Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1968: The 1968 yin's reinforcement 1

"Dry and dry, go! Everyone picks their opponents!" Four treasures rushed to the forefront, and their eyes swept away. They immediately found two monks, one was thin and looked ordinary, the other was heart-thick, fat and kind. Looks like, but with a hint of wretchedness and viciousness in his eyes, he immediately chose to be the target.

"I am going to deal with this fat monk!"

The four treasures rushed up. The goal he chose was the Zen Master.

Tianyue Zen Master is watching the fight between Xiaojiu and Shake Fairy. He is planning to knock on the sap. The corner of his eye suddenly finds a figure running toward him. He turns around and looks at it. He is also a monk, hurriedly set aside his posture and practices.

Four treasures know that they can stand here, they are absolutely super strong, so they did not keep their hands. When they took out, they sacrificed the crane light, and they boasted the Bodhi real fire, and surrounded the Tianyue Zen master.

"Bodhi really fire!" Tianyue Zen master is also aware of the goods, hands in front of the body formed a no-history robbery, against the Bodhi real fire, looking at the instruments in the hands of the four treasures, frowning: "Wutaishan's crane light! ”

The four treasures snorted twice. "The old guy knows the goods."

"Don't let go! You are a Wutaishan disciple, why should you recognize a thief as a father and make a **** for the road!"

Four treasures are too lazy to talk to him, while attacking, he said: "It’s better to recognize you as an old guy."

Tianyue Zen master protects the whole body with the enchantment produced by the no-history robbery, and draws a wooden fish from the sleeves. When the **** is up, every knock, there is an aura that forms a "" character. Hit in front of the treasure.

Four treasures saw the offensive, and one hand manipulated the crane light, and one hand took out the golden dragonfly. The practice would **** in the aura produced by the wooden fish.

"Golden 玟钵盂..." The celestial Zen teacher released green light in his eyes. "I haven't seen these artifacts of the Buddha's door for a long time... Little monk, how about you and me?"

"What the hell?" Four treasures frowned at him.

"How do you give me the gold and the crane lights in my hand?"

Four treasures smiled. "I didn't get it wrong, are you serious?"

Tianyue Zen Master said: "The monks do not speak slang."

Sibaodao: "What good is it for you?"

"Rao you are not dead." Tianyue Zen master sneered, "Otherwise you are dead, things are just as poor. The poor have a good life, can not bear to harm you,"

"What do you say in this... I serve!" If not both hands have a device, Sibao really wants to give him a thumbs up.

"In fact, I admire you like this. There are many shameless people, but most of them are ashamed. It is really rare for you to be brazen and shameless, and to find a grand pretext."

Tianyue Zen master's face is slightly red, cold channel: "So, I have to do it myself?"

Sibao pretended to think about it and said: "No, there is a way..."

"any solution?"

"You... call me a grandfather?" I thought that the other party was a master, but the position was different. The four treasures were ridiculed and there was no disrespect for him. After that, the old vulture actually made such a request... It’s okay to talk.


Tianyue Zen master's seven-year-old smoke, hard-pressed, hands folded, took off the rosary, while playing a side to practice the curse, the rosary suddenly turned into a huge bead, the aura shot.

The four treasures were tight, and they did not dare to neglect. They began to concentrate on the enemy.

Over there, the members of the Ghost Federation also found their opponents: Xiaoqing Xiaobai saw a Taoist sword, so he sacrificed the Qingfeng Mingyue sword and attacked it.

Their opponent is the sect of the cabinet, Qiu Mingzi, who took a three-footed sword and dealt with the attack of the two.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai once practiced in the Shanhe community for a period of time, and was promoted by Guangzong Tianshi. The progress was very great. After getting the breeze and the sword, they practiced together, together with the notes of Bai Suzhen who recently gave them...the two are now The cultivation is the strongest in the yin and yang divisions.

However, their opponent, Akumiko, is the interpretation of the celestial celestial celestial celestial being, and it is very deep.

Feng Yu and Lingshan’s palms, Pufa Tianzun, also fought, and soon they were not opponents. Fortunately, the twelve disciples of the Valley of the Winds had already handed the mountain roads to those ghosts in the **** seas, leaving half of them. Under the leadership of the ancient evil spirits, they kept the valley mouth, and did not let those who guarded the mountain climb to the top of the mountain. The other six also joined the top of the melee.

Four of them, in conjunction with Fengqi, deal with the Pufa Tianzun, but temporarily tied into a tie, the other two under the leadership of Yang Gongyi, attacking the stars of the sea.

Jianwen Emperor's portable fish sausage, facing the abbot of Faming Temple, a dust mage...

Shaking the peak of the peak, caught in a melee.

Yin Shi, the Temple of Heaven.

Xiao Yiyun came to the Tianzi Temple for the white tiger hall. Speaking of it, because Cui Fujun was born as a Confucian student, the entire Tianzi Hall has some cultural atmosphere in all aspects. Dongting Pool, Qiufeng Pavilion, Shuiyue Xuan... Poetry and painting, only the name Bai Hutang is an exception.

Here is a term used in the Song Dynasty of the world: Baihutang is a military plane, the full name of the White Tiger Festival, there is only one thing inside: holding the festival.

The White Tiger Hall of the Temple of Heaven is not dedicated to the mobilization of the army, but to the more powerful Son of Heaven. Bai Hutang has two teams of ghosts who have long-term guards and have the highest law enforcement power. If someone is hard-pressed, they can directly kill them. However, the Heavenly Temple White Tiger Hall has never been dared to be hard.

"Xiao Langjun, you have no handcuffs..." A Gong Cao looked at Xiao Yiyun bitterly.

"I came to ask the emperor to hold the festival, but also handcuffed?" Xiao Yiyun was very angry.

Gong Ca arched his hands and said with a smile: "It used to be no, but you always came to steal the Son of Heaven. The monarchs later added this rule. You know, don't mess with me. This handcuff is for you. If I let you in, I will have to punished."

Xiao Yiyun indulged a bit and said: "I don't really care, I really don't have handcuffs. I want to use the emperor to hold the festival. The monarch does not know."

The two teams of ghosts smiled and looked at Xiao Yiyun, and the expression seemed to say: I knew it was like this, and almost let you cheat.

Xiao Yiyun said: "I want to take the emperor to hold the festival. I want to mobilize the guards of the Temple of Heaven to save the oranges."

"What happened to the younger grandmother?" When everyone heard it, they suddenly panicked.

"Be trapped in the blue underworld, life is on the eve."


Gong Cao’s body trembled and angered: “Who is not so long!”

"The people in the Qing dynasty do not have long eyes, so I have to save her." Xiao Yiyun took a deep breath and said: "It’s too late to go late, so I have to have the Son of Heaven."

End of this chapter

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