Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 36 Iron Essence High Price Foundation Building Pill

When he arrived at the auction house, Yun Xiao showed his number plate and walked in. After entering the venue, Mrs. Lan on the stage was introducing a flying sword that glowed red, which should be a top-level magic weapon.

Yun Xiao found his seat and sat down, watching the flying sword being taken down by a monk covered in black robes for 1,250 spirit stones. It’s almost the normal price, Yun Xiao thought.

Then the talismans, elixirs, spiritual herbs, magic weapons, formations, monster eggs, monster blood, essence, etc. were auctioned one by one. Yun Xiao was not interested in any of this, he just relied on Mrs. Lan's introduction to learn more about it. He came here just for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Funds are limited and must be used optimally.

At the beginning of the afternoon, Mrs. Lan picked up a jade box from the tray held by the maid next to her. After opening it, a spiritual grass was revealed. After the display, he put away the jade box and said:

"As you can see, a three-hundred-year-old cold tobacco plant is an extremely rare ice-attribute spiritual grass. It has complete roots and can be replanted in a suitable environment. It comes from the Bloody Forbidden Land of Yue Kingdom. It is suitable for refining ice-attribute elixirs and can also treat fever. Poison, Fire, Poison, etc. The base price is 200 inspirations, and the price cannot be lower than 10 spiritual stones.”

After hearing about Three Hundred Years Cold Tobacco, Yunxiao knew that he still had to fight for it. The three hundred year old spiritual grass was worth about 350 inspirations. Ice attribute spiritual grass was extremely rare, but there were not many ice spiritual root monks, so the price Not high. You can try bidding.

So after Yunxiao called out the price of 360 spirit stones, he opened his quotation: "380 spirit stones."

"Fellow Taoist No. 986 bid 380 spirit stones. Is there anyone else bidding?" Mrs. Lan was still talking about the rare ice attribute spirit grass, but no one made any more bids.

So Mrs. Lan sang the quotation twice more and said: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist No. 986 for purchasing a three-hundred-year-old tobacco plant. Please go to the backstage to pay."

Then he started to introduce the next lot. Yunxiao glanced at it and saw that it was an alchemy furnace and stopped caring. He went straight to the backstage, took out the number plate to the Tianxing Sect disciple in charge of reception, took the jade box containing the spiritual grass, opened it, checked it and resealed it.

The Foundation Establishment monk sitting behind him waved his hand, changed the number behind the number plate to 2620, and handed the number plate back to Yunxiao. Yunxiao took it, saluted and left.

Back at the auction house, the items displayed by Mrs. Lan had been replaced by a set of formation flags, the Four Evil Formation. This can be regarded as a high-quality formation produced by Tianxing Sect. Then it entered the stage of increasing knowledge in the sky. At the end of the day, Mrs. Lan unveiled the gauze on the last item of the day, which was a bottle of elixir.

Mrs. Lan uncorked the bottle, took out the elixir and showed it, then put it back into the bottle and sealed it. Then he said: "Today's last auction is a Foundation Establishment Pill. I won't go into details about its effects. The base price is 2,000 spirit stones. Each increase in price must not be less than 50 spirit stones. Please bid."




Yunxiao also quoted "2600 spirit stones", which was also the highest price Yunxiao could quote. Yunxiao hoped that no one would quote another price so that he could get this foundation-building pill. But the reality is cruel. Before Yunxiao started to dream, he was woken up by a "2800 spirit stone" event. After that, the number of people quoting gradually decreased, and Mrs. Lan also started to adjust the price.

"The price quoted for VIP room No. 19 is 2,800 spirit stones. Is there any higher price? One Foundation Building Pill has a high probability of allowing the Qi Refining Dzogchen cultivator to advance to the Foundation Building Stage and ensure the prosperity of the family for two hundred years."

"2900 Spirit Stones" "VIP Room No. 7 quotes 2,900 Spirit Stones. Is there any fellow Taoist bidder? Otherwise, this Foundation Establishment Pill will belong to VIP Room No. 7." Lan Renren continued to remind Foundation Establishment while singing the price. Dan is precious.

Yun Xiao felt very disappointed because another Foundation Establishment Pill slipped away from his eyes. Last time I ran away from the auction in advance, I didn’t feel too deeply about it. This time it really slipped away before my eyes, which was very uncomfortable.

Finally, the Foundation Establishment Pill was accepted by the boss in VIP Room 3 for 3,250 spirit stones. This concludes today's auction.

Yunxiao calmed down and returned to his small courtyard. I found that my second uncle had woken up and was sitting in the room resting.

After meeting the second uncle, Yunxiao said hello and asked the second uncle to have dinner with him. After dinner, Yun Xiao told the second uncle the complete story about the trouble caused by the Black Evil Sect today, the execution by the Tianxing Sect and the treatment of the second uncle. After hearing this, the second uncle, who was extremely excited, suddenly sat still.

Yun Xiao did not bother him, but sat silently beside him and said nothing. In fact, Yun Xiao knew in his heart that the reason why his second uncle fell into the Black Evil Cult was mainly because his obsession with revenge was too deep in his heart. Revival of the family and revenge are intertwined, becoming something like an inner demon, engraved in his heart like a brand.

When the Black Evil Cult could give him power and make him feel that there was hope for revenge, his obsession with revenge made him completely ignore the dangers of blood sacrifice, leaving only the improvement of strength and the hope of getting closer and closer to revenge.

At this moment, he was completely lost. He hunted monsters for strength, captured casual cultivators for strength, performed blood sacrifices for strength, and recruited his nephew to join the religion for strength.

When he arrived at the auction house, Yun Xiao showed his number plate and walked in. After entering the venue, Mrs. Lan on the stage was introducing a flying sword with red light, which should be a top-level magic weapon.

Yun Xiao found his seat and sat down, watching the flying sword being taken down by a monk covered in black robes for 1,250 spirit stones. It’s almost the normal price, Yun Xiao thought.

Then there were talismans, elixirs, spiritual herbs, magic tools, formations, monster eggs, monster blood, spirit essence, etc. Yun Xiao was not interested in any of these, he just wanted to learn more through Mrs. Lan's introduction, he came here for the foundation-building pill. Funds are limited, so they must be used in the best way.

At the beginning of the afternoon, Mrs. Lan took a jade box from the tray held by the maid next to her, and opened it to reveal a spiritual herb. After the display, he put away the jade box and said:

"As you can see, this is a 300-year-old cold tobacco plant. It is an extremely rare ice-attributed spiritual herb with complete roots and can be replanted in a suitable environment. It comes from the Blood Forbidden Land of Yue State. It is suitable for refining ice-attributed elixirs and can also treat heat and fire poisons. The base price is 200 inspirations, and each bid must not be less than 10 spirit stones. Please bid."

Hearing the 300-year-old cold tobacco plant, Yunxiao knew that he still had to compete. A 300-year-old spiritual herb is worth about 350 inspirations. Ice-attributed spiritual herbs are extremely rare, but there are not many cultivators with ice spiritual roots, so the price is not high. You can try to bid.

So Yunxiao bid 380 spirit stones after calling the price in the voice: "380 spirit stones"

"Daoyou No. 986 bid 380 spirit stones, is there anyone else bidding?" Madam Lan was still talking about the rarity of ice-attributed spiritual herbs, but no one bid again.

So Madam Lan offered the price twice more and said, "Congratulations to Daoist No. 986 for buying a 300-year-old cold tobacco plant. Please go to the backstage to pay."

Then she began to introduce the next item. Yunxiao glanced at it and saw that it was an alchemy furnace, so he stopped caring. He went straight to the backstage, took out the number card and gave it to the Tianxing Sect disciple in charge of reception, took over the jade box containing the spiritual herbs, opened it for inspection, and resealed it.

The foundation-building cultivator sitting in the back waved his hand to change the number behind the number card to 2620, and handed the number card back to Yunxiao. Yunxiao took it, bowed and left.

Back at the auction, the item Madam Lan showed had been replaced with a set of formation flags, the Four Evil Formation. This can also be regarded as a high-quality formation produced by the Tianxing Sect. Then Yunxiao entered the stage of gaining knowledge. At the end of the You hour, Madam Lan unveiled the veil on the last item of the day, which was a bottle of elixir.

Madam Lan opened the bottle stopper, took out the elixir to show it, and then put it back in the bottle and sealed the bottle mouth. Then he said: "The last item for today's auction is a foundation-building pill. I won't go into details about its effects. The reserve price is 2,000 spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 50 spirit stones. Please bid."




Yun Xiao also bid "2,600 spirit stones", which was the highest price Yun Xiao could offer. Yun Xiao hoped that no one would bid again so that he could get this foundation-building pill. But the reality was cruel. Before Yun Xiao could even start dreaming, he was awakened by a bid of "2,800 spirit stones". After that, the number of bidders gradually decreased, and Madam Lan also started to bid.

"VIP Room 19 offers 2800 spirit stones. Is there a higher price? One foundation-building pill has a high probability of allowing a cultivator who has reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining to advance to the foundation-building stage, ensuring the prosperity of the family for two hundred years."

"2900 spirit stones" "VIP Room 7 offers 2900 spirit stones. Are there any Taoist friends who bid? Otherwise, this foundation-building pill will belong to VIP Room 7." Lan Renren continued to remind the preciousness of the foundation-building pill while bidding.

Yunxiao felt very disappointed because another foundation-building pill slipped away from his eyes. Last time, he ran away early from the auction, and the feeling was not too deep. This time, it really slipped away from his eyes, which was uncomfortable.

Finally, the foundation-building pill was accepted by the boss of VIP Room 3 for 3250 spirit stones. So far, today's auction has ended.

Yunxiao sorted out his mood and returned to his own courtyard. He found that the second uncle had woken up and was sitting in the house to rest.

After seeing the second uncle, Yunxiao greeted him and asked him to have dinner together. After dinner, Yunxiao told his uncle about the Black Evil Sect's trouble today, how they were killed by the Tianxing Sect, and how they dealt with him. After hearing this, his uncle, who was originally very excited, suddenly sat still.

Yunxiao did not disturb him, but sat beside him in silence. In fact, Yunxiao knew in his heart that the reason why his uncle fell into the Black Evil Sect was mainly because he had a strong obsession with revenge. Reviving the family and revenge were intertwined, becoming something like a demon in his heart, engraved in his heart like a brand.

When the Black Evil Sect could give him strength and make him feel that revenge was hopeful, the obsession with revenge made him completely ignore the harm of blood sacrifice, leaving only the improvement of strength and the hope of getting closer to revenge.

At this moment, he was completely sunk, hunting monsters for power, capturing casual cultivators for power, practicing blood sacrifice for power, and pulling his nephew into the sect for power.

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