Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1708: Fish in the coffin 2

The fish jumped in the hands, Ye Shaoyang grasped his hands, the flashlight shined over, only the size of the palm, the shape is similar to the human carp, with a beard, a pair of eyes but a very uncomfortable green light.

The flashlight was on the body, and I saw a pair of eyeballs in the lower part of the abdomen. One left and one right, it was almost the same as the human eye. There was a layer of fine fish scales on the top, wrinkled into the eyelids, and the eyes were dripping and turning. There is a circle of eyelashes in the area, and you can't see the eyelashes carefully. They are still swinging up and down. They are all alive, and a group is like a red nematode.

"Rely!" Ye Shaoyang's scalp suddenly numb, ask the four treasures: "Oh, do you die?"

"Don't, throw it back, don't break this big line for the time being, lest you be scared of snakes... not necessarily, not good at all."

Ye Shaoyang threw the Styx ghost fish back into the water and immediately swam to the bottom of the water.

The hands are full of mucus on the fish, and the silk is cold.

"Rely, even the mucus is also with yin!" Ye Shaoyang only touched the backpack with his hand, only to remember that he did not bring a paper towel, and saw the purple Kundao people, and went directly to his clothes.

"Yezhang teaches..." Zi Kundao people are depressed, but they dare not hide.

Ye Shaoyang licked his hands and couldn't keep his hands cold. So he painted a fire symbol and lit it to the palm of his hand. This completely dissipated the remaining ghosts.

"The ghost river fish, relying on yin for food, is also a kind of evil thing, naturally has no life, as long as there is ample yin around, it will never die." Four treasures give the final explanation.

The three men examined the coffin in detail and found that although the shape was simple, the whole body was engraved with a strange pattern. The four treasures can only be seen in relation to the Tantric Buddhism. It is not certain what it means.

Sibao helped Ye Shaoyang to remove the red line on the coffin. At this time, a group of bright light came out from Ye Shaoyang and cast a figure on the ground. It was Lin Sansheng.

This man has been staying in the yin and yang mirror, and he has seen all of this as a bystander. In the end, he can’t stay, and he said, “This tomb actually uses the ghost fish of the river to make a lead, and arranges the yin and yang array. Not simple."

Sibaodao: "It's not simple. I saw it for the first time with the Stupid Fish of the Styx, so I didn't think about it at first. Later I saw the pattern of the entire stone room and I came to judge."

Lin Sansheng said: "Only from this point, it can be inferred that the tombs below must have a considerable scale. A small religious chief, who has only a few tens of thousands of people at a time, has such a large handwriting, how is it possible?"

The three listened and they secretly sighed.

Ye Shaoyang said: "There is still a point, this tomb owner actually has a way to go fishing in the river, and even bring out so many waters of the river to the sun, there is no certain strength can not be done."

Four treasures: "Not a certain strength", the Nine Nether River has a squad guarded closely, and several princes are in charge of the town. Unless the strong like a son-in-law, it is possible to take a hard look and take away one or two things. Otherwise, go. Don't think about coming back. If Shaoyang is going to you, if you don't report the name of Chu Jiang, it will not work."

Ye Shaoyang listened, and the heart is even more endless. Can it be said that this light-minded chieftain is like a son-in-law?

Lin Sansheng said: "There is still a possibility, perhaps, is this a relationship in hell?"

"It is impossible!" Four treasures, "Hell belongs to Buddhism. Didn't I just say it? There are soldiers guarding everywhere. These people don't talk about feelings, even if it is a master of my master, it is not good." ”

Lin Sansheng said: "Your Master can't do it. It doesn't mean that everyone can't do it. I know that there is someone who is at least very likely to come and go in hell."

At the time, the eyes of three people fell on his face. Four treasures: "Who?"

"The emperor released the sky!"

Lin Sansheng slowly mentioned the name.

The three men took a breath of air, and the four treasures just wanted to speak. Lin Sansheng said first: "Don't say impossible, the emperor is the **** of Buddhism, and the Styx belongs to the Buddhism management. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

The four treasures were shocked and thought about it: "I still feel impossible. The emperor's release is the **** of Buddhism, but the **** is heavy, and there are rules. I don't believe that several thrones will sell this face to him."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are stupid, the county magistrate is not as good as the current, the river is so long, and several thrones can't stare at it every day. It is always necessary to let people manage, and to settle the status of the emperor, to get a few Buddhist soldiers. It’s not easy to get water from the Styx River.”

Lin Sansheng said: "It is this reason."

Sibao still shook his head and said: "The emperor has always been in the boundless world. How can he come to the world? It is obvious that among these believers, he has built such a large tomb for himself. I feel impossible."

Lin Sansheng said: "You said that the emperor released the sky in the sky, you saw him there? How do you know that he has been there?"

The four treasures are speechless.

No matter the world, even for the Buddhist disciples, it is also a completely strange world. No one knows what it is, what the gods of Buddhism are doing.

"As for what you said later, no one knows now. Only by step by step, you know the truth, but... If this tomb is really related to the emperor, or if the emperor is innocent in the tomb, what should we do? ”

Lin Sansheng said something, said Ye Shaoyang three people are speechless.

The purple-kundao people muttered: "Master said that no matter what evil things are in the tomb, the fish-bone swordsmanship must be..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Well, if the sword is in the hands of the emperor, you will take it."

Zi Kundao's face was pumped a few times. "Ye Zhang teaches not to joke, count on me..."

"Or who else, expect me? Do you think I am the opponent of the emperor?"

The emperor released the day, known as the Buddha of God, and the legendary control of one of the best races in the six races: the Phari and the other Ashura. Although these are legends, there are not many deeds about the emperor's release of the sky, but the name of the goods is too big, and Ye Shaoyang believes that it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

The four treasures said at this time: "If it is the emperor, we may not have a chance."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Well, this task is handed over to you. I am optimistic about you."

Sibao white glanced at him and said: "The strength of the emperor's release of the heavens, we can infer, Shaoyang, do you remember Prince Ashura of Prince Nero, who is one of the strongest Shura people? According to the legend, the Shura and the Depo are dead in the boundless world. The strength should be half a catty. The Nangong Shadow has been played with the Taoist real person, and there is not much higher than that. It can be inferred that the emperor’s release may not be too powerful. many."

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