Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1681: Underground hair 1

Some of the hair was rolled up in the middle of the crack, and the other part still eroded the corpse line. Ye Shaoyang waited for a while, Lin Sansheng had no movement there. He worried that Lin Sansheng could not do anything, and he didn't want to sit still. He turned back and found a few empty bottles of wine on the ground and threw them into the dead water.

Although the scope of corpse water is very wide, it does not accumulate in order to spread, so it is not deep.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and flew up the bottle and almost fell. He stepped on one foot and walked forward as a roller. He came to the middle of the crack and immediately surrounded a group of hair.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed it and quickly smashed it into two gongs. They were tied together in a knot. The little cinnabar popped up in the little finger, and the fire curse was read again. He sighed **** his hair and screamed at the hair. The blue flame.

The fire of the ground continued to burn down the hair, and came to the source of the spread of the corpse. The fire was supposed to be extinguished, but the fire was originally burned, and the corpse of the corpse was exposed to the fire. It was like oil. The same, immediately ignited a fire.

Ye Shaoyang slammed the fire and did not spread. A step back to the corner, blocking the panic-stricken Cao Yu and others, said: "Don't be afraid, this fire will not burn people, standing here is fine."

The ground fire only targets evil things. The things in the sun, except for the spiritual medium - such as the painted charms, will not burn anything, but the human soul is also a femininity after all, and it will be baked for a long time. Burns, so Ye Shaoyang retreated to the side.

"Army, hurry up!" Ye Shaoyang shouted in the middle of the crack, but there was no movement.

The fire did not spread: soon after burning, the corpse water no longer spewed, but instead flowed back into the crack, the sand was a mess, but the corpse water had subsided, and a crisis finally eased.

Ye Shaoyang flew to the edge of the crack, leaned over and looked inside. He didn't watch the head of the group fired, and wrapped his face in the head and pulled it hard.

Ye Shaoyang tried to hold the edge of the crack with his hands. As a result, he forgot that the foot was sand, his hands were directly inserted into the sand, his head was facing down, and he was smashed down with the quicksand.

Ye Shaoyang had a bad voice. At this critical moment, he suddenly felt that his two ankles were tight. He seemed to be caught and forced to pull out.

Although the strength behind him could not compete with his hair, but how much made Yang Shaoyang breathe a sigh of relief, and now bite the tip of his tongue, even spit with blood and squirted.

With a bang, the hair that wraps around immediately shrinks back.

Ye Shaoyang hurried back, and turned back to see that Liu Kai and another soldier, one person holding one leg, nodded to them and let them let go.

Standing up, just breathing, the hair below spread up.

The fire that was so strong just now was extinguished! What is the genie of these hair owners?

Ye Shaoyang holds the empty hands, and there is a feeling that the hero is useless. He jumps hard and escapes the first wave of hair attack. He reaches for two hands, so the technique is re-applied, and the result is not yet coming. The fire spell, only heard two screams coming from behind, turned and saw that the two soldiers were **** with their hair, fell to the ground, dragged into the crack.

In a hurry, Ye Shaoyang fluttered, fingers pressed into the law, repelled the hair wrapped around Liu Kai's leg, just to save another soldier, a large strand of hair sticking out from the crack, separating the two Open, overwhelming, the leaves of Shaoyang rolled over.


Ye Shaoyang was also shot out of the real fire, standing still, his eyes cold, opened the eyes of the sky, a white light that ordinary people can't see, shot from the eyebrows.

The light of the sky. You can only use it once a month. It is not a last resort. Ye Shaoyang will never use it. Now it is important to save people. Ye Shaoyang can't take it anymore.

Once the light of the sky was shot, it immediately melted a lot of hair in front of it, and made a gap in the barrier of hair. Ye Shaoyang immediately rushed over and looked at the crack. He only saw two feet, flew past and grabbed it. Liu Kai also came back to the other side, came over to help, one person hugged a leg and pulled out hard.

Ye Shaoyang looked forward. The person in front of him was entangled with countless hairs, and he continued to spread. The more he tightened, the more thighs and buttocks, the flesh had been deformed, even if the two could catch He refused to fall into the crack, but he was afraid that it would not be a while, and his people would be broken by these hairs.

"Come on the individual!" Ye Shaoyang shouted, and immediately a soldier rushed from the corner, took a leg from Ye Shaoyang, and held it out.

"Who has a knife!" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I have." Liu Kai loosened a hand, pulled the sabre to his waist and threw it on the ground.

It is a dagger that is opened backwards by a blade. Its shape is like a dog's leg. This is also the nickname of this dagger, and it is the standard of the field army.

Ye Shaoyang picked it up and stroked it on his left index finger. The blood immediately rushed out. Ye Shaoyang licked the blood with his finger and drew a rune on the knife. He cut off the hair wrapped around the soldier.

The dagger that was opened by the blood, cut the hair, was the real blown hair, and the hair wrapped around the soldier was cut off in an instant, and some hair wanted to wrap the leaves and Shaoyang, and he was cut off. The two soldiers took the injured and immediately returned to the corner. Ye Shaoyang looked up and looked down at the crack. The black lacquer was all hair, and he couldn't tell what to follow. He wanted to jump and was afraid of being entangled in his hair.

Hesitating, suddenly only heard a sigh, coming from under the crack, followed by an earthquake-like movement, getting farther and farther.

The long hair fluttering evil under the crack, like a beast, slid down, and the sand that had been arched out and piled around him rolled down and filled with cracks.


Ye Shaoyang was wondering, only a figure flew out from below. It was Lin Sansheng, whose body was broken, his hair was unkempt, his head shook his head, and he screamed, and his body turned and returned to the usual glamorous side.

When the ghost is good about this, as long as it is deep enough, you can always illusion your favorite appearance.

"That thing is so good, I played with his deity for a long time below, can not win, but the two girls help, otherwise it is difficult to say whether it is possible to get out."

"Two girls?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

At this time, two people were drilled from the quicksand.

When Ye Shaoyang saw oranges and whites, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and squinted at his eyes: "How come you come!"

At the beginning of the game, Ye Shaoyang summoned them through the seal of the soul, so that Lin Sansheng insisted for a while, but did not expect that the other side's offensive was so strong, and also dispatched a powerful evil thing with unknown origins, which caused the crisis.

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