Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1490: Female ghost in the toilet 4

Tearing... The clothes are torn apart, then the body is bitten, some people are rushing away, and a heartbreaking cry is heard...

All this seems to be in front of you, but it is invisible.

The three were scared on the spot.

"Xiaorui, what is going on here!" The friend’s voice trembled.

Zhang Xiaorui hurriedly closed the window and said: "Don't be afraid, I am a Maoshan Taoist, I am not afraid of being a haunted."

The three did not dare to stay in the room again and ran to the corridor. Only then did they find that many of their classmates were there. One by one was frightened, and some girls were scared to cry.

Others suspect that it is a prank.

Zhang Xiaorui went to the stairs and saw a dozen sisters gathered there, intending to go out and find out. Zhang Xiaorui immediately volunteered to bring them together. She originally wanted to go by herself, but in the middle of the night, one person was a little scared. After all, Ye Shaoyang was not there.

When I came to the back of the building, all the sounds had disappeared and the wind stopped.

More than a dozen girls trembled in the open space between the two buildings, illuminated with a mobile phone, looking for signs of possible mischief in the corner.

“Look here!” A girl’s eye pointed out that under the window sill of the first floor, a blood stain was found, which penetrated from the brick wall to the bottom of the soil.

Everyone quickly went around to observe and found that the blood was seeping out from the brick wall, forming two words: Sisi.

"What do you do!"

A flashlight came over and the girls looked back and the board came over.

"Sister Zhang!" Some girls recognized it. They pulled the tube to the window and pointed at the blood to show her.

Zhang surnamed the tube to see the blood, but also a little panic, immediately called the school security department, and then asked the girls to go back to the room.

The girls were unwilling to go. They waited until the defending person came over and checked it in the vicinity. They did not see any suspicious circumstances. So they sampled the blood and said they would bring it back to investigate.

"It should be a boring prank of a student, no big deal, no more a psychic event, go back."

The people in the house and the security department are rushing together.

Zhang Xiaorui had nothing to do but also caught in the middle of the girls and returned to the dormitory.

In the face of the students waiting in the building, several girls cheered and talked about the discovery of the bleeding on the brick wall. The girls were scared and talked about, but the fear was more exciting. which performed.

Only Zhang Xiaorui felt that this was unusual. He thought of calling Ye Shaoyang. He looked at it at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. Hesitated or gave up, thinking about meeting tomorrow.

Zhang surnamed the station and the security guard turned around a few laps. No abnormal situation was found. So it was more certain that someone had a mischief. Similar things happened before, and it was not taken seriously.

"Zhang Ximei, I don't know if there is any suspicious situation in your dormitory. We have to search it." When leaving, a security guard made a joke.

Zhang Xi is only in his thirties. The length is not bad. The people are very easy-going. The security guards are more familiar with her and often joke with each other.

"Go your way, today I am on duty with Aunt Wu, if you dare to go, please."

"Aunt Wu is there, that's OK. When she is, she is not going to go."

Aunt Wu is the head of the logistics team. She has been in school for 30 years. Now she is in her fifties. She has retired in a few years. She is very serious and she is meticulous in her work. The school workers have been afraid of dealing with her. she was.

Zhang Xi went back to the dormitory.

The school workers have school workers' dormitory. On the side of the girls' dormitory, two two-story small buildings are built 20 years ago, and men and women are separated.

The duty room of the board is in the front room of the small building, not far from the dormitory. According to the regulations, after checking out the lights at night, the boarder can go back to the dormitory to sleep. If there is any urgent matter in the night dormitory, you can hear it in the duty room.

It was her turn tonight with her aunt Wu, who had already slept, and heard the ghosts crying outside, Zhang Xi went out to check.

"what's the situation?"

After Zhang Xi entered the dormitory, Wu Aunt sat up and asked.

"On the second floor, something went wrong, and the ghosts were crying. The students said that they were haunted, and many students went on."

"A big fuss." Wu Aunt lay down again.

"And, I don't know who painted the two words with red paint on the back wall. It is estimated who is pranking. Someone used to do this before."

These female college students are very strange. When they stayed for a long time, Zhang Xi had seen everything, so from the beginning she thought it was a prank. As for the strange voices, it is also very good to explain: definitely a student. Hide it and play it on your mobile phone.

Aunt Wu was lying in bed and asked, "What word?"

"It seems to be...Sisi."

Aunt Wu has closed her eyes and slammed openly. There is also a wave of waves on the face of Gujing’s waveless. "Sisi?"

"Yes, thinking of thought, it is estimated which girl's nickname."

Wu Aunt’s mouth squirmed and wanted to ask, Zhang Xi took the toilet paper and went out. "Aunt, you sleep first, I go to the toilet."

The toilet in the dormitory is shared, in the middle of the corridor.

Zhang Xi clapped his hands all the way, shook the voice-activated lights and walked quickly.

Outside the toilet is a washroom with a pool on both sides.

When Zhang Xijin went, he bumped into a woman, dressed in plaid hair, wearing a checkered pajamas, holding a plastic basin and washing something in front of the sink.

"Cui Ling?"

Zhang Xi recognized through the back image that Cui Ling, who is the same as the other person in charge of the building, took a shot. "How do you wash your clothes in the middle of the night and scare me?"

After a casual look at her, I saw only half of my face, pale under the light, because of urgency, too late to see more, directly into the toilet.

When I was awkward, Zhang Xiyue thought that something was a little bit wrong. I just glanced at it casually. I didn’t see it clearly. Now I think about it. Doesn’t that person seem to be Cui Ling?

Moreover, what kind of clothes have to be washed in the middle of the night?

A trace of fear, crossed from her heart.

She put on her trousers and walked out of the toilet.

Cui Ling was still there to wash her head down.

Zhang Xi yelled at her back: "Cui Ling?"

Cui Ling did not seem to hear.

"Cui Ling, what happened to you." Zhang Xi walked over and wanted to look at her face. She found her hair hanging down and covered her face.

Zhang Xi reached out to rub her hair, her hand reached in front of her, stopped, and suddenly there was a fear in her heart, for fear that she would not see the familiar face.

At this time, Cui Ling also stopped the action of washing things, suddenly said: "Do you want to see my face."

The sound is deep, unlike her usual voice.

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