Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1452: Overcast clouds 2

"What is the difference?"

"Let them say it, just as you can ask." Xie Yuqing waved a hand at the van that was parked not far away. The security guard who prevented Ye Shaoyang from approaching immediately came over and nodded to Xie Yuqing.

"This is an expert who was invited by our police station. You described the process of searching for the missing student that night and described it again. It was after the discovery of the mobile phone."

The security guard scratched his head and looked at Ye Shaoyang, hesitating: "Are you a student?"

"Let you say it! Let's do so much!" Zhang Xiaorui is awkward.

The security guard was helpless and had to talk briefly:

"...At the time, we found the mobile phone of the missing person in a dormitory. I wanted to go to a nearby search. As a result, a girl’s cry came out on the phone, very miserable, and she said something like letting her go out. The companions of the missing person were also nearby, and they heard it. This is the voice of the missing person. We were all scared at the time..."

The security guard said that while sucking in the air, the look was terrified.

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said: "Will she use another phone to call her mobile phone?"

"After we came back to God, we also thought of this possibility. A daring colleague picked up the phone and asked where she was. The result was bright. There was a scene... the dark light was like horror. The same in the film, the background is a room with an iron canopy bed against the wall, a figure covered with white sheets on it...

The missing girl, just at the end of the screen, continually tapping the screen and asking us to help her out. We thought it was a video call, we were asking, suddenly, the person on the shelf bed stood up, with a white cloth on the head, and walked over here.

The girl seems to have found it. She glanced back and screamed. The face suddenly blew together, ran down the screen, and finally covered the entire screen. Then the hair screamed and seemed to be a girl. Was caught, it lasted for about ten seconds, it disappeared completely, and the phone was extinguished..."

At the end of the security guard's voice, the voice trembled, his face was pale, and he couldn't hold his arms.

Ye Shaoyang can fully understand his feelings. Through his narrative, he has already imagined the picture at that time, how creepy it is... For an ordinary person, it may be a terrible memory that cannot be erased in his life.

Although it has been determined that this is a psychic event, in order to block any retreat, Ye Shaoyang specifically asked: "Is it a recorded video?"

The security guard shook his head. "In the middle of what I said, the daring colleague was scared. He threw the phone out, the back cover fell, the battery was separated, but the screen continued. ......"

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and looked at the security guard and said, "What later?"

"We came back to God, screamed and ran out, then called the police, and informed the school leader, the latter thing, you still ask the police officer."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "How many colleagues are you doing now?"

"Plus me five people, resigned three, and one is still lying in the hospital."

"Then, why are you still dare to work near here?"

"No, no, the school is afraid that the same thing will happen again. We are here to be strictly guarded to prevent students from approaching this building, so I just came to ask you."

"You are not afraid?"

"Why don't you be afraid." The security guard smiled. "I can't wait to resign with my colleagues and leave this place completely, but... my daughter-in-law has just produced, I have children to raise."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood.

The pressure of survival, as well as the responsibility of the family, sometimes makes people have to face various dangers.

"You are good, it is a good father." Ye Shaoyang took a peach token from his backpack and gave it to him, so that he could carry it with him and he could ward off evil.

The security guard is more suspicious of his identity.

Ye Shaoyang did not explain, just patted his shoulder and let him go.

Xie Yuqing and Zhang Xiaorui looked over together and stared at Ye Shaoyang's eyes, expecting him to express his opinion.

He is an absolute authority in dealing with this peculiar event.

Ye Shaoyang indulged for a moment and asked Xie Yuqing: "How about your later investigation?"

"We searched all the rooms, didn't find the missing girl, and didn't find any clues. But at the time, Xue Qi was also there. She said that in the bedroom where the incident occurred, there was nothing but ghosts that spread in the room. , but the source is not found."

Ye Shaoyang’s brows tightened a little. Lian Xueqi could not grasp the trace, indicating that the opponent is not a simple evil.

"The water tower, the passage below, and the underground arsenal, have you searched?"

"All exports, at the time, were completely sealed according to your requirements. We checked, no problem."

Xie Yuqing paused and asked: "Shaoyang, will it be Feng Xinyu's thing, not fully understood?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "It is impossible. Feng Xinyu has already hung up. Afterwards, I also let Master Guo clean the building thoroughly and use the medicine to clean up the yin. It is impossible to say anything."

As for the arsenal, it is the cold jade that is automatically removed, and I am more assured.

Xie Yuqing said: "Yeah, we also looked for him afterwards. He said that it was absolutely cleaned up at the time. He also deliberately checked it. From the first floor lobby and the water tower to the entrance of the tunnel, they were all attached to you. There are no problems with the signatures, so it is very strange."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "The core of the Yinchao at that time was the 404 dormitory. If it was related to the original incident, this girl’s accident must be still at 404, and how could it be on the second floor."

Xie Yuqing said: "But why is it so clever, but it is the fourth dormitory?"

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang looked up and looked up at the four-storey old building on his back. The scene of the confrontation with Feng Xinyu emerged in his mind.

Feng Xinyu was the first difficult to deal with after he went down the mountain. His resentment was extremely deep, but he was infatuated by the wind...

Also in that incident, I became acquainted with Xie Yuqing and Yan Lengyu and became the best friend. I did not expect that after going through so many things, I returned to this place.

Ye Shaoyang's heart, inevitably produced some very wonderful feelings.

At the end of the incident, he remembered clearly: Feng Xinyu was overtaken by himself. Now, whether she is suffering in **** or going to reincarnation, it is impossible to return to the world.

The dormitory building on the 4th, the clouds are coming back, but it should have nothing to do with her.

(It’s late, I will make a chapter tonight. Ye Shaoyang is back on campus, and the dormitory on the 4th floor is resurrected. It’s more scary than the last incident, so stay tuned.)

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