Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1819: Beauty Snake 2

"What do you mean?" Ye Shaoyang is puzzled.

"Don't say this first, Ye Shaoyang, let's get started."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and tore off the invisible charm. The figure suddenly slammed out and took the soul in the air.

The beautiful snake immediately noticed that the mink was forcibly interrupted. The snake skin that had been taken off re-wrapped the body, and the tail was rolled up, carrying a horrible force, and rolled over to Ye Shaoyang.

"The heavens and the earth are clear, the royal side is invisible, the three points are blamed, and the wind is moving forward!"

Before launching the attack, Ye Shaoyang was also ready. At the moment, he hit three wind marks on the front, and a hurricane was drawn from the air. The spirits hovered to form an enchantment, holding the demon and hovering in the air.

The beautiful snake turned her head, a snake-shaped long hair fluttering in the air, her face was extremely embarrassed, and she sang Yang Shaoyang said: "Who are you, why are you bad?"

"Maoshan Tianshi, Ye Shaoyang." Ye Shaoyang left his hand to seal, control the enchantment, said lightly.

The beautiful snake frowned, and some puzzled.

A figure slowly came from behind Ye Shaoyang, took off his hat, and looked at the beautiful snake in the shade.

"You!" The beautiful snake saw Hu Wang at a glance, and cried, lost his voice: "How do you know that I am here!"

"There is a secret method in my teacher's door, called rejuvenation." Hu Wang said slowly. "No matter how far, I can sense my soul."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and he was shocked. Hu Wang said that... I didn’t wait for him to think carefully. The beautiful snake sighed. "I didn't want to kill you, Hu Wang, no matter what you say, at least... I am against you. It is moving emotions."

Two lines of tears, sliding down Hu Wang's face, his mouth floated a mocking smile.

"I am betraying the teacher's door for you, the land that fell..."

The beautiful snake took over and said: "Hu Wang, you have to understand, I can't help myself!"

Hu Wang stared at her for a moment, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Do it."

Ye Shaoyang removed the enchantment, the beautiful snake felt the pressure loose, the tail immediately rolled over and rolled, Ye Shaoyang waved the soul and rushed over.

The tail of the hook and the beautiful snake, like two whip, entangled in the air, a few rounds down, the beautiful snake is not an opponent, the tail suddenly into the swamp, sucked up a large group of muddy water, hit Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was still a bit scrupulous about this kind of non-cultivation attack. After all, it was uncomfortable to be photographed by a group of mud. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly avoided the way, and waited until the muddy water fell, but the front of the beautiful snake was not seen.

"Drilling in the water!" Hu Wang pointed to a bubbling place in the otter.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the side and looked at the water and said: "If she can't run, she won't squat." Now I took out a pack of cinnabar from my backpack and put it into the water.

Suddenly a tail came out of the water and instantly wrapped Ye Shaoyang's legs and dragged it underwater.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly sneaked out the hook and hooked a tree not far away. Some of the trunks of the thighs were immediately bent and bent, but it was enough for Ye Shaoyang to win this time. Grabbing the soul, the other hand pulled out the seven-star Longquan sword, and recited the sword in the mouth, stabbing the tail of the beautiful snake.

A sword goes down, the demon blood is shining, the tail trembles fiercely, and the demon power is instantaneously loose.

Ye Shaoyang rolled over, stood up, left his hands to loosen the soul, and hit the tail, constantly changing the law and printing, one face hit three times, and finally, the second finger in the food was inserted into the flesh and blood, and shouted: "From! ”

Stepping back in the wrong direction, pushing back with a force, even dragged a huge snake tail out of the water.

The beautiful snake hurriedly turned over, and the upper body turned into a snake head, and her mouth turned to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang had already prepared, and the right hand took out the blood fishing net that had not been used for a long time from the backpack. He hit the face and hit the head of the beautiful snake. The hands were rotated, and the blood fishing net was tightened. At the same time, he stepped back step by step. A little bit pulled out of the water.

"It's a pity that you reversed the suede, only about 30% of it was repaired. Otherwise, it would really make me suffer a small loss." Ye Shaoyang grabbed the end of the blood fishing net with both hands and turned to Hu Wang. "You are not saying that you want to come to the end." Is it?"

Hu Wang rushed up.

The beautiful snake can't get rid of the blood fishing net. She understands that she has reached the end of the road and simply turned out the human form. Poorly, Hu Wang said: "You are on me, kill me, and you can't live."

"I didn't want to live long ago." Hu Wang grabbed her with her left hand, and her right hand was bent into an eagle claw, which became a French seal. Two fingers were stretched in front, and they were inserted into the eyes of the beautiful snake.

Ye Shaoyang shouted: "Wait!"

"Da brother, what did she just say, your seven sisters are on her?"

Hu Wang did not return, saying: "You said that the beauty snake has enough chance to win the skin, my seven sisters... is her chance!"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and was shocked. "How could it be! You can still live without the Seven Miles!"

Hu Wang smiled bitterly: "I used the secret method of the teacher, and controlled the gods with three souls. I can control the body in a short time. However, I have changed in the corpse..."

It turned out that there was no corpse poison! Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that the corpse on his body was the result of his own corpse! No wonder he is a master of the heavens, but even the beautiful snakes of the mink can not beat, but also find their own borrowing instruments.

Why didn’t you think about this?

"Wait, let her spit out seven, you still have to save!" Ye Shaoyang shouted, "At least you can be a ghost!"

Seven 魄 has been absorbed by the other party, and it has changed itself. That is to say, the current Huwang is actually dead. It is impossible to return to Yang as a person. At most, it is a ghost corpse. However, if the soul is complete, you can go to the sinister report. Reincarnation, if the beauty snake is now destroyed, as long as she moves in the New Year, crushing him seven times, that is the half-soul ghost, the three souls can only go to break the soul cliff.

"Hu Wang, do you really want to kill me?" The beautiful snake also looked at Hu Wang, faintly said.

Hu Wang stared at her and sighed: "For you, I betrayed the teacher, betrayed the magical world, I have no face to see people, I am determined to die, I am with you!"

After that, the right hand **** burst out of the aura, inserted into the net of the blood fishing net, piercing the eyes of the beautiful snake.

"I love you!!" Hu Wang screamed and shed tears, and entered the residual suffocation into her body.

The beautiful snake trembled, but did not struggle to resist, opened his mouth, spurted a demon, softly fell down, the soul flew out of the body, driven by the mana has been unable to control himself, automatically into the ground , went to the yin report.

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