Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 37: Thousand-year-old spiritual herbs fight robbers

Not long after, Mrs. Lan took out a jade box from the tray and opened it. Inside was a spiritual grass. After showing it to everyone, Mrs. Lan quickly closed the box and sealed it. He opened his mouth and said: "A millennium ice attribute spiritual grass, a cold tobacco plant, comes from the Bloody Forbidden Land of Yue Kingdom. The roots are slightly damaged, and it will be difficult to replant it without a special spiritual plant recovery method."

"The reason why the Millennium Spiritual Grass is precious is that, on the one hand, if it is used to make elixirs, it is also useful to Nascent Soul monks, let alone monks in the Foundation Establishment stage; on the other hand, the Millennium Spiritual Grass is spiritually rich and can nourish the Dantian and open the meridians. It can clear up erysipelas to a certain extent.”

"Originally, the thousand-year-old spiritual grass should not appear in the foundation-building auction, but this spiritual grass was sent for auction by a Taoist friend, and its roots were damaged and cannot be planted again. This sect is not good at refining elixirs."

"So I agree to put it up for bidding. Now, for the Millennium Ice Attribute Spirit Grass and Cold Tobacco, the base price is 1,000 Spirit Stones. Each increase in price must not be less than 20 Spirit Stones. Please bid on it, fellow Taoists."

In order to get the medicine, Yun Xiao decided to offer a high price to scare away some serious people involved. "1500 spirit stones"

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard that this trick was indeed effective, and the scene was quiet for a while. Madam Lan saw this and started to bid, "Fellow Taoist No. 986 bids 1,500 spirit stones. Is there anyone else bidding?"

"Thousand-year-old spiritual grass, even if you don't use it yourself, you can give it to others. Give it to the Danjie Master or Yuan Ying Master who are in need. When the master is happy, he can reward us with whatever he wants, and we can all benefit from it. Endless." Mrs. Lan continued to promote the value of Millennium Spiritual Grass. Yun Xiao listened to Mrs. Lan's speech but felt it was noisy.

After hearing what Mrs. Lan said, someone started bidding on the spot. The big guys on the second floor are also competing.





"1760" prices were quoted one after another with Mrs. Blue's publicity and touting. Yunxiao felt helpless. I had no choice but to sign up for 1800.

After Yunxiao reported 1800, the scene calmed down again, because the price of Millennium Spirit Grass is only 1500 Spirit Stones. Although ice attribute Spirit Grass is rare, there are also few people who use it. It was reported at 1800, which is already a serious premium.

Mrs. Lan sang the price: "Fellow Taoist No. 986 quoted 1,800 spiritual stones. Are there any other Taoist friends who bid?" At this time, VIP Room No. 1 on the second floor quoted "1,840" again. When Mrs. Lan was about to adjust the price, Yunxiao quoted "1900 spirit stones" again. Now everyone knew that Yunxiao was bound to win. Anyone who could spend 1,900 spiritual stones to buy a premium spiritual grass must have some background.

No one is willing to die eating this spiritual grass if they don't really need it. Therefore, after Mrs. Lan announced the price, VIP Room No. 1 did not quote again. After calling the price three times, Mrs. Lan said: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist No. 986 for winning the Millennium Spirit Grass Cold Tobacco. Please go to the backstage to complete the transaction."

Then it’s time to display the next lot. Yun Xiao stood up and walked backstage to deliver the spiritual stone and receive the spiritual herb. The process was the same as before, but this time because Tie Jing had successfully auctioned it, the disciple in charge of the transaction asked Yun Xiao whether he should continue to record the spirit stones on the number plate, or take the spirit stones directly.

After thinking about it, Yun Xiao decided to take out the spirit stone. The main reason is that I am afraid that I will come back later to exchange for spiritual stones. There will be many people to exchange and I will have to queue up. More importantly, I want to sneak away in advance.

After getting the Millennium Cold Tobacco, Yunxiao's regret of losing the Foundation Establishment Pill was made up for a small part, and the other half could only be made up for by Ruyin. After that, Yunxiao continued the process of gaining knowledge as before.

At the beginning of Shen Shi, Mrs. Lan took out a jade slip, used magic power to show the first paragraph in the jade slip to everyone and said:

"The inheritance of spiritual wine is special because, on the one hand, this method can brew spiritual wine suitable for drinking by monks of any cultivation level, including Nascent Soul monks and even the powerful gods."

"On the other hand, the shortcomings of this method are equally obvious. It takes too long to brew spiritual wine. Common spiritual wine brewing requires a lot of time, and this one requires five times the time of ordinary spiritual wine brewing. For example, brewing is suitable for The spiritual wine that foundation-building monks drink takes 15 years, while the spiritual wine that is suitable for alchemy-building monks takes 25-30 years.”

"After verification by many seniors, this method is true. Please consider the pros and cons for yourselves. Fellow Taoists, please consider the pros and cons for yourself. The starting price of a copy of spiritual wine is 100 spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than 10 spirit stones. Please bid. "

Then it just stopped. The foundation-building level spirit wine lasted for 15 years. The lifespan of a foundation-building monk was only a few years, and how many times could he drink it. If you have this spiritual grass, you might as well just use it to make elixirs. Common spirit wine brewing is already slow enough, but this one is even five times slower.

"100 Spiritual Stones" Yunxiao directly bid. When he heard someone bid, the whole audience seemed to look at him like a fool, and some even directly probed with their spiritual consciousness without being polite. Yun Xiao didn't think it was anything, and ignored the spiritual consciousness that swept over him, because the foundation-building monks at the backstage of the auction had already interrupted the spiritual consciousness that was about to be explored.

The reason why Yunxiao wanted to bid was because he saw that the main point of the spiritual wine inheritance was to brew base wine and use the base wine to extract the essence of the elixir to avoid the huge waste in refining the elixir.

Isn’t this what bubble wine is like in modern society? Use alcohol to extract the essence of herbs and drink instead of taking medicine. It’s very friendly at first sight. Drinking wine is an old tradition of the Chinese nation and is a veritable national cultural treasure.

Because only one person in the audience made a bid, Yun Xiao. So Mrs. Lan quickly called up the price three times and congratulated fellow Taoist No. 986 for winning the spiritual wine inheritance.

When Yunxiao stood up and went to the backstage to complete the transaction, he heard Madam Lan say: "Now, the auction of the finale item of this auction will begin. Please pay attention if you are interested.

Hearing the start of the auction of the finale item, Yunxiao accelerated to leave the venue, went to the backstage to deliver the spirit stone, received the inheritance, and ran away directly.

At about 3 pm, Madam Lan took out a jade box from the tray, opened the jade box, and there was a spiritual grass inside. After showing it to everyone, Madam Lan quickly covered the box and sealed it. She said: "Ice-attributed thousand-year-old spiritual grass, a cold tobacco, from the blood forbidden land of Yue State. The roots are slightly damaged. If there is no special spiritual plant recovery method, it is difficult to replant."

"The reason why the thousand-year-old spiritual grass is precious is that on the one hand, if it is used for alchemy, it is also useful for Yuanying cultivators, not to mention cultivators in the foundation-building period; on the other hand, the thousand-year-old spiritual grass is spiritual enough to nourish the dantian, dredge the meridians, and to a certain extent, it can clear the dan poison. "

"Originally, the thousand-year-old spiritual herb should not appear at the foundation-building auction, but this spiritual herb was sent by a fellow Taoist, and its roots are damaged and cannot be planted again. Our sect is not good at refining elixirs."

"So we agreed to auction it. Now, the thousand-year-old ice-attributed spiritual herb, a plant of Hanyan Tobacco, has a base price of 1,000 spiritual stones, and each bid must not be less than 20 spiritual stones. Please bid, fellow Taoists."

In order to get this medicine, Yunxiao decided to bid a high price to scare off some people who were more concerned about participating. "1,500 spiritual stones"

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard it. This trick really worked, and the scene was quiet for a while. Seeing this, Madam Lan began to bid, "Fellow Taoist No. 986 bid 1,500 spiritual stones. Is there anyone else bidding?"

"The thousand-year-old spiritual herb, even if you don't use it yourself, you can give it to others. Give it to the Jindan uncle or Yuanying master who needs it. Once the master is happy, he will reward us with something, which will be of great use to us. "Mrs. Lan continued to promote the value of the thousand-year-old spiritual grass. Yunxiao only felt that Mrs. Lan was talking noisy.

After hearing what Mrs. Lan said, someone started bidding on the spot. The big guy on the second floor also came out to compete.





"1760" One price after another was reported as Mrs. Lan promoted and praised. Yunxiao felt helpless. He had to follow and report 1800.

After Yunxiao reported 1800, the scene calmed down again, because the price of the thousand-year-old spiritual grass was only 1500 spiritual stones. Although the ice-attributed spiritual grass was rare, few people used it. Reporting 1800 was already a serious premium.

Mrs. Lan sang the price: "Daoyou No. 986 quoted 1800 spiritual stones. Are there any other Daoists who would like to bid? "At this time, the VIP Room No. 1 on the second floor quoted "1840" again. When Madam Lan was about to bid, Yunxiao quoted "1900 Lingshi" again. Now everyone knew that Yunxiao was determined to win. If he could pay 1900 Lingshi for a premium spiritual herb, he must have some background.

If the spiritual herb was not really needed, no one would be willing to die. Therefore, after Madam Lan bid, the VIP Room No. 1 did not bid again. After bidding three times, Madam Lan said: "Congratulations to Daoist No. 986 for winning a thousand-year-old spiritual herb, Hanyan Tobacco. Please go to the backstage to complete the transaction. "

Then the next lot was displayed. Yunxiao stood up and walked to the backstage to hand over the spirit stone and receive the spirit grass. The process was the same as before, but this time because the iron essence had been successfully auctioned, the disciple in charge of the transaction asked Yunxiao whether he would continue to record the spirit stone on the number plate or take the spirit stone directly.

After thinking about it, Yunxiao decided to take out the spirit stone. The main reason was that he was afraid that there would be many people coming to exchange for spirit stones later, and there would be a queue again. More importantly, he wanted to slip away in advance.

After getting the thousand-year-old cold tobacco, Yunxiao's regret for losing the foundation-building pill was compensated by a small part, and the remaining half could only be compensated by Ruyin. After that, Yunxiao continued the previous process of gaining knowledge.

At the beginning of Shen Shi, Madam Lan took out a jade slip and used her magic power to show everyone the first paragraph of the jade slip and said:

"The inheritance of the spirit wine is special because, on the one hand, this method can brew spirit wine suitable for any cultivator, including Yuanying cultivators and even the great power of the God of Transformation"

"On the other hand, the disadvantages of this method are also obvious. It takes too long to brew spirit wine. It takes a lot of time to brew common spirit wine, and this one takes five times as long as ordinary spirit wine. For example, it takes 15 years to brew spirit wine suitable for foundation-building monks, and 25-30 years to brew spirit wine suitable for Jindan monks. "

"After many predecessors' research, this method is true. Please consider the pros and cons for yourself. The starting price of one spiritual wine inheritance is 100 spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than 10 spirit stones. Please bid. ”

Then the atmosphere fell silent. The foundation-building spiritual wine takes 15 years to brew. The life span of a foundation-building cultivator is only a few years, and how many times can he drink it? It would be better to use this spiritual herb to make pills. The brewing of common spiritual wine is slow enough, and this one is 5 times slower.

“100 spiritual stones” Yunxiao bid directly. When he heard someone bid, the whole audience looked at him as if he was a fool, and some even used their spiritual sense to investigate directly. Yunxiao didn’t think it was a big deal, and ignored the spiritual sense that swept over, because the foundation-building cultivator at the backstage of the auction had interrupted the spiritual sense that was about to investigate.

The reason why Yunxiao bid was because he saw that the main purpose of the spiritual wine inheritance was to use the base wine to brew, and use the base wine to extract the essence of the spiritual medicine to avoid huge waste when refining pills.

Isn't this the modern way of making wine? Use alcohol to extract the essence of herbs, and drink instead of taking medicine. This is very familiar. Making wine is an old tradition of the Chinese nation, a veritable national cultural treasure.

Because Yunxiao was the only one who bid in the whole audience. So Madam Lan quickly called the price three times, and congratulated fellow Taoist No. 986 on winning the inheritance of spiritual wine.

When Yunxiao stood up and went backstage to complete the transaction, he heard Madam Lan say: "Now, the auction of the finale item of this auction will begin, please pay attention to the interested fellow Taoists.

Hearing the start of the auction of the finale item, Yunxiao accelerated to leave the venue, went backstage to deliver the spiritual stone, received the inheritance, and ran away directly.

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