Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1666: Mysterious evil

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly untied his legs, tied his legs, snorted, snorted and pulled hard.

Just listening to "哗啦", a loose hand, Ye Shaoyang fell to the ground, turned and looked, "Ibrain" half of the body has been broken into quicksand.

Ye Shaoyang stayed for a moment, immediately stepped forward, using his hands to plan the ground, Sibao also immediately took a shovel from the ground to help.

After dug for a while, the two were dumbfounded: "Ibrain" was turned into a quicksand and merged with the surrounding quicksand.

"Impossible!" said Ye Shaoyang. In the eyes of ordinary people, ghosts are ever-changing and omnipotent. Only the Master knows that the behaviors of all evil things are in accordance with the laws of heaven. For example, ghosts are invisible, corpses are tangible, no matter what the cultivation is, this rule is It won't change.

A group of sand can't be turned into a human form anyway, and vice versa, so Ye Shaoyang saw this scene in front of him and immediately judged that sand is definitely not the whole thing of the evil.

"Well, I let you run!"

Ye Shaoyang snorted and took out the eight pieces of the five emperors. He placed a shape similar to a five-pointed star in the position where the evil material was turned into a quicksand. Then he nailed the red line into the money eye with a copper nail. It looked more like a five-pointed star. The eight-door gold lock array.

Ye Shaoyang cut his right thumb with his fingernails, and held the big money in the middle of the eight-door gold lock array. The left hand was sealed and the mantra was constantly chanting.

There are three variants of the eight-door gold lock array, which can be used to fight the enemy, and can be used to lock the spirit. It is a kind of high-level method in Maoshan inner door. The so-called Qian Ding eight door, suffocating cloud, this spell has no skill, just requires the caster to have deep enough suffocation, the deeper the suffocating, the stronger the effect .

Ye Shaoyang is a spiritual fairy, and he displays eight gold locks. The power is different. Eight copper coins reflect eight different lusters under the illumination of the moonlight. They travel along the red line and gather together to the middle of the cast. Go up.

After a dozen or so seconds, Ye Shaoyang felt the change of the ground below, and there was something faintly drawn from the gap of the quicksand, which was led by the power of the array.

When I couldn’t feel the evil, I saw that Ye Shaoyang had just finished the practice and took the big money in the hands of the mother. I found a circle of hair wrapped around it, condensing some evil.

"Is this doing?" The four treasures looked at the hair and asked.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and straightened the curly long hair, which was much longer than his own hair.

"Not a woman?" The four treasures were shocked.

"Who knows, there are also many wizards, and men also have long hair."

In his practice, Cao Yu and others all gathered up and looked at them. Almost everyone among them saw this picture for the first time. Someone even didn't know what he was doing.

Cao Yu kneels beside Ye Shaoyang and looks at his hair and says, "What does this mean?"

Ye Shaoyang simply sat on the ground and held the circle of hair. He said: "The fake Ibrahim is just the hair control. Although I don't know much about witchcraft, I know that no matter what witchcraft, If you want to control someone else's body or evil spirits from a distance, you need something on your body, usually blood, and hair is also commonly used."

Then he sighed: "But I saw this magical witchcraft for the first time. Even if the hair is attached to the power of witchcraft, it is very surprising to gather adults."

Four treasures nodded and said: "This wizard is definitely a cow, a little bit interesting."

Cao Yu immediately got up and looked around with vigilance. Then he asked, "Is the wizard you said, is it near here?"

"It should be nearby, but I don't know how far it is, but the caster is generally not too far away, otherwise the spell will not work. You don't find it, you can't find it."

Ye Shaoyang spread his left hand and activated the soul print of Guagua, let him come back to report the situation.

Cao Yu is silent. With his world view, although he knows that there are things like ghosts in the world, he still can't accept the fact that he can turn sand into people with only his hair. When he wants to think about it, he finally gave up the problem. Asked: "This wizard, why do you want to do this?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "If you ask why you want to become Ibrahim, I can tell you that his intentions are obviously to be mixed with us - he has changed a sand man, let's call it that way. Ibrahimovic was killed, and then 80% was filled with corpse in his body, manipulating him into the ground.

Because the sand people came in from the ground, so the frightened array I arranged was not activated, I really did not expect this, after we were awakened by the camel's roar, the fake Ibrahim was chasing the camel far away Going, because it is going out from the inside, the fright will still not show the police.

At this time, Ibrahim was already dead. If it was not for us to discover the truth and dig up the body of Ibrahim, his plan would be successful - and if the camel came back to the camp, no one would Suspicion of his identity, then he can follow us, supervise our every move, even sneak us when necessary..."

Although everyone does not understand the knowledge of these ghosts, but the common sense still knows, at this time recalling the fake Ibrahim’s picture of the camel coming back, there is really no problem, and my heart can’t help but twitch, if you let this "Ghosts" mixed into the middle of the team, the consequences really can not imagine.

"Really there are ghosts..." a girl murmured and muttered.

In one sentence, the voice of the people is also revealed. No matter how unbelieve the existence of ghosts and gods before, but those experiences, such as the resurrection of the dead, the emergence of two identical people, and the return of the fake Ibrahim into quicksand... It was what they saw with their own eyes, and they completely refreshed their worldview, and they could not help but believe it.

Cao Yu forced himself to calm down and said: "But the fake Ibraine, why kill the camel, and directly kill the real Ibrahim?"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and said: "It may be to create confusion. Moreover, he probably does not know which tent Ibrahim sleeps in. Even if he knows, he does not dare to go in the face of others, so he is on the camel. Start.

These camels are Ibrahim, and if something goes wrong, Ibrahim will definitely come out. He killed the camel, probably because he wanted to lead Ibrahim. ”

This speculation is also reasonable, but the four treasures shook their heads and said: "Don't forget, the internal organs of the camel, in the belly of the real Ibrahim, I guess Ibrahim was tossed after he died. Zombies, eating internal organs, sucking blood, are the instincts of zombies, so Ibrahim killed a camel after the corpse, for fear of being discovered, or the evil to help, and stuffed him into the sand."

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