Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 94: Eagle World Core? What Nonsense!

"What is Shen Fei doing?"

"Um... is he putting something in the bag??"

"It seems that they are all books on the shelf,"

After seeing this scene, many viewers were instantly a little dumbfounded.

A second ago, these audiences were still crazily spraying each other.

And now, Shen Fei suddenly began to put a book into a schoolbag and get down from the bookshelf inside.

Put it in the backpack.

Moreover, someone carefully heard his muttering to himself.

"This one is the last semester textbook of Chinese.

"This book is a volume of Chinese test questions."

"This book is a Chinese typo book,"

"This book is a wrong book for Chinese."

"This one is about mathematics..."

to the back.

Everyone watched as Shen Fei filled the entire backpack to the brim and bulged.

This image is completely different from the students in the TV dramas that everyone watched, carrying light schoolbags. It doesn't feel cute anymore.

Instead, he looked at the half-grown child in front of him, lifted it up with difficulty, put it on his back, and obviously fell down, almost bringing him down.

Many people were slightly silent.

"Children's schoolbags...."

"Too heavy."

"Hey, there's nothing you can do about it, who didn't come here like this?"

"Yes! Don't we have to show such a serious attitude towards these important knowledge? It's just that the children are too young to know, so we need schools and teachers to force them to understand the importance of these things. !"

After saying this sentence.

Everyone instantly nodded in agreement.


Everyone thinks this is normal.

And some people thought of what Shen Fei said just now.

Suddenly there is a feeling of trance.

Shen Fei just now.......

It seems to have been mentioned.

About the importance!

Eagle language.

what's the function?

Just when many viewers were starting to think about this question, Shen Fei spoke without stopping.

"Chinese should be studied seriously and carefully."

"It not only includes humanistic knowledge, social experience, and wonderful communication.

"There are also the essence of the knowledge of the ancient Chinese, the works of those literati, and all kinds of critical, sunny, and various works."

"It is full of countless."

"Represents the inheritance of knowledge, as well as culture, and humanistic society."

"The importance is self-evident. Of course, it needs to be treated seriously. I have to study this stack of books seriously."

Shen Fei seems to have started to perform a small theater.

He put the stack of books representing Chinese textbooks on the table solemnly.

Everyone looked at and nodded.

And seeing Shen Fei pick up the math textbook again.


#353 There is the whole world in it, including the calculation of daily expenses, including some complex foundations far from science, and important knowledge obtained by predecessors or overseas researchers.

"Mathematics, physics and chemistry, number, standing at the bottom, also runs through everything, as the basic existence of the atomic structure."

"Learn it, and I will be free in many things."

"It can be said that it is a very important subject. I also need to be cautious and pay attention to it!"

Shen Fei again solemnly placed a stack of books on the table.

And next.

He looked at another pile of books.

Slightly, he tilted his head.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were stunned.

eagle, slang...


Just to learn other people's language!

No one else's history.

Only Xiao Ming and Xiao Mei are serious about various words and grammar.

There is no experience to learn from, no civilization, no basis for anything.

Some viewers looked at Shen Fei's silence at this moment, and hurriedly spoke.

"But, but if you need to communicate with foreigners, this is a must!!"

"This is... the universal language of the world!"

It turned out to be other than that.

Can't find any explanation.

Everyone suddenly had an idea in their hearts.

Eagle language.

Is it really that important?

at least.

It seems to be better than Chinese and mathematics.

It, doesn't deserve the height!

And the next moment.

Shen Fei also made a move.

Take that stack of books.

Reluctantly put it on the table.

"Eagle language..."

"Although I don't know what's important.

"However, since it is also the three major subjects."


"Isn't it amazing?"

When hearing these words, many people feel a little strange.

And there is a subtly uncomfortable feeling.

And many people also spoke.

"Yes! That's how I feel, and I don't know why Eagle Language is good or where it's good, but I have to learn it! There's nothing I can do about it!"

"Hey, I'll just recite it anyway! I've seen that people who are good at learning Eagle Language can only be teachers, or they can only be translators. It seems that there is nothing important about it.

"I'm so envious of foreigners! They can speak the eagle language from birth, so we don't need to recite the eagle language so painfully... 555"

Seeing these words uttered by people who are obviously not very old.

Some people want to be comforted, but it is equally difficult for foreigners to learn our Chinese language!

But suddenly thought of something.


For foreigners, it seems that there is no need to learn Chinese from childhood?

However, we Chinese people.

Why do you need to learn Eagle language from an early age?

(aeag) This really seems unreasonable!!

Think like this.

Many people shut their mouths.

And when they heard what Shen Fei said next, everyone was stunned for an instant, and almost exclaimed.

"So, we're not just envious of these foreigners whose native language is Eagle."

"We're still thinking all the time that we're going to learn other people's languages."

"Even if you can't use it, you must learn it."

"Even if there is nothing advanced, unlike those scientific research results and those mathematical formulas, foreigners have studied them, but the whole world has benefited."

"But we still have to learn these eagle languages!"

"We're starting to think."

"Is it Eagle Language, which is higher than Huaxia Language?"

"Is it true that Huaxia language needs to learn those knowledge with thousands of years of history, and the group is qualified to stand with Yingyu?"

"Is it because we can't speak English from birth, or are we inferior to other foreigners?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and wanted to deny it.

But Shen Fei asked a sharp rhetorical question next.

"Since it's not."

"That's Eagle Language."

"Why can it have the same weight as the other two courses!?"


Everyone was speechless.

And the perch next to him has been unable to say a word for a long time.

He stared even more.



"It has to be learned since childhood, and the important eagle language is constantly emphasized..."

"It didn't show his importance."

"On the contrary, let our young people continue to strengthen the concept that foreigners are stronger and better than us?"

"This, is it the beginning of worshiping the ocean!!"

Everyone was shocked!

No one has ever thought of such a small place.

It's just...



After thinking about it for a while, it was still more shocking, but I was speechless.

Immediately stunned!

How to refute this?

How do you spray this?

What other people Shen Fei thinks about is not at the same level as what they think about.

They are still thinking about how impossible it is to ban English on the first level.

However, Shen Fei has already thought about the cobweb-like influence of Yingyu in the nine-year compulsory education, allowing children to start learning at a young age.

Let everyone dumbfounded.

Damn, you told me I was fourteen years old???

"It's a good thing I'm not in the same class as Shen Fei, otherwise, I feel like I'm going to feel inferior!"

"Damn it, it's absolutely amazing. The key is that I heard that when Shen Fei took the Tsinghua University Entrance Examination, he was just 3 points short of Yingyu!!"

"Hey, he is indeed qualified to say that. It is useless for such a genius to be qualified to speak Eagle Language after studying so hard!"

"Hey, I thought I would like to think about these philosophical things very much. I have read no less than a hundred books, but I didn't expect that such daily and simple questions would

Still can’t compare to Shen Fei!!”

When everyone was shocked.

Of course Shen Fei didn't stop his words.

He was still talking.

"Presumably after what Mr. Bayu said just now, everyone knows that I have been studying in school for a while."

"During this period, I learned a lot of things."

"It's a pity that some international cutting-edge scientific research magazines, scientific papers, and cutting-edge papers do use Eagle Language."

"I've read them all, so I can speak."

"First of all, it's a scenario that most people don't use.

"And let's think about it again, what kind of scene can use Eagle Language?"

"For example, the company needs to connect with foreigners."

"In this case, we have learned the eagle language, and it will be more powerful.

"However, this usually happens when you enter the company, at least not an intern, not an ordinary employee, and not a small company?"

"We all know that foreign languages ​​can be taken as electives in universities, since there are so many people who have learned the three and five languages."

"They have stronger competitiveness, and it's reasonable!"


Many people nodded.

Some even said it.

"My former teacher asked me to take the 46th level, saying that I would definitely use it in the future, but now I am 26th, and to be honest, I can't use it."

"Upstairs you are so young! What jb? I'm already 57! I can prove it! It's really useless..."

"Who is okay to do business with foreigners? Even if they do business with foreigners, or those foreign companies start companies in China, most of them are Chinese! Even the leadership is Chinese, and there are very few foreigners!"

"Yeah, I've seen some people in our company curry favor with foreign leaders, serve tea and pour water to communicate in eagle language, it's useless... If you say that a person who has studied for nine or ten years can only use If you come to do this kind of thing, then what's the point of existence?"

All words to Shen Fei.

It's starting to get more and more convincing!

This eagle language.

Indeed, no use was found.

On the contrary, it is for the development of children,

Education, time, and thoughts have some bad effects.

Naturally, there are also good places.


It's really good, it's not obvious...

no way.

From the very beginning, there were more people who opposed it, but now, it has naturally become a lot more people who agree.

That Internet celebrity teacher was simply furious.

"This Shen Fei is just talking nonsense!!"

"According to what he said, learning Eagle language will harm the country?!"

"Simply disgusting!"

"The world is so big, doesn't he still want to close the country!"

"Oh, it's just a child with a yellow mouth, but he still talks so much here, it seems very reasonable.

This sentence.

It is indeed a bit of a feeling of being out of breath.

It's also easy to understand.

This internet celebrity teacher was originally an eagle language teacher in a school.

He has a high status in the school!

On the Internet, it has millions of fans.

Many people saw his video and called the teacher directly.

And he also has a very strange name.

He is obviously a teacher of Eagle Language, but he actually gave himself an Internet nickname called 'Liu Bei'.

Commonly known as Teacher Liu.

From his point of view.

Shen Fei first proposed this idea, and he should agree. After all, if there is no Yingyu for the nine-year obligation, then the make-up lessons may make more money.

But after thinking about it for a while, I felt something was wrong.

First of all, there is no such thing as eagle language in compulsory education.

Who cares then?

I'm afraid that when the time comes, it will really become whoever needs to learn.

Wouldn't the number of students be greatly reduced?

And make shitty money!

And think again about Shen Fei's current identity and influence.

A good looking employee.

At the same time, the live broadcast has tens of millions of appeals, and the recording and broadcasting has accumulated over 100 million views.

And it's stabilized now.

This kind of big coffee.

What you say has a real chance of being able to affect it.

He panicked.

He is not young!

If you want to do extracurricular teaching again, how long can you do it?

If it is really cancelled.

He may have less money for retirement in the future!

Therefore, the hustle and bustle of things in the world are all for profit.

Some people insist on singing the opposite tune when the truth is clear.

Then you have to think about whether he has a purpose, or whether he is really stupid...

Another one, is, did he move his cake?

next moment.

Seeing this internet celebrity teacher suddenly use his fans.

Directly on the screen began to swipe up a dense paragraph of words.

"Eagle's status is irreplaceable, Shen Fei jumping beam clown don't jump around!"

His own account did not say that.

But those fans just swipe on the screen without thinking.

Instantly fills up!

Those melon eaters who didn't know what happened were stunned.

Scratching his head is full of question marks.


"Why did this come to the navy?"

"Fuck, what happened!"

"Is this a group of English teachers coming to protest?"

"Indeed, what Shen Fei said is a good idea, but what will the English teacher do in the future?"

"Upstairs, can't you do translation? Don't you know how many foreign documents and works have not been translated? In fact, there is a lot of vacancies in manpower, and many of them are volunteers now.

Translated as an amateur. "

"No, brothers, this is obviously someone doing something!"

When the audience realized that the barrage was abnormal.

How could the program team not find out.

Especially sea bass.


This outspoken woman treats the guests with a low emotional intelligence.

But one advantage is that she is not used to these audiences at all!

"Discuss the problem and discuss the problem. Don't blame us for the blatant behavior of the navy for taking corresponding measures!"

"The Internet is not a place outside the law, bad words and deeds, constant abuse, and those who hire trolls may face legal problems!"

These two tough words instantly made many viewers look sideways.

It also made the Internet celebrity teacher Gao Yufei a little panicked.

Hurry up and tell the fans, don't brush it yet.

Then he drove his own tuba.

A long text was sent out on the screen.

"My fans got a little too excited."

"However, it's also because of Shen Fei's radical words!"

"I think that many of the things Shen Fei said are not in line with reality, not to mention others.

"Just talk about the application of Eagle Language."

"It's definitely not like what Shen Fei said, dialogue is only useful when facing foreign leaders!"

"It's just that the world's community with a shared future is now facing a lot of overseas transactions! A large number of people are using Eagle Language to communicate."

"In addition to this, countless foreign advanced technologies and some machinery are also explained in eagle language."

"Also, programming is based on Eagle!"

"The foundation of software is Eagle language!"

"The world revolves around Eagle Language!"

"Isn't this language important?"

"Isn't it worth our while to learn?"

When hearing this statement.

Everyone is a little dazed.


It seems to be the case!

It's just that it hasn't waited for people to think about it.

next moment.

A somewhat cold voice came directly.

"It's just..."


Shen Fei's voice resounded in the studio.

Everyone was stunned.

Isn't that so??

All eyes were locked on.

I want to see Shen Fei, and I want to say something.

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