cautious

That expression almost made some of the audience laugh.

Immediately, under this atmosphere, Shen Fei spoke.

"The topic this time is about the development of the country, and now we are discussing the development of China.

0…ask for flowers……………

"I, as well as Su Sisi, two fellow countrymen, of course want to say something.

After Su Sisi heard Shen Fei's words, she blinked and was instantly stunned.

Turning his head to look over, he pointed to himself, and then to Shen Fei.

It seems to be saying.


But Shen Fei just smiled.

Su Sisi was also a little helpless.

But now that she is on the show after all, she can't say anything even if she can't be slapped in the face by the camera.


I have to say that she did graduate from Beijing Film Academy.

At this point he smiled.

"What Xiaolei said is still very good."

"It's just that our Huaxia is multi-faceted after all, with a vast territory and a huge population.

"In all aspects, there are actually many commendable parts."

"It's like the mobile phones, commodities, and technologies that everyone mentioned just now..."

"In fact, our country has made great progress in terms of economy, scientific research, and basic manufacturing.

"Well said!"

Xiao Lei took the lead in applauding first.

The other people were also booing beside them.

There were also a lot of praises for Su Sisi in the live broadcast room.


These compliments are a bit difficult for Su Sisi.

Because, when she gave Shen Fei's speech, she had already paid close attention to Shen Fei.

For her, Shen Fei's many detailed expressions can give her some small inferences.

"Shen Fei is such a genius, when he gave a speech before, when he showed his expression, he did it on purpose."

"But most of the time, he is indifferent. I can clearly see that when he was outside at the beginning, he really didn't like these foreign Jiajians very much.

"Maybe it's because people like them are so used to bragging."

"Maybe it's because of the script of this show."

"But after he came in, he didn't show any expressions or emotions to anyone except Xiaofen."

"Up to now, it has encouraged me to speak up."

"He must have something on his mind!"

Su Sisi was contemplative.

And when she was applauded after she finished speaking, she was not at all happy. Instead, she stared at Shen Fei non-stop, and at the same time she was still thinking about it.

The old professor and others who were watching the live broadcast laughed at this moment.

"This girl is quite smart."

"Shen Fei, she is indeed asked to speak, but it does not mean that she agrees with what she said.

"Hehe, according to Shen Fei's character, it is impossible for him to accept these people's one-sided and untrue views.

"Although people's viewpoints are bound to be incomplete."

"But these foreigners are either flattering in areas where China is far from leading, or they are trying to cause disputes between the rich and the poor in some strange directions.

The professor spoke.

The students next to me feel as if they have learned something!

They continued to cast their eyes on the screen.

Now that all the audience is staring.

Everyone felt that Shen Fei couldn't say anything useful at this moment.

These people feel that there is nothing wrong with what the foreigners say.

But Shen Fei knew.

The person who said it turned into a mobile phone has always been using a fruit phone in private.

The person who said that Huaxia is rich and happy has never had any contact with any bottom and middle people.

What they see, what they say.

It's all superficial stuff.

No matter what they think or express.

But Shen Fei needs them to say this.

"Huaxia, in fact, is not as good as everyone said."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was stunned for an instant.

Shen Fei's words...

What means?!

"Until five years ago, there were tens of millions of people in our country who couldn't afford to eat, and even white rice and flour were regarded as treasures."

"Until now, we still have countless people who don't use the Huaxia high-end mobile phones you mentioned, but can only use those miscellaneous brands."

"You know the prosperity of Yanjing, but you don't know the tranquility and backwardness of the small county."

"Is our Huaxia doing well?"

Shen Fei's rhetorical question immediately stopped everyone.

is it good

to be honest.


But insisting that like these foreigners boast, everyone is rich and everyone is happy.

It seems that this is not the case!

At least the life they said, fitness, swimming, eating, drinking and having fun, ordinary people simply don't have such leisure.

"We are a developing country...."

"This, in the first place, shows that we still have a lot to work on."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, everyone applauded.

Then, Shen Fei slapped the table violently, interrupting the applause.


"I'm going to say more than that."


All eyes are fixed on over.

Where is everything good in Huaxia?

of course not!

Quite the contrary, because there are many deficiencies.

Look at those mountain villages, even if they are in the wilderness, there are only a dozen villages, but the country still wants to connect them to the power grid.

How big of a project is this?

This is the determination, strength, and pace of development of the country.


That's why everyone's efforts are needed.

As for everyone, it is not because everyone is rich and rich that they are happy.

But because there is a head, knowing that the future is bright, is happiness!.

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