Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1734: Ant 啃 elephant 1

The five elements of the corpse simply picked up two skinny bones that were sucked by themselves and used them as weapons.

Ye Shaoyang was very sensitive, and he showed his steps and walked around the five elements. The seven-star Longquan sword continued to be cut on the five elements. However, the five bodies had terrible regenerative ability, and the wound cut by Jianfeng recovered at an extremely fast speed. One point is really to make Ye Shaoyang hurt his brain.

Although the five elements of the corpse will not be able to treat themselves for a while, but when you get rid of it, your physical strength will always be exhausted, but the five elements are different. This thing is like a perpetual motion machine. As long as the body corpses exist, you can always Go crazy.

In the gap between the fights, Ye Shaoyang glanced at the Zi Kun Dao. This guy no longer used the same method as before, but with the help of several apprentices, he took out a calendar with a thick charm and kept holding the water corpse. Then the stickers, the water body will not move immediately.

"What are you doing!" Ye Shaoyang suspected that he was absent from work and shouted loudly.

"Yezhang teaches, you are ahead, I have a way!"

Ye Shaoyang's heart was suspicious, but he had to stand up first. After dealing with the water bodies on the shore, the Zi Kundao people stood by the river with a few disciples. Every time they climbed up a water body, they posted a note. This pond has limited space. Although the number of water bodies is quite large, after they have been killed in turn, the rest is not much. In the end, there are no water bodies to climb up.

The purple Kundao people posted the last water corpse, and greeted several disciples to return to their side, sitting cross-legged, putting a strange posture on their fingers, and practicing together. The purple-kundao people stood in the middle and kept ringing their eyes. Suddenly, The ringtone stops.

"The heavens and the earth are three gasified, and I smell the bells and deaths. One blood is on the road, the two money are distinct, and the urgency is like the law!"

The people of Zi Kundao slammed their feet and shouted: "Get up!"

The bell slammed, and the water body that was settled immediately wobbled up. The purple-kundao people immediately flew forward and took out a bag of incense ash from the backpack. They sprinkled on the ground and led the way in front. Go to the tomb.

The Zi Kun Dao took out a scorpion man, took out three needles, tied it on the top of the wooden man's head, spit on his mouth, and threw it to Ye Shaoyang. "Ye Tianshi, think of ways to get on the five elements."

Ye Shaoyang took the wooden man to his hand. For a time, he didn't know how to do it. His eyes swept over the five elements of the body. Seeing that the line between his left leg and the body was partially cracked, there was a seam in the middle, and he immediately came up with a solution. Although there are some adventures, you can only try it.

Immediately rushed toward the five elements of the corpse, the five elements of the corpse used to evade his, suddenly took the initiative to attack, although there is no wisdom, the instinct is also a bit stunned, hands with Ye Shaoyang inserted.

Ye Shaoyang rushed to the front, knees slammed, slipped out, avoiding the hands of the five elements, and inserted the wooden man into the gap between the thigh and the belly.

In order to prevent the five elements of the corpse throwing away the wood man, in the moment with the five elements of the body, Ye Shaoyang backhanded out the hook and hooked his neck, the five elements of the corpse actually ignored the wooden man, hands to pull the soul, Ye Shaoyang simply let go .

The five elements of the corpse have just pulled down the soul, and the first batch of those corpses have arrived, encircling the five elements, crazy pulling and biting.

Ye Shaoyang originally wanted to help, but more and more water bodies, completely surrounded the five elements, like many people who often appear in comedy movies, like a person pressing the picture below, can not squeeze outside The water corpse, turned around the five elements.

"Leverage strength, you still have a little means." Ye Shaoyang looked at the purple Kundao people.

"Our cabinet is the best at this kind of spell." Zi Kundao smiled smugly, and kept ringing in his hand.

"Yeah, bad and bad." Ye Shaoyang retreated to the side, did not idle, let a small priest illuminate himself, take out the porcelain bowl and a few bags of vacuum-packed plasma from the backpack, and pour it together. Then cut through the fingertips, drop the blood into it, stir, and draw the ground fire to bake at the bottom of the bowl.

“What are you doing?” Zi Kundao asked curiously.

"Four blood corpse pills." Ye Shaoyang replied.

The Purple Kundao people laughed and said, "What are you doing now?"

Ye Shaoyang does not raise his head: "Are you sure these water bodies will kill it?"

"There are so many sieges, the ants lick the elephants, and they bite them one by one."

The voice did not fall, only heard a burst, from the encirclement of the water corpse, several priests immediately hit the flashlight, because the water body is surrounded by heavy, the situation inside can not see, can only see a broken limb The arm, thrown out from the middle, and even the entire body of water, the strength of the road, thrown out, kneeling on the ground, immediately fell smashed.

"There are more ants, and it is not an elephant." Ye Shaoyang looked at the stunned Zi Kun Dao, smashed the paste in the porcelain bowl, flew over and jumped directly to the water body, stepping on the head. .

This is also an adventure. If you accidentally fall down, even if you are good at your skills, you will not have the opportunity to get up. These water bodies can't understand what to avoid, and they will live to trample themselves.

Playing is the heartbeat. Ye Shaoyang’s mind suddenly remembered this sentence, but I didn’t know where to hear it. I saw the head and rushed to the middle. When I rushed to the middle, I realized that the flashlight could not be worn, and the middleman could not see anything in the seam, but wanted to quit. It’s too late to come over, and the moment shouted: “Go on!”

A Taoist priest lost his hand and came over. As a result, he missed it. Ye Shaoyang couldn't borrow it. He almost fell off, and his heart was not bitter. At this moment, a bright light passed over the top of the head and then exploded, and the whole space was instantly bright. stand up.

Lighting bomb!

Eighty percent is Cao Yu. They hide in the distance, hear their own shouts, and shoot a light flare. I couldn’t think too much, and with the light shining, Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and rushed to the middle of the middle. Looking down, I saw that the five elements were smashing the body of a water corpse and throwing it outside. It was too full for healing. The wound was besieged by the water corpse group, but it was unaware that even the bite was caught, basically it was to solve one.

Sure enough! Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and made a fight! A staggered jump to the shoulders of the five elements of the body, the five elements of the body reached out to grab, Ye Shaoyang has slipped down the back.

These water corpses were lowered, only five corpses were recognized, and Ye Shaoyang was not attacked. At the moment when Ye Shaoyang slid down, several water bodies immediately topped, and the arms of the five corpses were smashed up.

The five elements of the corpse opened two water bodies, bowed to catch Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang humiliated the weight, from his knees and drilled, stepped on the ground, grabbed the gap in his thigh and climbed up.

(Starting to make up, release them one after another.)

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