Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1854: Magic wand 2

The seven-star Longquan sword will take the two and a half of the strip, Eva escaped from danger, but the other strip suddenly flew out of the window, the tip split, and sucked toward the chest of Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang's sword is easy to be old. In a game terminology, it is in a time of hard skill. In the face of such an attack, it is too late to make any effective counterattack. The only thing that can be done now is to hide. However, if his right arm is firmly tied by the cross and the vine, it is a luxury to want to avoid it.

"Long tongue" sucked Ye Shaoyang's chest. The tip seemed to have something like teeth. He bite his ribs on both sides. Ye Shaoyang didn't know whether it was evil or physical. He wanted to use his left hand to fight the sword, but the pain on the ribs was raised. Can't afford to be angry.

The long tongue sucked him and pulled it out of the window a little.


A sharp brilliance rises from below, as if the laser is generally cut from the middle of the long tongue. Although it is not completely cut off, Ye Shaoyang feels that the pressure on his body has plummeted, especially the right hand has instantly restored his freedom. This feeling is too cool. Ye Shaoyang changed the seven-star Longquan sword to the right hand, pinched a sword, and slashed it with a long tongue that was not completely cut.

Ye Shaoyang went out to look out the window, dark, and did not see any evil things. He was not in a hurry here. He took a breath and looked down at his chest. His clothes were not broken. It was confirmed that the pain he felt before was an evil spirit. My heart was slightly set, turned to look at Eva, full of blood on his face, looks like a ghost. Yao Mengjie went to take the paper and wiped her off.

"Why are you killing me without a sword?" Eva looked at Ye Shaoyang and said in blunt Chinese.

"Why kill you?" Ye Shaoyang is a painful numb right hand. Fortunately, only some of the marks on the skin are tied by the rattan, and there is no serious injury.

"I am fighting against you. I didn't have to fight for life or death. You have to abandon me with one hand. Of course, I have to work hard with you."

Eva looked at him and said slowly: "Then why you want to save me."

"Not to save you, because when I fight the law, I never fight for people to be cheap. I am a godsman. How can I kill you with evil spirits?"

Ye Shaoyang is not a table of the Virgin Mary. When he fights to that share, he will not be merciful. If it is not Eva who is suddenly attacked by evil elements, then the sword Ye Shaoyang will never be merciless. But when someone attacks her together, the situation is different.

The reason for all this is actually derived from Ye Shaoyang’s arrogance as a mage.

"You didn't kill me, it's even." Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said, I don't think I can't take it. In fact, I still have some changes in my heart. The old witch is still sick. Stinky, but after Ye Shaoyang helped her kill the enemy, she took the initiative to remove the spell and saved one of his arms, indicating that she was at least still a problem.

Eva looked at him, and her heart was filled with emotion.

"You have reconciled, reconciliation is good, you can be friends in the future, even if you can't be friends, there is no need to be an enemy." Yao Mengjie advised.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders and looked at Eva. He said to Yao Mengjie: "You still take her to wash."

Yao Mengjie took her to the bathroom.

Ye Shaoyang had a good arm and jumped up the window. He wanted to go out and look for the whereabouts of the evil thing. At this time, a figure flew from a distance. Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes and looked at it. Lin Sansheng immediately said, "Where are you going?"

"I went out and walked away. I just met a few evil things. The form is very strange. It seems that you are talking about the evil things in the West. They are coming over, and there is a black gas, in which they do not know what ghosts are. Are coming here, Shaoyang, you have to find a way to deal with it!"

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he suddenly got nervous and rushed to the bathroom. Yao Mengjie was helping Eva to wash his face. He listened to Ye Shaoyang and said that he was nervous.

"What to do now!" Yao Mengjie looked at Ye Shaoyang and looked at Eva.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Lin Sansheng and the military division was present. This kind of thing was usually given to him.

Lin Sansheng simply showed up and said hello to Yao Mengjie, and then said: "The goal of the other party is the girl, you?"

Yao Mengjie had seen him in Ye Shaoyang's room before, knowing who it was, not very surprised, nodded.

"There is no problem, we only need to defend, and then look for opportunities to counterattack, Shaoyang, you must remember that you can not help, your task is to protect Yao girl."

Ye Shaoyang also nodded.

"The smaller the place, the better the defense. We should find a room. When the husband is off, the Yao girl will follow Shaoyang, and we will not be separated. Then we will defend together. I still don't believe that there is anything evil. How about us." Then I thought of something, to Ye Shaoyang, "We will hold it first. If it doesn't work, I will go to the Yinyang Division to say hello to everyone, and fight for one."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment: "I don't want them to help. After all, this is a private matter. It is always not good to let them participate in human affairs."

Lin Sansheng said: "This is not a problem, but I think that this time the other side should not be the total attack. We should try the way first. If we can hold it, it is best not to expose all the strengths too early."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was moving, and he was a military sergeant. This layer also did not think of it at the moment. Let everyone go back to their room. Yao Mengjie called Mr. Jin, the chef, and the nuns, and let Mr. Jin go to bed in front of the ordinary people. He came to the window and couldn’t care about the side of the mahogany bag on the damaged window. After nailing a few copper nails, and then taking out the ink fountain, after painting with cinnabar, the copper nails were used as the foot, wound up and down, and arranged into a matrix.

Then ignite the three-color incense, insert it into the incense burner, let Mr. Jin hold a few people in his hand, although the tri-color incense does not kill the high-level evils, at least it can play a role in evil spirits.

After doing all this, Ye Shaoyang came to the door, and wanted to draw a few stickers to post it. When I saw that Eva was leading a few nuns, he took a handful of water from a scorpion and spilled it on the door.

"This is holy water, you can exorcise evil." Yao Mengjie explained to him.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and gave up the idea of ​​stickers. He feels that he is a little nervous, isn't it a sinful thing to commit? What are you so nervous about, what are you afraid of?


A burst of broken glass sound. Then there was a muffled sound, as if something was thrown in from the window. Several people face each other. Yao Mengjie's face is white and very tense.

The sound of this heavy object is constantly flowing.

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