Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1667: There is also evil 1

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, I feel that this analysis is more reasonable. At this time, Cao Yu asked: "Why are you talking about the wizard, why should you mix it with us?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said: "This is to ask you, they must have come to the expedition team. When you led the team to inspect, did you have a similar thing?"

Cao Yu’s eyebrow said: "No, everything happened after the tomb. Nothing happened on the road. Oh, no, it’s a person who attacks the monitoring station. It seems to be a sand... Is it a monster?"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer his words. He thought for a while and said: "If you look at it this way, it must be done by the same wizard. Maybe there is more than one. In short, the other side attacks us. Eighty percent is related to the ancient tomb."

When everyone listened to the previous spooky events, they actually had a relationship with their destinations. Although they did not understand the inside story, they were still somewhat indignant and accused Cao Yu of concealing the situation.

After all, Cao Yu was a leader, and his psychological quality was very good. He quickly calmed down and told everyone about it.

"This is really not my heart. I didn't even think about taking risks together. I originally asked the two masters to go to the tomb first and make sure that everyone is safe. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen halfway. If there is Who wouldn’t want to continue to investigate, I can arrange for people to send them back, and the agreed compensation is still the same. I can’t help you.”

Everyone looked at each other and immediately there were several people who said they wanted to leave. Cao Yu immediately asked Xiao Zhang to write down the names of several people, saying that when they were bright, they would look for a car to send them back.

There are still a few people who hesitate to ask Ye Shaoyang. "If we stay, can you guarantee our safety?"

"No." Ye Shaoyang replied very simply, "But if you listen to me, at least I can do my best."

Several people looked at each other and some hesitated.

Cao Yu let them all enter the tent to further discuss the issue of staying. "Mr. Ye and Master Sibao, you two..."

"Let's discuss it, we have to arrange it to ensure safety this evening."

Everyone listened to this, thinking of his previous means of dealing with the "monster", but also slightly relieved, followed Cao Yu into the largest tent, not standing inside, many people stood outside and discussed together.

Ye Shaoyang recalled Guagua, and learned that he had turned around in the vicinity and found nothing. It seems that the wizard of the practice has hid.

"This cold winter, can you hide where?" Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself.

Sibao took the hair from his hand and played it in his hand. He smelled it and said, "Not a woman, it should be a man's hair."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked: "Can you smell this?"

"Women's hair is generally coated with conditioner, which is fragrant, this hair has no fragrance, but also oily, it must be the hair of the lords!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly: "You can pull it down. This place is in the wilderness. Who can wash his hair every day and use conditioner?"

Sibao thought, too, burned his hair with a lighter and said: "The wizard can create the evil spirits of the earth. The normal array is useless. Do you want us to lay a ground floor and guard against one night?"

"No, the other party was frustrated this time. Most of them didn't dare to come. Do you still have melons?" Then he ordered Guagua to guard the camp at night, and he didn't have to sleep anyway.

Guagua licked his mouth and it was promised.

Four treasures nodded in agreement, suddenly frowning: "Guagua, you don't sleep, right? When you had an accident, you didn't hear?"

The melon was white and he said: "I can't sleep, I can't squint for twenty-four hours. I have to be mentally ill. You are all sleeping. This is not TV. I am bored and I am determined. Not aware of it."

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao discussed for a while, and nothing could be discussed. At this time, the team members went out and returned to their tents.

After Cao Yu came out and solicited the opinions of Ye Shaoyang, he greeted several soldiers. He buried the body of Ibrain on the spot and got it back tomorrow.

"What to do tonight, will there be danger?" Cao Yu asked.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the melon that had climbed to the top of the tent. "There is nothing to watch him."

Cao Yu watched the soldiers buried the body of Ibrahim and sighed: "I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing on the first day of entering the desert."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How do they say, are they going back?"

"Some go back, some don't go back."

Cao Yu told him that those who are unwilling to go back are true love for scientific investigations. The more mysterious the ancient tombs are, the more they evoke their enthusiasm.

Ye Shaoyang does not understand this feeling, but he can understand it.

At this time, Professor Sun came out and saw Ye Shaoyang. His expression was a bit embarrassing. Hesitated a bit. He walked over and looked at Ye Shaoyang and Sibao respectively. He said: "Can the two tell me whether this world is true? Are there ghosts?"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly had some speechlessness. "Don't you have seen nothing?"

Professor Sun sighed and his eyes showed a complex color. "Because I saw it, I couldn’t believe it, but I had to believe..."

Sibaodao: "You are studying archaeology, have you ever been to the tomb?"

Professor Sun said: "A lot has been done."

"That's it, I don't believe you have never seen a strange event like a zombie."

"I have seen it before, but those so-called spiritual events can be explained by science... Even if the existing science can't explain clearly, there is at least one direction, so I have never believed in the gods and gods, but just saw The scene can't be explained anyway."

Professor Sun looked at the two poorly. "So, I want to ask the two to tell me clearly whether there is a ghost in this world. Don't be angry, don't you don't believe it..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "There is nothing to be angry. If you can, I would rather you never know that there are ghosts in this world. But unfortunately... it is true."

Professor Sun looked at him slyly, his expression was a bit complicated, he nodded at the end, and did not ask anything again. He lost his soul and walked back to the tent.

Ye Shaoyang sighed softly. He could understand the feelings of Professor Sun. He didn't believe in ghosts and gods for a lifetime. He suddenly found the truth in the end... The feeling that the whole faith collapsed completely is definitely uncomfortable.

Leave the melons and guards on the tents, and return to the tent with Sibao and Cao Yu, and get into the sleeping bag, because there is something in mind, and it is almost until dawn.

The temperature difference in the desert was terrible, and the coats with low temperatures at night were cold, but after the sun came out, the temperature immediately went up. The group was wearing shirts and sitting in the shadows under the tent.

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