Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1735: Ant 啃 elephant 2

The five elements of the corpse bent over to bite, Ye Shaoyang and so on is this opportunity, the four **** corpse pills were thrown into its mouth, the right hand quickly took out two charms, put a cross on its mouth, by the way Hanging on it, hooked the neck of a water corpse, pulled it hard, jumped on the shoulder of the water body, turned around, and faced the five-legged corpse.

"Too Shang Sanqing, the strain is not confusing, all kinds of evil spirits, all four bloods are broken! Hurry as a law!"

The five elements of the body made a muffled sound, and the huge body trembled and fell into the water corpse.

Many water bodies rushed up.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly retired. After landing, he took a deep breath and the Zi Kundao people came over and asked: "Resolved?"

"Uncertain, according to the swallowing of my four blood corpse pills, it should be properly hanged." Ye Shaoyang stunned and looked at the numerous water bodies and said: "What should I do?"

"My martial arts can only control them for about a quarter of an hour. It is still the same as before. For this work, we have to solve them quickly."

After the purple Kundao people finished, they greeted several disciples. Each of them took out a sharp dagger, smeared black dog blood on it, baked it with a fire, and then walked over to the surrounding water corpse, using the dagger. Puncture the back of the brain and then stir vigorously.

The water corpse trembled and screamed, and the body immediately softened, and the pus on the body exploded, giving an unbearable stench.

Everyone in Zijingdao used his handkerchief to squint and do this.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to help, smelling this stench, really did not want to go, let them do it themselves.

Cao Yu and others saw that they seemed to be clearing the scene. They thought it was finished. This came from a distance. However, halfway through, the inside of the circle surrounded by water bodies suddenly produced a change, mixed with a loud voice. Quirks.

Five elements of the dead are not dead?

Ye Shaoyang was also shocked. He immediately waved to Cao Yu and let them go back to stay, then took a flashlight to the middle of the water corpse and saw an incredible scene:

The five elements of the corpse have stood up, but the body has been torn by the water corpses, and the arm has lost one. The wound is no longer recovering, and the black blood is flowing out.

"Hey, hey!"

With a series of such strange sounds, the water corpse seems to have blisters constantly breaking the epidermis, flowing out of black blood, the face of the mouth, the nose and the nose, sticking out the soft meat of the tongue, getting longer and longer, each growing out One cut, the front end immediately split, as if the roots of the plant, between the blink of an eye, formed a shape of a net, the body of the five elements of the body is firmly grasped, the more tightly wrapped.

Everyone stayed on the spot, so exciting pictures, even Ye Shaoyang has never seen, as if in the performance of a living monster evolution movie.

"This, what is this ghost thing, Ye Jiajiao--" Zi Kun Dao people are in a big mess, and they scream.

"Blood scum?" Ye Shaoyang muttered these three words.

"Blood-blooded!" Purple Kundao people cried, and their legs could not help but tremble.

The name Blood Buffalo is no stranger to the people of the spell world, and many of them are mentioned in many books. Ye Shaoyang remembers such a record in "Hundred Evil":

The blood of the buoy, the blood is refined, the ghost is the scorpion, the corpse is the root, the roots are tangled, like a floating sect, as many as nine layers...

"Hundred Evil" is similar to the description of the creatures in Shan Hai Jing. I don't know which Taoist wrote it. It records some strange forms of evils that existed in the ancient times. The son-in-law and the post-clear are also included, but inside. There are a lot of wonderful evil things, such as this blood float, Ye Shaoyang has no books to read when he was a child. This book has always been regarded as a mythical story, so it is very impressive, but it does not take seriously for most of the evil things recorded in the book. .

After all, these so-called ancient creatures have not appeared in the following thousands of years, and have long been forgotten by the magical circles.

At this moment, seeing the strange evil in front of her eyes, Ye Shaoyang immediately remembered the blood floating.

Ye Shaoyang tried to recall the record of the blood-bubble in the book. It seems that it was the battle of the gods of the ancient times. The corpse of the nine corps was killed by Xuanyuan, and the soul and flesh and blood were turned into shackles. Wang, but the body of the zombie lies in the Kunlun **** wood, the millennium does not rot, absorbs the innocent show of the Nikkei moon, breeds such a thing, squanders and kills countless creatures, and later kills for the interpretation of Jinxian...

Strictly speaking, the blood scum is a demon, but because it is a corpse, it is not a pure demon because of the soul and flesh. Ye Shaoyang remembers that when he saw this article, he once found a way to discuss the wind. A very vivid metaphor: Cordyceps sinensis.

At that time, there was a picture in the book, but it was a brush painting. Compared with the current abstract painting, Ye Shaoyang looked at the giant monster that grew up in front of him. He dared not decide whether it was the legendary blood buoy, asked Zi Kun. Taoist: "You have also heard of the blood scum, right? I am not sure if this is the case, depending on your opinion?"

"Yes... eight achievements are." Purple Kundao people face white.

"Are you so sure?"

"In the Qing Dynasty, several ancestors of the Cabinet of the Communist Party of China used the **** corpse to try to raise a blood scum. The result was that although there were only three floors, it was very good..."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. "Have your ancestors raised the blood scum?"

"The ancestors of the ancestors were obsessed with magic, and the blood-raising shogun was not for harming people. To put it simply, it is to prove whether the blood-slaughter is really there."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this sentence and was speechless and asked, "What later?"

"Then I raised it later, but it overestimated their own strength. If they wanted to eliminate the blood-slaughter, they could not do it. Instead, they were killed and absorbed by the blood-float. Later, it was said that the blood-slaughter ran away and lost the trace... It’s an opposite event in the history of our cabinet, so the record is more detailed. This thing seems to be bloody.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Is there a positive event with your cabinet?"

Purple Kundao people are crying out: "I said Yezhang teaches, this is all the time, you still have a heart to make fun of, this is how to deal with this, I have no choice."

When the two men talked, the blood buds had grown to a certain height. The roots of the tentacles below constantly pulled the surrounding water bodies and strangled them. They suddenly smashed the flesh and blood, but the blood was sucked clean. . The people watching are frightened.

Looking at the scene that would not appear in this horror film, Ye Shaoyang thought of four words: killing the machine!

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