Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1696: New helper 2

From his excitement, Ye Shaoyang seems to have seen the arrogant look of his own downstairs. He has repeatedly slandered them. Since he stays, he must obey his own arrangements and must not be tempted. The brothers only agreed.

On the night of the arrival of the Wu Jiawei brothers, Ye Shaoyang slept soundly in his sleeping bag and was suddenly woken up by the melons, telling him that the Zi Kun Dao came.

"Where!" Ye Shaoyang hurriedly climbed out of his sleeping bag and asked.

"Just outside, let you go see him."

Guagua has been responsible for the vigil, and some people are close to the camp. Of course, he first discovered it.

Wu Jiawei also woke up and asked about the situation. Ye Shaoyang let him stay first and went out to see the people of Zi Kun.

"Yezhang teaches and meets again."

Behind a sand dune not far from the camp, Ye Shaoyang saw the Zi Kun Dao people and gave him a courteous smile.

Ye Shaoyang simply returned to the ceremony and didn't want to talk to him. He asked directly: "How is it?"

"My Master wants to see you, let me pick you up."

"Well, wait a minute, I am a few friends."

Ye Shaoyang, no matter whether he is happy or not, went back to wake up Sibao and others, and said the situation, decided to bring the Wu Jiawei brothers together, Lin Sansheng, the dog-headed military division naturally followed, and Sibao and Guagua left the guard camp.

When the people of Zijingdao saw the brothers of Wu Jiawei, they could not help but have some doubts. Ye Shaoyang gave a brief introduction. Wu Jiawei was not very likely to act, and he was too lazy to care for him. Wu Jiadao was full of smiles.

Under the leadership of the Zi Kundao people, the group left the camp, first to the north of the camp. After turning over several large sand dunes, the direction turned into the northwest.

At night, the cold wind whistling, and Ye Shaoyang was wrapped in a thick military coat, still a little difficult to feel.

“How far is it?” Ye Shaoyang gasped.

"It's getting faster soon." When the Zi Kundao people repeated this sentence to the third time, they walked into a depression in the desert. In the middle of the depression is a tall trunk, two of which are so thick.

Ye Shaoyang remembers listening to Mona, which is a poplar tree that has already died, but the trunk is still standing in the desert.

The Zi Kun Dao pointed to a tree hole at the root of the tree and said, "This is it."

Here? Ye Shaoyang was a little aggressive on the spot. Before thinking about a lot of possibilities, I really didn't expect that they would open the entrance on a tree. When you think about it, it is really hidden. It was originally no one in the desert, even occasionally. If there is a passing investigation or exploration, there will be no notice of the existence of this tree hole.

The bottom of the tree hole is empty. After the purple-kundao people got in, they immediately jumped down. After a while, his voice came from below and he greeted Ye Shaoyang and others.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the Wu Jiawei brothers, meaning they were careful, and the two nodded. Ye Shaoyang took the lead and went in. I saw the Zi Kun Dao people holding a candle underneath, about three or four meters deep, so they jumped.

The Wu Jiawei brothers followed, and the three looked through the flame of the candle. Seeing the front is a cave that slanted down. It should be a natural cave, but there are traces of excavation around it, and there are simple stone ladders on the ground.

A guy with a torch holding the torch at the entrance, with a mask on his face, only revealing two eyeballs, dripping on the body of Ye Shaoyang, with full vigilance and hostility.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that this guy was wearing thick clothes, dirty and broken, as if he didn't know where to come from.

The purple-kundao people walked over and took out a sign from his pocket and showed him something. The believer immediately retired and gave way.

"Mr. Ye, everyone, please."

The three followed the Zi Kun Dao people and went down the cave. They could feel the faint wind blowing, but the temperature of the cave was not too low, at least warmer than the cold wind.

After walking for a few tens of meters, and met a guardian, the Zi Kundao people showed the brand again before they got through.

Ye Shaoyang curiously took the sign to see, seeing a domino, which should have been obtained from the bones of the animal, with some strange symbols engraved on it.

"This is the token issued by the high priest. Only by holding this can I enter and exit the cave." Zi Kundao explained, "They are very strict guards. If a stranger comes in by mistake, there is only one dead road."

Along the way, I saw a few believers, and the clothes they wore were all kinds of clothes. In short, they were dirty and chaotic. The explanation of the Purple Kundao people was that these clothes were the clothes abandoned by the explorers they picked in the desert. In the evening, wear it to protect the cold. When you go out for action during the day, you will take off. There are also good clothes here. They are all bought in the town around Lop Nur. Because the road is far away, you can’t go often, so there are some people with religious status. Qualified to wear.

“How many people are there among these believers?”

"Only a few dozen, it is their last tribe." Zi Kundao said.

Ye Shaoyang was busy asking: "How do you say?"

"Don't say this first, I will take you to see my master first."

After walking two or three hundred meters away, the cave was divided into three, and there was a stench on the front. Ye Shaoyang was not able to smoke. He hurriedly followed the Zi Kun Dao people to the leftmost cave and walked for a while. Disappeared, Ye Shaoyang immediately asked what happened. The purple Kundao people laughed: "The cave in the middle is where they excrete..."

“Excretion?” Ye Shaoyang stunned and asked, “Why should you excrete in the cave?”

"Yezhang teaches, you ask, they eat and drink Lazarus are in the cave, is it that people can pee and poke on the ground?"

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

Going forward, it is flat, the caves are beginning to bend, and there are countless rumors. By the lights in the hands of the people of Zi Kundao, you can see that some of the martyrdom is deep, you can’t see the head, some are short, like It is a wall hole that is cut out on the rock. Most of them are lying on the ground. They are all believers. There are no beds in the wall. These believers are sleeping on some dead branches and weeds, some are wrapped in sloppy quilts, some are one. Pile of broken clothes.

On the side is a jar that is used to hold water.

When walking through the neighborhood, the people in these caves will immediately climb up, buckle the masks, look at them hostilely, and some chasing the wall holes.

"These people are not very friendly." Ye Shaoyang muttered.

"Of course, they are very exclusive. If their high priests took care of us, we have already become their guns. I teach them, do you see the guns in their hands?"

After the reminder of Zi Kundao, Ye Shaoyang noticed that in every cavern of the resident, there was a long gun, and the texture should be cut out of wood, and the head was sharp.

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