Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1727: Giant corpse 2

"What about you?" Professor Sun asked urgently.

"Leave you first! Grab it!" Ye Shaoyang kicked his ass, and Professor Sun immediately slid down.

Seeing Professor Sun in the past, Ye Shaoyang was a little relieved. He couldn’t attend to see the situation in Shijie. He jumped up and grabbed the rope. He just had to climb back. Suddenly his legs were numb, looking down, a pair of pale and obese hands grabbed his own Legs.

The hands were forced to pull, Ye Shaoyang was afraid of tearing the rope, and had to let go, immediately took out the seven-star Longquan sword and went to the hands.

"Beep", the long sword fell into the flesh, a black water spouted out, was baked and dried by the spirit of the Seven Star Longquan sword, and the fog rose like a scent.

Any disgusting thing can't be taken care of, so that Ye Shaoyang is shocked that the seven-star Longquan sword, which has always been cutting iron and debris, has not been able to break the hands!

Between the horror, the hands slammed hard, turning Ye Shaoyang on the lid and pulling hard into the coffin.

by! If you die here, you will save even if you buy coffins.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned over, and the seven-star Longquan sword once again smashed past. This time, he used a bit of suffocation and cut it on the wound of Fang Cai.

The arm is still not broken, but the pressure of the ten fingers is suddenly reduced a lot, Ye Shaoyang borrowed the force to break free, one turned over and climbed from the lid.

"Oh..." a slap in the coffin, then the entire coffin cover was picked up and pushed into the water. At the moment of losing balance, Ye Shaoyang leaped high, grabbed the rope with both hands, crawled toward the shore, and suddenly thumped. The water splashed, and I didn't know what was jumping from the water. Ye Shaoyang only felt that his right foot was numb, and he was bitten by what he had, and he pulled the rope together and pulled it to the surface.

Fall into this corpse sink, although it will not be dead, but it is not a joke. Once the instrument is stained with corpse water, it will not work, let alone there are so many backpacks. A drug that is afraid of water.

The rope has been pulled to the extreme, barely supported, and Ye Shaoyang was dragged into the water with one foot. The people on the shore were scared by this sudden scene and could not help, but could only do it.

According to this, there will only be two results: the rope will break, or the rivet will be shaken off. In any case, Ye Shaoyang will inevitably fall into the water.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the rope with one hand and quickly calmed down. He saw the position of the stone sarcophagus, inserted the seven-star dragon spring sword into the waist, pulled out the hook, and slammed the lower end of the coffin in front of the stone scorpion, then took a deep breath. It is also very risky to loosen the rope and slam the force to pull the soul. It is better to look at the balance between the power and the strength underneath.

As a result, Ye Shaoyang’s leg hangs on the legs and does not know what evil things, hit the sarcophagus, and both legs are dragged into the water, hurriedly grabbing the edge of the coffin and stepping on it.

Although the coffin is definitely more difficult to deal with, but Ye Shaoyang has no choice, the most important thing now is not to fall into the water.

Trying to stand on the edge of the lid, Ye Shaoyang felt the right leg slippery and could not stand.

Several people on the shore turned on the flashlight and illuminated Ye Shaoyang, which was the only help that could be provided to him. Ye Shaoyang looked down through the light, and there was a long strip of something hanging on his leg. It was like a cockroach. The mouthpiece was like a disc, wrapped in his own feet. On the red body, there were some black spots. Looking very disgusting.

Ye Shaoyang lifted the hooks up, and originally got the things on his feet. Suddenly someone on the shore shouted: "Be careful!"

Ye Shaoyang instinctively dwarfed his body and rolled along the edge. Looking back, a huge and obese body stood up from the stone sarcophagus, and he couldn’t see the eagerness. He only saw one hand stretched toward himself. Come.

This is not a place to fight. Fortunately, the edge of the stone sarcophagus is nearly ten centimeters thick. Ye Shaoyang runs around the coffin and thinks about the opportunity to get out.

Suddenly, the right leg was numb, as if something was taken from the body, and immediately realized that the monster like the otter was sucking blood!

Mom's egg, it's really a house leaking night rain!

It was sucked by this mouth, and Ye Shaoyang’s right leg suddenly became a little soft. He did not step on the foot and fell down. In the rush, he hooked the edge of the stone to the edge of the stone, and then he swayed to the other side of the coffin and hurriedly climbed up. Just after the soul was solved, the big zombie rushed up.

Ye Shaoyang slammed him over, and he jumped to the opposite side, stood up, didn't wait to catch his breath, and the big man rushed over again. Ye Shaoyang could only jump again. Fortunately, when he was a child, he was forced to step on the plum pile by the wind, and the head was still OK. Ye Shaoyang Around the stone sarcophagus, the size of the palm is flashing,

There is still a water squid hanging on the foot. Although it no longer **** blood, Ye Shaoyang feels like a slippery leather cover on his foot. It affects the play very much. He almost did not stand still and eventually fell. It was dangerous to escape the attack of the big man zombie again and again, not caught, and was not shot down.

The people on both sides of the two sides have completely forgotten the fear of zombies, and they are stunned and look at Ye Shaoyang: from the time his hands hang on the ropes and fall into desperation, every step is a surprise, actually insisting until now...

This skill, even the soldiers of several special forces are also sighing, this picture is definitely more thrilling than watching the action movie of Jackie Chan.

"I said, look at it, give me the rope!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

A soldier immediately grabbed the rope and made a gesture to the soldiers on the other side. The two men grabbed one end and worked hard together to force the rope to Ye Shaoyang.

Because there is no gravity pressure, the height of the rope can't be pressed down, and it swayes over the top of Ye Shaoyang's head. There is still more than one meter high. Ye Shaoyang jumps up and does not catch it, let them swing again.

"This is not the case!" said the soldier worried. Even if it was a sports athlete, it would be difficult to jump more than a meter high, not to mention that Ye Shaoyang is now in this environment, and there is no way to properly accumulate power, but since Ye Shaoyang is so Say, I have to try again.

The ropes swayed again, everyone was confused, I don’t know how Ye Shaoyang was going to do it. Cao Yu suddenly thought that he might use the soul to pick up the soul, and then think about the impossible, even if the rope is so long, when it sways out, People must also fall into the water.

In the eyes of the public, Ye Shaoyang saw the ropes swaying, standing still, secretly taking a breath, the big man zombies flew again.

Ye Shaoyang did not escape this time. He jumped on the spot and escaped the zombie's hands in a dangerous and dangerous way. Stepping on its shoulders, the zombies immediately went back and grabbed.

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