"Cui Ling, I..."

"You can see the pot directly."

Zhang Xi remembered that she had not noticed what she was washing, so she turned her head and looked at it -

It is a soft thing with hair and the limbs below.

I thought it was a dress with a fur collar. If I looked at it differently, I was wondering. Cui Ling turned over the "hair collar" and revealed a crumpled face. Both eyes and mouth were holes. .

The water rushes over it, bringing out a **** water.

"I want to wash it, but I can't wash it clean, you said... what to do?"

Cui Ling suddenly pulled the dress out of the basin and unfolded in front of Zhang Xi. Zhang Xi saw it. This is a human skin! The "hair collar" is the hair of the human skin.

Zhang Xi’s legs were soft and fell to the ground, his hands pressed on the floor, suddenly felt wet and wet, looking down, it was a thick blood, and blood was constantly dripping. Instinctively looked up and looked at:

A body, tightly attached to the roof, the head hanging down, no hair, no skin under the body, but the red fluttering muscles, the above meridians twisted, no eyelids covered, two eyeballs exposed outside, bulging It was covered with bloodshot eyes and looked like it was glaring at yourself.

Zhang Xi instantly understood that this is Cui Ling’s body, which was smashed, and it was her skin that was washed in the basin!

An unprecedented fear, she took her mind in an instant, she fell to the ground, her mouth opened, she wanted to scream, but she could not make a sound.

"You, are you not looking at my face?"

The woman who was washing the skin, two hands pulled out from the basin, and moved to Zhang Xi in the wrong way. He squatted down and opened his hair in front of his hands.

"Hey!" The tube suddenly burst open and fell dark.

A pair of bloodshot eyes appeared in front of them, and the pupil of the left eye suddenly split into two. Without waiting for her to see clearly, one thing reached into her mouth, and she continued to get in and stirred up in the internal organs. ......

Impossible, it can't be her.

Aunt Wu is sitting on the bed and comforting herself. It is absolutely impossible for her, impossible, for more than 30 years...


When I heard the name from Cui Lingkou, all the past events were stirred up. For more than 30 years, everything in the past is still vivid.

She sat on the edge of the bed, stunned, remembering the past, the scene of the cracked heart...

A footstep from far and near interrupted her thoughts.

Aunt Wu took a deep breath and re-slid down. She turned to the wall and listened to the footsteps. She said, "Go to bed early, don't play with your phone."

The footsteps always came to the bed and stopped, and there was no movement for a long time.

When Aunt Wu noticed something, she turned and the light suddenly went out.

She saw a pair of glowing eyes and two pupils in the left eye.

The heart trembled fiercely, but quickly calmed down.

Yes, it’s coming.

Wu aunt shuddered and sat up, touched the bedside table, took out a candle from it, and placed it on the bedside table.

The faint light is projected on the face of the opposite person.

It was a completely shrunken face. It seemed to have been burnt by the fire. The blue veins on the face burst out and curled together. It looked like a black beak and an eversion flower, adding a touch of ugliness to this ugly face. .

Aunt Wu looked up at her, without a trace of fear on her face, said faintly: "Sisi, you are back."

"You have changed." Sisi also stared at her face, said leisurely.

Aunt Wu’s mouth showed a bitter smile, saying: “Thirty years, everything has changed.”

"Some things will change over time, but there are things... never change."

Aunt Wu said: "For example, hatred?"

Sisi stretched out a dry finger and gently touched his face, saying: "For example, my face, and the pain in the bones."

Stopped and said: "But what I can't forget is your betrayal."

Aunt Wu sighed and said: "If I choose once, I will still do that."

"For more than 30 years, I have been living forever, thinking about coming back every moment, standing in front of you like this, asking you why you betray me, what did you get after betraying me?"

"I have been here for more than 30 years, acting as a shackle, just for redemption." Wu Laotai stood up and looked at Sisi's face from a close distance, as if she saw the girl who was so dusty, shook her head and said, "Everything is gone. You killed so many people that year. What resentment is there, it should be eliminated."

"But I also became like this."

Sisi smiled twice. "I said, some things don't change over time. You remember, I said I will come back, I will avenge, let this school become a paradise for the corpse, now ......"

She leaned forward and an ugly face was almost on the face of Aunt Wu. She whispered, "Sansan, now, I am back. Do you want to stop me?"

The eyes flashed, the mouth suddenly opened, and a black-red tongue spit out, stabbing at the face of Wu Aunt.

"After nine days, protect my true soul!"

Aunt Wu had been wary of this moment, her hands were printed, and she wrote a spell. The heart-shaped pendant, often nicknamed "The Heart of the Sea" by young people, suddenly flashed.

The tongue stabbed into the mouth of Aunt Wu, filling her mouth completely, and then stuck into her stomach with her throat.

Suddenly, the tongue was pulled out, and a cavity of blood and shredded internal organs were rolled up and sucked into the mouth.

Sisi raised her hand and photographed it against Aunt Wu’s Tianling cover. The whole body cracked because the blood was drained. The cross section of the red flutter looked like the frozen meat in the refrigerator. It was shocking.

A phantom, standing in the position where Wu Aunt's body was originally standing, looks exactly like her. The translucent figure shows that she is a ghost, but her eyes are sluggish and she stands still.

"If you are dying, you must use the Spiritual Separation Technique to leave the two souls and six scorpions to me. You have no chance of reincarnation. Why is this?"

Sisi's gaze searched on the ground, found the heart-shaped pendant, reached out and grabbed it. The pendant immediately gave a light, hitting her hand, and a black smoke came out.

Sisi quickly slammed his hand and sighed in the nostrils: "I understand, you want to use this method, leave the clues to others, is that Maoshan Tianshi? You think that with him a human master, you can destroy me. plan?"

Sisi laughed a little, and the tone became a little colder: "I told you that the corpse is never a slave. Whoever is in front of us is a dead end, not to mention my sister has returned!"

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