Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1852: Guild Wars 2

The two men's bodies are also closely attached, and Ye Shaoyang can smell even the smell of shower gel on her body, so don't go too far.

Yao Mengjie also reacted, and he retired a few steps, and did not dare to look at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was also a little embarrassed. He coughed twice and said: "What, forgot to ask, why did you just yell, what happened?"

"I..." mentioned this, Yao Mengjie was relieved from the shackles, lifted up the towel, wrapped his body, turned his head and looked at the only window in the room and said: "When I took a shower, I saw a shadow outside the window. Originally, I was so worried, so I had to call you out loud, but then it seems that nothing happened."

Ye Shaoyang went to the window and looked at it. The glass was frosted and there was water on it. Both sides were almost invisible to each other, but if you were close to the glass, you could still see some shadows.

"It should be okay. If there is a sinister close, my blood is not imperceptible."

Yao Mengjie listened to this, his expression was a bit embarrassed, not too dare to see his feelings.

"That, your charm... has been torn off."

Tear off? Ye Shaoyang smashed on the spot and went to the window to look down from the top. Sure enough, he only saw the runes painted by Eva, but he did not find his blood. "What are you doing to tear my hair?"

Yao Mengjie said: "Not me, Eva tears... Sorry, Shaoyang brother, I didn't tell you about this, I am afraid that you are angry."

Ye Shaoyang said silently: "I am angry, so if there is a sinister invasion, I am not prepared for this. I have to make a big deal! Forget it, I will draw a few more."

Yao Mengjie said: "Exactly you go, I want to wear clothes."

Ye Shaoyang pushed the door out and just took a step and immediately stood still.

Yao Mengjie stepped forward and saw him stuck in the doorway. He pushed him and said, "Let's go, I have to close the door and wear clothes."

Seeing that Ye Shaoyang did not move, Yao Mengjie looked out and looked at it, and suddenly he was stunned. "Eva..."

Eva stood opposite, looked at Ye Shaoyang with a gloomy face, saw her show up, and immediately looked up and down.

Yao Mengjie quickly raised the towel and shook his head: "Eva, not what you think."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and asked Eva: "Are you tearing my bloodlines for you?"

Eva said coldly: "I don't believe in the East Master, and I don't believe in people with ulterior motives."

Do not have ulterior motives... Ye Shaoyang is speechless, but he is too lazy to explain to her, saying: "With you, anyway, let you open, I have to go back to the room."

Eva stood still, but took out the crystal ball from her sleeve and raised it in front of Ye Shaoyang.

Play one?

An unnamed fire vacated from Ye Shaoyang. He was disdainful to fight against people, but on his first day, he was embarrassed by the witch in front of him, all kinds of contempt and contempt, and he repeatedly wanted to find himself. At this time, she saw her take the crystal ball. Come out and block the way, it is a bit too hard to hold.

"You really want to fight?" Ye Shaoyang looked at her, faintly said.

Eva holds the crystal ball and looks at him coldly. He said, "Take out your strength, East Method."

On behalf of himself, he represented an "East Methodist", and Ye Shaoyang also decided to let her eat a small loss, and now she waved her.

Eva looked at his empty hands and said, "What about your artifact?"

Artifact? Ye Shaoyang stunned and understood. He smiled and said: "We are called the instrument here. It is the same as not taking it."

Yao Mengjie stood in the bathroom, looking forward to the two people in front of him, said: "Yangyang brother, you are still careful, Eva will not be merciful."

Ye Shaoyang took out three charms from his belt and caught them in his fingers. He Eva smiled.

Although Eva didn't know much about the East method, she also knew that the charm was not the strongest means of the Taoist, so she took up the crystal ball and took out a wand from her sleeve.

Ye Shaoyang looks intently, the wand is dark in color, the top is twisted like a vine, and the top is set with a green gemstone, with a dark shade.

When Ye Shaoyang saw the magic wand, it was a little messy. He thought of Harry Potter, but after thinking about it, the elements of the wand in Harry Potter should be drawn from the Western magical world. In other words, it is the first person. With a magic wand, there will be imitation in the movie.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking about this. Eva suddenly drew a few strokes in the air with his wand. There was a word in his mouth, and the place where the wand was crossed left a golden energy fluctuation.

Ok? How is it different from the movie?

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to understand what happened, the energy fluctuations have gathered into the shape of a rune, hitting Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly cursed and shot a magical symbol. The two spiritual forces collided together and a strong wave of volatility broke out.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Eva's face without any slight fluctuations. Obviously, this hand was just a small test for her. For her strength, Ye Shaoyang also had a preliminary judgment. Since they all started playing, Ye Shaoyang was no longer polite, and the other two charms were also spelled out.

Eva uses the magic wand to gather aura to resist. The magical character hit the enchantment formed by the wand and suddenly burst into a raging fire, which exploded in front of Eva. Eva just tried to dispel the fire, Ye Shaoyang has arrived, one-handedly printed, and pointed at Eva's eyebrows.

The two flying fire characters, this is the means of Ye Shaoyang fighting, not to hurt the enemy, just to confuse the other's line of sight, and then quickly shot, strong enemy first.

Eva faced Ye Shaoyang's handprint, took a step back, swept the wand, and arranged a spiritual enchantment to print the hand.

Ye Shaoyang once again printed and stayed on the scene. He shot more than a dozen French seals in one breath and was dispelled by Eva. However, Eva was forced to the end of the corridor, leaning against the window, gnashing his teeth and making a strange word in his mouth. Holding the wand in both hands, drawing a circle in front of the body, the emerald at the top of the wand, the light flashed, and the brilliance composed of dozens of spiritual powers broke out, covering his body, and Ye Shaoyang’s handprint was hit, as if he had hit a piece. On the invisible mirror, the power was completely removed.

Moreover, when Ye Shaoyang wanted to pull his hand back, he found that his palm was sucked, but he was not afraid. He poured his suffocation into the palm of his hand and spit it out. He wanted to use this anti-seismic force to break the enchantment. As a result, the suffocating gas appeared, as if the stone had fallen to the sea, and there was no response at all.

How could this be!

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. At this time, Eva had already shot and did not know what the spell was. The end of the wand in his hand suddenly grew and turned into several vines, entangled in Ye Shaoyang’s right hand.

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