Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1853: Magic wand 1

An urgent force immediately smashed Ye Shaoyang to squat, hurriedly running the suffocating resistance against the vines. Although his left hand was idle, he did not dare to move again, lest the left hand also trapped this strange spell.

If both hands are trapped, it is basically an explanation.

Ye Shaoyang's left hand untied the soul, and hit the invisible enchantment in front of him. As a result, the strength was also that the mud cows entered the sea and did not respond at all.

In the eyes of this anti-conventional situation, Ye Shaoyang was shocked and wondered what it was all about. Fortunately, after Eva was trapped in his right hand, there was no other behavior, as if the energy was completely in the hands of the vines, the hands clenched, and the practice continued, the vines grew faster and faster, stacked in the upper and lower layers of Ye Shaoyang. The spread of the stack, wrapped in a thick layer.

Although Ye Shaoyang constantly injects hernia into her arms, she still feels that her arms are getting tighter. There is a feeling of being overwhelmed. If I continue to do this, even if my meridians are not damaged, the flesh must be injured because I can't bear the pressure.

"Shaoyang brother, be careful!"

Yao Mengjie had been watching the battle quietly on the side, thinking that it was an ordinary fight. There was no problem in losing water and winning. At this moment, I saw that Eva used this trick. It was a bit shocking, and Chong Ye Shaoyang shouted. This is the cross with the heart! Once formed, you will die!"

Ye Shaoyang listened to her saying this, looking at her own arms, the growth of vines is indeed in accordance with a certain trajectory, along the inner and outer sides of their arms, tightening the restraint in the middle, slowly forming a cross.

Why do you form a cross, you will die?

Ye Shaoyang doesn't understand the spells of Western religions at all, but since Yao Mengjie said so, it is certainly not a mess. Ye Shaoyang is really worried about it. However, the only way to get rid of the predicament is to take the salary and take back his arm.

So I went back to that question, Ye Shaoyang thought hard, why did all the spells have nothing to do with this enchantment?

Ye Shaoyang's left hand constantly waved his soul, and tried it a few times. This is more certain, this is definitely not the gap between mana!

Whether it is the West or the East method, although the beliefs are different, the means are different, but the core things will never change, that is the mana! All spells require sufficient mana to be displayed. That is to say, the strength of the mana is the competition of the hard power between the wizards. In front of the situation, unless the opponent's mana is completely higher than himself, just like the mage who is going to deal with a Taoist card, any enchantment can trap the other party, even if the other party exhausts the strength of breastfeeding, It only feels that the mud cows are in the sea and have nothing to do.

Can it be said that the strength of the witch Eva is really more than that?

Ye Shaoyang, who is conceited, never believes. In his opinion, even if the opponent is a Taoist, he will never do this. Even if Eva is the strongest witch in Europe, it will not be more powerful than the road?

Then since it is not the gap of hard power, the reason... there is only one!

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes lit up and suddenly thought of a possibility, space! The other party must use the technique of space to completely introduce its own mana into the void, and the power to maintain the enchantment comes from this time and space, so this convection difference will occur.

A veritable space seal. In the magic of Daomen and Buddhism, there is also a small use of space: creating a space crack in a local area, like a time-space black hole, in principle, can absorb all the forces.

However, because some aspects of the role is too large, in addition to occasional use, used to yin opponents, in the usual fighting, such spells are still rarely used. Moreover, the space spells used by the former witch Eva are obviously much better than those known to Ye Shaoyang. At least in form, they are disguised as an ordinary seal, so that he has never thought about it.

Since I thought of it, Ye Shaoyang naturally has a way to cope with it. When the palm is out, the three fingers are up, the index finger and the thumb form a phoenix eye, and the mouth meditation spell: "Phoenix is ​​flying, nine days are not returned; Dan Feng is long, and all Legal shape!"

The food pointed to the next bomb, bursting out a crisp Fengming, through the space crack, resulting in a mysterious force.

Hey, hey!

The original indestructible enchantment finally broke, and Ye Shaoyang felt a loose right hand and tried to pull it back. As a result, although the enchantment was broken, the arm was still tied by the vine, and it was pulled and pulled.

Eva did not expect that he could break the enchantment, and his heart was awkward, but the cross and the heart will soon form. Nowadays, regardless of the other, speeding up the curse, Ye Shaoyang immediately felt stronger pressure and looked down. The vines have completely wrapped their arms and almost formed the shape of a cross. For a time, Ye Shaoyang did not know how to break this spell. He took the opportunity to put down the soul, and directly pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword. He once read the sword and squatted down the head of Eva.

It's the most suitable for this situation.

I don't care what you want to do, I will kill you first. If you have the ability, don't worry, I can't take it, but I can hack you!

This is what Ye Shaoyang said in his sword.

The long sword went straight down, and when it was about to fall on the top of Eva, Eva made a hand and touched the crystal ball. In the mouth, a series of spells were recited. The crystal ball suddenly burst into several magnificent lusters. The petals hold the sword.

Ye Shaoyang looked indifferent and looked at Eva. He said coldly: "It’s useless. If I do my best, you will die. I advise you not to try!"

Eva sneered, didn't talk, held a crystal ball in one hand, and continued the practice in the other. The cross was connected to the last moment, and she didn't want to give up.

Ye Shaoyang’s right arm immediately felt a pain in the heart, and sighed, then there was no way, and he could not really let his arm abolish.

Immediately shouted, biting the tip of the tongue, and squirting a piece of tongue on the sword, the spirit flashed and slammed against Eva's head.


Yao Mengjie also saw the clue and shouted.

Eva’s face showed a look of death and did not stop.

Just then, the window glass behind her suddenly broke, and a scarlet strip came in from the outside, and took a roll of Eva's neck and dragged her outside.

Evil invasion!

Ye Shaoyang perceives a powerful evil spirit, his mind turns, and the Jianfeng shakes. He wipes from the head of Eva and squats down on the strip. The stinky blood spray will come out and sprinkle Eva’s face. .

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