Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1875: Rushing a crown 2

She also knows that this enchantment cannot stop Ye Shaoyang at all, but as long as she can stop him for a moment, she still has a backhand and is sure to retain Ye Shaoyang.

However, Ye Shaozhen did not attempt to crack the seal, but turned around, carrying his hands and looking at Lishan's mother with a smile.

Lishan's mother frowned slightly and then stretched out. "You don't leave because you feel that you can't run away?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed and said nothing.

"What do you say is also a group of teachers, such escape, such as the funeral dog, it really insults your reputation."

Ye Shaoyang still does not speak.

Lishan's mother only noticed that something was wrong. She just wanted to speak. The back of the mountain suddenly sounded a fight, and her look changed. She said: "Ye Shaoyang, you!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her.

Lishan's mother pulled back and suddenly thought of something. She stood up and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang saw her intentions and smiled: "The Madonna is not afraid, my two brothers are on the top, I am definitely not going."

Lishan's old mother ignored him, her hands combined, a red light rising from the sky, flying like fireworks in the sky, then she did not look at Ye Shaoyang, pulled back to the top of the mountain, a few seconds later, the bell came.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. I saw a lot of people coming out from the buildings along the way and coming towards the top of the mountain.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and it was already here. He had to go all the way. Immediately back to the mountain, halfway through, the fighting on the top of the mountain has stopped.

All the way to the place before, Ye Shaoyang saw what she wanted to see most:

The pony and the four treasures have already caught two Pearson disciples, and the palms are attached to their delicate necks. The two sisters are shy and angry, and they are constantly talking.

Lishan's old mother stood opposite, dare not move, and her face was sullen.

Ye Shaoyang took a sigh of relief and looked at the four treasures and the pony. He said: "I am still afraid that you can't make it."

Four treasures: "In this case, I am doing my best, and it is okay to marry a maid."

The pony grinned: "My little brother, I am also a spiritual medium. You think I am practicing white these days!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, although he did have some concerns, but in the end he still believed in the strength of both of them. He could also be said to believe in the strength of the two female disciples. At first he thought that these two sisters could follow the Laoshan mother, and they must be proud of their disciples. And so on, later I thought it was wrong, with the strength and arrogance of Lishan's old mother, to meet with such a human master, there is no need to find someone to protect the car, therefore, these two are most likely just her maid.

Can be a maid, generally not too weak, but it will never be too strong, such a practice martial art, a true strength and talented disciple, must be retreat, who has time to accompany the head in this sway.

Therefore, Ye Shaoyang only made a temporary decision and formulated this plan: he will escape if he wants to escape. The two mothers will surely chase after themselves. The two maids will also chase the four treasures and the pony separately. As long as there is no Laoshan mother, Ye Shaoyang believes that It’s okay for the little friend to catch the two maids.

At that time, the time was tight, and Lishan’s old mother was afraid to hear that Ye Shaoyang did not dare to elaborate a detailed plan. He just clicked on it. Fortunately, the Pony and the Four Treasures had a high degree of tacit understanding with them.

The most important thing is that they all know that Ye Shaoyang is unlikely to escape, and he is determined to win the two sisters.

Ye Shaoyang retired to the two people, facing Lishan's mother, smiling slightly.

"Ye Shaoyang, how dare you do this!" Lishan's old mother pressed the anger and said coldly, "When you are a teacher, how can you make such a conspiracy, really not afraid of people laughing!"

Ye Shaoyang faintly said: "You are not a famous person in Lishan. If you dare to love them, you can just swear by others."

Li Shan’s old mother tongue, immediately said: “It’s really inappropriate to talk like that. I also yell at them. What else do you want?”

"Then if I am so jealous of you, then apologize to you, how do you feel?"

Lishan’s old mother smirked and said with a smile: “For thousands of years, you are the first person who dares to talk to me like this, Ye Shaoyang, a joke, you are so vengeful, you can see that you are also a narrow-minded person!”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "I will admit that I am confessing that Tianhu is my doorman, others are jealous of me, I don't even dare to put a fart, I am a boss!"

Lishan old mother said: "How are you waiting?"

"If you have a mistake, you have to recognize it. You have to be upright. I originally wanted to abolish them. If you think about it, forget it at least."

Ye Shaoyang turned and looked at the two sisters and said, "Are you not horizontal? I really thought someone was covering it. I can't take you how?"

The two women were so stunned on the door of their own hills and in front of the master. They were so horrified that they had a sigh of relief: "I want to apologize, you will die, I will not apologize, I will Hey, the nine-tailed fox is not only a monk, but also a slut/woman, **** otherwise, how can you seduce that this priest is selling her life!"

The **** the side said in a sly tone: "Not only the Taoist, but also the monk."

The four treasures were shocked and looked up. Sure enough, Ye Shaoyang listened to this and murdered his eyes. I wanted to persuade, open my mouth, or give up decisively. Maybe only people around him know that Xiao Jiu is not just a simple door for Ye Shaoyang...

The two women also saw the murder in his eyes. The heart was cold and shouted: "Ye Shaoyang, you dare to kill us!"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, turned his head and looked at it. Some disciples had climbed to the summit and surrounded them in the middle. They all looked at them with extremely angry eyes.

Lishan's old mother saw Ye Shaoyang not making a sound, thinking that he was hesitating, his face smiled and said: "The two disciples, only to speak out, I will punish you, you put them, I let you two friends down the mountain How do you treat my disciples, how do I treat them!"

Ye Shaoyang really hesitated, and the two disciples who were stunned saw him like this, showing a smug smile.

Azi all the way down the mountain, immediately flew in the direction of Qingqiu Mountain, just turned over a mountain, suddenly saw Xiaojiu and Ahuang two people coming face to face, immediately squatting on the ground and weeping: "Slavery damn!"

Xiao Jiu was shocked and asked: "What happened?"

Azi sobbed and said the situation again.

After listening to Xiaojiu, a heart was up and down, and he said, "Damn, I feel uneasy. I will catch up soon after you left. I didn't expect it to be an accident..."

Turned to A Huangdao: "Go to three thousand soldiers and horses, and come to Lishan!"

When A Huang listened, he was scared and pale. "Lord, it’s not right. If you do this, it will cause war between the two parties. It is very likely that the pattern of the entire airspace will be disrupted..."

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