Speech Program: Crying Millions Of Parents At The Beginning

Chapter 95: Convinced, The Ministry Of Education Is Shocked!

Chapter 94 Convinced, Shocked by the Flower Education Department!

After the Internet celebrity teacher surnamed Gao came over and spoke.

Many netizens also began to imagine.

Scenarios to which Eagle Language can be applied.

"Let's not talk about the high-tech industry, but what Teacher Gao said, including those transactions and trade, is indeed getting closer and closer internationally."

"Well, some of the machines in our factory are to be purchased from abroad, and one-third of the manufactured things are to be provided to other countries, and most of the time we communicate with them! I am ashamed to say that when I was in school, I I also didn't learn the Eagle language well, but when communicating, I also learned a little bit, and they also learned some Huaxia language!

"Indeed, it is foreseeable that the bond of connection in the future may become closer and closer! Eagle language is still very important."

"But what Shen Fei said also exists objectively, so it seems inappropriate to say that English is one of the most important subjects!"

Because of these two viewpoints, this group of people began to have very intense debates and disputes.

The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is right, just like a fight.

Although it was after the perch-that sentence just now.

Many people stopped abusing, but even so, there were still a lot of eccentric and radical remarks.

In this way, the more noisy and angry it is indeed!

There will be a lot of mutual abuse soon.

It is normal.

Of course, after this, someone soon discovered that the teacher was sending notes again.

"I understand that your fourteen-year-old child, after all, has many things that he has never seen, that he doesn't understand, and that he doesn't understand."

"After all, there are only fourteen years of experience in life, and some of them are used for growth. After I have just gained an understanding of the world, I have to learn all kinds of knowledge. I am afraid that it is these few years that I can really see the world? "

"So it's normal not to know the importance of eagle language.

"I don't know if you've heard that at the gate of Peking University, a security guard was ridiculed by foreigners because he couldn't speak Eagle language."

"And we don't know how many people in our country have been treated like this!"

"It's as if we don't understand the world and the world.

"Even the language spoken by these dozens of countries cannot be used.

"Don't you like to tell stories?"

"Then let me tell you the final result. The security guard of Peking University finally learned the eagle language by himself and took advanced courses. He was finally admitted to Peking University and studied the Department of Finance."

"After graduation, I returned to my hometown as a supporting teacher!"

"There is a very critical point in this."

"If it weren't for the eyes of these outsiders, how could he change his life just to win his breath?"

"Eagle language must have its place and must be learned!"

After Teacher Gao finished publishing these.

Lie on the chair very comfortably.

I feel that what I said can be said to be watertight.

And besides the words, he also made a small mockery of Shen Fei's fourteen-year-old age.

It's not obvious, but it makes all the audience think when they see this, yes, Shen Fei is only fourteen years old, so why can he understand this?

Then came to mind.

No matter the conspiracy theory.

Or it would be good to have doubts and distrust towards Shen Fei.

These are the effects that Teacher Gao wants to achieve.


Looking into the screen, Shen Fei's expression was as indifferent as ever.

I don't know what he relies on.

all in all.

Teacher Gao didn't think so much!

Let's talk about Shen Fei.

After reading this article, I almost laughed.

"Hey, you can say whatever you want, but unfortunately, you finally chose to use these 'rogue' remarks to suppress me."

"Doesn't that mean that in this debate, you have directly chosen to be unable to fight and give up?"

Shen Fei smiled and shook his head, thinking.

Also a little helpless.

Outlaw English.

The pros definitely outweigh the cons!

It can't be said that there are no bad places at all.

However, it can be greatly reduced through correct operation.

And in this case.

He has a relaxed expression, looking at the screen, he is a little casual, but extremely solemn.

This expression seems to be very convincing in the eyes of many viewers.

For some reason, people who were a little mocking and disapproving also began to want to listen, to hear if Shen Fei had any thoughts on the views put forward by Mr. Gao

As for what Teacher Gao wants to say, let the audience realize that Shen Fei is young.

It was a big failure.

After all, the people who come here to watch the live broadcast, except those who really come to see Perch for an appointment, who is not to see Shen Fei?

Who hasn't really seen Shen Fei's sharp thinking and various speeches?

Impossible to believe Shen Fei is fourteen years old!

to be honest.

If it is not true, the registered age is fourteen.

Many people want to say, how is it possible that Shen Fei is only fourteen years old!

And when he looked at the screen again.

At this time Shen Fei was speaking.

"According to Teacher Gao, the scenarios where Eagle Language can be applied should not be limited to schools, but should be considered after the students enter the society and the development of the whole society to consider whether it can be applied."

"Let's judge whether the eagle language is of corresponding importance."

"I think there should be no problem with my understanding?"

At this time, Bayu was surprised that Shen Fei said that he would make drastic changes so that the nine-year compulsory education would not have Eagle Language.

But there is also a lot of doubt about what Teacher Gao said.

So it's a direct nod of approval.

"Mr. Shen, Tao Li is not wrong.

"So, what do you think of this?"

If you really follow what the Internet celebrity teacher Mr. Gao said.

Then Shen Fei is not qualified to speak now.

After all, he is fourteen years old, and he hasn't seen so many scenes where Eagle language is applied, which is reasonable, but now on the show, no one can ask Shen Fei to shut up.

At least the perch can't, and neither can the program group!

But Shen Fei looked straight at the screen.

Open your mouth and say.

"As for what Teacher Gao said, I haven't seen that much, and I agree with it.

"In fact, I also feel that no one in this world can see so many things in a short period of mental power and life, and remember all of them in their minds.

"So, rather than any single-person's one-sided statement, I fit the conclusion.

When Teacher Gao, who was looking at the screen, heard what Shen Fei said.

Startled suddenly.

The complexion of the whole person became a little pale.

He murmured.

Shouldn't it...

Can Shen Fei get those data in such a short time?

But in fact, this is naturally easy for Shen Fei.

"Mr. Bass, may I borrow your tablet?"

"Since the matter has reached this stage, I think everyone would like to see me show some data, which is much more powerful than my empty words, right?"

Bass waved his hands in a hurry.

"No, no, Teacher Shen Fei, please don't say that!"

"You can use the tablet computer. As for what you just said, I personally think there is some truth to it. After all, although he can question your vision, we also have our own opinions. After hearing what you said, we I really don’t think there is any big problem.”

The words of perch have also deepened the recognition of many people who agree with Shen Fei.

They looked at the picture and nodded.


Although Shen Fei may not have seen much at the age of fourteen.

But what he said just now really made me and others listen, and I could see the scene in my mind instantly.

You can know that in reality, this is indeed the case.

Instead, it was Teacher Gao with millions of fans.

He jumped out of the matter itself as soon as he came up, and started to attack Shen Fei's age and the problem itself.

If it is more simple and understandable.

That is, others are discussing the problem, but he came to say that the problem itself has problems.

Everyone else was on the chessboard, but he came over to overturn the chessboard table!

Such behavior.

Sometimes people will feel very happy, and sometimes they will be extremely contemptuous.

Obviously, many people have started to have a very bad opinion of Teacher Gao, thinking that this teacher is not a decent person, let alone a teacher.

Back to Shen Fei.

At this time, after he took the tablet computer, he operated it sensitively with his fingers.

He has the hacker ability, just use the tablet to find some data on the network, naturally it is not difficult.

In fact, these, as long as a ratio is calculated.

Percentage of industries using Eagle.

The proportion of frequency of use of Eagle language.

Percentage of people who speak Eagle.

And use scene statistics!

Even if it does not involve those private information, the data that can be obtained is very huge.

Even after Shen Fei has captured and counted these data, he still has time to make them into a table and display them very straightforwardly.


Say hello to the direction of the camera.


"I retrieved some data here, if possible...can I use the screen?"

"I've hooked up the internet share to the big screen, if I could..."

The director hurriedly nodded through the ring-shaped glass, and gave a thumbs up, indicating that it was completely ok.

In fact, the director team thought deeply about what Shen Fei said.

And we discussed it in the background for a while.

That is to say, the internal and external sound insulation in the studio is relatively good, so Shen Fei did not hear it.

Generally speaking, the program group agrees with Shen Fei's statement.

It's just that practice is always the first condition for testing truth.

So without trying, they can't say they are completely sure.

It would be good if Shen Fei could come up with more intuitive data now.

Then the next moment.

The screen on the big screen shook, and a histogram appeared on it.

The data on the table... is comprehensive and can only be used, comprehensively!

And, very intuitive!!

"First of all, trade transactions using the Eagle language account for 27.3% of the entire China. This point has been repeatedly mentioned in Mr. Gao's explanation just now, so let me say something first.

"This figure is close to 30%, which seems to be very high. It seems that in business, it is very likely to deal with foreigners."

"But in fact, the chances of the two parties having face-to-face communication in the entire trade using Eagle language is 34%, and then

The proportion of people who need to participate in communication is 12%.

"Furthermore, 42% of the trading counterparties speak Chinese."

"The two sides use translation more often."

"So, even if it's more than 20%, it's hard to say how profound the eagle language level is really used. As long as there is a foundation, it's enough."

0...asking for flowers...

"There is still more than half of the probability that you don't need to use it."

"So, if it is for business and trade needs, it exists objectively, but there is no need to spend more than ten or nine years of compulsory education to learn! You can learn by yourself

Or as an elective at university!"

See table, plus what Shen Fei said.

Many people nodded.

This makes sense!

And according to this ratio... Even if the trade exchanges go further in the future, isn't it the same? It's a big deal and I can't learn it by myself!

Since you want to use it, what's the point of learning it temporarily?

Or college electives, there is no problem!

And look at the other tables.

Shen Fei smiled.

"Even if they have gone to university, as well as high-level universities, 60% of the students in universities at the level of Tsinghua University must learn Eagle Language in order to cope with many advanced papers and knowledge."

"But in our country, less than 10% of them can go to these top universities."

"That is, only a single-digit percentage of these new generation students will be exposed to these eagle language papers.

"As for scientific researchers, they are even rarer."

At this point, Shen Fei calmly used facts, data, and statements to prove that the use of Yingyu in this aspect is meaningless to ordinary people!

Shen Fei looked at the others again.

"As for the fact that speaking Eagle is at the heart of the world, that's not true either."

"As well as the advanced machinery and high-precision machinery in the world, they are all explained in eagle language, and the situation does not match the reality."

"Please take a look at the form,"

Shen Fei tapped her finger lightly, at this moment, she didn't feel that kind of youthful feeling.

On the contrary, many people who have gone to college feel that Shen Fei in front of them has a sense of sight of an old professor.

"The first is the language used in the world."

"At present, there is no universally recognized universal language in the world."

"In fact, the grammars of Huaxia, Eagle, and Romance are widely used around the world.

"Among them, Huaxia language and grammar are used by the largest number of people, and it is not that only Huaxia is used as many people say. In fact, similar grammar is used in many places throughout East Asia.

"And Eagle Language has the widest span, which is also related to its promotion and high-tech exchanges in recent years."

"Then comes the grammar of Romantic Mandarin, which is also highly versatile."

Shen Fei said, clicking on the form.

Everyone looked very intuitive.

If you look at it this way...

It is indeed Chinese, but in fact, it is not too different in terms of the level of common languages ​​in the world!

It is not necessary to say that we must learn Eagle Language.

After all, other people in the Beacon Country don’t necessarily need to learn Chinese from elementary school, right??

Who needs to use it, and who will learn it?

And see the last one.

Many people almost laughed out loud.

As Teacher Gao said, the manuals for high-tech machinery are all in eagle language.

In terms of statistics, it is simply vulnerable, and it can be broken with a single poke!

In this world, basically top-notch products that are not daily necessities, as long as they are to be exported.

Whether it is domestic or foreign.

All will prepare multilingual instructions.

And it's on the manual.

Chinese language is basically bound to appear!!

There are even more than two-thirds of the manuals that have special channels for complaining about parts that they don't understand.


"Pfft! I think so, everyone else wants to sell things, how could they not provide an understandable instruction manual?"

"Yeah! There are so many people who are so arrogant, like what Mr. Gao said about Peking University security guards studying hard because they were ridiculed by foreigners... I didn't see the importance of eagle language, Instead, I feel that the foreigner really has no quality."

"Indeed, if I go abroad and find that other people don't know Chinese, I won't be able to make fun of it! Others are not Chinese, and they don't use it every day. No, isn't it normal?"

"Indeed, just like me as a Chinese teacher, it's reasonable that I don't know mathematics?"

"He doesn't violate the water in the well, don't follow it!"

for a while.

The conversation in the entire live broadcast room has gradually begun to change!

This is also because.

Authorities have come out against it.

But Shen Fei still used meticulous logic.

And indeed objective data to refute back.

It's not Shen Fei's sophistry, but reality, which really proves it.

Eagle language, there are not many ways to use it.

The importance is not high.

Learning takes up a lot of pressure.

The time span is large.

Waste of resources and time!

Since I can learn the eagle language for the sake of fighting for my breath.

Then why can't you learn the Chinese culture, calligraphy, and ink painting, even if you want to exercise your body well?

It seems.

Many people agree with Shen Fei.

Even directly, went to the official website of the Ministry of Education to start an application.

The weight of Eagle Language is reduced, or even banned, and it becomes an application for elective courses in ordinary universities!!


Countless media looked at this scene with astonishment on their faces.

A talk show, Shen Fei is also able to make such a big commotion?

It's just perfect!!

Like a shark smelling blood.

No one wants to be left behind.

Soon, the first article about Shen Fei's operations and performance on the show was directly published on an official media account!


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