Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1736: Blood float 1

The blood buoy is growing rapidly, and the bottom of the root is in a circle. The top is gradually shrinking, and it is a circle. It is three times in total, shaped like a pagoda. The name "blood buoy" is like this.

After three laps, the top of the circle grew.

"Four floors!" The people of Zi Kundao called the electric shock, and said with trepidation, "The blood scum of several ancestors refining the same year, but only three layers, has been so powerful, and several ancestors are not opponents, this is actually There are four layers! Yezhang teaches, how is this good!"

"Don't call, you can't do anything, can I have any way? Otherwise run."

"Running the road..." Zi Kundao people stunned. "But the fish sword..."

Biting his teeth, his face showed a decisive color, and Shen Sheng said: "It’s all here, now it’s a pity to quit. Yejia teach, I believe in your strength, let’s fight it, if it’s really We will try to escape. Ye Jia teaches me to accompany you!"

Ye Shaoyang sneak a smile, if this words are replaced by others, there will really be a feeling of blood, but from the mouth of the people of Zi Kundao, Ye Shaoyang does not believe.

"What to accompany me, is not to see me to fight, if I can not beat, you run again, and I have the bottom."

The people of Zijingdao were told by their inner thoughts, but they did not change their colors. They also said a few words of sympathy, and Ye Shaoyang was too lazy to listen. However, he had a saying before, and he did indeed agree with his own ideas: they have experienced hardships. When I got here, a lot of people died on the road. If I quit now, I am really unwilling.

Besides, Professor Sun and several soldiers have already reached the opposite side of the pond. If they are gone, there will be blood buoys blocking the road here. They are in a dilemma. Is it not a death?

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and asked Zi Kundao: "Is there any weakness in this thing?"

Zi Kundao said that he did not know.

At this time, most of the water corpses have been swallowed up by the blood scum, leaving only a few.

Ye Shaoyang knows that he can't wait any longer. He wants to find a way in his heart. He wants to arrange it. But if you think that the ordinary array method will not help the blood scum, you shouldn't bother. Now pull out the Qixing Longquan sword and rush toward the blood float. .

He is not trying to fight with the blood scum, but to try its strengths and means, and then plan.

The blood floater swallowed the last few water bodies, and saw Ye Shaoyang flying over. Thousands of roots flew immediately, and the tentacles generally caught them.

Ye Shaoyang slashed his sword and the seven-star Longquan sword touched the root of the tree, and instantly cut it off and ran out of black leaves.

More roots are climbed up, and after being cut off successively, the top of the blood-floating squirt, gave birth to a long neck, shaped like a human, holding a big mouth, rushing leaves Shaoyang to squirt black liquid, Ye Shaoyang turned back, stepped Walking in the sky and wandering around the blood-slaughter, this is the method he always used to face the evil things that are much larger than his own body, because all tall creatures, no matter what evil or what, must not be flexible enough to move. inconvenient.

After a few laps, Ye Shaoyang succeeded in confusing the blood buoy, and wandered around behind him, flying up, and the seven-star Longquan sword smashed toward the human brain.

"噗嗤", the sword cut a gap in the back of the head, the juice spewed out, Ye Shaoyang pulled back, just landed, suddenly shaking under the feet, looking down, the tomb bricks on the ground cracked, a red tentacle stretched out , pounce on your own door.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly slashed his sword and stepped forward. He walked a few times and slammed the opposite side. The tomb bricks were broken and broken, and new tentacles continued to stretch out to block Ye Shaoyang’s way.

It’s not enough to use a sword. Ye Shaoyang raised his hand and shot a few charms. When he encountered the tentacles, he immediately burned the flames, and the tentacles immediately retracted.

Is this something afraid of fire?

Ye Shaoyang hurried back and kept a certain distance from the blood buoy.

The blood squirt swayed the body hard, and the whole body suddenly shrank. It seemed to twist the rattan, squeezing together and making a creaking sound. The blood-stained squid, which was originally shaped like a tower, quickly gathered into a human shape, and the facial features were distorted.

The two legs of the roots are very fat, standing on the ground, the face is also faintly facial features, tens of thousands of people, dragging numerous rattan behind them, shaking in the air, twisting and twisting toward Ye Shaoyang.

Looking at this behemoth a little closer, Ye Shaoyang has some fear in his heart, slowly receding, blood floats and raises the hands of the rattan, slamming on the ground, "Ten Finger" penetrates the ground, shattering the tomb brick, from Ye Shaoyang drilled under his feet to catch his legs.

Ye Shaoyang fled to avoid, and Xue Futu spurted a suffocation against him, and immediately formed an invisible enchantment in front of him. Ye Shaoyang’s heart was stunned, his left hand was printed, and the slap in the face was immediately re-converged as if he were playing. On cotton.

Sure enough, it is awesome. Although Ye Shaoyang was somewhat worried, he was not surprised: in the previous rounds, he was trying to test the strength of the blood scum, and it was not trying to test himself. Now the battle really started, and the means of blood scum was also highlighted.

Ye Shaoyang settled his mind and tried it a few times. Instead of breaking the shackles of suffocation, he let it spread and trapped himself in the middle.

Zi Kundao people see Ye Shaoyang is dangerous, want to save it in the past, but also afraid that they are also trapped, sit down on the knees, bite the finger, take out a yin and yang disk, use the **** of the blood to hold the Tianchi, and rotate it vigorously, the other only The hand hit a paper man.

"Tian Di Xuan Huang, the cadres of the cadres, listen to my orders, killing the Quartet! Taiyi Sanqing rush as law!"

The paper man flying in the air immediately turned into a terracotta horoscope that only the wizard could see, and together he killed the blood scum.

The blood-slaughter swayed his body, and dozens of rattans flew in the past, swaying in the air, and only a few moments of work, the soldiers and horses of a dry paper man were degraded.

"This..." The purple-kundao people touched the sweat on their foreheads, and their hands were squatting. Others could not see the power of those paper people. He knew that it was the thirty-two roads with paper notes. The terracotta warriors, with his mana, are no match for the blood scum, but it is believed that at least they can persist for a while, sharing part of the attack of the blood scum, and when they think of it, they will collapse in an instant...

He has been debuting for so many years and has never encountered such an opponent. The name of the blood scum is really different.

Over there, Ye Shaoyang has been trapped in all directions by suffocating, and numerous vines are flying over the sky, and the demon wind rises, making him feel as if he is in another world. The heart is shocked, this blood-blooded butcher is really strong, but although the scene looks hot and dangerous, it has not reached the point where the mountains are running out of water.

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