Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1725: Divisional advancement 2

The cabinet was sent to find a fish-sword sword. Cao Yu was a person for scientific investigation. Why did he dry up?

Ye Shaoyang is a bit unclear. Maybe in the midst of it, he is just looking for someone: white, or to confirm that he is not here.

I didn’t encounter any evils along the way, but the roadside stream was always cloudy and green, and the color was getting deeper and deeper. The concentration of the corpse was even higher than that of the corpse. This abnormal situation made Ye Shaoyang’s heart uneasy. Based on experience, there must be zombies in front of the stream!

But what zombies have such a strong corpse?

Ye Shaoyang thinks about two possibilities: either like the previous corpse, there is a corpse with a lot of zombies, and a lot more... or there is an extremely powerful zombie.

The former Ye Shaoyang is not afraid, there are more zombies, and he has a way to deal with it, but it is a single bad deal.

Although I have seen even the zombie kingdess (although not an opponent), there is not much feeling about the zombies on earth, but it cannot be generalized. If it is a normally formed zombie, even if it is a corpse, for him. There is nothing to be afraid of.

The most annoying thing is the zombies that have been artificially created. Although they are zombies, the features are changed, and some have other means of attack. Although the absolute strength is not as good as the corpse of the eternal age, it can be rich in means. Good deal.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking about it. The team also walked into the open space in the depths of a cave. It was a huge stone room, and the stream became wide, forming a pond. It was a pond because it was much larger than the previous pool.

The tomb at the foot is at the end, Ye Shaoyang is looking for a way out, suddenly Liu Kai said: "Mr. Ye, look at what it is!"

His flashlight was in the middle of the pond, and he saw a green stone in the middle of the lake. He was parked with a stone sarcophagus. When Ye Shaoyang saw this thing, his heart immediately took a moment. What he did not want to see was still happening: the corpse around him, Most of the time is related to this stone sarcophagus.

Ye Shaoyang asked them not to move, went to the edge of the pond, and observed carefully, found that the water around the stone sarcophagus, the corpse is the most intense, almost formed a rising suffocating suffocating, so that people's eyes hurt.

Take out a piece of yellow paper and throw it into the water. After a while, I found that the pool water is not stagnant water, but the flow is slow. The yellow paper flutters to the end of the pond and then flows in the opposite direction. Ye Shaoyang immediately uses the flashlight. In the past, there was a way out there.

Ye Shaoyang returned to the top of the cave and found a circle with a flashlight. He found that he had reached the end, so he could be sure that he would have to cross the pond when he wanted to continue walking. That is to say, he had to pass through the edge of the stone.

Routine, everything is a routine, Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, and told the situation to everyone, I heard that from the side of the stone, everyone immediately green, and greener than the water.

"Mr. Ye, how is this going, won't you go over it?" Cao Yu said with a bitter face. "Or do you have any spells that can send us in the past?"

"I am not a god." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said, "Let's find a way."

At this time, the soldiers proposed a way to point to the opposite ramp and said: "There are slopes on both sides. You can nail them on both sides, connect them with ropes, and then use hooks to make a simple pulley. People can slide over."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Are you sure there is no problem?"

"No problem, we often encounter this kind of situation when we perform tasks in the field. There will be no accidents. It just... need someone to go first. Push the expansion screw into the rock over there. Mr. Ye, this water can swim. ?"

"No, the corpse in the water is too strong, even I can't be in contact for a long time, and no one knows if there is anything hidden inside, can't take risks."

The width of the pond is at least a dozen meters. It is impossible for normal people to pass the past. For a time, everyone has turned their eyes to Ye Shaoyang’s face.

"Look at me, I won't fly." Ye Shaoyang is speechless. This group of people dare to treat themselves as gods.

Liu Kai said: "Mr. Ye, I have a way. Before we saw some trunks holding the caves, they could be used. It should be able to stand up when one stepped on."

In the low place of the cave, there were some people supporting the trunk of the body. At first, everyone was very strange. Why did the trunks of the hundred years ago still not decay? It was only after checking that these were all Populus euphratica, which was originally immortal. It is said that the protective layer such as tung oil is applied to it, and the temperature in the tomb is low, and the air does not circulate. Therefore, although it is somewhat oxidized, it has not reached the point of decay.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment, it seems that there is only this way, so several soldiers went to take the materials, Ye Shaoyang came back to the water and stared at the coffin.

"This sarcophagus does not know what is inside, is it a corpse?" Professor Sun came to him and said.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I know what you have chosen and want to take it back to the exhibition?"

Professor Sun laughed: "Exhibition is impossible, but it must be scientifically valuable."

"I said that you shouldn't remember this when you are old." Ye Shaoyang said helplessly. "If we don't get along halfway, we will get a zombie out of it and it won't be beautiful."

"No?" Professor Sun thought for a moment, murmured. "Even if you have a zombie, aren't you there? You killed a lot of zombies before, even if you kill one more, it's a little effort."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What you think is really easy. It is a horrible corpse here. It is a more terrible corpse than that. There is only one stone sarcophagus. If there are zombies inside, it is absolutely extraordinary. I would rather deal with hundreds of ordinary ones. Zombies, don't want to stick to this stuff."

Professor Sun heard a face "Why... why not?"

"It may be sleeping, the ghost knows, it is best not to take care of him anyway."

The purple-kundao people whispered: "I don't know if the fish-sword will be here..."

Ye Shaoyang immediately sneaked over and sneered: "The fish sausage is inside, you go and open it."

Purple Kundao people smiled.

At this time, several soldiers came over with a trunk and placed them on the edge of the pool. Then they took out the rivet-sized expansion screws and hammered them into a rock on the side of the road. They knew that they were going to the grave. These things are The belt is very complete.

Ten meters long nylon rope, one tied to the turnbuckle, two people grasp the rope and pull hard, the screw does not move.

This dangerous task, Ye Shaoyang is of course on his own, otherwise if there is something hidden in the water, others will certainly not be able to deal with it.

Pushing the trunk into the water, Ye Shaoyang stepped on it and found that the buoyancy was enough, it was not easy to stand still.

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