Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1695: New helper 1

Ye Shaoyang asked Cao Yu to tell the other side and let Wu Jiawei come over. In my heart, I played a drum. I don’t know what Wu Jiawei suddenly came to find out about himself. It must not be a trivial matter, otherwise he will definitely not find Loppo and come to the desert to find himself.

However, the mobile phone has no signal here, and he can't contact him. All the questions, I have to wait until he arrives.

In the next two days, Sibao continued to locate the tomb, and Ye Shaoyang stayed in the camp, while acting as a bodyguard while waiting for me to find himself. The Zi Kun Dao did not come for two days.

Although Ye Shaoyang Yang firmly believes that the people of Zi Kun Road will definitely come, but they are not late, they are still somewhat worried.

Two days later, the waiting person finally came, but it was not Zi Kundao, but Wu Jiawei.

Wu Jiawei came with the camel team. Ten camels, carrying a bundle of bamboo rafts, and a lot of supplementary materials, were sent by more than a dozen soldiers.

Wu Jiawei, who is white and white, is still the same, cold and unsmiling, but he is not very old, and his slightly tender face is always a serious one. It gives people a feeling that it is a bit pretending to be serious, but rather a little cute. At least Ye Shaoyang feels this way.

Next to Wu Jiawei, he followed a guy who looked similar to him, but his eyebrows were black. He looked at him just a few years later. Wu Jiawei introduced that he is his younger brother, named Wu Jiadao. If Wu Jiawei is a "false classic", this one It was really lively. When I met, I shook hands with Ye Shaoyang and Sibao. I said that I had heard about their deeds. There was a kind of fan who saw the excitement of idols.

"How come you?" After saying hello, Ye Shaoyang immediately expressed his doubts to Wu Jiawei.

Because of some previous events, Ye Shaoyang regarded Wu Jiawei as his own person, but the two had not contacted for a while, although they all added WeChat, but Wu Jiadao did not use mobile phones. The last time he chatted, he also told Ye Shaoyang to return to Sheshan. .

"I will come to see you, by the way, do you have any need for help." Wu Jiawei said.

Ye Shaoyang was a little surprised and asked: "How do you know that I am here?"

"Of course Guo told me."

Wu Jiawei explained, "After the last time, I went back to Shaoshan for a while with my master. Not long ago, Master asked me to travel down the mountain to find opportunities. By the way, let me visit you on his behalf. I went to Shicheng, but I didn't. I can find you, Guo Lao told me these things, I just came over."

"Your master... let you go to me, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just visit you and congratulate you on your position."

Ye Shaoyang understood it as soon as he heard it. Lushan is also a sect of Daomen. The relationship with Maoshan has always been very good. Wu Jiawei’s master asked him to congratulate himself. First, in order to maintain the relationship, after all, Maoshan is now changing his own, and always say Moreover, after a battle over the air, Maoshan and some of the major sects are somewhat cracked. It is also a way of saying that Lushan is doing this. I hope that the two factions can continue to make good progress.

It was for this purpose that the previous major gates sent Maoshan to send a post.

Everyone wants to maintain the relationship and ensure the peace of the magical world. If there is any collective activity in the future, if there is no Maoshan, it will be less power.

This is the temperament of the big school.

Thinking of this, the previous bold thoughts floated up in Ye Shaoyang's heart: Qingyunzi may have intentionally died. After all, he is a master. For the sake of the Tao and himself, he has to fight with several martial arts, although for him I don't regret doing this, but after all, it hurts the friendship between Zongmen, and it is also a seed of disharmony. It will probably cause trouble.

Qingyunzi is equal to using his own death to back up everything, but also balances the grievances of several major sects. He is in charge of Maoshan. It is a brand new beginning. In the future, it will still be the most important big name in the magical world...

Qingyunzi seems to be cynical and wretched, but actually it is a person with great wisdom.

To wear the crown will bear the weight, and the name of the teacher will not be good. Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt that his responsibilities were significant, and some things could not be so tempered in the future.

Wu Jiawei did not know that one sentence caused Ye Shaoyang's imagination and continued to tell.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly returned to God and asked: "What did you say, you are Xinjiang?"

"Yeah, I have a hard time going down the mountain. I was going to see you. I came home later, just listening to Guo Lao saying that you are in Lop Nur, and that you are coming to explore the tomb... I was very interested, just came over to find you, too. Not really deliberate."

Lin Sansheng heard this and praised: "This is really a good thing, Shaoyang, we are now lacking people."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. He now has four treasures, melons, and Lin Sansheng. He looks at a lot of people, but if he deals with the disciples and the disciples, it seems that there are not enough people. After all, Guagua and Lin Sansheng are not human beings. Born to be suppressed by spells, in case of conflict with them, it is not very good to deal with.

As for Xiaoqing Xiaobai, although they have established the Yin and Yang Division, they can only save the field at a critical time. It is not convenient to stay in the world for a long time.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Wu Jiawei's younger brother and saw him flashing in the Mingtang. He was glamorous and asked: "He is also a mage?"

Wu Jiawei said: "Yes, my brother is like me. When I was young, I was practicing in Lushan. This time I went down with me, I brought him."

Wu Jiadao smiled and said: "Ye Tianshi... No, it should be called Yezhang. Your deeds are now unknown to the magic world. I am also one of your fans. This time, I am taking my brother to see me. If you come, what is the matter, do not take me as an outsider."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Not an outsider, don't call me a leaf teacher, just call me a name."

"That is still called Ye Shixiong, just like my brother."

Ye Shaoyang made a mutual introduction between them and Cao Yu. Cao Yu learned that they are also mages, which is equivalent to suddenly having two helpers, and naturally very happy.

The brothers sat down opposite Ye Shaoyang and asked him what happened here.

Because they came to help themselves, and people believed, Ye Shaoyang did not hide, and said the situation to them. After listening to it, the two brothers were shocked and excited.

They are not the same as Ye Shaoyang, the old oil. They haven’t tried to go down the mountain, they have been squatting, they want to go down the mountain to do something big, they feel that they are finally finding opportunities.

Sibao asked: "Yes, you are Xinjiang people, do you know about this?"

Wu Jiadao shook his head: "Xinjiang is too big. We live in Dongjiang. We don't know anything about this. But there are two brothers. I believe that no matter who the opponent is, I don't care."

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