Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1969: The 1969 yin's reinforcements 2

Everyone nodded.

Gong Cao thought about it and turned and said to his own men: "I let Xiao Langjun go in, you don't want to stop, afterwards, I will bear it!"

Several ghosts looked at each other and one said: "Where is the general soldier, we will bear it together!"

"Yes, it’s a big deal to go to the side, even if you go to the sandbags!"

Everyone nodded.

Gong Cao’s attitude toward Xiao Yiyun did not have the flattery that he had deliberately pretended to block him out. He patted him on the shoulder and said: “Xiao Langjun, this is not only because of you, but also for the less grandmother, I will take you to the festival. Be sure to bring back less milk!"

Everyone also followed up with the agreement, saying that if they were not to guard the White Tiger Hall, they would definitely follow.

Xiao Yiyun looked at these brothers who were getting along with each other, and there was a deep feeling in the heart.

Gong Cao and Xiao Yiyun went inside, and suddenly a ghost stopped to stop them. Gong Cao stunned and angered: "Old Zhang!!"

Lao Zhang said: "Don't misunderstand, I mean, I don't have to use the Son of Heaven, Xiao Langjun, you take the festival, after all, it is against the law of the law, it is easy to fall into the real population, you go directly to the old autumn, Tell them that they are going to save the grandmother, I promise that none of them dare to say no!"

Gong Cao and others also followed.

These gangs of Tianzi Temple are old folks who know each other well. Although they are the most important tricks of the Yin Shi, they actually want to be a big family. They are all a bunch of rough men. They have no fun all day. When the oranges arrived, there were many changes in the Temple of Heaven.

The oranges are very fond of teasing people. The Temple of Heaven has been teased by her from top to bottom. Although everyone has shunned her on the surface, she actually likes it in the depths of her heart.

Serious, boring yin life, since the oranges have become completely different, everyone has become accustomed to the little grandmother running around, shouting loudly, instructing everyone to do this, and getting used to her steaming Pot osmanthus cake, regardless of position, everyone sends a piece...

Gong Cao accompanied Xiao Yiyun to find the guards of the Temple of Heaven and said the situation. As the old Zhang said, the members of the Guards heard that the oranges were in danger of life, and all of them were fried and eager to go with Xiao Yiyun.

Xiao Yiyun ordered a group of the strongest ones. He looked at the past and said: "Although everyone is voluntary, I have to say it. This is my personal business. It is not the action of the Temple of Heaven... After this incident, I One can't help, everyone will be punished..."

"Don't say it, Xiao Langjun, saving time, it is important to save the little milk first!"

A group of people pushed Xiao Yiyun out, just out of the door, suddenly there was someone waiting for a wait, everyone looked back, is the instrument balance around Cui Fujun.

Xiao Yiyun suddenly sinks a half of his heart. Yu Heng is responsible for drafting and copying at Cui Fujun. It is half a secretary. He is often around Cui Fujun. When he suddenly comes, Xiao Yiyun doesn’t have to think about it. It must be his own affairs. Cui Fujun Come.

Yu Heng arrived and said to the group: "The monarch has an order..."

When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by a gold armored warrior: "Daddy, what are the wills, let us come back and pass it!"

If you listen to Cui Fujun’s will, then go against it, go back and play, and come back to sin afterwards. It’s totally different, and with Cui Fujun’s prestige, these are bad for him, let them violate their will, psychological It is also unacceptable.

"Yeah, hey, what are the wills, come back and pass it!"

Yan Heng glanced at them and preached: "There is only one sentence of Fujun’s will: rescue the orange deputy, and save her, you will not have to come back!"

After a pause, Yu Heng went on to say: "There is still a sentence that I realized through the words of Fujun adults, no matter who the opponent is,"

Everyone was shocked, and then they shouted in unison: "Leader!"

Xiao Yiyun’s eyes are wet.

Qing Dynasty, the stars and sea.

Above the mountain road, a long front line, ambush sent by several major sects, and countless evil spirits released from the **** seas are still being killed.

The front line has spread to the top of the mountain.

The average strength of these evil spirits is far worse than these disciples, but the number is very large. In the case of their own being killed, they have also killed many Taoist disciples. The screams of the screams have spread to the top of the mountain.

The battle on the top of the mountain continues. The battle for the strong, there is no match between the moments.

Lishan’s mother listened to the screams that came from the mountain. She felt shocked in her heart. For many years, the airspace has been peaceful, and there have been no such fierce battles in many years...

"Dao Feng, I will not kill you, and I will teach you Jinxian!" Lishan's old mother faced a windy and windy road and shouted. The offensive has also become more and more fierce.

"All of this is up to you."

Looking at her, the road looked calmly and said: "You are a green cow, it is time to follow me to cope with the robbery. This is the purpose of my initial search for you. The matter of the fight, you and I also said that if it evolved into In this way, everything is in you."

Lishan’s old mother snorted: “You are a reincarnation ghost boy, and your voice is against the robbery, not afraid of making people laugh?”

"I said that I am not a ghost child, do you believe it?"

Lishan's mother also sneered.

The Taoist wind did not make any further explanations. He knew that he had long been judged to be a reincarnated ghost boy. He said that he would not believe it, and... In order to Shaoyang, he could not tell the truth.

Shake the fairy to let a few of the masters take over their own battles, hold Xiaojiu, and retreat to one side, and breathe and say: "Daofeng, if you are obsessed, you only have to watch your younger brother Ye Shaoyang die in front of you!"

Before flying to the activated eye, both hands waved, accelerating the rotation of the Pisces figure.

I couldn't see the situation under the mountain from the top of the mountain, but I could hear the sound of Ye Shaoyang and the orange. Although it was not a scream, it also showed great pain.

"Shaoyang..." 芮Lengyu bit his teeth, left the opponent, and turned to run on the mountain road. Her strength is not weak, but compared with these powerful opponents on the top of the mountain, it is really a little powerless, she can not control the war, and she is more concerned about the safety of Ye Shaoyang.

"Everyone, come close to me and avoid them from breaking the eye!"

Shaking the fairy to finish this sentence, several interpretations of Jin Xian and Buddhism are powerful and fighting and retreating, surrounded by the front of the line, forming an indestructible defense.

The only exception is the four treasures and the Tianyue Zen master. The two men went farther and farther and went to the edge of the cliff.

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