Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1726: Giant corpse 1

After trying it for a while, I gradually found a point balance. So I drew two gas shields and put them on two shoes. I gnaw my teeth and smashed into the water. One foot slammed the rock and borrowed it. With the reaction, the trunk under the foot slowly slides forward.

Ye Shaoyang twisted his body and kept stepping on the steps to maintain balance. As a result, when the trunk slipped to half, the water quality might be too thick, and the smashing thing happened: the force was exhausted. The trunk was quietly across the water and barely moved.

After a while, the movement of the water began to work, and Ye Shaoyang joined the trunk of the foot, and flocked to the downstream, a few meters downstream, across the stone.

Looking closer to the stone sarcophagus, Ye Shaoyang is really a bit crying, really what is afraid of what comes, in case there is something evil in the stone scorpion, did not move for a long time, he hit this up, wake up others, But it is not very good.

The trunk was uncontrolled and eventually hit the sarcophagus, but there was no psychic incident. The people on the shore immediately hit the sarcophagus and illuminate him.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the coffin, only to find that the tail of the stone was broken, because the direction was on the right side, the tail of the stone was also lower, and there was no gap in the left bank.

Since it happened, just look at it clearly, Ye Shaoyang's right hand pinched the soul, and prepared for it. The left hand was flashlighted and went to the stone. The stone was full of water, the green corpse, only a vaguely visible person. Lying inside, the water just did not pass the door, only to see the outline.

What caught Ye Shaoyang’s attention was the nearly ten golden flowers floating on the water. The shape was like a lotus flower. It floated on the still water surface. There seemed to be a spike on the bottom. It was inserted in the human face and placed in the shape of “卐”. They are connected to each other, and Ye Shaoyang can feel a powerful seal and spill out from the golden lotus.

It turned out that the evil things in Shijie were sealed, and it is no wonder that there has been no movement.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is clear. Looking at the shape of Jinhua, since it is the word “卐”, it must be the disciple of Buddhism. Suddenly think of Cao Yu’s saying that among the last group of members, there are several very powerful mages, among them. There are Buddhism disciples, and the eight achievements are the seals arranged by the Master.

Ye Shaoyang carefully looked at the gap of the stone sarcophagus and found that there was a dark mark on the broken part. It should be blood. Eighty percent was left when fighting. The sarcophagus was also broken at that time, but such a thick stone scorpion, the manpower must be beaten. Not broken, it may be the one in the coffin that broke himself.

I just can't imagine the situation of fighting at the time. How did the mage seal the person in the coffin? Since it can be sealed, why not just destroy it?

Ye Shaoyang would like to pull out the seven-star Longquan sword. The sword stabbed down and destroyed the coffin. After the accident, I thought it was not so simple. I was hesitant to go back and forth on the stone. On one side of the gap, there are four red handwritings, which are carefully identified. They are four words: don't die, don't move.

Ye Shaoyang frowned, this sentence means that the coffin is not dead, do not move?

According to his understanding, there is no evil thing in the world, so the meaning of this sentence is that the evil things in the coffin are generally killed.

Look carefully with the flashlight, the writing is dark red, 80% is written in blood, the writing is very scribbled, there are some blood spots on the side, Ye Shaoyang guess, the person writing may also be injured at the time, hurriedly left these words In order to warn the latecomers. This also explains from the side, the one in the coffin is absolutely not good.

Ye Shaoyang decided not to move it for the time being. Anyway, it was sealed. As long as the seal is not destroyed, there will be no threat to them.

Now the most important thing is to hurry into the underground palace and explore the ultimate secret of this ancient tomb. Later, when returning, you can summon the four treasures to come over and destroy it together.

Ye Shaoyang stood on the stone sarcophagus and said the situation briefly. When everyone heard it, they suddenly felt a little nervous. Zi Kundao said: "Yezhang teaches, is the fish sausage not inside?"

"When we are gone, you can go in and touch yourself." Ye Shaoyang stunned back in a word, and Zi Kundao closed his mouth.

Ye Shaoyang tied his slinger to the end of the rope, stood on the sarcophagus, and threw it at the rock on the opposite side.

Before committing crimes, the distance is too far, there is no way to do this. Now standing on the stone raft, it is also six or seven meters away from the other side. It is easy.

After two efforts, the hook of the front part of the hook was successfully hung on the rock. Ye Shaoyang jumped on the stake, pulled the rope, and moved to the shore by the reaction force. Because there was a rope in hand, it was more able to balance.

After landing, Ye Shaoyang released the hooks and ropes, took out the expansion screws and hammers from Liu Kai from the bag, and according to the method taught by Liu Kai, screwed the screws into the rock, and then tied the rope to the screws, from the left bank. To the right bank, it is just a diagonal line, so that it is easy to slide across.

However, Ye Shaoyang found that because he was slipping from the stone shovel, he instinctively chose the position to nail down. After the completion, the rope just pulled over from the sarcophagus. It seems to be a bit of a hidden danger. If you want to re-select the place to nail, you have to find the opposite. Nail, forget it, anyway, the stone scorpion is sealed, as long as you don't provoke him, there is no danger.

"When you come over, pay attention to it, be careful about what you are doing, don't fall in, destroy the seal!" Ye Shaoyang once again warned.

Some soldiers took out a hook, buckled it on the rope, and then tied a rope on it, handed it to the companion, and then slipped it over, then the companion pulled the hook back with a rope, so that they slipped to the other side.

"Professor Sun, you should first." Cao Yu handed the hook to Professor Sun to remind him to be careful. After all, he was too old to compare with the soldiers.

"Do not worry, I am still okay with this old bone." Professor Sun grabbed the hooks on both sides, tried it, then jumped out in one step, smoothly halved, and Ye Shaoyang, who was across from the opposite side, smiled. "Alright."

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to praise him for being old and strong, and the rope suddenly shook. Professor Sun didn't hurry and his hand fell off. He accidentally fell on the stone sarcophagus, and one foot stepped into the stone sarcophagus.

Ye Shaoyang was forced on the spot. He did not say anything. He jumped up and grabbed the rope. While climbing over, he shouted and asked Professor Sun to leave Shijie.

Professor Sun also panicked, lifted one foot stepped on the coffin, and retreated to the other side of the stone, half of the legs were wet, and his legs screamed.

Ye Shaoyang climbed to the stone raft at the fastest speed, swayed the hook, tied the rope and pulled it down. He handed the hook to Professor Sun and said, “Come, leave this!”

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