Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1855: Scarlet baby 1

Ye Shaoyang listened carefully to this voice and sneered: "There are a lot of people coming."

Soon, the dull footsteps sounded, it sounded like climbing the stairs, walking very slowly, in groups.

Yao Mengjie suddenly became nervous. The footsteps came to the second floor and slowly came outside the room. Ye Shaoyang and his party waited for a long time, and there was no movement outside.

Ye Shaoyang waited impatiently and whispered: "Open the door."

"Shaoyang brother, this..." Yao Mengjie was hesitant.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Shaoyang saw that they were hesitant, and they walked over and opened the door.

A man slammed his arm in front of him, but Ye Shaoyang had already prepared, and he slammed the ball directly. The figure flew out, but it hit more people, and a series of three or five fell.

Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes, a pile of dead bodies in front of him, some dead for a long time, the body is dry, skinny bones, but also just died soon, swelled; some may not be normal death, the brain shell opened Inside, it’s all squirming locusts. When shaking your head and shaking your head, the brain is smashing along with the mites...

There are also broken arms and broken legs, as well as the opening of the belly, the intestines flowing outside, the one that was flying by Ye Shaoyang, the intestines were originally hung on the ankles, and they were stepped on by themselves, flowing out a yellow stool. And mucus, crawling in the middle of a pile of locusts, and creeping mites...

"Wow..." Mr. Jin and the chef lying in bed, seeing this scene, the horror is second, the most important is disgusting, and spit on the spot.

Yao Mengjie also licked his mouth and rushed to the window. He suddenly thought that there might be evil things outside, and he ran back, found the trash can, and spit it up.

The nuns are also trying to restrain...

Although Ye Shaoyang feels disgusting, but they are not as strong as they are, he feels stinky. The corpse smell of so many bodies together is simply unbearable!

If there is anything in this world that is stinky than feces and rotten eggs, then only the body smells bad.

Ye Shaoyang was so dizzy that he had not stood up, hurriedly turned and closed the door, drew a town house charm on the door, rushed to the window to breathe, and then did not care about the fire, from Take out a dry wormwood in the backpack, throw it on the ground and burn it. The rest are for everyone, let them smash and plug the nose, it will feel much better.

Lin Sansheng watched them so tossed, one by one, they were about to collapse, and Yang Shaoyang frowned: "As for it, is it so stinky?"

Ye Shaoyang gave him a white look. "Dare to be a ghost, you can't smell it!"

The smell of dried wormwood leaves most of the odor, making Ye Shaoyang feel more comfortable. At this time, the sound of the squeaking sound is heard outside, the charm is activated, and the powerful spiritual power is attached to the door, at least temporarily blocking the moment.

"These are not zombies!" Ye Shaoyang looked at Eva and Yao Mengjie and analyzed, "They have no corpse on their bodies, and some of them have no brains. If they are zombies, what do you use to control the body?"

Yao Mengjie said: "They are not zombies, they are ordinary dead people, driven by vampires to act as pawns."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and said: "The vampire still has this ability?"

"Yes, the blood of the vampire can resurrect the dead into this situation, under their control, to attack other people, but the scope can not be too far." Yao Mengjie looked at the door, very worried and said, " Those who can drive so many dead bodies, at least the Vampire Marquis, should be nearby."

Ye Shaoyang does not care about the Duke of the Marquis. What he thinks is that even if the vampire has the ability to control the dead body, but where did the bodies come from, the cemetery or the hospital morgue? The most important thing is that this is a community. How did this group of corpses come in, is it so violently coming in from the community gate?

These problems were only studied afterwards. After Ye Shaoyang went to the door, he grabbed the doorknob and just opened it. He thought of the corpses that looked like a vicious person outside. They really didn’t want to face their feelings, but there was no way, only Open the door

The bodies that were sealed by the spirits immediately rushed into the house.

Ye Shaoyang wielded the soul, swept the past, and directly smashed several bodies on the opposite side. As a result, there was a dead one in the middle. It was said that it was short and short, the time of death was short, and the body structure was tight. It was too long to fall apart. Just as this guy is in the stage of being scattered, he is pumped down by Ye Shaoyang, and the two eyeballs fall off directly.

Especially this guy may still be drowned, the stomach is full of water, being hit by a hook, like a squeezed soup bag or a raw fried bag, slamming open, a belly of the body Water, together with the intestines and internal organs that have been soaked, will be sprayed out at once. Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang reacted quickly, and he showed a few steps, and then he looked back at the place, but after a while, he gasped and said: I have practiced the big brother, or I really want to die here!"

Yao Mengjie turned his head and glanced at him. He pointed his finger at his chest and wanted to make a sound reminder. He couldn’t stand it anymore, and rushed to the front of the trash can and spit it out.

Ye Shaoyang looked at his chest, and there was an organ on the clothes that didn't know whether it was the stomach or something. It was half rotted and stuck with a layer of yellow mucus. The mites crawled up and down...

I made up... Although I could bear it from afar, I got myself... It’s really... Ye Shaoyang hurriedly swayed the clothes and got rid of it, but the mucus seemed to infiltrate the clothes, feeling the skin cool, and immediately Trembling, a layer of goose bumps.

"Be careful!" Yao Mengjie screamed, and Ye Shaoyang looked up and a body had already rushed up. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly slammed out, because he didn't want to make the hooks so dirty, Ye Shaoyang took a bag of lime from his backpack. Whether it is a zombie or not, as long as it is a dead thing with evil spirits, lime is corrosive.

Ye Shaoyang first cleared out the corpse that had been rushed in, and sprinkled lime on the doorway to form a line. These bodies were not intelligent, but they also had the instinct to avoid the murder. They were not close to the door.

Ye Shaoyang took out a large number of charms from his backpack and shot them out while painting. When he landed on the body, he immediately ignited a green flame and fell to the ground to burn.

"A lot, military division, you go to possession and destroy them with ghosts!"

"It's too stinky, I won't go!" Lin Sansheng shook his head.

"What, you are a ghost, and you can't smell it again, afraid of anything!"

"If you don't go, you will perceive the six gods of the body, and the consciousness is almost the same as your own body... I will not go." Lin Sansheng resolutely opposed.

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