Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1874: Rushing a crown 1

Ye Shaoyang said: "In the world."

Lishan's old mother-in-law: "The last time the road wind smashed my mountain gate, it hurt me, and I was disturbed by the air. I was about to take him. You came just right."

Ye Shaoyang glimpsed: "This is what you mean by the Virgin Mary. It is a matter of ignoring me."

Lishan’s old mother looked around and said: “I’m leaving Ye Shaoyang, and you guys went back to find the wind, let him come to the sin and ask him to go back.”

When the four people listened, they changed color. The pony couldn’t hold back the fire and said, "You leave it when you say it!"

"I said that if I stay, I will definitely stay." Lishan's old mother said with a smile, "I am too lazy to start with you, you three go down the mountain."

Azidao: "Mother, you also know the identity of Ye Tianshi, and know his relationship with my family... You insist on leaving Ye Tianshi, I am afraid that there will be misunderstandings with the Lord!"

"Let's take the monk out to talk, I am afraid that you will not be a green hill!" said the blue woman standing under the stone platform.

Lishan’s mother turned back and said: “No nonsense!”

Ye Shaoyang looked cold and stared at the woman: "What are you talking about!"

The woman was originally reprimanded by Lishan's mother, and she saw Ye Shaoyang's attitude. She immediately became unhappy. Chong Ye Shaoyang sneered and said: "Why, I am a nine-tailed fox, why are you so angry?"

Another woman on the side smiled and said: "You are really confused, and he is not known to anyone in the Qing Dynasty."

Before the woman said: "It is also, even the people of Maoshan can teach this way, not what the monks are, the fox demon family, in the world will charm all beings, the country and the people, the net is such a thing."

"Stop!" Lishan's mother also felt that this was not appropriate. "One is one, two is two. You only have to take Ye Shaoyang, and you can lead the way. You can't say anything to others."

Looking around, Ye Shaoyang looked at the female disciple who was a "swearing man". His eyes were murderous and his heart was cold. He said: "Ye Tianshi, do you want to kill someone for a joke?"

Ye Shaoyang sneered: "Just? If I am so jealous of you, will they both kill me?"

Lishan’s old mother’s face was cold, Shen Sheng said: “People teach disciples, and they are very strong. When I was in the world, when I was in the Three Realms, even if your ancestor Ye Fashan, you must respect me, what are you? thing!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "It doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter to my ancestors. If your disciple insults my door, you have to pay the price. If you cover the door, you will only have one battle!"

Lishan’s mother seemed to hear something ridiculous, and she smiled on her back. The two women behind him were angry and sullen, but they did not dare to do so without the orders of Lishan’s mother.

"You are as arrogant as the brothers and brothers!" Lishan's mother sighed. "Chong you, you three can't go today."

Turning to face Azi said: "Go, go back and tell your family, just say that I left the three, let the wind speed."

Azi looked at her and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Let's go first, let Xiaoji rest assured, if I can't go back, let her not be impulsive, go to the world to find a military officer to discuss. The military division must know what to do."

Azi once gritted his teeth and said to his mother, Lishan: "The Madonna is on, today, what your two disciples said, after the slaves go back, they must report to the Lord on the 15th and 10th, ask her to decide!"

Lishan's old mother said: "Let's take the nine-tailed fox to press me, read your low status, don't investigate your offense, go back and tell Tianhu. If she comes, I will let the two disciples confess their heads, but want to save Ye Shaoyang. That would kill this heart. If she does not hesitate to launch a war, Lishan will accompany him."

Azi's eyelids are moist, and he said in front of Ye Shaoyang: "Azi Xiu is low, and I am afraid it is also cumbersome here. If you go back to the mountains, you will definitely come back to rescue the owner and look for the owner to take care. !"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and nodded and said, “Let’s go, do as I said.”

Azi got up and looked at Lishan's old mother and floated down the mountain.

Lishan's old mother sank a bit, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "My two disciples are indeed wrong, so let's just say, you left, they can go back."

Ye Shaoyang looks at the four treasures and looks at the pony.

Sibao smiled and said: "You know my temper, I have nothing to say."

The pony shook his head and sighed. "You said that I am so hard. I just came out of the ghost field, and I caught up with this thing. If you die, you can do it."

The disciples after Li Shan’s old mother heard this and thought that he was afraid of complaining and said: “If you are afraid of death, you will beg for mercy and you can save your life!”

The pony turned to look at them and said to Ye Shaoyang: "First kill them?"

The two were shocked on the spot and did not expect the pony attitude to become so fast.

Ye Shaoyang said: "It’s a bit too much to kill, but those few monks are worthy of abolishing them."

It was ridiculous for the three mothers of Lishan to hear them say this. These three people are hard to protect themselves, and are still discussing how to deal with others?

"Ye Shaoyang, are you really afraid of death?"

"Afraid!" The three men said in unison, and then they looked at each other and smiled together without any explanation.

No need to explain, no need to let others understand, brothers, together to kill the enemy, can not kill the opponent, then die together, this is a tacit understanding of the formation of life and death.

"My Lord, one left and one right." Ye Shaoyang whispered, his eyes fixed on them, conveying his intentions. The two nodded slightly.

"Run!" Ye Shaoyang, standing up, flew down the mountain. The pony and the four treasures left and right, ran in the other two directions.

"Want to go!" Lishan's old mother did not move, but the figure suddenly moved, chasing the past toward Ye Shaoyang. This is also her most instinctive reaction, after all, she wants to leave Ye Shaoyang, the other two really do not matter.

She did not expect that Ye Shaoyang really said that she ran and ran. At the beginning, Ye Shaoyang and Huang Guanzhu had a battle. She had seen the strength of Ye Shaoyang. There was not much hurriedly on the mountain road. She had seen Ye Shaoyang’s main battle with Huang Guan. I know that this guy’s strength can’t be underestimated, and I’ve let go of my own words. In case I’m really letting Ye Shaoyang run, where is this face?

Ye Shaoyang started the squatting step, rushing all the way, and the speed was fast, but because he was unfamiliar with the terrain, he chose more road trees and groaned for a while in the woods, delaying the time.

Lishan's old mother went all the way, getting closer and closer to him, and looking at it, immediately raised one hand, and several red lights flew out of the sleeves and landed in front of Ye Shaoyang, setting up an enchantment.

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