Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1680: Sudden danger 2

Ye Shaoyang knows that he must say that there must be a reason. At the moment, a sand person is broken, his hands are rummaged in the sand on the ground, and a long shape is touched. When he picks it up, it is a small piece of red wooden strip. With a few simple symbols engraved on it, it looks like a rune.

Smell, the smell is pungent, a bit like the taste of Chinese medicine.

"Found it! What?"

Lin Sansheng let him throw it at his feet and said, "You help me!"

After talking about the shadow, it was made into a cigarette and attached to the piece of wood.

Ye Shaoyang had to retreat to the bedroom and hold the door.

Cao Yu saw him difficult and groaned and said: "Mr. Ye, or we... break through?"

"Where are you going to break out?" Ye Shaoyang said with a sigh of relief. "You are here, at least there are walls blocking, going out to be surrounded by enemies. How can I take care of you!"

Cao Yudao: "But this is not the way to go."

"Keep it for a while!"

During the speech, the piece of wood slowly rises with a smoke, and the adult shadow is Lin Sansheng. Just after the appearance, it is against Ye Shaoyang: "The master of control, in the place two or three miles away from here, it is estimated that there are many people! ”

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he understood what he was doing: the Master manipulated the shackles, relying on the power of witchcraft, and there was a mysterious power connected to each other, just like the wireless signal, clearly existed, but completely for people. Can't see or touch.

Even if it is a Lingxian tablet, there is no way to chase this power, let alone trace it back to the source through this power, but Lin Sansheng is a ghost after all, and cultivates the Taoist ghost technique, thus completing this impossible task.

Ye Shaoyang did not have time to ask how he did it. He immediately asked: "Which direction?"

"Being the north! The thief first smashes the king, I can go over it!"

Ye Shaoyang immediately denied, "No, they can remotely control the road between two or three miles. The mana is definitely not weak. The number is definitely quite a lot. You used to pass to death."

Another reason is that Lin Sansheng is a ghost after all. Although he has practiced the Taoist ghosts, he can only deal with evil spirits. He fights with the Master in the spirit of the ghost, and he is suppressed. Therefore, Ye Shaoyang is absolutely not allowed.

Lin Sansheng said: "What to do, you have to protect everyone, you can't go, this sand person is endless, and I don't know when it will be hit."

"Let's wait, wait for the rescuer!"

"Salvation?" Lin Sansheng frowned.

Ye Shaoyang just want to explain, suddenly the foot is soft, look down, the sand is actually splitting, hurriedly jumped to the side, I saw the middle of the room, there was a crack in the big move, and even around .

A black water flowed out of the crack, bubbling, soaking the surrounding sand, and a strong smell of odor, immediately flooding the room, not smelling like the smell of eggs, big dung. How many times.

Cao Yu and others retched and looked worried. Several people were holding together and shivering.

Corpse smell!

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. Is there a zombie underground?

The corpse water began to spread around the room.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly returned to the gods, jumped to the corner in one step, blocked in front of Cao Yu and others, and drew a line on the sand with his fingers, extending from one wall to the other, blocking the corner behind him, and then almost instinctively Go to the belt, want to touch the five emperors, and the waist is empty.

“Mom!” Ye Shaoyang snorted and turned back and asked, “Who are you boys?”

Seeing everyone in amazement, Dad said: "A virgin!"

The crowd immediately shook their heads and looked at each other, and the final eyes fell on one of the youngest soldiers.

The soldier looked at him only in his twenties. When he saw everyone looking at himself, his face was immediately red. He said: "The buns last hard to pull me to health care, I couldn’t hold back..."

"Rely, I hope you can't do it, but I will come by myself."

Looking left and right, the corpse water has not spread, jumped to another corner, picked up a bottle of pure water, unscrewed and then fell, facing the corner, and then close to his armpit...

"Shaoyang, you are not a true disciple, but still a boy..." Lin Sansheng’s voice is full of surprises.

"What happened to the boy? Is the boy a shame? You want to be a boy and a man." Ye Shaoyang was anxious and ruined. After he finished speaking, he felt that the boy was not shameful, but he was in his early twenties, or a boy, indeed. It’s shameful...

After picking up a bottle of urine, Ye Shaoyang returned to the front of his line, wrote a "Yi" word on the floor with his fingers, drew a few lines, and poured the urine inside.

At this time, the corpse water also spread, and the urine in the corpse line was touched, and immediately killed, no longer moving forward, the urine snorted and bubbling, constantly evaporating, unable to row out in the bedroom, pungent A person with a scent smells a pain in his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang smelled the magnified urine smell, a little blushing, and said: "I am sorry that I got angry in the past two days, um, the taste is a bit big..."

Compared with corpse water, urine is totally inconsistent. It is evaporated a little. Ye Shaoyang looks in his eyes. It is very anxious. At this moment, there is a deep scream from the crack of the corpse water spreading. Like the roar of the beast, it is like the cry of the evil spirits, shocking people.

From the crack, I climbed out something like the tentacles, twisted in the air, and stretched over here. Ye Shaoyang looked carefully, as if it were hair.

Where did Cao Yu and others see this horror scene, scared almost to faint, and sent a cry like a cry. The mental qualities of several special forces are extremely good. I saw this scene in front of me. It was also pale and sweaty. The hand holding the gun also trembled.

The spread hair touched the corpse line and was immediately corroded by the corrosion, but more and more hair grew out of the crack, and the urine looked dry.

Once the corpse line was broken, a few people in the room basically explained it. Even if you want to break through, it’s too late.

Ye Shaoyang bit his teeth and said to Lin Sansheng: "You come to protect them. I went to get the following thing."

Lin Sansheng immediately called: "No! You are also flesh. This is not a normal corpse. I am afraid that even if you contact, you will die, or I will go!"

When I finished flying to the crack, I looked down and saw that it was all messy hair. I couldn’t see it at all, and I got into it.

He is a ghost, and the corpse water does not pose any threat to him, but those hairs can sense his existence, see him approaching, and immediately reach out like a tentacle, trying to catch him.

Lin Sansheng offered three flowers, smashed the hair, rushed into the crack, and disappeared immediately.

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