Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1707: Fish farming in coffin 1

Four treasures and Zi Kundao people were also shocked and hurriedly retired.

"What, live?"

Ye Shaoyang has a dignified face. Although he is very curious in his heart, he does not dare to pass easily. He touches the ink bucket from the bag, grabs the thread, throws the ink bucket to the four treasures, and the four treasures will know how to pass through.

For a while, the coffin was entangled with a red circle of more than a dozen laps. On the last lap, Ye Shaoyang stalked the mother of the big money.

The three people were relieved, and they flashed their hands and looked at the coffin. Suddenly it was a wavy flower. One thing vacated the water and hit the red line. A red light shot and knocked it down.

The red line was stained with water, and it was white and smoked.

"What is that, have you seen it?" The four treasures were shocked.

"It seems to be... fish?" Zi Kundao said unsure.

Looking closer to the coffin, you can see a black shadow tour to swim, it is really like a fish.

Fish in the coffin? The three are all incredible.

Ye Shaoyang said: "This coffin has been here for at least a few hundred years. How can there be fish?"

Not to mention where the fish came from, what to eat at ordinary times, just a few hundred years of living, has violated the laws of biology.

The three are all mages, even the worst Zi Kun Dao, the repair is not weak, what evil has not seen, if you really open a zombie in the coffin, even if it is the corpse king, it is also for the three Normal, but live fish in the coffin, such an abnormal thing, the three people have no bottom.

"Definitely not a live fish..." Zi Kundao people swallowed and said.

"Crap, still use you to say." Ye Shaoyang looked up at the four treasures, "What do you do now?"

The four treasures looked at the water in the coffin and fell silent.

The people of Zijingdao said: "Isn't it a fish? What about zombies? Let's pour the water out of the coffin and get the fish out to see what it is."

Sibao shook his head. "Don't mess around. Now we must first figure out why there is fish in the coffin. Who is it in the coffin?"

"It must be the tomb of the tomb, or the person who repaired the tomb." Ye Shaoyang said.

Four treasures contemplated for a long while, slowly nodded, turned away without saying a word, walked around the stone room, picked up the compass, fiddled with it, looked at the magnetic needle pointing to the dark entrance in the Tianchi, said slowly. : "I know, this is a Yin dynasty. This fish is a Feng Shui fish."

"Feng Shui fish?" Ye Shaoyang cried. "Don't be kidding, this is not a mansion, no matter what Feng Shui fish."

Feng Shui fish is the saying in the feng shui of Yangzhai. At the entrance of the entrance, or at the edge of the table, a fish tank is placed, and the koi and goldfish are raised. The water can produce wood, and the feng shui pattern of the lack of wood will have a lively effect. Of course, the shape and size of the bathtub and the position of the bathtub must be determined according to the feng shui pattern of the house. This is the place to test the strength of Mr. Feng Shui. If you do something wrong, you can not make up for it, but it may be harmful. At the office.

Four treasures proudly smiled: "So if you are not good at learning like this, you can only look at the feng shui of Yangzhai. The feng shui of Yangzhai uses more living things, goldfish, plants, pets, and use these to form Feng Shui Bureau. Why is the feng shui of the Yin House not used?"

Ye Shaoyang saw that he was showing off, but he said with no anger: "Fart, the grave is buried in the ground, how to make a living thing! Even plants are not able to feed in the grave."

Sibao pointed to the fish in the coffin in front of him, laughing and not talking.

"Is this a Feng Shui fish?" Ye Shaoyang stunned. "Don't fool me, this is not alive."

"Not alive, but it is not dead."

"What do you mean, don't sell off, hurry!"

The four treasures flashed the surrounding walls and said: "This stone room deliberately built a semi-circular, dot--this is the passage to the ancient tomb, facing this coffin, you must know this, curved toyang It is the yang in this coffin. You don't blink, there is really yang in this coffin.

If I didn't guess wrong, this fish is a creature of the ghost domain. I don't know what kind of species. Anyway, it is not a fish in the world. This water must also come from the ghost field, but it is nothing more than the Yinshui River, the Forgo River, and the Styx River. Yin 1 water raises Yin fish, so the yin here is so rich. We thought it was a powerful evil thing, but it was misunderstood. ”

Ye Shaoyang was shocked on the spot and asked for a long while: "Yin 1 water raises Yin fish, can it produce yang?"

"There are three clear-cuts in the world: yang, yin, suffocating, there are three turbidity in the ghost domain, dead air, suffocating, yin. But the yin of the human world and the yin of the ghost domain are not the same thing, the two are compatible. Instead, it can produce yang, which is called cathode anti-yang. For example, this is like the negative negative in mathematics, the two negative numbers add up, but the positive number. This knowledge, you don't know?"

"Know a little." Ye Shaoyang swears, he majors in spells, and the knowledge he possesses is also related to the ghost-hunting demon. There is not much pure theoretical knowledge. The three clear gas and three turbidity naturally know, but the so-called " It’s really negative.

The people of Zi Kun Dao even heard the clouds in the fog, and said: "Master, you said that this fish is raised here, absorbs yin, and then can vomit yang?"

"This is the case. This fish is raised in the water of the ghost field. It feeds on the yin gas and can produce yang. Through the feng shui of the curved Tuoyang here, the ghost field generated by itself is introduced into the tomb below, if I No guessing, there must be a returning yang array in the tomb, transforming the two yin qi into yang, and then pouring it into the bottom..."

“Pour it into the bottom, what to do?” Ye Shaoyang asked the most important questions.

"It may be to maintain a certain yin and yang symbiosis. This has to be seen in the specific formation method. It is impossible to judge now."

Sibao said, before returning to the coffin, pointing to the dark shadow inside: "In the ghost system, the most suffocating is the Hell River, there is a kind of ghost fish in the river. Eyes, one yin and one yang, I guess this is only eight achievements, otherwise you will take a look.

Ye Shaoyang did not go to **** and asked: "How do you know so clearly?"

Four treasures smiled: "The plaques written in the classics, the two religions and the three merchants, the yin is your door, the **** is our Buddhist door. For the hell, I know more than you. Shaoyang, you take the fish out and see. ”

"Bite someone?" Ye Shaoyang heard that it is a ghost domain creature, a little uneasy, although there will be no big danger, if there is a suffocating thing, it is not comfortable.

"You are a congenital body, biting a bit afraid of something!"

The people of Zijingdao heard the words "innate spirit" and were shocked. A trace of twilight flickered from the eyes.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the four treasures and saw the fish. He suddenly reached out and grabbed it and lifted it out.

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