Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1451: Overcast clouds 1

Ye Shaoyang wanted to hug her, his arms open, and suddenly saw so many people in the valley watching themselves, a little shy, gave up.

Xiaohui Hui came up and hugged her, and soon she let go, turned and walked toward the valley.

Although she was wearing a skirt, she flew like a fly, and soon walked to the companions in the valley, turning around, and the rattan staff in her hand suddenly gave off the blue light.

He Xiaohui held it, swiping in the air, passing the trajectory, the glory will stay, and finally form a loving shape.


All the mages raised the staff in their hands and shouted in unison.

Ye Shaoyang waved goodbye.

Xiaohui turned and left, the love formed by the blue light gradually disappeared, and Xiaohui and her wizards gradually disappeared into the valley. From today, she is no longer a Xiaohui, but a witch-winged female of the Great Wuxian family.

Ye Shaoyang stood in the same place. Standing for a long time.

He thought of the topic of mission that Xiao Xiaohui said before.

Inheriting the inheritance of the Great Wuxian family and leading the rise of the family is the mission of Xiaohui, she has to do it.

It’s like a wind, and he has to keep walking in the dark for a mission that he doesn’t want to say...

What is your mission?

This problem is lingering in Ye Shaoyang’s mind.

He reached out and his palm was covered with white snow and his hands were clenched, but he could not catch a beam of moonlight.

When she got up the next day, Ye Shaoyang took the initiative to call Xie Yuqing and asked her to meet.

Xie Yuqing thought about it and said: "Go to your school to see you. I am waiting for you at the 4th dormitory of the Foreign Language College."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and said: "You are not sick, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't Xiaorui said yesterday, the foreign language school is haunted."

Ye Shaoyang froze.

Foreign Language Academy... Haunted?

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Shaoyang asked sillyly.

"You don't ask, you are rushing over now, I am passing, I will meet again."

Ye Shaoyang promised to go down and immediately pack things out.

Guagua went to the ghost field and has not returned yet. Before going to bed last night, Ye Shaoyang recalled the passing of the battle. Suddenly, I thought that Daoyuan real person and Prince Ashura’s Nangong Shadow went to the ghost field to fight, and now I don’t know, so I don’t know. I sent Guagua to go to the ghost field to investigate.

He would like to know the results of the two sides fighting.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast first, then took the bus to the school - the last 10,000 pieces given by Lao Guo, these days of eating and drinking, there are trains and the like, and only 3,000 are left. I don’t have any money to make money at the moment, I can only save some flowers.

The school is still the same as before, people come and go, very lively.

Walking on the campus, Ye Shaoyang really has a feeling of returning to the city. It seems that there are two places like the hanging view and Maoshan.

Along the path along the wall of his school, he went out and went to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute.

The No. 4 dormitory building is still standing in the same place, an abandoned building, no one nearby.

Is there a problem with this building?

Xie Yuqing had not arrived yet, and Ye Shaoyang went downstairs and looked at it in a window. Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder from behind.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly turned back and saw that it was a security guard. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. "Big brother, you will scare people!"

"What are you doing here!" said the security guard.

"What, can't you come here?"

The security guard glared at his sleeve and walked a few tens of meters forward. He pointed to a bulletin board standing on the edge of the flower pond. It was written in chalk with a line of words: warning, the dangerous building in this place is forbidden! ! !

There are also three exclamation points in the back.

Dangerous building?

Ye Shaoyang looked at the Gothic building in front of him. The building was old enough. It had to be seven or eighty years. I have to say that the building of that era is really powerful. If it is the current building, it will be thirty years. May become a dangerous building. However, after all, there are years, and it is understandable that it is classified as a dangerous building. The key is that when I came a few months ago, there is still no such thing. How has it been recently identified as a dangerous building?

The key is that a few exclamation marks behind the big characters of this line have made Ye Shaoyang smell a little deep.

The security guard looked at him up and down and said, "Are you a student?"

"I am next door to the Polytechnic, and come over to find friends."

"Then let's leave, don't stay near this building, don't be serious!"

"What consequences?"

The security guard did not say much. After driving him away, he went back. Ye Shaoyang found a high place nearby and looked over. He found that on the east and west sides of the dormitory No. 4, nearly a hundred meters away, they each parked a van. The security guard just got into the west side of the car.

There is also a security guard in the car. The two are looking around, apparently a mobile booth to prevent students from approaching the No. 4 dormitory.

With such a tight defense, what is it to watch out for?

Is it because of haunting?

After waiting for a while, see Xie Yuqing and Zhang Xiaorui rushed together, Ye Shaoyang greeted him and asked Zhang Xiaorui: "What are you doing?"

"Hunting ghosts." Zhang Xiaorui is flying high. "This is a rare opportunity. I can serve you in front of the horse, and then grow up in actual combat. I will inherit your clothes in the future."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her. "What's messy, I haven't retired yet."

"Our mentoring and apprentices are not tired."

"You can pull it down. The last time it was because you were smashing, you were in the middle of it, and you almost didn't kill me. This time there are three long and two short, your parents will marry me."

"No, no, I will listen to you this time, and never mess."

Zhang Xiaorui immediately stepped forward, holding his arm, all kinds of entanglements, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to acquiesce.

"No. 4 dormitory building, what is the difference?" Ye Shaoyang curiously asked.

Xie Yuqing said: "Not 'does', it is true. Last weekend, a girl walked through here late at night, heard her boyfriend calling her upstairs, then went in, then disappeared and disappeared, and no body has been found so far. ""

Ye Shaoyang said: "Wait, you have a problem with this narrative. Since you haven't found the body, who told you that she heard her boyfriend call her upstairs, so go in?"

"At the time, I was accompanied by two girls. After drinking at the bar, because the school gate was closed, the wall passed over here. As a result, one of the girls’ boyfriends was summoned upstairs, and the girl was drunk and went up. Another The girl waited for her downstairs. After waiting for a long time, her companion did not come down, so she called the security guard.

Several security guards arrived and went in together. As a result, in the dormitory on the second floor, the mobile phone of the missing female student was found, but no one was seen, but some strange phenomena were discovered. ”

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