Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1820: Mysterious opponent

Ye Shaoyang looked at Hu Wang dumbly, and his heart was bitter. The beauty snake is dead, and Hu Wang’s seven-year-old nature can’t keep it. He can only be a half-soul ghost.

However, strange things have happened

What flew out of the beautiful snake body was not the crushed fine, but the complete transparent figure composed of the seven gongs, which was drilled into Hu Wang’s body.

Hu Wang was shocked at the time, but he soon realized that when he killed the beautiful snake, the beautiful snake could crush his seven scorpions with only a thought, but she still did not do so. He was given back.

"Why is this happening, why is it like this!" Hu Wang squatted on the floor, tearing his hair and screaming.

Ye Shaoyang put up the blood fishing net and hooked the soul. He wanted to go over and pat him. Suddenly he thought about it and suddenly turned his head. He saw a black shadow suddenly burst out from the grass and pounced on himself. The blink of an eye had come to the front.

Ye Shaoyang was surprised and hurriedly countered the counterattack. The other party actually single-handedly printed and photographed it. The two men attacked each other for several rounds. Ye Shaoyang’s heart became more and more horrified, and the other party did not fall into the wind, and from the other side. The pure sputum is ejected in the palm of your hand, which means that the other party is a master of the repair.

Ye Shaoyang accumulates a palm and shoots the past. He flies back and looks at the other side. He only sees the other person's body is similar to himself. The face is yellow and thin, and Ye Shaoyang sees him, and his heart is inexplicably incited.

Although this person is strange, but does not know why, but gives Ye Shaoyang a very familiar feeling.

I must have seen him!

This thought turned in Ye Shaoyang's heart and immediately searched for memories, but I really couldn't think of who the other person was.

"Who are you, what are you doing to attack me?" Ye Shaoyang asked strangely.

The other stared at him and shook his head gently. His eyes were strange, his pupils were flashing, and he had an extremely complicated look.

Ye Shaoyang also wants to ask again, the other party suddenly moved, the speed is extremely fast, while the hands of a few five emperor money, rotating in the air, forming a five-line enchantment, pushed over to themselves.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and rushed to fight back. The two breaths collided, Ye Shaoyang was stepped back by the earthquake, and his heart was awkward. Although he did not use his full strength, but looking at this situation, the opponent did not make full effort, actually forced himself back, this strength, it is terrible!

But what makes Ye Shaoyang strange is that after he retreats, the opposite person is not busy attacking, but stands up and looks at himself. It seems that he is not coming to fight with himself...

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something and waved at him. Sure enough, the mysterious man shot again, this time playing a purple magical character, flying against the wind.

Ye Shaoyang did not dare to neglect, but also hurriedly played a magical symbol, and attached about 50% of her suffocation. Two charms collided together, the spirits splashed, and a force of counter-attack pushed Ye Shaoyang back two steps. Looking at the other side, he also took two steps.

Ye Shaoyang was in amazement and looked at each other and said: "Come back!"

The mysterious man once again printed and played three charms. Ye Shaoyang also made three shots. This time he used 70% of his anger and shouted: "Be careful!"

Three pairs of spirits collided together, and each of them was shaken on the ground. Ye Shaoyang felt a turbulence in his body, and he quickly suppressed it, but his heart was suddenly at the extreme.

This guy can actually tie himself with himself!

You must know that the other party is not a sinister, nor a sorcerer. It is also the purest Taoist spell. This is precisely what Ye Shaoyang is best at. He is very clear about his own strength. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Master is practicing in the world. Compared with hard power, I am a spiritual immortal, basically a near-invincible existence.

Purely able to compete with yourself in the spell, may only be the living fossil of the magical circle of Daoyuan, even if it is the master of several major sects, it should be slightly inferior to oneself. I have already made 70% of the mana, but I still have a tie, and I am so careful!

"Who are you?" Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but ask this question.

The mysterious man does not answer, shoots seven charms, then seals his hands, and moves forward, a spiritual force penetrates seven charms, hangs in a non-stop position, connected with spiritual power, in the eyes of ordinary people, may look completely Nothing is wrong, but Ye Shaoyang saw at a glance that this is a white tiger!

"Four elephants!" Ye Shaoyang screamed.

The mysterious man did not answer, the fingerprints changed, and the seven charms changed shape immediately, becoming Qinglong, then Suzaku and Xuanwu... It was four elephants!

Ye Shaoyang jumped up and lost his voice: "Who are you, how can I have a Maoshan inner door spell!"

The four elephants are the Maoshan inner door spells. More importantly, Ye Shaoyang once heard that Qing Yunzi said that the four elephants are his own... Qingyunzi can never pass his own spells to outsiders, that is It is said that in addition to the self and the wind, there should be no third person who will have this spell. Although the wind is accompanied by an apprentice, Sun Yingyue is a fox, and it is impossible to practice human spells. Therefore, it is also ruled out. This spell will be passed to others.

So, where did the person from here look at the four elephants?

For a moment, Ye Shaoyang thought of two possibilities, but he didn't have time to think deeply. The other party had already finished printing, and both hands held the power of the four elephants and hit the sea.

Ye Shaoyang had a heart to fight, took a breath, and operated nearly ten percent of his anger. With six charms, he built a Maoshan top seal and attacked the past.

The two seals collided, and Ye Shaoyang felt a sweet throat. A blood spurted out. The man flew out and fell into a swamp. He climbed up and hurriedly checked the backpack and belt. Fortunately, the swamps were thick. Mud water, did not penetrate into it.

Ye Shaoyang erased the muddy water on his backpack and turned to look at it. He saw that the other party was still standing there, and one hand was holding his chest, and he was obviously injured. However, he did not vomit blood or fall.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stunned. Just now, I used almost 10% of the mana, and there is nothing wrong with this kind of attack. I vomit blood and fall, the other party has nothing to do, how is this possible!

Ye Shaoyang immediately had a layer of goose bumps on his back, but the fighting spirit was also motivated. He entered the Dantian and was excited by his own refining suffocation. He flowed into his hands, and his hands were like two red. The airflow, constantly rotating, gritted his teeth and shouted to each other: "Come on!!"

If the other party is a self-defeating victory, or something evil, some aspects have inherent advantages, and one time it is overwhelming, Ye Shaoyang can accept it, but this hard-hitting counterattack, he actually fell, and Ye Shaoyang’s heart is very uncomfortable. Not satisfied!

(I’m graduating. I have activities and classes every day. I write it out late at night. I haven’t updated much recently. I can get back to the state after I go home. Thank you for your support and understanding.)

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