Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1679: Sudden danger 1

For Ye Shaoyang, this is simply a disaster.

Liu Kai didn't know what the instrument was, but looking at his look, he also knew that these things must be different, and proposed to go nearby to find.

Ye Shaoyang forced himself to calm down. He first looked at the location near his undressing. He did not leave any footprints on the sand. The two went to find nearby and could not find it.

Ye Shaoyang scratched the tip of his right finger and wrote a slogan with blood to his left hand. He closed his eyes and recited words in his mouth. He perceived its position by his connection with the Seven Star Longquan Sword.

Suddenly the eyes lit up.

The position of the Qixing Longquan sword is perceived! However, this kind of perceptual spell is not accurate. It can only perceive it in a certain direction, the distance is quite far, and rushes out in that direction. It just ran for a few tens of meters, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly stood still.

Turning around in the direction of the camp, he shouted: "Hurry back!"

Liu Kai followed and ran up and asked, "Mr. Ye, are you not looking for something?"

"What do you think they are stealing my implement?" Ye Shaoyang asked as he ran.

Liu Kai said, "Not for theft. Although I don't know much, it must be a good thing."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. After the initial panic, he immediately thought of who was stealing it: it was ridiculous, and no one else, stealing his own instrument, must be the wizard who tried to destroy it before. I have nails, so I think of this method.

Their intentions are not the instrument itself, the seven-star Longquan sword, the yin-yang mirror, etc. are their own exclusive implements, others can not sacrifice, holding is useless, as for the rest of the gates and medicines, where Can get it, there is no risk to steal.

They steal their own instruments and can only have one purpose: to weaken their own strength. There is no instrument, and the strength is equal to a large part of the waste.

Therefore, they still have to deal with the expedition team!

After trying to understand this, Ye Shaoyang immediately gave up looking for a device, and rushed back to the camp to protect everyone.

Aside from the camp, there was a sand dune, and Ye Shaoyang heard two cracks.

"The gun, some people put the gun!" Liu Kai was shocked.

Crossing the sand dunes, the two looked forward and immediately smashed: within a few tens of meters of the monitoring room, they were almost invisible by a cloud of black clouds.

"What is this situation!" Liu Kai was shocked.

Ye Shaoyang wiped the mark on the left hand and cut the index finger of both hands. They painted a palm in each of the two palms. They turned and said to Liu Kai: "You keep me tight, don't leave in one step!"

The two flew all the way and entered the camp covered by the overcast clouds. It seemed that they had entered the night from the daytime. After Ye Shaoyang sneaked in, he immediately felt the yin and force, and fixed his eyes, and several black shadows were shaken in the direction of the monitoring room. One found Ye Shaoyang, immediately rushed up.

Ye Shaoyang jumped up, and the palm of his hand patted the past. The palm of his hand hit the other side of the brain. He only heard a slamming sound, and his head fell into a piece. Then the whole person softened and went to the ground.


Is it a person composed of sand?

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to return to the gods, the sands of the beach once again gathered together and became the shape of a person, rushing toward himself.

Ye Shaoyang immediately shattered him and turned back and pulled a handful of Liu Kai, "Follow me!"

I countered the sand people in front, cleaned up a road, took Liu Kai to the door, saw Lin Sansheng blocked at the door, his hands were printed, three flowers appeared on the top of his head, and he continued to rotate, and the petals of the magical force continued to fly toward the front. , constantly smashing the sand people who rushed over to the end.

Behind Lin Sansheng, standing two soldiers with guns, shooting at the sandman, the place where the gun was shot collapsed, and then repaired himself immediately.

"I hit him three shots, what the monster is!" said the soldier.

"You are all in the house, don't come out!"

Ye Shaoyang let Lin Sansheng stand, and the rest of the people hurry to the bedroom. Cao Yu and others looked down in the house with fear and saw Ye Shaoyang. Immediately, they saw the savior and surrounded them.

"It's exactly the same as before!" Cao Yu said in a deep voice. "The members who stayed here before were all attacked and all died."

"You go to the corner to hide, I will deal with it!" Ye Shaoyang finished, and rushed to the door, let Lin Sansheng go in to protect everyone, and go to block the door.

At first, there were not many people in the sand. With the mana of Ye Shaoyang, the palm of the hand was broken. However, after the sands were broken, they immediately gathered together in adult form, and more and more, Ye Shaoyang had only one person after all, and both hands were together. Can barely resist.

Suddenly a soft foot, a strange feeling came, looked down, the original hard ground is actually softening, the sand gathered together, forming a human form.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and had to call Lin Sansheng loudly to let him hold the bedroom and protect everyone. They still resist those outside the door and prevent them from coming in.

"I said Shaoyang, when are you, you actually use the palm of your hand, use the soul to scream!" Lin Sansheng saw Ye Shaoyang bare-handed, can not help but shouted.

Ye Shaoyang gave him a blank look. "I don't know if I want to use it."

Lin Sansheng glanced, saying: "What about the instrument?"

"Being stolen, don't steal my instruments, they dare to bully the door?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is resentful. If there is a hook in the hand, a whip is pumping over, I don’t know how much I can kill. Even if I don’t have a soul and a seven-star dragon spring sword, just pick a copper bean or not, it’s not as hard as it is now. .

"The four treasures are not there, you also lost the instrument..." Lin Sansheng suddenly had no bottom.

At this time, the sand in the room also swelled and gathered into the sand people. Lin Sansheng found out a ruler in the fairy palace and continued to hit. Fortunately, the sand people in the house were revived much slower than the outside. It doesn't matter.

Cao Yu and others have shrunk in the corner of the wall. Looking at this horrified scene, they are nervous and do not dare to move.

Lin Sansheng, while killing the enemy, thought about the reason. After killing a sandman, he observed it carefully and found that there was nothing but sand.

Lin Sansheng does not believe. Although the sand people in front of me are only low-level evil spirits, but there is no magic or witchcraft, you can gather adults in the air. In the sand people, there must be something to control it.

At the moment, Shaoyang said: "Shaoyang, you kill one, look for the soul letter! I am the soul, can't do it!"

The Soul Letter is the material that the Master uses to remotely control the evil spirits.

Ye Shaoyang said: "It’s all this time, look for what to do!"

"You find it first, fast!"

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